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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19382941 No.19382941 [Reply] [Original]

I can't make a decent French omlete to save my life. How the fuck do you do it?

>> No.19382948

You can't even spell omelette

>> No.19382965

Add more butter.

>> No.19382976

The trick is to leave the egg in the middle raw. Think of it as a burrito where the tortilla is the cooked egg, and the filling is snotty runny egg goo. French omelette's are overrated as fuck.

>> No.19382978
File: 1.02 MB, 1366x768, bang pan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aren't banging your pan enough

>> No.19383004

I tried getting good at making them because people said it was a test of a good cook but after making it twenty times I realised I don't like omelettes and would rather just fry some eggs in a lot of butter

>> No.19383034

Whip the shit out of your eggs. Med-low heat, well buttered pan, let butter heat up but not change color, pour egg, push cooked parts of egg to one side and let uncooked egg fill the gaps, do this a couple times until you might be able to squeeze one more push out of your uncooked egg. Don't do it, instead form your omelette and allow that uncooked egg to remain inside. Nottacook just the way I do it and I think it is ok

>> No.19383036
File: 9 KB, 300x168, download (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot le fromage

>> No.19383052

Buy a new non stick pan

>> No.19383084

Try to think about what you're doing wrong. What is the main problem? Too much colour? Sticking? Not able to roll it?

Let us know

>> No.19383095

>snotty runny egg goo
you're making it wrong. the runny part is almost the consistency of egg yolk and tastes as good, better even since its seasoned and has butter in it. people don't think twice about eating runny egg yolk, but when its a runny omlette it seems gross.

>> No.19383106

I have no problem eating cold raw egg, including raw whites, but lukewarm raw egg white that isn't quite cooked turns my fucking stomach. I can't stand the warm snotty texture. Omelettes obviously are a mixture of both the yolk and the white.

>> No.19383124

>Omelettes obviously are a mixture of both the yolk and the white.
It should be a homogenous mixture of the yolk and white and the runny part of an omelette should be piping hot. I would try one at a restaurant or something. its not like what you are describing when properly prepared.

>> No.19383198

Low heat nice helping of butter, let it melt then add you egg, gently scramble the egg but not too much you just want a few bumps and ripples but still plenty of runny egg. Let it cook for a bit more to form a decent base but don't lose all of the runny egg. When there is a good base and 20% runny egg left then fold and remove from heat, finish with a rub of butter across the top.

>> No.19383204

Bring the eggs up to room temp in their shells, run water if you can't leave them out. Like >>19383034 says, beat them until completely homogenous. Use clarified butter to get the fat hotter without browning. I assume you know the technique for stirring/shaking/folding. If it comes out dry/cracked on the outside but too runny on the inside then the pan/fat was too hot, if it takes longer than a minute the pan/fat was not hot enough. Relax these precautions once you're consistent

>> No.19383216

The answer is always heat. People that fuck up eggs have no idea how to manage stove temps.

>> No.19384418

This guy has it. I would add more butter first and see how that works.

>> No.19384447

I don't know that, but what I do know is pic rel looks exactly like the kind of omelette that would be placed upon a windowsill to be stolen by a cheeky wild fox.

>> No.19384454

will margarine do the trick?

>> No.19384465

fuck no

>> No.19384467

why not

>> No.19384468

french people eat a ton of butter

>> No.19384500

I heat the pan.
Add the butter.
Melt it.
Add the beaten egg.
Swirl it about.
Off the heat.
Keep swirling until the eggs are almost, but quite, set.
Add filling, if desired.
Fold a third over.
Roll the filled bit over the other third.
Tip out onto the plate.
idk if it's the proper way to do it, but it works for me and it tastes nice.

>> No.19384521

Because it tastes much worse than butter for one.

>> No.19384525

Yeah okay, but how does it affect the actual preparation of a french omelette apart from final taste?

>> No.19384540

I don't think anyone knows because no one would be retarded enough to use margarine to make a french omellete.

>> No.19384607

big testosterone man....

>> No.19384648

Wow your helpful post made me actually want to attempt this thanks anon.

>> No.19384849

Nifty. From the moment the eggs hit the pan to the moment you take them out should be no longer than a minute and a half TOPS. One minute is usually enough.

>> No.19384937

There are always factors at play, but with 2 nearly-whipped eggs, gently poured into and delicately stirred/folded for a few seconds in a 9-12" pan sitting at an appropriate med-low with a large pat of room-temp butter that has just melted, 90s is about when you'll start to see browning. It's the equivalent of the edge of well-done for beef. There's still moisture, but it's hinting on dryness.

>> No.19384945

That's the neat part: You don't. I remember once I tried to make a French omlette for 1 month straight and I failed every time. Shit is hard as fuck, especially if you don't have a nonstick pan. I curse the French

>> No.19384963

You won't like hearing this, but the first step is to spell it correctly.

>> No.19384967

heated pan, room temp oil/butter. Do not allow your grease to heat past the point where it's a liquid, or it won't remain viscous enough to support your eggs.

>> No.19384973

<<La première étape pour obtenir ce que vous voulez est d'apprendre à l'appeler par son nom.>>

>> No.19384997

Right, yeah. That's why I said "tops."

>> No.19385061

Don't worry, god couldn't make a French person who was decent.
Jokes aside, start cold, and never go past medium. Adding cream might help but I never felt the need to.

>> No.19385064

He makes it look so easy.

>> No.19385093

Just digging into the why

>> No.19385097

Look at him sucking on that tap. This is why you never feed your garloids tap water.

>> No.19385123

>prepare your eggs, 3 eggs for a medium pan
>beat them well
>season with salt and pepper, fuck all those retards who parrot what ramsay said, you don’t want a bland omelette
>add your herbs, if using. Chives are great
>heat non stick pan at high temp
>add a couple tablespoons of butter
>butter should melt instantly and foam up but it must not become brown
>add soon as the butter foams you add the eggs
>mix constantly and quite vigorously making sure to break the egg into tiny curds
>after 30-45 seconds, run a chopstick or some wooden thing around the outside to dislodge the omelette
>tilt the pan and start folding the omelette onto itself
>you can add some cheese right now
>close the omelette
>gently slide it on a plate, seam side down

>> No.19385142

Whites cook faster than yolks. Pretty sure Anon's "snotty texture" apples to yolks, and my opinion, there's nothing wrong with "undercooked", nearly raw yolks.

>> No.19385149

>will margarine do the trick?

>> No.19385155
File: 1.87 MB, 480x848, G.RamEGG.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pepin FUCKS~!

>> No.19385160
File: 57 KB, 666x500, Canola &#039;&#039;Shortening&#039;&#039;.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you just go ahead and dump Canola oil in it.
Please poast results--Be honest, remember, this is for posterity.

>> No.19385167

This is closer to an American omelette, which is what I make. Look up the technique. I like caramelized onions and ricotta for a filling.

>> No.19385168

OK anon, here's the deal-
You could make an omelette with wd-40 and it might turn out LOOKING correct.
You still wouldn't want to eat it.
INB4 WD-40 is fish oil

>> No.19385177
File: 40 KB, 600x400, JUSTegg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's NOT rocket surgery...Just YEARS of experience.
Eggs are back down to 1.01 at Aldis.
take the good advice here and Practice, Practice, Practice!
We've all had to eat our mistakes--unless they are really bad.

>> No.19385182

I lost...

>> No.19385201


>> No.19385209

That sounds really good....
Thank you both!

>> No.19385219

>le vegetable oil is....LE BAD!
was waiting for you faggots to start crying

>> No.19385220

Why would anyone say WD-40 is fish oil? It's almost entirely paraffins/alkanes.

>> No.19385227

Vegetable oil is what soybean oil's called here. I'm not big on the flavour.

>> No.19385251


>> No.19385254

Valid criticism unlike /pol/fags.

>> No.19385257
File: 35 KB, 600x272, FATFARM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go eat your clown food and Sad Pockets, retard.

>> No.19385258

American omelettes are browned to fuck and folded in half, tho.
Maybe it's a Kwebecker omelette. Not quite French. Not quite American.

>> No.19385480

Why use that when animal fat exists? It tastes better and doesnt kill you

>> No.19385768

I usually cheat.
Separate white and yolk of 3 eggs
Foam the whites
Beat the yolks, season with salt and paper, minced chives if you like too.
Now, mix the yolk mixture to foamed whites
Heat up a stainless steel pan (between medium and hot)
I use butter as a fat, but you can use something else if you have no taste/choice.
You need a bit much fat than you think, because too few will make your omelette stick.
Too much won't hurt, the omelette don't drink that much (don't deep fry tho)
Prepare your filling to have it by hand, cause it will be fast.
When you are ready, poor the preparation in to hot fat pan.
It will be fluffy as hay.
I look for the sides to check if it's cooked, here you have two schools: cooked, but "colorless" (pale), or crispy (slightly brown but not burn)
Note that I talk about the bottom, the top will be half baked.
That's when you turn down the heat to low and add you fillings.
You then fold your omelette, the first third over the middle, and the third third over the middle (or you can fold in half, that works too).
When I fold in three, I like to flip it using a spatula to "hide" the folded part.
Let it cook slowly until the center is just cooked.
You can dress in a plate with more chives, or parsley.

>> No.19386127


>> No.19386518

It's definitely got some complicating factors (smoking, drinking, PTSD from being an active combatant/target/slave in god damned wars), but ask your nearest and dearest boomer how and when their parents died. Cooking everything in bacon grease, butter, schmalz, or tallow isn't really any less likely to kill you than rapeseed/canola, sunflower, or avocado oils. Inflammatory responses absolutely exist in high-animal fat diets (gout). So on and so forth. Eat what you want, remember that poison's in the dosage, and accept the fact that - just like everything else - chronic abuse and overdose will eventually stop you from doing more.

>> No.19386551

This is what I do. Kind of a bastardized American/French omelette. I used to hate omelettes because they were folded in half fluffy overcooked egg.

Since the egg is so thin and I tend to pile the fillings in I use a benchsraper to help flip/roll it or it will tear sometimes. But, yeah. You make omelettes like I do, lul.

>> No.19386677

He makes it look easy I followed the first time what he did but fucked up.
I watched Him instead
I hate his faggy voice but he teach very well, after I followed his guide I started making decent omelletes I still need to learn but at least now I can have the shape and not really burned omelette. But yeah it's all in the movement and how many eggs are you putting in a big enough pan.