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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19371649 No.19371649 [Reply] [Original]


Sushiro, a major conveyor belt sushi restaurant chain in Japan, has filed a 67 million (US $480,000) lawsuit against a boy who licked a soy sauce bottle at one of its outlets. According to South China Morning Post (SCMP), Akindo Sushiro, which runs the restaurant chain, filed the lawsuit at the Osaka District Court on March 22 and the details were revealed this month. The incident took place in the Gifu prefecture in January this year when the boy visited the restaurant with a friend.

According to the complaint filed in the court, the boy licked was filmed licking an open soy sauce bottle and an unused teacup, and then touched a passing plate of sushi with a finger covered in his saliva.

The company claimed that after the video was uploaded on social media on January 29, its restaurants saw a sharp fall in customer number.

The suit also alleges that the footage caused its parent company's market capitalisation to fall by more than 16 billion yen.

The SCMP report also said that Akindo Sushiro is installing plastic barriers at over 600 outlets nationwide among other measures due to the incident, which resulted in a loss of 90 million yen.

The boy admitted to licking the items and expressed remorse, but asked the court to dismiss the lawsuit, The Asahi Shimbun said.

The boy said he and his friend who recorded the prank did not intend for the footage to be shared with a third party and go viral on social media.


>> No.19371652

this is what restaurant eaters enjoy. kek!

>> No.19371657 [DELETED] 

This is actually what we should do to niggers here that lick ice cream for tiktok videos but alas we are inferior to Japan

>> No.19371665

its completely reasonable

>> No.19371669

>The boy said he and his friend who recorded the prank did not intend for the footage to be shared with a third party and go viral on social media.
He isn't sorry he did it. He's sorry he was caught.
And this is why his life is essentially over. He was not named in media, but people quickly found out who he was. He was kicked out of school and even had to move. Don't expect him to ever find a job unless he changes his name and face. Do not fuck with Sushi in Japan.

>> No.19371670

should be at least 10 times that

>> No.19371784

Good. This kind of shit is why Japan still has some semblance of a civilization to be preserved, why you don't see nigger behaviour everywhere. You act like one of those niggers you see in the US on social media, and your life gets ruined via public shaming and you get your balls sued off.

This little cunt can serve as a warning for others - "you live in Japan, not the nigger states of America". They need to be taught that what they see on social media is like a circus, a clown sideshow. It's not real life, and they shouldn't emulate it.

>> No.19371788

Japan-liver here. There's already videos on social media of him being assraped by Yakuza. They're slapping him about with raw fish while bukkakeing all over his tight little body.

>> No.19371800

>Even in Japan little kids can't be trusted around food stuff.
This is why I don't trust banquet or food bars. Even without the known elements, there's always that one asshole that fails to watch the shitty kid, at the least.

>> No.19371807

ayo he dindu nuffin wrong, he a good boy studyin and this unfair

>> No.19371825

>There's already videos on social media of him being assraped by Yakuza
There's WHAT?

>> No.19371829

>There's WHAT?
he said there's the word "gullible" written on your ceiling

>> No.19371839

Now THAT is based!

>> No.19371857


>> No.19371858

Based as fuck, squeeze every drop of blood out of this little shit and make an example out of him. Wish the western world did this to every two bit tiktok shithead destroying merchandise at walmart for clout

>> No.19371870

This. Intentionally tampering with other peoples' food is dangerous, and was proven to have damaged the company for hundreds of thousands of dollars. Fuck that little shit.

>> No.19371877

How are they gonna collect even 1% of that lawsuit money though

>> No.19371884

This is Japan. I'm not being racist when I say a lot of their law is enforced by gangs. They will make him work off as much as his debt as possible through shady or possibly illegal shit.

>> No.19371931 [DELETED] 

rather than praising nipland, let this be the reminder that, no matter where you go, no matter in which "utopia" you are, there will always be THAT one nigger who just wants to ruin others' stuff

>> No.19372008 [DELETED] 

I'm gonna praise nipland for actually doing something about this kind of absolute subhuman behavior

>> No.19372016

It's not about getting the money. They know he'll never be able to pay it all. They just want to ruin his entire fucking life and make an exemple out of him, to discourage others from doing what he did

>> No.19372023 [DELETED] 

>I'm gonna praise nipland for actually doing something about this kind of absolute subhuman behavior
Why does every ck thread devolve into a complaint about Black people of color?

>> No.19372025 [DELETED] 

because they're trying really hard to be that despicable

>> No.19372030 [DELETED] 

Maybe you just need to try really hard to understand that stuff like this is a part of our motherfucking CULTURE, and you should back the fuck up white boy and start respecting us before I put my BBC in your butt

>> No.19372038

I don’t believe you never go to restaurants. Are you never invited out by friends or family to go to them?

>> No.19372040

Wage garnishment

>> No.19372057

the last time i went to a restaurant was in 2017. my family cooks at home, and my friends aren't in the city

>> No.19372065

Do you ever travel? Like if you’re on vacation some place do you just go to a grocery store? Are you never just hungry while having a day out somewhere far from home?

>> No.19372069

Boys will be boys.
It's like in Back to the Future when Biff was going to muh dikk Lorraine, Marty's milfy mom, until that rude asshole attacked him. I'll bet in the original timeline, Biff was Marty's baby daddy. George was a total cuckold.

>> No.19372086

I keep cans of beans in my trunk.

>> No.19372106

The thumbnail makes him look like a toddler

>> No.19372132

in Japan, you're guilty until proven innocent, especially in a legal system with a 99.7% conviction rate
reputation and saving face is everything to Japanese corporate and Japanese customers are the most picky Karens on the planet.
It'll literally take them 10+ years to repair the 'damage' from this little faggot's video

>> No.19372134 [DELETED] 

Because literally everyone has nigger fatigue

>> No.19372135
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So you are telling me that kaiji is realistic

>> No.19372147

KWAB søy bøy

>> No.19372156

no, i live in the inland northwest so there is a lot of spots to visit that are close enough to just bring my own food. but yes, i do just buy food to cook when it is a long trip like to seattle. i am not going to waste my savings on food in a high income area

>> No.19372158

Based Nips.

>> No.19372202

the one who caused the debacle is also a nip

>> No.19372262

He should join up with that somali guy and get beaten up on camera to raise money to pay off his debt

>> No.19372630

Wait really? Ah fuck...not again

>> No.19372632


>> No.19372637
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>seinfeld but japanese

>> No.19372642

Based Japs. This is why more than one race of people shouldn't be allowed in a single country. If this were the U.S., they'd just cry racial profiling and there would be a social media campaign against the food chain despite it being a completely reasonable approach. Racial homogeneity erases that avenue.

>> No.19372643

Just throw him in jail for a weekend then make him apologize on video and tell everyone how fucking awful jail is
Jesus Christ a nigger gets to walk into someone's home and scare the shit out of him because there are children there with just a 60 bucks fine but a dumb teenager ends up with a half million dollars debt because of some stupid shit most people did at least once

>> No.19372644


>> No.19372645

No cap?

>> No.19372656

>criminal faces justice
>criminal faces justice, Japan

>> No.19372679

>half a million dollars

>> No.19372686

>let's act like ni-

>> No.19372690
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>According to South China Morning Post

>> No.19372710


>> No.19372716

This is why Japan is generally a pleasant place, because there are massive consequences for acting a fool

>> No.19372720

Hope the little faggot gets whats coming to him.
People who mess with food are the lowest scum.
Good. Don't mess with sushi and don't mess with food.

>> No.19372725

>because of some stupid shit most people did at least once
Anon I don't know where the fuck you live but I know I never want to visit it. No one who has even a shred of common decency would do this shit, it's disgusting.

>> No.19372728

He caused actual monetary and imago damage. This isn't the case of just saying sorry, they are making an example of him and they are going to get the money one way or another, japanese don't fuck around with law&punishment.
>because of some stupid shit most people did at least once
I hung around with some shady people in my teens and we did stupid shit but no one ever even suggested fucking with food in any way. There are things you just don't do.
But guess zoomers today really are fucking retarded beyond saving, they have no morals, no rules or shame.

>> No.19372745

I can understand making him repent for his sins but how is he gonna pay all of that fine? What's the intention here other than making an example out of him? Surely, others are asking the same question as me.

>> No.19372758

god I wish that were me

>> No.19372784

>fuck around and find out
Guess he found out.

>> No.19372791

>did not intend for the footage to be shared with a third party and go viral on social media.
Right, because we all film pranks when we DON'T want to share them.

>> No.19372795

When Blue Bell had that scandal where their ice cream got licked on the shelf, no one actually care. Blue Bell didn't lose any sales. They still don't put a seal on their ice cream.
This is ridiculous and potentially life-ruining for a child doing a harmless prank.

>> No.19372823

And actually reading more into this, this kid was forced to drop out of high school because of this incident as well. His life is effectively ruined, not because he did this but because users on Twitter (mostly @takigare3) spread his video.

>> No.19372842

>His life is effectively ruined, not because he did this but because users on Twitter (mostly @takigare3) spread his video.
The video would not have existed to be spread if he hadn't done it.

>> No.19372845

>oh no the consequences of my own actions

Funny, none of his peers had this issue

>> No.19372856

There was a series of similar incidents in sushi and other chains around the country, mostly by Korean students travelling to Japan.
This is food chain corpos finally banging on the table in a good, clear and sounding manner, expect every part of this boy's doom to be broadcasted far and wide to make an example.

>> No.19372959

if it was a little girl doing it all those numbers would be profit instead of losses

>> No.19372962

Me except :O for both

>> No.19372987
File: 937 KB, 743x1181, E211759C-F8FA-4C65-95D5-61B3C6B47E20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of you actually have any empathy huh?
It’s a fucking child you autistic sociopaths.

>> No.19372991

Watch the video anon

>> No.19372997

Fuck around and find out is the most important concept to teach to children

>> No.19372998

Why would I ever care about children besides little girls?

>> No.19373026

It’s because I have empathy that I can’t fathom doing something like this.

Consequences are an important lesson, one this kid and his friend have apparently either never learned or were never taught.

>> No.19373094

just go to your local sushi place and get licking

>> No.19373095

Do you not have empathy for people whose food has been and would've been kept fucked with by not punishing this scumfuck behavior?

>> No.19373110

>looked up Blue Bell scandal because I never heard of it
>see a bunch of million dollars charges because people died from Listeria and the CEO tried to hide it
Not sure if this is a good thing

>> No.19373118


>> No.19373142 [DELETED] 

I'm surprised he actually bought it afterwards. I was going to say NIGGGER. Then again I never ate blue bell ice cream

>> No.19373143

Well it did negatively affect this Japanese business, they are claiming to have financial records to back it up. It didn't negatively affect Blue Bell because this disgusting shit happens so frequently in the West we've been desensitized to it. Japan isn't a nation of savages so these things are much more shocking to the population.

>> No.19373146

They should chop his little body up into sushi

>> No.19373191

This exactly. The idea that you should just excuse retarded pranks just because they are teenagers or female is ridiculous. The new generation that lives off of social media have severe anti-social traits as a result of it. They understand what they are doing and the consequences. They will only ever be sorry they were caught. If you don't punish them, they will end up back on the street doing the same things. Look at Mizzy, he got even worse until he landed in jail.

Slaps on the wrist only work for people who made a genuine mistake. Not someone who tampers with food or walks into other people's homes as a prank.

Same goes for bullies who steal and abuse others. There will always be consequences.

>> No.19373209

Because it's in Japan, not America. America despite the freedom we gave is a corrupt dunghole filled to the brim with propaganda on its own citizens. These multimillion dollar corporations have been given so much power they literally pay influencers to go viral to cover up important incidents. Influencers are also scum of the earth sociopaths and narcissists who could care less about anything other than themselves. The whole world could be set aflame but as long as their bubble is protected they will gladly accept money while people are murdered around them.

Don't even try to spin (all people will do it), we just went through covid 19 and it's already been proven most people won't support those levels of tyranny without narcissistic and anti-social or dark triad personality traits.

>> No.19373292

What part would you eat first anon?

>> No.19373313

>What's the intention here other than making an example out of him?
no, that's the whole point. "if you do this, we'll sue you back to the stone age". it's a deterrent.

>> No.19373316

It's almost like it's two completely different countries with completely different cultures and legal systems. Stop being retarded.

>> No.19373332

A society which places the "rights" of individuals above the prosperity of the society as a whole will always collapse from degeneracy.

>> No.19373362

Fuck them kids

>> No.19373377

You're so close to getting it yet so far

>> No.19373386

>He isn't sorry he did it. He's sorry he was caught.
What dumb fucktard shit is this. You a fucking psychic?

>> No.19373391

It’s in OP you cunts for brains
> The boy said he and his friend who recorded the prank did not intend for the footage to be shared with a third party and go viral on social media.

>> No.19373399

You are the dumbest motherfucker to ever live. I bet you think niggers unironically dindu nuffin too

>> No.19373407

What the fuck does that have to do with whether he's remorseful or not? READ the rest of the post, fucker.

>> No.19373416


>> No.19373432

What does him not meaning it to go viral have to do with whether he's genuinely remorseful? Are you stupid enough to think that anyone who doesn't mean for something to happen cannot then, afterwards, become genuinely remorseful that they did it at all?

>> No.19373434

but Going Viral is also the only reason the restaurant is suing for so much money. they literally are more angry with him because he got himself caught than because he was licking the sushi

>> No.19373439

The ironic thing is in order to pay off his debt he’ll likely be sold by his parents to a syndicate to work off his debt over the next 20 years working on the high seas on a fishing boat (catching fresh sushi grade tuna for restaurants like the one he wronged kek)

>> No.19373443

Oh no he's gonna lick those too

>> No.19373444

If he was genuinely remorseful, he wouldn't have done it in the first place you fucking mongoloid. People with good conscience don't do shit like this.

>> No.19373449

You can't be genuinely remorseful for something you haven't fucking done you dense bastard. Lmao look at this monkey, he's too low IQ to comprehend the concept of remorse.

>> No.19373456

This is also a key fact for the legal case, yes. It's a lot easier to sue for damages if you can prove they were deliberately trying to damage you; and if not that, then that they were acting in a way which would obviously lead to damaging you. Otherwise, they could only sue him for licking the bottle in the first place, instead of the virality.

>> No.19373477

You're so fucking dumb, go make some more excuses for criminals on twitter and fuck off

>> No.19373481

that's not the only case of it happening
blue bell is the only vulnerable ice cream brand because they're the only one that doesn't seal their tubs

>> No.19373497

I save up my nail clippings and put them in salt shakers at restaurants to prevent the salt from clumping

>> No.19373502

iirc its supposed to be a "vacuum seal" so you know someone opened it if the lids not tight. But I haven't had BB in years cause of the listeria shit and some cases where random factory objects were found in the ice cream tubs. Rather get store brand at this point.

>> No.19373518

Why not use rice instead?

>> No.19373519

I'm laughing my ass of the thought of some kid doing a one-time unsanitary prank and causing a business to not only lose millions/billions of yen but also spending 90 millions to install "plastic barriers" after the fact. A tiny little thing any person in the world could do in 10 seconds. That's all it took for billions of yen to change hands. It's absolutely killing me.

I do not doubt it caused them harm because it went viral but it's insane how easily people just jump on the bandwagon thinking it's suddenly the most common thing but ONLY in this specific spot. Literally just because a thing became visible at one point it spreads like wildfire with boycotts (you're eating FAR worse shit from other places, you just never get to know).

This is an amazing power to wield if it could be reproduced but so far it seems viral stuff still has some randomness to it.

>> No.19373526

I will take him in as my femboy whore.
Get him on his knees.

>> No.19373529

LMAO concession accepted, lower order lifeform

>> No.19373554

It's kind of like when someone impersonated that US insulin manufacturer on Twitter and said that they were making insulin free causing the company's stock to temporarily collapse. Feels ripe for civil disobedience against corporate power desu.

>> No.19373561

Go take your crocodile tears and false empathy somewhere else.

>> No.19373564

I don't even mean it I a gay way, but I'm just not that grossed out by this.

>> No.19373566
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>This kind of shit is why Japan still has some semblance of a civilization to be preserved, why you don't see nigger behaviour everywhere
Holy shit, you weaboo freaks need a reality check. IRL Japan isn't like your animes. Every major city has a large population of Africans, mostly from Nigeria. They run practically every small club, corner store, bar, or wherever else a normal person would go on a night out instead of sitting at home watching anime in a dark room. It isn't le yakuza ancient samurai dragon gang running these places, it's all Africans.
They're extremely aggressive, especially towards women, and will pressure passerby into going inside their clubs and bars and immediately charge them a hefty cover fee. There are often altercations when people protest and refuse, some turning violent and spilling out into the street. Like in any major city the Nigerian immigrants keep to their own sections of the city, and these areas have become no-go zones for the police. They're not small either, over the past few decades they've been rapidly growing. There have been right-wing candidates in Japan in recent years running on practically single issue tickets to stop African immigration it's gotten so bad. I'm not going to tell you it's like Paris, but stop pretending is some perfect homogenous ethnostate just because you like their cartoons.

>> No.19373567

Japanese Seinfeld is Lucky Star.

>> No.19373576

No one that eats out thinks about it. Maybe as a passing thought if it comes up but we're built to not fuss about things we literally cannot control without excruciating effort but ultimately little use.

>> No.19373581

I can smell this thread, so many fucking weebs here. Holy shit

>> No.19373588

How could you smell a thread? That doesn't make any sense you're just smelling your computer. You literally sound insane right now. I think you have something wrong with you.

>> No.19373627


>> No.19373651

>A tiny little thing any person in the world could do in 10 seconds. That's all it took for billions of yen to change hands
History is full of events like this, some bosnian serb goes pew pew on Archduke Ferdinand for a few seconds and the next thing you know everyone is stuck in trenches for 4 years killing each other

>> No.19373657

>she doesn't have a smell-o-vision installed on her PC

>> No.19373671

So, did Japan change it's laws about minors then? Used to be that everything was pretty secret. That was a big concern for a long time since kids who murdered would sort of get away with it.
Could have changed years ago for all I know though.

>> No.19373695

>a tiny little thing any person in the world vould do in 10 seconds
It's not one store, they have hundreds. I think they are one of the biggest sushi belt restaurant so it's a big deal. It's like saying McDonald change one part of their store for every McDonald, it adds up.

>> No.19373699

did that guy ever have any consequences for it?

>> No.19373707

japanese restaurants should pay one hundred billion dollars in reparation to norway for giving them the idea to put fish on rice and pretend like it's fine dining
fuck the slants

>> No.19373711

Damn niggers have infested Japan too? What goal do I have to work towards now? Should I move to China instead?

>> No.19373740

What is the source on this?

>> No.19373761

What are you trying to disprove here?

>> No.19373767

I don't think the whole identity thing applies to going viral on twitter.

>> No.19373772

Be grateful they buy your salmon anon.

>> No.19373775

they should be paying reparations to south east asia for that instead you retard, the fuck did norway and the shitters do? give them salmon that wasnt infested with worms? christ you're retarded

>> No.19373795

His heart

>> No.19373839

Are you retarded?

>> No.19373905

Right, what are you trying to say? It doesn't matter if the sushi belt restaurant has 1 or 1000 places because only one was affected by one kid licking some shit at one of them at one point and going viral. That makes it even more ridiculous to feel forced to make millions of yen worth of changes across the enter chain from an isolated incident.

>> No.19373930

Hey Jerry, which end of a choco cornet do you eat first?

>> No.19373936

No, he got doxxed anyway. In thread somewhere

>> No.19373955

That’s just how they say hello over there

>> No.19374009

I see every single zoomer newfag took the contrarianism bait. Enjoy your miserable lives you worthless subhumans.

>> No.19374046

Oh, you are retarded. I'm sorry.

>> No.19374119


>> No.19374201

Omg I love western cocks too! fuck japs!

>> No.19374206

Japan is a failing country. they aligned with the west and now they are pushing diversity and equity quotas and other things now. they are planning to bring in more immigrants. Thank you USA.

>> No.19374277

>muh empathy

Faggots like you are the reason every major american city is overrun with homeless openly shitting and pissing in the streets, covered in dirty HIV needles, and roving packs of feral black criminals preying on anyone and everyone, and brazenly walking into stores and shoplifting to the point stores are closing because the shoplifters are not being prosecuted because "muh empathy". Then you flee these shitholes you helped create and move to red state america and start the poisoning of our communities all over again.

>> No.19374423

t. CCP shill

>> No.19374442

>Don't expect him to ever find a job unless he changes his name and face
>and face
he doesn't need to, he's japanese

>> No.19374481

The publication ban for minors still exists but 高井十蔵 was doxed anyway

>> No.19374487

Tokyo doesnt equal all of Japan. I've lived in several cities with a population over 500000, plus Osaka and africans are extremely rare or don't exist. The people you're talking about work in several streets in tokyo, and the only reason you'd be there is if you were looking for a stripclub or drugs. And wtf do you mean by corner store, the convenience stores? Africans have nothing to do with them. Have you ever been to Japan or are you just repeating bullshit you've read here?

>> No.19374542

What do you mean his face is easy to recognize.

>> No.19374561

>pretend like it's fine
japan doesn't do this, it's fast food you can buy for cheap there
its' the westerners fetishizing the far east doing that

>> No.19374654
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After the video dropped, his name and the school he went to were leaked online immediately. Soon after, the school was flooded with complaints. The principal and vice-principal made some empty statements but it's likely they pressured him to drop out because it was causing problems.

>> No.19374804

arr rook same, anon, arr rook same..

>> No.19374846

not that one.

>> No.19374885

They have Jewish lawyers in Japan now?

>> No.19375047
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The fact that he looks to make sure no one is watching him shows he knows he should not be doing this.

>> No.19375063

bring back public beatings

>> No.19375227

Good. People should be punished for their shitbaggery.
I hope he's beaten every day of his hopefully short life.

>> No.19375236

This but for people making autistically violent comments on 4chan.

>> No.19375253

Cry harder faggot

>> No.19375268

>I'm online so I can be as badass as I want!!!
ok Shadow the Hedgehog

>> No.19375274
File: 228 KB, 960x688, Yoshi Offended.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the girl with dependent personality disorder called Nagatoro's autistic ass out on mixing roe and shirako (eggs and sperm), then making pregnancy jokes loudly in a restaurant.

Do that shit at home.

>> No.19375596

if this was during covid, people would have him lynched.

>> No.19375621

ok, they're still getting nigger refugees anyways. it's science.

>> No.19375796

>doesn't know what an ordinary corner store is
Anon, please go outside. Not every corner store in glorious Nippon is a perfect, huge 7/11 like in anime. Not even 1% of them. Most are regular hole in a wall bodegas.

>> No.19375809

Nothing hits the spot like a chopped cheese with tuna, mayo and corn.

>> No.19375973
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Agreed, the 'takes a village' mentality has go to go. Your kid acts up, someone is going to pay for it. Either the kid or you, your choice.

>> No.19376015

Yeah bro because America has never done excessive punishments for crimes against corporate entities

>> No.19376017

It's a high conviction rate because they are reluctant to ever go to trail if they aren't confident of a conviction

>> No.19376037

I fully agree with this. The biggest problem with western society is letting filths get away with their crimes without consequences.

>> No.19376141

there is still time anon.

>> No.19376278

And you are saying these apparently are all run by africans? 8 years in Japan and I have never seen anything close to a "bodega", especially not one run by africans. You are brain damaged my friend.

>> No.19376559

Doesn't that let a lot of guilty people go though?

>> No.19376715

Well that makes it okay

>> No.19376718

>films it
>because its a prank
>however he was not cognizant of the mischief

>> No.19376846

Yeah why did he film it if he was not intending to share it? He is just upset he is in trouble.

>> No.19376855

Thats what I said

>> No.19376865

I'm agreeing with you anon.

>> No.19376998
File: 61 KB, 581x443, 1519211345014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have a picture of his mom i cant find it anywhere

>> No.19377068

Why do you want a picture of his mom?

>> No.19377113

Wish we did the same thing to ice cream niggers here oh well

>> No.19377213

shes cute

>> No.19377320

He can have known about the mischief and also now know it was wrong and feel remorse for it. Plus let's be real, it was wrong but it wasn't 500,000 USD wrong.

>> No.19377640
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>Doesn't understand remorse of conscience

>> No.19377660

the damages are what the damages are
any consequences like leaving school and public shaming are punitive but justice means making someone you've damaged whole again

>> No.19377766

That's such a retarded expression. What the fuck does it even mean? Making someone whole?

>> No.19377784

The concept of making someone whole refers to the idea of restoring a person to the state they were in before a particular harm or injury occurred, to the extent possible. It is often associated with the concept of compensation or restitution in legal proceedings. When someone suffers a loss or harm due to another person's actions, the legal system aims to provide a remedy that will compensate them for the damages incurred. The goal is to put the injured party back in the position they would have been in if the harm had not occurred.

>> No.19377797

Which is where the actual legal fight will begin. I'm personally strongly of the opinion that if you couldn't reasonably expect half a fucking million in losses from licking a soy sauce bottle -- and you couldn't -- then you shouldn't be penalised for it. You should only be penalised for consequences which could be reasonably expected.

>> No.19377800

Forgot to add -- this is why whether or not the dude wanted to spread the video widely matters so much.

>> No.19377958
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Just like my YaKUZA games.

>> No.19378017

shouldnt have uploaded the video online, then, nigger
never heard of preventive medicine?
the best outcome for him right now is to repay the bottle he licked plus whatever societal damage that has been done to him, there's no escaping that. dont fuck with foodstuff, record the deed and upload it online for the lulz

>> No.19378037

Sounds pretty lame

>> No.19378044

Cancelling him is wrong obviously but kid has to learn fucking manners.

>> No.19378116
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Blue Bell did modify their packaging you absolute double enword. The gallons got plastic around them and the half gallons got a little blue tear to open strip. Best Ice cream won't be phased by you fucking liberals

>> No.19378126

Serves this stupid jackass right, I can’t stand tiktok “pranksters”

>> No.19378132

Probably, you would think the anti japan people would push that angle instead of the conviction rate angle

>> No.19378139

No that's retarded, the idea that some little guy hurting some big company should have to make it up entirely is insane, chuck him in jail a couple weeks and make him pay 50'000 yen as a token apology, anything more is insane

>> No.19378213
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Anon, the kid got sued because he caused a Tiktok trend of other kids licking sushi in other franchises, making Sushiro look more trashy than anything in Kabukichou or whatever Starbucks a gaijin is fucking around in.

>> No.19378220


This is why I hate Westerners. Fuck your belief that individuals have a right to do whatever they want. You people have degenerated so badly that you think its not a problem for a person to ruin things for everyone. No wonder your countries have gotten so bad. You live in a low trust society because you made it so.

You're such a western retards you are looking at this incident as merely a corporation vs an individual and not seeing how important a high trust society is in Japan and what the entire culture is willing to do to maintain it. The kid violated and ruined something that is only possible in a high trust society. Remember, the Japanese are not liberal, they have been forced into it by the West.

>> No.19378223

>caused a Tiktok trend of other kids licking sushi in other franchises

>> No.19378227

Based. Send him to jail too

>> No.19378271

> it's almost like

go back faggot

>> No.19378336

>That webm
Damn... I don't know how to feel about this, DEXbros...

>> No.19378344

desu people like this belong in prison

If you can't be trusted to function as a working member of society, you shouldn't be allowed to walk free.

>> No.19378361

Kill yourself.

>> No.19378379

They look like anime. Especially that goon at the end who chickened out and took the plate off. I bet he has a heart of gold.

>> No.19378396

>You don't eat at restaurants, therefore you're lame
Do city dwelling zoomers really believe this?

>> No.19378408
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>> No.19378422

Cope, there's a reason you faggots have containment boards.

>> No.19378424

he's lucky every customer in that location during that time doesn't sue him too
he didn't just lick the bottle, he licked his finger and ran it along the sushi as it passed by on the conveyor belt

>> No.19378434
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Other way around the non anime boards are the containment boards

>> No.19378458

What difference does it make when you fuckers can't help yourselves from contaminating them anyway?

>> No.19378465

This website is for people who like anime. If you don't like anime you don't belong here.

>> No.19378468

Maybe that's how it started out, but the times have changed. There's more non-anime boards than anime ones at this point. Cope and seethe.

>> No.19378474

>There's more non-anime boards than anime ones
That's because we sometimes like to discuss other things in addition to anime. I posit that it is you who should "cope and seethe".

>> No.19378489

And that's what your anime-specific boards are for, so stop shitting up the ones that have nothing to do with it. It doesn't matter if 4chan started off as a website to discuss anime, that is no longer the case.

>> No.19378509

>so stop shitting up the ones that have nothing to do with it.
It's hard to shit up /ck/ any more than it already is. Complaining about weeaboos on 4chan is like complaining about piss in an ocean of piss.

>> No.19378515

Then round up those kids and do the same to them, i'm fine with punishments to massive amounts of people, just not massive punishments

>> No.19378522 [DELETED] 

I assure you the position I take her is not just me being anti corporatism, I believe anti corporatism is a disease that is killing Europe, that doesn't make the proposed punishment not excessive

>> No.19378528

I assure you the position I take here is not just me being anti corporate, I believe anti corporatism is a disease that is killing Europe, that doesn't make the proposed punishment not excessive

>> No.19378541

so niggers should be filled lawsuits against themselves. Got it.

>> No.19378606

you are such a fucking retard
being a weaboo isn't exclusive to liking anime. It's the mindset of incessantly praising the sliteyes despite the perpetrator is also one.
Civilized? Give me a fucking break. A truly civilized country wouldn't have had this in the first place.

>> No.19378642

Then what part?

>> No.19378647

Why are you so angry every day?

>> No.19378700

Agreed, I've seen so much opened shit in grocery stores in America and like, all manners of people digging their hands into food at buffets and not putting it on their plate

Eating out is disgusting enough on the kitchen side, but adding other people to the mix and trusting them to not be disgusting is impossible

>> No.19378734
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>I'm sorry
I'm not, KEK

>> No.19378746
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Does anyone know if anything came of this stupid bitch? This was before covid and it was already being talked about that she was facing 20 years in prison.

>> No.19378770

Sui forest when for this kid?

>> No.19378835

She's black and a woman, she won't do a single fucking day behind bars.

>> No.19378854

no actual charges because there were 2 more copycats in Louisiana and Texas, and she was underaged. More people called out Blue Bell for having listeria back in 2010

>> No.19378875

I hope that while he's in prison someone licks his food before he gets it

>> No.19378944

Personally i think that a maximum fine of 20 grand would be more than generous. That's still setting an example of what not to do without completely ruining the kid's life

>> No.19379243

I agree. you just know that he's done much worse but hasn't been caught before

>> No.19379248

Kid deserves capital punishment if you ask me

>> No.19379254

Give me one reason someone in that position shouldn't just do a bit of "knife-play" at a festival.

>> No.19379260

What is it you want me to say here exactly

>> No.19379262

>Fuck your belief that individuals have a right to do whatever they want.
How the fuck do you fail to understand even the basic concept of rights?

>> No.19379266

Why do Americans love these extremes?
"We need to punish this behavior! $480M fine! Fuck him! Go die!"

>> No.19379293

It's a few thousand guys who came in when the government was busting Yakuza, Koreans, and Chinese operating in Tokyo. Nigerians filled the gap and satisfied the existing demand, and Nigerians moving to Japan gravitated toward their ethnic enclave for easy hiring.
It's rather miniscule.

>> No.19379339

if it was a girl that would probably increase their customer base by 69%
too bad

>> No.19379342

Kike cope, Nigerians are hired by Yakuza to hassle dumb foreigners to go to nightclubs where they get scammed with expensive drinks, they aren't Japanese citizens and never will be.

>> No.19379357

He’s a nipger

>> No.19379546

rights arent real

>> No.19379553

This is what happens when you teach atheists the language of civilized people.

>> No.19379555

God did not create us with rights, that's an American invention.

>> No.19379570

>he doesn't know about the bill that just got passed because the people in opposition to it were in the fucking bathroom too long

>> No.19379584

>The boy said he and his friend who recorded the prank did not intend for the footage to be shared with a third party and go viral on social media.
what does that matter you dirty little cunt, get to fuck

>> No.19379591

He wants the pp for himself

>> No.19379667

>red states
>not full of meth and crime

>> No.19379669

They force you into confession dude

>> No.19379725

>London isn't England.
>Paris isn't France.
>Berlin isn't Turkey
>New York, California, Florida , Washington aren't USA

>> No.19379821

I've been somewhat out of touch with Japanese culture lately, but what is he doing bleaching his hair if he's just a "boy"? I thought it was mostly teens doing that.

>> No.19380143

You’re a dumb nigger

>> No.19380313

Japan is a country of conformists. You do not fuck with others, or you're free game, for bullies as much as the cops.
He deliberately spread germs. Not everyone has a decent immune system.
He decided to not conform. He's lucky he isn't in nip prison, they make you walk in lockstep in a circle all day while yelling at you, or seiza. The official goal of nip prison is to mindbreak you into conforming.

>> No.19380333

yeah but the question still stand
how is he gonna pay all that?

>> No.19380411

work in the rice mines

>> No.19380539

He isn't supposed to actually pay it off. He's supposed to be in debt for the rest of his life and never have more than to keep himself alive, barely, an example so all might see what happens if you behave like a nigger.

>> No.19380654

this is the beginning of his chef story. its the only way he can pay off his debt to society, by becoming a sushi chef

>> No.19380715

The intent is for him to declare bankruptcy as punishment

>> No.19380983

Also to gain a slave.

>> No.19381519

He seems westernized in his values.

>> No.19381604

>>not full of meth and crime
Oh there is, but the vast majority of it is concentrated in the urban democrat strongholds that infest almost every red state like a raging case of gonorrhea

>> No.19381635

frfr he's a gud boi he dindu nuffin he wuz gon be a doctah or lawya praise jeezus

>> No.19381705


>> No.19381784

The reality is that people lick sushi bottles or equivalent all the time
Restaurant employees poop into the food, mix it with semen and handle foods in a way their aids infested blood gets into it when they repeatedly cut into their fingers.

People simply ignore this most of the time, and your company stock price is only high and able to drop from a revelation like this because of widespread ignorance.

>> No.19382104
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Says the guy spending his time on an anime website.

>> No.19382115
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>> No.19382310

Maybe you have autism and can't read between the lines
When confronted with consequences of your actions, if your go-to statement is "I didn't mean for it to be shared or known" rather than "I'm sorry I did it, I was immature, I regret it, I now realize it was bad" or something to that effect, it signals that you aren't remorseful about your actions but rather you feel bad that you got caught doing those actions.

He didn't apologize because he realized it was wrong, he simply said he didn't mean for it be seen.
That's the difference.
Kind of like how most cheaters aren't remorseful they cheated on their partner, but rather that they got caught.

>> No.19382313

And all those people should be punished.

>> No.19382325

it is scientifically proven that sub-80 IQ individuals are not capable of thinking about the theoretical past or the implied future.
They can't wrap their pea-brains around the "what if.." or "what would have.." or "what will have.." scenarios.
This is why those people can't feel remorseful. They are incapable of putting themselves in the shoes of others.

>> No.19382327

New copypasta?

>> No.19382578
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>> No.19382588

japanishers shocked

>> No.19382599

>nips actually eat sperm as part of their national dish
name a more buck broken country
no wonder they all troon out and fantasize about being little girls (or molesting little girls)

>> No.19382607

just don't get yourself backed into a corner and keep your evade off cooldown until you need it

>> No.19382640
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So why do you choose to come hang out with us?

>> No.19383137

>he thinks yakuza are a thing anymore

>> No.19383162

based, fuck that gaijin

>> No.19383195

>>London isn't England.
>>Paris isn't France.
Those are true, France and England are great and nigger free once you get away from those shitholes.

>> No.19383201

they finally admitted the story is fake

>> No.19383354

I'm a weak bleeding heart, I feel sorry for him and his family. Yes it was a dumb, gross thing to do, but companys shouldn't be able to destroy someones life. Fuck their profits, they pay their actual workers 800 yen an hour.

>> No.19383357

>that webm

>> No.19383365

good fuck him

>> No.19383366

>most people did at least once
speak for yourself nigger

>> No.19383399

people who do shit like this, or other forms of vandalism, by and large do it because they think it makes them look cool. if he was alone and not recording it never would have occurred to him.
so the punishment should be on the same level. what's the opposite of looking cool?
we need to bring back public humiliation. this kid should spend a few days in the pillory next to a well-stocked cart of rotten fruit. completely naked.
public humiliation.
I don't say this for sexual reasons. I'm not into bdsm at all. I feel I must state that since, knowing 4chan, that's the first thing people will think of.

>> No.19383421

Yeah. Screw all the patrons of the restaurant whose trust was shattered too. "M-muh high trust society" FUCK OFF, HE'S JUST A KID.

>> No.19383430

>just a kid
lol lmao even

>> No.19383439
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>the restaurant is at fault
>why hasnt the restaurant been sued over this obvious flaw

Wtf is wrong with people!

>> No.19383544

I understand that's a bad part of it too. But I still don't think that this kids only option should be killing himself. He will never have a real job or stable relationship after this. I don't think sushi or ceo profits are worth that. If I ate the food he did that to I'd want to punch him in the face. But I wouldn't want him and his parents lives to be completely ruined.

>> No.19383648

he was Japanese though.

>> No.19383671

gamo's gamo's.

>> No.19383712
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>Act like a nigger
>Live in country where crime is still punished
>Be punished for committing crime
>Cry like a nigger because he only wanted to commit crime, not be punished for committing them
We can only hope the faggot kills himself out of shame and that it's massively reported on. Let everyone his age see the consequences of nigger behavior.

>I want to live in a high trust society, but also actively encourage low trust behavior
Kill yourself, libertarian. Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society

>> No.19383741

>pulling a mob several levels higher than yours
skill issue, nothing to do with dex builds

>> No.19383852

I'm not any of the anons you've been replying too but I wanted to make sure you get called a dumb nigger as much as possible so here is another you. Also you don't know when to hyphenate. You are a "low-IQ" individual, for example, not a "low IQ" individual.

>> No.19383945

ESL rage

>> No.19384236

I don't understand why you would associate knowing how too hyphenate with being ESL but I probably wouldn't understand most of what's going on in that fascinating little head of yours. Assuming you had breakfast yesterday, how would you have felt if you hadn't?

>> No.19384271

I would have empahy for them ofc. I too have done very stupid shit which I regreted later. But this sushi restaurant got its image severely damaged by this little shit. This is why they say they didn't intend to record it, because the lawsuit is about the damages the restaurant sustained due to the virality of the video.

You should insure your kids btw. You don't know the damage they can do nowadays.

>> No.19384304

>mother needs to sell herself into sexual slavery to the CEO's son to pay off the debt
Trust me that's how it'd going to go down, I'm an expert in this

>> No.19384380

>He isn't sorry he did it. He's sorry he was caught.

lol this is the most reddit faggity comment i've ever seen in my life. please go back.

>> No.19384400

t. sushi licker

>> No.19384409
File: 11 KB, 225x225, 1352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>short wendy stock.
>go over there and film myself hiding boogers in the pepper shaker
>post all over tic tac
>go viral

how has no one ever thought of this??

>> No.19384419

This news is like 4-6 months old anon.

>> No.19384425

>Details of the lawsuit were recently revealed.

>> No.19384795

>in order to pay off his debt he’ll likely be sold by his parents as a japanese schoolboy twink

>> No.19384809

bro that screenshot of a 4chan post isn't "scientifically proven". although it really brings out the midwits who agree with it

>> No.19384825

Nah there are some legit scientific studies about low iq and not being able to think about the future consequences of their actions and empathize with others. I won't link them because it's not my job to educate you shitlord :^)

>> No.19384836

good, I don't want your links to the (((studies show))) articles

>> No.19384853

>old people and millennials don't care and eat anyway
>zoomers all flock to wendys to film their own vertical cancer
>profits up 400 points
>youre out of the money
>gas yourself in the financed 2021 M3
>thats the ugly one that looks like a racist chinaman cartoon
>what the fuck were those krauts thinking

>> No.19384876

I'm shocked this thread has managed to reach bump limit over the course of several days and it's still a vigorous but civil conversation that hasn't devolved into something more sinister

>> No.19384884

little shit got what's coming and the parents got to pay for being shit for their bad parenthood

>> No.19384934

Your extremist version of empathy is what's killing the human race.

>> No.19384941

>some stupid shit most people did at least once
Never in a million years would I think to fuck with stranger's food, go fuck yourself

>> No.19384946

People much older than you would have the same thoughts. Congrats on limiting yourself

>> No.19384964

Anyone who thinks he's going to get the whole fine is retarded. The high fine is a PR stunt. It's going to be lowered down to something much more reasonable and/or the guy will have to do community service. Then the restaurant will look good at giving mercy at the end, and it will be an example of "he was lucky to get off with a light sentencing so don't even try it".

>> No.19385540

>a literal soi boi

>> No.19385613

All true plus slander/defamation, or whatever the fuck this is, is a big fucking deal in Nip Island. Doesn't matter even if it's true, if it's proven that you cost someone/thing money, you're fucked. Kid should just commit sudoku with how he's gonna get raped in court and life

>> No.19385678

I'm not american and you seem unfamiliar with the concept of deterrent

>> No.19385739


>> No.19385858

t. barbarian

>> No.19385875

he wasn't disagreeing

>> No.19385924
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Meh, I don't feel bad for him. Tampering with food is fucked up, and the fact they recorded it means they wanted to keep it around to have a laugh, knowing that some unsuspecting person was gonna use that same bottle with his germs all over it.
I did a lot of stupid stuff as a kid/teen, but not once did it ever cross m mind "hmmmmmmm, I'm gonna put my whole mouth over the salt shaker".

>> No.19386569

You can sue a kid in Japan?
They are never going to collect that.

>> No.19386591

Since there is no possible way the kid can afford to pay that, does that mean the sushi chain will be able to enslave him and make him work for the sushi chain until his debt is paid off?
I thought that was how things worked in Japan. I mean, don't parents sell their kids into sexual slavery when they have too much debt?

>> No.19387422

they own him now.

>> No.19387430

>starts a restaurant where you need to lick the food of off communal bottles

>> No.19387603

Yes actually but I can't get into too much detail

>> No.19389093

imagine if he were a little school girl instead
I tell you people would be lining up