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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 98 KB, 1280x720, big breakfast is a lie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19372163 No.19372163 [Reply] [Original]

"big breakfast"
>it's literally just a sausage egg biscuit combo with 2 pancakes on the side

>> No.19372164
File: 49 KB, 590x590, sausage mcbiscuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's these same items just not assembled, plus 2 pancakes.

What a fucking rip. "Big breakfast" my ass.

>> No.19372169

You get a lot more egg, plus pancakes is a big deal.

It's about 800 calories and more if you driggle with syrup


>> No.19372353

Who still eats this? It's way better as a breakfast sandwich anyway.

>> No.19372600

i do just cause i like spreading jam and butter on the muffin and hot sauce on the eggs

>> No.19372603

in b4 retarded toes guy shows up

>> No.19372627

>more egg, plus pancakes is a big deal

>> No.19372628

>2 pancakes
they dont do 3 where you live?

>> No.19372636
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both things are true though, in a fast food breakfast this is a big deal

>> No.19372648

>1340 Cal
There goes basically two meals for the entire day on just breakfast.
I nearly fucking died when I learned the calorie amount on this shit. The eggs aren't even good for how heavy this is.

>> No.19372654

>I nearly fucking died
try harder to next time pantywaist

>> No.19372662

I'll spread open your butt cheeks, faggot. Reply to me again like that and see what happens.

>> No.19372666
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>> No.19372668 [DELETED] 

Why does one need potatoes, a biscuit, AND pancakes?

>> No.19372800

Americans love their carbs, myself included.

>> No.19372807

>t. fat amerilard

>> No.19372830

the real deal is a sausage-egg-cheese mcgriddle with a double quarter pounder in the middle (minus the buns).
>pancake buns (with syrup infused in it)
>fresh beef®
>sausage, egg, AND triple the cheese
>all the toppings!
i get one every morning with three cups of black coffee, and i'm ready for the day (and take some really satisfying shits)

>> No.19372934

I've tried this a couple times and both times it tasted terrible. I can't remember why though, it's been years. Maybe I'll have to try it again.

>> No.19372980

This makes me sad/melancholic and nostalgic for a bakery cafe that used to be near me called The Pink Rose. It was like having breakfast or coffee in some American Southern Meemaw's living room. The couches and chairs were upholstered in rose patterns, the plates and cups had rose motifs (few of which matched each other, which somehow lent itself to the place's charm) and despite being north of the Mason-Dixon, had fantastic fucking biscuits, likely due to the fact that one half of the couple who owned it was, in fact, a Southern Meemaw.
$2. Two. Fucking. Dollars. In the early 2010s. For a plate of bacon (or sausage), two eggs, toast, pancakes (or hoe cakes), a biscuit (guaranteed fresh since they were perpetually baking new ones) and a cup of tea or coffee. A side plate of homefries or cheese grits was a dollar more and they had plenty of other options but why in the fuck would you get anything other than the breakfast special?
Loved that you could see the whole kitchen from literally any seat in the joint and watch as they went through gross after gross of eggs.
If you had a spot like that where you live and you miss it as much as I miss The Pink Rose, tell me about it and press F to pay respects.

PS fuck McDo big breakfast and their wierd textured, weird tasting egg-alike bullshit.

>> No.19373014

You're a big breakfast

>> No.19373018

fuck i could do for a pancake right now

>> No.19373025

>amerifats complaining about not enough food

>> No.19373705
File: 2.12 MB, 3024x4032, 9E4BE843-A46A-4D9C-B3BB-C06E7C7AD8F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BBS is the pound for pound champion of breakfasts.

>> No.19373713

Why are you standing like that

>> No.19373716

>lust provoking image
fuck off

>> No.19373719
File: 105 KB, 1152x325, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step aside

>> No.19373750

I want to fuck you so hard right now

>> No.19373904

You want a big breakfast? Get 4 sausage burritos. I think it might even cost less.

>> No.19373911 [DELETED] 

Don't forget the bucket of maple-flavor syrup and butter they give as well

>> No.19373924 [DELETED] 


What happened to it?


>> No.19373927

It’s big to anyone outside of Clapistan

>> No.19373937

I request my eggs over medium and my local mcds does it.

>> No.19374200

Excuse me but next to a full English this looks like little baby food

>> No.19374215

MODS!!! get him out of here....he'll ruin the whole thing.

>> No.19374404


>> No.19374486

Did you really wear sandals because people made fun of your ridiculously long toenails?

>> No.19374524
File: 455 KB, 1600x1200, 1666681139779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As soon as I saw this thread I knew I had to get this for breakfast

>> No.19374544
File: 398 KB, 784x1218, Screen Shot 2023-06-13 at 11.06.52 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda jelly. We don't have the Big Breakfast™ in Straya

>> No.19374551
File: 31 KB, 601x601, 1355780736594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Didn't butter the sausage

>> No.19374558

>He didn't put jelly on the pancake

>> No.19374562

>Didn't put it all in a blender and blend with syrup

>> No.19374619
File: 465 KB, 1898x3000, 1668625337197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to recreate the big breakfast but unfortunately we don't have the biscuits like America does. Probably the closest us Aussies can get

>> No.19374658

No wonder my brother thought I was retarded when I was in my "it's all about the calories bro" phase.

>> No.19374664

What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.19374665

post wrist

>> No.19374695

Beef sausage? What are you, a muzzie?

>> No.19374701

Australia has a completely scurvy and misguided sausage culture. It's too big and too contentious a topic to even get into. It's best just do what I've been doing the last 18 years and quietly just look the other way.

>> No.19374705


>> No.19374709

But beef sausage is bad and you should feel bad.

>> No.19374718

Bruh I literally have bacon with it you retard

>> No.19374721
File: 14 KB, 235x215, pepe_stare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh I do anon, I do.

I make my own pork breakfast sausage patties Jimmy Dean style because there is literally no similar option in this country. You buy a sausage mcmuffin with egg and it tastes like a fucking hamburger.

>> No.19374947

>unfortunately we don't have the biscuits like America does.
You're not missing out on anything. The biscuit is tasteless and not worth it's wait in pennies

>> No.19374958
File: 1.77 MB, 1600x1600, 3pc_Box.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's easy to say that anon when you have free of biscuit access, but those biccies don't exist ANYWHERE in this country. Not even KFC has biscuits here. Fuck I miss a buttery bacon eggen cheese biscuit :<

>> No.19374962
File: 888 KB, 832x832, egg salad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never once found a biscuit that was worth eating in America. The only exception may be Red Lobster which is covered in butter and cheese and shit. Every fast food biscuit has been awful, flavorless, and/or stale

>> No.19374965

Just make some, its not like the ingredients are hard to get

>> No.19374967

Why are you utensils made out of balsa wood?

>> No.19374974

fat fuck

>> No.19374979

I think they hit the spot sometimes, if they're fresch

well that's no fun anon

not him but I think it's bamboo. you can't get plastic silverware anywherre anymore, you can't even buy it. we're mostly sick of plastic, mostly

>> No.19375005

wrong. simply wrong. i will not elaborate

>> No.19375797
File: 2.09 MB, 3024x4032, 14632A8E-D83A-42D0-A147-8135D82FC4A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one cared who I was until I put on the sandals

>> No.19375804

>I've never once found a biscuit that was worth eating in America
>Ate at places like red lobster & fast food
lmao literally just find anyone in the south with a pulse and ask them nicely

>> No.19375865

anon I think your sandals are too big for your feet

>> No.19375873

I ask for an extra egg and sausage patty. Bigger Breakfast.

>Captcha: KS2K0X
lol go kiss 2 cocks, faggot.

>> No.19375874

Still don't care even now.

>> No.19375945

go on...

>> No.19375950

Why are you hiding your toes uwu

>> No.19375966

I wanted to ask the same thing but don't want to entertain it

>> No.19375967

If you eat this shit you are a fat subhuman

>> No.19375970
File: 10 KB, 261x195, geeps_goiter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19375975

It's over, it never even began, but you know what? It's just getting started

>> No.19376438

Shit, in my experience, you don't have to necessarily ask nicely but just show even the slightest interest in Amerisouthern food culture and they will often practically demand to feed you their meemaw's biscuits and other foodstuffs. Super proud of their food culture, and justifiably so.
t. Euro who spent a month traveling the US south

>> No.19376447

One good choice doesn't redeem you from the sin of beef sausage. Come to Jesus, faggot, and eat a proper fucking pork sausage.
Also, don't you wish that Maccas had kranskies? Even though most have a bit of beef in them, they're still delicious and every place should offer them.

>> No.19376503

Were you taking it up the ass while taking this photo?

>> No.19376717

maybe his butt hurts

>> No.19377526

i had the mcd's pancakes right before i left japan and they were actually really good, but i had them again when i got back to america and they were awful

>> No.19377535

What is this, late-2000's reddit? Get the fuck out of here with your rage comic shit you gigantic fucking faggot.

>> No.19377657

>it's time to eat the meal again

>> No.19377668

Not even a huge McD's fan but those hashbrowns are epic. They're like magically good Lol

>> No.19377746
File: 111 KB, 444x320, breakfast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold the scrambled eggs, and add an extra hotcake

>> No.19377773

>Who still eats this?

55 year old GenXer here, and I get it a couple of times per year.

>> No.19377955

Idk about other countries, but holy shitting fuck are Lidl frozen hashbrown patties good af. Better than McDo, even. We use them in place of fries or whatever else when we make fried fish or chicken or burgers (put the hashbrown on your burger for dat crunch).
Last I bought them, they were cheap so I stocked up. That was late 2020. We have one box left, half finished, in the chest freezer. I shudder to think how much they must cost now.

>> No.19377978
File: 29 KB, 920x920, png-transparent-rage-comic-internet-meme-comics-meme-white-face-monochrome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmmno I don't think so

>> No.19377988

Faggot BBS is king

>> No.19378175
File: 2.16 MB, 3024x4032, 6C4A1264-9138-433F-8744-0B70A22E7E72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For you

>> No.19378194

Are you saying you actually enjoy their egg-alike food-ish product?

>> No.19378210

I get the big breakfast then combine my sausage, mufffin and half my eggs into a sandwich.
Eat the rest of the eggs with my pancakes and hash brown coated with syrup and butter

>> No.19378217

No one is making you buy this. Why do you need to be a whiny bitch about options? You could even just not eat some of it and throw what you don’t want away

>> No.19378225

It is all about the calories and every fad diet proves it time and time again.

>> No.19378419

an egg is like 30 cents. A sausage patty is like 30 cents. buy a pack of pancakes for like $3. Why would I go drive for this?

>> No.19378440

Why are you so defensive?

>> No.19378452

one good thing about being lactose intolerant, you cut out a lot of trash from you're diet, even if its delicious.

>> No.19378499

Because his toenails are fucking disgusting and he’s too lazy to trim them.

>> No.19378534

>lust provoking image

>> No.19378626


>> No.19379025

You retards can't be helped.

>> No.19379034

>eating any fast food breakfast item
How the fuck do you people stomach this garbage?

>> No.19379038

I remember when we had them in like 2002. My mum would get a cheese and tomato toastie while I'd get the Big Breakfast. I'll get a Sausage and Egg once in a blue moon but its not the same. Fuck whoever made the decision to remove it from the menu.

>> No.19379041

It's over 1300 calories, not including whatever drink you get. That's a big breakfast in my book.

>> No.19379489
File: 2.26 MB, 3024x4032, 1310CCDD-7F02-4389-A746-D59C1CB9FC7D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It puts the BIG in bbs

>> No.19379498
File: 2.28 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20221122_015843592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have lost the desire to ever eat any breakfast foods again. What an unexpected tragedy..

>> No.19379501

You look like a fruit and not the homosexual kind

>> No.19379520 [DELETED] 

It's called a big breakfast because it has so much food quantity wise that you could never finish it. Not even explaining how bad and unhealthy it is to have anything but meat and eggs for breakfast. So squirt out a shitload of crap like pan-cakes and potatoes that are unhealthy and cheap while children are fully capable of consent instead of giving you a bit more healthy food like sausage, eggs, bacon, ham. It's trickery.

>> No.19379525 [DELETED] 

Imagine being a eleven year old girl and being forced over a table because the hash browns are soggy.

>> No.19379568

>”Big breakfast" my ass.
What did he mean by this?

>> No.19379572 [DELETED] 

Sometimes you can fit whole onaholes in your ass for the pleasure of the middle school kid fucking you.

>> No.19379617

>buy a pack of pancakes for like $3
You disgust me.

>> No.19379625

Kill yourself.

>> No.19379990

Post body

>> No.19380110


>> No.19381160

Didnt the sausages used to be long? Is it some kind of false memory? It was years ago when I lived in america

>> No.19381836

You're probably remembering a hotel breakfast or IHOP.

>> No.19381846

For me Its two sausage egg n cheese mcgriddles and a hash brown with a medium Hi-C orange

>> No.19381850

I’ll take a Lumberjack Slam please and thank you. Extra cum on the side.

>> No.19381910

Bee. Bee. Ess! Yay!

>> No.19381939

1350 calories. 0 Nutrition.

>> No.19382093

all of that looks so sad. people that eat at mcdonald's are the most soulless people in the world

>> No.19382129

Nah, macro nutrients are inherently nutritious, even ignoring the micro nutrient content. The empty calories argument goes out the window as soon as you take a multivitamin. You can't live off of fucking spinach.

>> No.19382365

ever heard of vitamin pills, r-tard?

>> No.19382425

I have no idea what it is about their fucking eggs, but slide their sausage patty under them, and it comes out tasting amazing. I don't even like normal scrambled eggs

>> No.19382968

Not if your a working man*. Individuala doing physical labor nees 3000 calories.

*The ones that are fat are because they fucking pound an extra 1000 calories in energy drinks ans beer.

>> No.19384460
File: 45 KB, 380x512, bcbeaf1a27cf5f912783c6b3232c7b31[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss the breakfast platters out in Hawaii.

>> No.19384466

So easy to cook.

>> No.19384510

prove it

>> No.19384534

Only think I consider empty calories is soda.

>> No.19384545


>> No.19384551

Now mix all that up into a bowl with sausage gravy and cheese on top.

>> No.19384559
