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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19387148 No.19387148 [Reply] [Original]

If you were autistic and only wanted to eat a rotation of 2-3 meals, what would you choose to max out nutrition/cost efficiency?

>> No.19387152

>Boiled eggs
>Cabbage and potatoes
>Smoked fish pie over rice with broccoli

>> No.19387179

I eat the same food every day. Designed to prevent any micronutrient deficiencies for relatively cheap. It's mostly just a list of ingredients, and I'll make various dishes with them, but for the most part it's the same meals over and over.

I eat this 5 or 6 days a week, then I usually have takeout for lunch, and cook a nice dinner on Friday or Saturday night. We always roast a chicken on Sunday. I also try to eat a nice piece of Salmon about once per week for the omega 3 content.

Fresh Orange
Hardboiled Egg

Ground Lean Sirloin
Roasted Potatoes
Sauteed Spinach, Peppers and Onions

Chicken and Rice Soup with Carrots, Celery, Onions, Garlic and Herbs

Whey Shake, Sunflower Seeds, Cheddar Cheese, Greek Yogurt

>> No.19387199
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God I want to be inside you

>> No.19387223

My diet has made me healthy and strong and able to fend off sexual reprobates.

>> No.19387231
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I want to consensually be inside you on a sensual level.

>> No.19387270

boiled white people
farty eggs

>> No.19387273
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God I want you inside me

>> No.19387435
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>ice cold cottage cheese, plain
>cold taco bell
>frozen waffles, eaten straight out of the freezer
>cold anchovy pizza
>pineapple juice
>a caesar salad made for 2-3 people
>spam musubi
>pickles (brined and fermented)
>liverwurst sandwiches
>carrot juice
>chili fries with extra onion
>squid and eggplant with thai basil
>bagels with lox and cream cheese
>kimchi jjigae
I don’t care about nutrition or cost efficiency because I’m autistic.

>> No.19387671

Basis: Steel-cut whole mixed grains, optimal satiation levels, easily cooked, covers a large range of nutrinional stuff due to being mixed, keeps indefinitely
Protein: Lentils and beans, pre-soaked, cheap, keeps indefinitely
Vegetables: Whatever's seasonal at this time of year. For less work, whatever frozen veggies are cheap. If you don't have a freezer, canned veggies, but only warm them for a second.
Spices: Instant broth of choice, same for the rest

>If using beans, put in water and cook for 30 minutes then add grains, if using lentils, add the grains now, less than half as much grains as there's water, depending on how thick you want it, scotch porridge is 1 grains to 8 water.
>Add broth powder, salt, pepper, etc. other spices
>cook until nearly as thick as you want, grains and beans nearly cooked through
>add cubed veggies, stir and cook until done
Can be made up to a week in advance.

>> No.19387685

Chicken stew
Cobb salad.

>> No.19387933

i'm somewhere on the spectrum and while I do have some variation, a good 75% or more of my diet for the past year or two has been scrambled eggs on toast or in a tortilla, rice and bean burritos, and pasta salad with vegetables and some kind of canned fish, usually mackerel. all made from scratch (except for the tortillas and pasta), reasonably healthy, not terribly time consuming to make, hard to screw up, and the ingredients mostly last for long periods of time so I can just stock up when they're on sale, though most are dirt cheap to begin with.

>> No.19389389

Rate my tism meal plan

Smoothie: Banana, Orange, Egg, Almond Milk, Whey

Ground Turkey, Garlic Mashed Sauerkraut + Potatoes

Chicken breast, Broccoli, Carrots, Lentils

>> No.19389783

Meat n 3veg
Stir-fry with rice

>> No.19389797


>> No.19389808

Found the actual autist
Still, not bad

>> No.19389903

>eggs on toast or oatmeal with milk

>leftovers from dinner inside a tortilla

>protein with carbs with vegetables

The key is the dinner it's easy just go buy like a months bulk supply of fish, chicken, meat, put it into ziplocks for 1 meal size. the night before you take one out for dinner. you cook the meat and along with that you add a carb source (eg, potatoes, yams, rice, pasta) and you add some fiber source (roast vegetbales, salad, corn, etc)

then you just make a plate 1/3rd is protein 1/3 is carb 1/3rd is vegetables.

for snacks you have greek yoghurt or sardines on crackers, nuts, or skim milk with milo