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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19389937 No.19389937 [Reply] [Original]

>a Weibo user writes that to eat this for lunch is to “learn what it feels like to be dead”.


>> No.19389941
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As if what the chinks eat on a regular basis is better

>> No.19389952

I'm impressed how few people actually respect the idea of simple food cooked simply. It exists in every culture around the world but people pretend that spices or fancy preparation is what makes a culture. What's wrong with a simple peanut butter sandwich, a bowl of congee, or a salad of fresh greens?

>> No.19389953

You know that video had nothing to do with china, right?

>> No.19389957

I can post a million other videos of Chinese roasting dogs and putting gutter oil in food if you prefer

>> No.19389960

Washing powder is just sodium carbonate, there's nothing really wrong with eating it and it's used in plenty of foods, though it seems like it would give a weird taste to ice cream.

>> No.19389961

so astroturfed by CCP, got it

>> No.19389963

Sure, but THAT video is fake news.

>> No.19389968

Why am I not surprised that a Chinese Weeaboo is making fun of American food.

>> No.19389971
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>> No.19389974

If eating roasted scorpions and gecko tails is necessary to live
I'm happy to number the dead

>> No.19389981

I wonder if it is coincidence that this thread has arrived after a thread in /ck/ discussing the absolute shittiness of Chinese food in the USA has been around for a couple of hours.
I mean, I hope this isn't state sponsored propaganda! That would be just awful!!

>> No.19389993

That being said, and I'm not being paid to say this, but Panda Express is okay. As far as I know, they don't use gutter oil or dog meat.

>> No.19390000

I feel a little sorry for them honestly, it seems like they've really stunted their taste buds. Turns out if you eat fried food with loads of oils and sodium and msg for every meal you won't be able to appreciate more subtle flavors when you encounter them. It's like adults who continue to only eat the boring food they liked as a kid like pizza and fast food, essentially only ordering off of the kid's menu till the day they die.
Unfortunately it seems like their arrogance is going to make them miss out on a whole world of flavor, but hey at least they got to "own" those silly westerners for once.

>> No.19390009

>but hey at least they got to "own" those silly westerners for once.
The worst part about all of this is that Chinese restaurant syndrome isn't really Chinese. The Japanese invented and produced monosodium glutamate. Even after World War 2, the Japanese are still raping the chinks.

>> No.19390125

I eat a lot of fast food, but the meat at Panda Express is disgusting. IDK why, but both the chicken and beef have a wet crunch to them.

>> No.19390149

it's also completely bullshit

>> No.19390155

Now compare that to plain white rice

>> No.19390219

>nooo they can't eat dogerinos because they are my brothers, my loverd and fuck my wife
Chinese do have better and cheap food but it's unhealthy
Idk how they don't get fat, maybe it's genetics and maybe that makes them poop massive logs

>> No.19390220

>Asian version: bowl of white rice with a side of more white rice
Poverty food is universal.

>> No.19390222

>it couldn't possibly be an upset chink anon
>it has to be a high tier government agent

>> No.19390363

Kill all journalists who scroll through Twitter feeds looking for things to write about.

>> No.19390418

i don't think anyone eats just rice unless they're absolute poor peasants with no income. but even cooking rice involves some effort.
there's something else that's dead and soulless about putting together pieces of things that have been sliced for you by big food corporations.
poor chinese people eat rice by itself because they're broke. when they eat sandwiches it's because they're job has sucked the life out of them. it's the same in the west. compare home cooked meals to just opening packets and then assembling food.

>> No.19390421

I think this is just cultural arrogance from some subgroup in China, I’m not saying everything we eat in America is top notch but I’m sure they’re making a shitty sandwich just for the satisfaction of deriding america

>> No.19390627

I can't believe people here are defending a bland looking sandwich like this
When I ate something like OP I would either have to put some kind of moist vegetable, add a sauce, or increase the meat slice amount because the bread was just too much dryness
Now that I can afford to eat or cook mostly whatever I want
I haven't ate a sandwich like that since college
If Lunchables made adult sized meals I would expect to see that sandwich in there

>> No.19390650

that's not a bread, so it's not a sandwich

>> No.19390677

they know it's soulless. they're just mad that chinese of all people are exposing them.
it's one thing to make a salad with home-made vinaigrette. it's another for a techie to buy the same individually packed salad in a plastic box. i'm assuming the colleagues of these chinese are in tech or similar corporate environment. office bitches.
these foods are actually way overpriced for what they are.

>> No.19390712

What is wrong with a simple lunch?
I keep asking but nobody is able to answer this question.

>> No.19390754
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Anglosphere lunch is bland and uninspired, water is wet, etc.

>Thailand, Laos and Indonesia (aka birdseye chilli and shrimp paste enjoyers) are deep blue
That rules spicyness and fermented food out, maybe?

>> No.19390813

it's not just because it's "simple." this kind of food is a part of modern work culture, but i'm sure cooklets also eat this way. it's not just that it lacks in flavor, it's also that there's no effort. a lot of people eat the same bland lunch every day for years, even when there are more flavorful options that they can afford.
even in the case of using pre-sliced food stuff for a sandwich, i would at least caramelize some onions and pan-toast the bread in some butter with some mayo spread to keep it moist. maybe add some of my home-made hummus. that's also "simple" but not the same.

>> No.19390823

>eating cheese
Stupid mutt.

>> No.19390863

why do white incels love to dish out racial banter but any time they get it back, they have conniption fits and start dumping their /pol/ folders and throwing out every slur under the sun?

>> No.19390867

reduced iron and meat glue are common in the U.S.

>> No.19390881

>deep fries a cat in oil fished out of a gutter
>”hahaha but rook at de write peepoh food”
I suppose it was only a matter of time before we started getting attempts at demoralization from China. The truth is we don’t give a fuck what anybody thinks. If they were clever they could think of something ACTUALLY insulting to white people. Strange how white people insults about other races send them into seizures, while the best they can come up with is “cracker” or “haha your food is bland.” Git good.

>> No.19390887

>simple food cooked simply
there is no cooking involved

>> No.19390899


>> No.19390945

They seem genuinely confused and amused about bland food that their colleagues eat, even partaking in it as a sport, and you take that to mean they're trying to be malicious. All the while acting pissy and bitter. It actually makes you seem insecure.

>> No.19390946

And I think any white people eat white people bland food unless they're absolute poor peasants with no income.

>> No.19390957

>”lunch of suffering”
>(You): They’re not trying to be malicious!
Oh, but they are. It’s highly ineffective but the malice behind their pathetic attempts is plain to see. When I say “they” I’m referring to the CCP, both operating here and abroad. I’m pretty sure your average Chinese national has absolutely zero fucks to give about it. Don’t defend the CCP, anon.

>> No.19390959

These are just bougie chinks that look down on other chinks for not having rich parents, regular Chinese people would have no problem eating this. Mao would personally strangle these spoiled fucks.

>> No.19390989
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>why do white incels love to dish out racial banter but any time they get it back, they have conniption fits and start dumping their /pol/ folders and throwing out every slur under the sun?

>> No.19391006

Lmao, I am sure soviet russian media has similar stuff about starving americans, you gotta remember that in the ussr many people actually believed they had the good life and that people in capitalism were suffering much worse. I guess somethings never change for nonamericans.

>> No.19391032

Why isn't anyone posting white women cooking webms?

>> No.19391078


>> No.19391082

>wooooow white boi why you no fry that in canola oil and add msg wow really taste much betta

>> No.19391085

they are right.

bread = not food

cheese = secretion of indoor animal

meat = dead thing

mayo = death extract x100

bread = not food 2x

People near the equator cook fruit instead of this death worship. Chinese know how shit the Japanese are so they have a bit of this awareness

White people need to be told scary stories about doctors to eat a single apple

>> No.19391088

this is advanced manipulation of both crying victim to le epic racism in le america against le chonks while claiming we are throwing rocks in a glass house.
guess what chin chin you're the one crying racism to the authority wahhhh I bet you le report me too

>> No.19391091
File: 159 KB, 1500x1125, steve-jobs-88d93a3edade461eaeec27d24e0b9943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people near the equator cook fruit instead of this death worship

>> No.19391092

>hurrdurr I am an unhealthy idiot because I hate white people
A tale as old as time?

>> No.19391098

Cry over a single steak on a plate

>> No.19391117

Enjoy your diabetes and pancreatic cancer

>> No.19391129

Shut up you fragile fuck I have neither and don't expect to get either.

>> No.19391138

>calling me fragile while desperately defending your shitty diet

>> No.19391143

Not defending anything just pointing out that you're a flaming homosexual.

>> No.19391147

Only the most degenerate homosexuals talk about "white fragility" while being seething faggots themselves

>> No.19391177

I'm guessing it's mostly the alcohol? The arabic countries are mostly blue.

>> No.19391214

then why is australia blue those guys love to drink

>> No.19391222

It's likely to do with food processing standards. Arab countries may be third world shitholes, but Halal laws stop them from fucking around with food
Meanwhile China will lace food with heavy metals if it can dupe a specific test.

>> No.19391236

buddha teaches to be satisfied with less
an apple is simple but you don't sperg out about that

>> No.19391297

Only about as much as other Anglo countries, slightly less than the UK apparently. As I understand it the regular beer is pretty weak so you can drink a ton in the hot weather without getting instantly blotto.

>> No.19391361

people that die in car crashes don't expect to die in a car crash that day either

>> No.19391369

China has a pathetic obsession with trying to one up the US.
Fuck China. I don't care about them at all.

>> No.19391411
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>> No.19391417
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>> No.19391421
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>> No.19391423
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>> No.19391427
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>> No.19391431
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>> No.19391434
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>> No.19391439

I like to deep fry endangered animals in virgin boy's urine for my sandwiches, what fillings would /ck/ recommend?

>> No.19391467

>Idk how they don't get fat
They do get fat. China has a very fast rising obesity rate. They will probably out-fat the US soon enough.

>> No.19391511

nobody eats this unless they're in a refugee camp or on a charter flight

>> No.19391526

Dude panda express is the epitome of everything bad when people think of americanized "chinese" food. Everything is so sickly sweet. Absolute garbage

>> No.19391557

it's an improvement over luncheables which grown men still eat.

>> No.19391564

how many times are you gonna post this

>> No.19392002

Kek yes it is chang. I've seen you fags try to pass off a version saying it's american food, but it's from a video about fake food in China.

>> No.19392159

Yes it did, rottenchang.
You chinks made the later version with green text.
Nice try though, fucking slope

>> No.19392184

>simple food cooked simply
No such thing in America, you can't sell the idea of le humble homemade food with simple ingredients when it contains fucking plastic cheese and white bread with 50 additives in it

>> No.19392320

I have eaten thousands of steaks from poorfag grocers and NEVER seen meat glue.

>> No.19392326
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>first came the black spice police
>now comes the yellow spice police
Have these people all fried their taste buds LMAO

>> No.19392337

Turns out when your food is actually quality and fresh, you don't need to soak it in salt sauce and a thousand spices to make it palatable.

>> No.19392342


>> No.19392344

Literally the only time I've gotten sick from fast food was from eating panda express.

>> No.19392346
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I much prefer a lunch of bugs and live bats.

>> No.19392348

>People near the equator cook fruit instead of this death worship.
sounds pretty fruity and gay

>> No.19392355


>> No.19392357

Asian women cannot defeat tentacles. Not the tentacles, man.

>> No.19392361

No one in America eats a bread sandwich unless they are so poor that they don't have anything else. Brit*in is another story. Also, cooking rice in a pot is easy and cooking it in a rice cooker is as idiot-proof as microwaving a hot pocket.

>> No.19392364

Quality and fresh in America means goyslop.

>> No.19392365

what in the living fuck?

>> No.19392370


>> No.19392419

never heard of gutter or sewer oil? They boil it to recovery the oil then skim it and sell it to street vendors or the vendor themself uses it.

>> No.19392425
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>> No.19392442
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In Australia this is what we ate for lunch in school, sometimes at university and sometimes still eat at work
It is an abomination but apparently it actually caused kids to gain weight when it was first tested so it worked out, it's just depressing now
Anyway I'm Asian and we don't eat plain white rice as our meals, in the past when people were very poor they'd eat brown rice or other kinds of grains like barley, millet and buckwheat

>> No.19392449

explain your pic

>> No.19392505

It was, in fact, about China.

>> No.19392529

That meme refers to all the people the Chinese call "white", so they're attacking all of Europe too.

>> No.19392541

Chinamen just have better medicine and diagnose cases of cancer quicker.

>> No.19392556

Where's your proof?

>> No.19392566

New study confirms an infectious bacterium is a major cause of stomach cancer in China

Reducing chronic infections from the bacterium Helicobacter pylori would be a key strategy for preventing stomach cancer, according to research published today in The Lancet Public Health.

Gastric (stomach) cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death globally, responsible for around 770,000 deaths in 2020, with China accounting for over half (478,000) of the global disease burden. One of the most important and preventable causes of gastric cancer is infection by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), which attacks the stomach lining. Based on evidence mainly from Western populations, the World Health Organization estimated that H. pylori was responsible for 0.8 million new cases of gastric cancer globally in 2018.

>> No.19392609

>only white people in most old ads

We live in an age of decline.

>> No.19392662

no one's talking about "bread sandwich" if you're talking about just bread on in bread. if you mean regular sandwiches with sliced bread, sliced deli, and sliced cheese, people absolutely do eat them just like that. you guys are saying the equivalent of a sandwich is just plain rice as a meal which is wrong, because the economic circumstance is different.
not all bland white people food is just for poor people. these are well-to-do millenials. convenience stores or their globohomo company's cafeteria sell these. even buying the ingredients is not cheap. there are cheaper ways to make a meal, but it takes more effort. and poor people don't buy pre-sliced mushroom and eat them as is. they make the most out of them.
i'm actually surprised if it's not a thing in chinese work setting.

>> No.19392692

well worse things have happened after going viral in china

>> No.19393432

>importing food from china
You deserve the chink aids you get.

>> No.19393445

It's Big Restaurant propaganda because they can't sell you a basic easy-to-make dish for fifty bucks.

>> No.19393453

>hurr durr wypipo don't spice they food ching chong edition
What do chinks eat for lunch when they're at work?

>> No.19393462

>The people that ate diseased bats that led to a worldwide epidemic criticizing anyone else

>> No.19393471

China shills never have proof of claims. They just keep repeating lies until you no longer care.

>> No.19393490

In all fairness to Chang I fucking hate rice and would probably want to die if it was part of every meal I ate, so maybe that’s how they feel about sandwiches. That being said lunch meat is usually pretty heavily spiced, my only criticism of that sandwich is that there isn’t more ham and cheese, and it probably doesn’t have any Mayo or mustard

>> No.19393497

What's the matter Deng? Not enough roasted cat in it for you?

>> No.19393536

retarded bitch

>> No.19393871

>to eat this for lunch is to “learn what it feels like to be dead”
Chinese people when they have to eat eggs that haven't been boiled in the piss of young boys.

>> No.19393894

neither blacks nor asians invented "cracker", it's derived from a celtic word craic, meaning loud speaker or braggart, anglos where calling the ancestors of southerners it before colonisation.

>> No.19393912
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a fucking leaf

>> No.19393915

Oh sorry chang, let me just *adds 50 dried chili's to every dish and 50 garlic cloves because his country is obsessed with bountiful wealth and everything has to symbolise lucky fortune supreme excellence of success* prepare you some Forrest toad leg and insect pupae stew.

Oh, and for dessert? You can have a dry, solid block of bean paste wrapped in cold pastry.

Vegetables? What the fuck are those?

>> No.19393981

>oh no not le hecking cheese and ham sandwich
>I'd much rather eat ze bugs whilst my totalitarian government kidnaps my relatives and locks me in my house at gunpoint for nine months to stop me getting a cold.

>> No.19394008

>Vegetables? What the fuck are those?
you're just making things up now.
i was expecting japan or vietnam to be first in vegetable consumption, but most results rank china first.

>> No.19394917

Funny how you added that caption to a Facebook tier "Blossom" video that got debunked years ago.
Go back to pol

>> No.19394937

this is white genocide, please remove this post. why is this legal?

>> No.19394949

The ck janny is 100% an indian currycel I don't know how this thread isn't carpet banned but I get banned for calling the jeet slaves at tim hortons shitskins.

>> No.19394972

Not out of choice but necessity, they're so poor they can't afford animals

>> No.19394988

its true tho white people are the first ones to lose their fucking minds with this shit

>> No.19394994
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>> No.19394999

calls white people food bland.
eats plain rice.

>> No.19395018

this exemplifies everything wrong with the american palette and why you're obese/diabetic.

>> No.19395019

jeet slaves at tim hortons ARE shitskins

>> No.19395028

>Eat the crawfish
I will not eat the water bugs

>> No.19395045

those are cockroaches anon land bugs

>> No.19395054

>why do people prefer insulting over getting insulted
kek it's a mystery

>> No.19395056

enjoy your rickets

>> No.19395059

Things don't go viral in China without the consent or encouragement of the CCP.

>> No.19395066

Don't know what rickets is without googling it, I do know what being a lardass is though. Enjoy your third world lifespan

>> No.19395102

the real answer is barbecued meat

chinese eat a lot of cheap low-quality barbecued meat, barbecued (obviously) not only on charcoal but in the presence of polluted air

constantly ingesting this carcinogenic meat is why so many chinese people get stomach and intestinal cancer