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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19376029 No.19376029 [Reply] [Original]

have you ever been convinced to try a specific drink by seeing it in a show/movie you love?

for me, it's J&B from The Thing

>> No.19376083

Don't think a movie ever influenced me like that but I tried cinnamon in my coffee after reading Dune. It's delicious.

Also, the copypasta made me try the McChicken and that was also delicious, but the burger by itself costs like six dollars where I live so I went back to the usual sack of cheeseburgers.

Thought about checking out Wild Turkey 101 because that's what Norm drank, but I'm not much of a bourbon guy.

Aren't you going to tell us if you liked the J&B or not?

>> No.19376097

martinis because of le james bond

it was kind of shit. basically tasted 95% like straight vodka but i paid like $10 for it.

>> No.19376115

J&B is among the worst cheap whiskeys out there

>> No.19376120

that's why roughnecks in aunt-arctica are drinking it, you möng

>> No.19376134

Motor oil. From the same movie

>> No.19377445

>I tried cinnamon in my coffee after reading Dune
damn I guess mexicans are fremen

>> No.19377460
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I wanted grape soda as a kid after seeing it in DBZ, I was not disappointed

>> No.19377472
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I tried my piss after watching Dodgeball.

>> No.19377550

looking for one? How bout 18 roughnecks

>> No.19377563

Tried a white russian after Big Lebowski. I think most people my age did. I will still make them when I have people over

>> No.19377590
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I'm a big fan of the TACO from "Devil in Mrs. Jopnes II"

>> No.19377596
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>> No.19377606

"Devil in Mrs. JONES II"

>> No.19377633
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the "caucasian" after watching the big lebowski, and now its my favourite non-summer cocktail

>> No.19377708 [DELETED] 
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>checked and BASED
Have a .gif.

>> No.19377754

I didn't say Frank Herbert invented it man. We don't get a lot of Mexicans here in Denmark so that happened to be where I got the idea.
You know John Carpenter didn't invent J&B either, right?

>> No.19377775

I tried a White Russian because of The Big Lebowski, Kahlua is too sweet and vodka doesn't add anything but alcohol. Regular iced coffee with a splash of cream, a SMALL amount of sugar, and some dark rum is the better alcoholic coffee.

>> No.19377778

I'll unironically watch Bar Rescue and see what cocktails the "expert" makes for that episode and if it looks decent and I have the stuff, I'll make myself one to finish watching the show with.

>> No.19377821

I started drinking Old Fashioned after watching Mad Men. I think a Manhattan is actually superior though.

>> No.19377836
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don't really order cocktails that often, but i do i'd get mount gay with club. it's actually really good and allows you to taste the different notes of the rum without the bite

>> No.19377838

I watched The Gods Must Be Crazy as a kid and really wanted a bottle of coke after it.

>> No.19377839

gin & tonic from it being referenced in like 600000 different things, once bought some gin and tonic water but never tried it

>> No.19377856

That was the moral of the story, that coca cola is something you want

>> No.19377876 [DELETED] 

white russian
you know from where

>> No.19377886 [DELETED] 
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I'll Have a Coke..
>too soon.
Goin'$ B&(not really jannys...)

>> No.19377916
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from some Soviet cartoon way back when

>> No.19377970
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this movie made me so scared as a little kid i abandoned my aging cat and refused to interact with him until he died. forgive me, brisco

>> No.19378218

Mix Goldschlager in to your coffee for an alcoholic cinnamon coffee

>> No.19378236

Manhattans are my absolute favorite cocktail, I make them at home regularly.

>> No.19378241

Was it J&B in the end or was that bottle full of gas for a molatov cocktail?

>> No.19378282
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Sounds Okay...
I often drink Pirate Coffee;
>Mug of good Bodum drip + SpicedRum!1 ½ Shots
I also invented a couple drinks that were breddy gUd during the Johnny Depp trials:
The Johnny Deposition:
1 can of ZOA lemon-lime and !1 shot of sailor Jerry Navy rum
AND the,
Captain Jack Sorrow:
1 Can Zoa Wild Orange
1 ½ shot of Sailor Jerry spiced rum
! Fresh squeeze of lime.
(Kracken works in a pinch-Appleton Estates is WASTED on this.Capt'n Morgan if you must)

>> No.19378286
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Sadly ZOA that isn't sugar free, is next to impossible to find IMA.

>> No.19378360

That trial was pure kino

>> No.19378374

six dollar mcchicken, where do you live?

>> No.19378395
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It was nothing if not fun...
Pity, They DON'T carry ZOA IMA anymoar.
Otherwise, I'd fucking zipping around DRUNK, like a Tattooed sailor...
I watched that shit on 3 different venues--Here, (/pol/) on CourtTV, and one other online shitz..
Poor fuckin' Johnny--He's ALL fucked up.

>> No.19378400
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At least you can get 3 McChicken sauces for free..
Why The FUCK are you feeding shills, Summerfag??
Next thing you know, there will be fuckin' FROSTIE gommercials all over the fuckin' broad...WATREYUUUDOIN"??

>> No.19378403
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badger milk

>> No.19379166

Weirdly enough, the same happened to me. I turned 21 last December and rushed out to buy MacReady’s drink of choice. It’s actually not bad, but the gasoline aftertaste that I’ve never encountered in any other whiskey just takes some getting used to.

>> No.19379182

Long Island Iced Tea

Forrest Whittaker's character in Species.... and yes still wood Natasha Hensridge.

>> No.19379643
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I did actually like J&B, it's just good ol fashion cheap scotch

>> No.19379656
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After seeing this ad as a kid, the only thing I ever wanted was an ice cold schmitts gay.

>> No.19379657

Well that and your uncle.

>> No.19379674
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Jolt Cola after watching Hackers

I was disappointed and it didn't turn me into an elite hacker

>> No.19379703

I tried McDonald's after seeing it in that one movie 'The Founder'.

>> No.19379733

>drinking vodka martinis
Use gin you cretin

>> No.19379745

>I was watching the thing for the first time when this was posted
>I was asleep when this was posted and had a dream about the Big Lebowski despite never having seen the movie
What the fuck

>> No.19379788

I love them until I crossfaded at a party one night and woke up vomiting all over the floor for 2 hrs and had to clean it up

>> No.19379803
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Both peppermint patties and white (and black) mexicans from Archer are pretty good.

>> No.19379836
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is a better drink (and film) in you are path

>> No.19379841

The McChicken isn't a burger, you retard. It's a chicken sandwich. Putting it on a bun doesn't magically turn it into a burger.

>> No.19379859

I had a vesper martini at the Vesper Bar in the Cosmopolitan in Vegas. After downing it quickly I had another. They're good. The bartender quipped "Now you know why James Bond was an alcoholic."

>> No.19379874

Yes, turns out Bloody Marys are bloody awful.

>> No.19379878

>V8 in a solo cup with skoal vodka
A good bloody mary mogs any other drink on earth.

>> No.19379882

A michelada is a million times better.

>> No.19379888

Lol retard

>> No.19380039

Mcready was stuck in the Arctic. He may as well be huffing helicopter fuel.

>> No.19380044

Same, loved them at like 16 - 21 and then started growing out of them.

>> No.19380089

the real hack is bloody Mary with green dragon

>> No.19380291

never liked oranges growing up, from real ones, to orange juice, to orange candy
but after watching jackie brown i drank screwdrivers for a few days

>> No.19380456
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> J&B from The Thing
J&B is in every movie that shows someone drinking liquor or sitting at a bar. Everyone from Tony Montana in Scarface to the desert-dwelling mutant bandits in The Hills Have Eyes drinks J&B scotch.

>> No.19380488

This guy >>19379841 is just mad because they didn't give him extra mcchicken sauce. You gotta ask retard.

>> No.19380510


>> No.19380548

Hahaha jeg vidste det, da jeg læste din post.
I don't really watch movies or shows much. But the boomer sip meme made me addicted to Monster Zero Ultra for 6 months.

>> No.19380571

>Thought about checking out Wild Turkey 101 because that's what Norm drank, but I'm not much of a bourbon guy.
For what it's worth, WT101 is a very rye-forward bourbon

>> No.19380598
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>Thought about checking out Wild Turkey 101 because that's what Norm drank
It was also John Wayne's workhorse bourbon

>> No.19381206
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The McChicken is a dollar menu item. What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.19381215

Same. MacReady is such a bad ass in that movie and he had crates of the shot. "I just want to get up to my shack and get drunk."

>> No.19381216

Love me some Wild Turkey 101

>> No.19381286

Dudes an alcoholic with waaaay too much money. Divorced from reality. All the shit about him before the trial just added to the circus. Incredible.

>> No.19381292

Based Norm appreciator

>> No.19381300

Don't forget anon, you're here forever

>> No.19381343
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I've been on a Western kick lately but haven't got back to the John Wayne stuff yet.

>> No.19381843

How much liquid does that cup hold?

>> No.19382130

>Captain Jack Sorrow

>> No.19382136
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>he hadn't already tried piss after Dumb and Dumber
Better late than never, I suppose

>> No.19382189

>vodka martini
Gross. Get Tanqueray and make a proper martini, man.

>> No.19382560
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Black Label from Blade Runner

>> No.19382587

Four Rooms made me want Cristal.

>> No.19383250

White Russian from Big Lebowski
I liked it

>> No.19383351

Get one from a proper martini bar, me and some mates went to one once and had a couple of pretty nice martinis, bartender gave us a breakdown of the various options like what kinds of gin and vermouth they had and garnishes and shit

>> No.19383355

Same, they're pretty nice

>> No.19383358

>I tried cinnamon in my coffee after reading Dune
this but also nutmeg and after watching frasier

>> No.19383381

Same, it was exactly the way I imagined it to be. Pretty satisfying

>> No.19383384

no, i'm not a fucking child

>> No.19383386
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are you sure anon

>> No.19383436

I don't know if there's a single giallo that doesn't have J&B in it

>> No.19383442

>dollar menu

>> No.19383446

I think you mean plural not singular

>> No.19383912

Yeah fair enough. Maybe a 1.70, or 2.00, but not 6.
I think OP ordered a Cripsy Chicken Sandwich or a Deluxe crispy Chicken Sandwich.

>> No.19384351

What do you think the Holy Grail stands for?

>> No.19384421

came here to post this

>> No.19384881

Uh, I don't think it stands for anything. It's not an acronym or abbreviation

>> No.19385384

martini is best experimented with at home because most martini's made at bars are often borderline straight gin or vodka chilled, and you're at the mercy of whether you like that particular brand of liquor.
find a good gin or vodka you like, then be willing to experiment with the proportion of vodka/gin to vermouth, I personally like 2:1 or 3:1 which is a lot wetter than your average bar cocktail which typically is like 5:1 or 6:1 or even drier.