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19376085 No.19376085 [Reply] [Original]

Your knives are sharp enough to shave off your hair, right anon?

>> No.19376090

that's gross, anon

>> No.19376099

Arm hairs sure. That doesn't take much though. Anything beyond that will get rekt after a few taps on the board

>> No.19376190

nope and it doesn't matter. if I want to cut hair I'll use a pair of scissors or a fucking clipper

>> No.19376275 [DELETED] 

What kind of retarded faggot likes to use full knives?

>> No.19376281

What kind of retarded faggot likes to use dull knives?

>> No.19376285

Yes. I trim my pubes with my 10 inch chef and don't even clean it afterwards.

>> No.19376287

Any tips on sharpening a knife without a knife sharpener?

>> No.19376311

bottom of coffee mug

>> No.19376341

My old butcher may he rest in piece used two knifes to sharpen both like you would with a honing rod.

>> No.19376350

My knives are sharp enough to shave hair off hair.

>> No.19376353

easily, anyone with two hours of practice, and a small tip from the legendary Cliff Stamp can do hair-shaving with even 400 grit
based I also do this when I cba to bring out the sharpening plate
this too
or I sharpen using the granite countertop in a pinch

>> No.19376359

Emery boards

>> No.19376388

if you think a not "razor sharp" knife is dull, you don't get to call others retarded sweetie

>> No.19376459

If it isn't razor sharp it's dull. Sorry that you have low standards.

>> No.19376609

That will stay sharp for about 2 cuts.
My breaking knife is pretty dull. I get your point though.
My friend doesn't sharpen anything and every time I go over there I end up sharpening her kitchen knives on a plate. What is it with woman not having any concept of tool maintenance...it's like they think a knife will magically cut forever and you can just beat the shit out of any knife without a care in the world.

>> No.19376613

>Honing Rod
He was honing, not sharpening. Not the same thing my dude.

>> No.19376632

lmao calm down incel

>> No.19376633

of course. if not i sharpen them.

>> No.19376770

eat some silica dust and draw it trough your asscrack

>> No.19376779

Nope, i have a 1000 and a 5000 grit stone and they make the knives sharp enough to do anything in the kitchen but they dont shave hair

>> No.19376838

It just needs about 4-6 passes over my honing rod once every 20-30 minutes of cutting and it's good to go.

>> No.19376874

1000 should juuuust barely cut hair, and a 5k should very easily slice hair. You've got a skill issue or shitty stones.

>> No.19376962
File: 1.65 MB, 1800x3769, 20230613_111714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sharpening is chumps work. Letting your carbon steel knives get rusty and then spending multiple hours repolishing the flats for purely aesthetic reasons is where it's really at.

Jnats produce killer edges on knives.

>> No.19376966

I kneel, King.

>> No.19376996

How do I get better? The setup has been working fine so far and I try to do it like the youtube vids tell me

>> No.19377002

he made a dull knife sharper, if that isn't sharpening what is?

>> No.19377047
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Get a job that isn't women's work or autsie boys and you'll find that there is such a thing as "sharp enough" and it doesn't require gay hipster stones to do it. Unless you're using river rocks for 2 weeks to make it katana sharp, you're just a faggot with an amazon account and too much time on his hands.

>> No.19377052

Practice more. Get a jewelers loupe and inspect your edges if you want to get semi autistic about it. You will be able to see how well you've polished the edge and if your angle is consistent based on the scratch pattern.

I like to use my thumbnail to feel the sharpness of the edge. You gently press your nail on the edge at a 45ish degree angle. A sharp edge will "stick" in your nail. The easier the edge sticks in your nail the sharper it is. After some time you can get a really good feel for this that will tell you if your sharpening is improving or degrading the edge.
I can tell with maybe a 90% confidence if an edge will shave with the nail test alone.

>> No.19377057
File: 3.89 MB, 4624x3468, 20230613_215126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got inspired to try again. The 5000 obviously puts a nice shine on it but it still looks jagged if I look very closely at the edge itself, or is that lack of honing? (pic taken before honing). Anyway it still doesnt cut paper or hair please advise

>> No.19377064

Ok sounds like its obviously a skill issue and I should practice more, thanks anon and please have a look at my pic too >>19377057

>> No.19377073

Yeah, those jobs suck. I'll keep doing my autism job instead and get paid twice as much for half the work.

>> No.19377086

strop, shaving suffers badly from having a burr on the edge

>> No.19377099

Firstly you need to go back to your 1k stone and create a consistent burr then gently remove it. If you are comfortable with holding a consistent angle you can use a good amount of force while sharpening.

Once you have a clean edge with no burr you can go to your 5k and hold a slightly higher angle than you did with the 1k and do maybe 5-8 very gentle passes on each side.

You can see that you aren't actually polishing the very edge of your knife. Notice how the edge is hazy looking while higher up it is shinier.

>> No.19377112

He made a dull knife able to cut by micro serrating the blade. Not the same as sharpening. I can cut steel with water--doesn't make the water sharp.

>> No.19377120

Feel bad about being retarded--also: go back.
>I like eating metal chips and constantly having to work on my blade
My knives are sharp as fuck and stay sharp for months before I have to do anything to them.

>> No.19377146

Retard metric, use a piece of paper

>> No.19377158

Certain edge thicknesses and angles don't cut paper well either, you goof.

>> No.19377168

>Cliff Stamp
Truly a legend. Sharpens a knife holding the stone in his hand and gets it razor sharp in 2 minutes. He left us too soon.

>> No.19377220
File: 1.54 MB, 2402x3686, 20230613_224255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, did as you told and after scraping a lot of dead skin I got a couple of hairs! Much love

>> No.19377576

A knife can slice paper and still be dull. A working edge will catch on a fingernail.

>> No.19377729

What's a good knife sharpening kit for a beginner? What's a good brand and material for whetstone?

>> No.19377809

Shapton 1.5k ceramic.

>> No.19377833

lansky turn box gets it done and is retard proof but the rods way too small to sharpen chef knives comfortably, there are bigger ones with the same concept. Someone mentioned that you could get bigger rods by themselves for a few bucks so you could just drill a couple of holes in a piece of 2x4 with your desirable angle and have a quality system for cheap.

>> No.19378988

since keeping mine somewhat dull, only honing to give it some bite, just because it takes so long to set up and use a stone, i've had zero injuries, because all of them result from clumsy handling instead of brute force. i don't eat anything that requires significant force to cut. even frozen bananas cut like butter with good technique

>> No.19378993

also i don't eat butter or margarine and i'm queer

>> No.19379084

I just sharpened my knife in this thread twice yesterday (I posted pics) between dinner and evening tea how slow are you?

>> No.19379107

this is pathetic, if i was to take my sharpest knives to my 'arm hair' it wouldn't glide along my arm it would dig in and cut in, and yes hair too
arm hair cutting is the most pathetic scale, your knife is blunt op.

>> No.19379169

Sharpening is creating a micro serrated edge though. Just supremely uniform.

>> No.19379179

And fuck you pretentious sharpeningfags.
>lmao your blade isn't polished with a 15,000k grit stone and can't cut tomatoes .5 micro inches thin?
You stupid baboons, absolute mongoloids, knuckle dragging smooth brains. I doubt any of you have an actual reason for needing a razor sharp blade other than it makes you feel good. Don't even @ me with the whole "sharp blades are safer."

>> No.19379186

No. I actually use my knives.
Keeping them that sharp requires a retarded amount of maintenance. That's something only an autist who never cooks would do.

>> No.19379198

My knives are sharp enough to easily cut what I need them to cut. I don't know if they can shave my hair because I don't need them to and I don't tie my ego to something as petty as knife sharpness.

>> No.19379397

yeah it feels good to easily cut and slice through ingredients, that's it

>> No.19379417

As long as mine are sharp enough to easily cut through bell peppers, that's all I care about.

>> No.19379548

Cope, they get stropped once a week and that's all that's required to keep them razor sharp.

>> No.19379858
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ITT: Genelets who can't even cut with their laser vision

>> No.19380200

Learn what pretentious means before calling people stupid next time, seethelet.