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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 4 KB, 1200x600, Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom_(1-2).svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19366174 No.19366174 [Reply] [Original]

Why their food suck so much? Is it cultural?

>> No.19366183

Goodest of morning, you banchod

>> No.19366184

go away

>> No.19366190
File: 369 KB, 620x348, 8 quid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nation of peasants, it shows in their food. Anyone with any gumption or sense of pride fled to America a couple hundred years ago. Now all that's left are the serfs

>> No.19366193

thats disgusting

>> No.19366787
File: 399 KB, 3648x2490, marmite-1-1306819734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much...

Bought one of these from a trip to Reading just to see why it's famous.

Regretted it on the first bite immediately.

Even it's Downunda cousin Vegemite is much of the same.

Apparently it's what sailors ate on long trips to prevent Scurvy and Colera.

All I'll say to that is that we're living in the best generation of humanity.

>> No.19366855

Psychological. Living in Britain is so grim that as a people we are depressed and this is reflected in our cuisine.

>> No.19366859

Kek loser

>> No.19366901


I come from the Mediterranean and British food is comfy as fuck to me.
I don't know what everyone on here is on about.

I would rate British cuisine as one of my favourites.

>> No.19366910

If you don't know how to properly eat Marmite you are guaranteed to be a shit cook.
I mean, it pretty much shows that you have no clue how food works.

>> No.19366912

>tfw you gotta sneeze but only have a piece of bread

>> No.19366918

>rapid industrialization and urbanization
>great depression
>decades of postwar austerity
the average bong family has been living in poverty mode for over a century

>> No.19366919

Because American food is somehow better than British food?
What are you even on about?
American food is disgusting.

>> No.19366922

Poor countries often have comfy food, and the British are no exception.
Stop meming.

>> No.19366924

cope harder nigel my city has better food than your entire country

>> No.19366926
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>> No.19366929

This man fucks

>> No.19366942

>pizza slop, disgusting dough and a kilo of fake cheese on top
>burger slop, kilo of cheap minced meat and fake cheese
>Chinese, pasta noodles with syrup and soy sauce on top

No thanks. I would happily eat British food instead of whatever your shit country has to offer.

>> No.19366943

Britain uses guns and force to conquer more land, in this case, this anon's mind.
As usual, we'll take all natural resources (none found) and leave it better than we found it (only for the natives to ruin it).

>> No.19366947

No one asked bitch tits. You will always be irrelevant. See you tomorrow as you obsess over America lmao

>> No.19366963

Brit food is a combination of subsitence-survival food and depression food, designed to cope with living on a bleak and dire island.

>> No.19366967

American cuisine consists of naming fast food chains.

What did you have for breakfast?
What did you have for lunch?
And for dinner?
KFC and then DunkinDonuts for dessert.

And when it's not some fast food chain, it is some meme food creation that consists of layers lots of cheap meat and cheese in a bun.

And when it's not that, then it's come casserole that turns out to be a botched and much inferior version of an actual recipe from the old continent.

Hope you remember this comment, when you are shitting your guts out in some trench in the next armed conflict that your shit country will engage in, after having ingested the plastic MRE provided by Uncle Sam.

>> No.19366975

You're the non American obsessing over America. Not me.

>> No.19366998

What the fuck is this thread about, again, remind me?
Sod off.
Go choke on one of your disgusting "food creations".
At least you are smart enough to not call it a recipe, because you subconsciously know that you would be laughed out of any high class establishment with the abominations you call food.

>> No.19367005

So keep being a non American obsessing about Americans. That's all you. Not me.

>> No.19367013

Its just mindbroken Muricans trolling as they have no food culture, anything they claim as an American dish was created by immigrants

>> No.19367017

Don't bother. europoors are eternally mind broken because they realize no one cares about them.

>> No.19367047

>Full English Breakfast
>Pie with mushy peas and Gravy
>Roast Dinner
All fantastic. Just because kippers and the toast sandwich exist doesn't mean its all bad.

>> No.19367052


>> No.19367087
File: 191 KB, 1032x737, ezgif-5-d623a7007a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool story
What brits actually eat:
>toast or cereal for breakfast
>pot noodle and a cold gregg's sausage roll
>whatever the fuck pic related is supposed to be

>> No.19367099

Mate just take the L, it's getting embarrassing

>> No.19367104

brits are so stupid

>> No.19367170

seethe serf, back to your root veggies and bread, maybe your lord will give you some meat come the next religious festival

>> No.19367207

Slavery happened in the US last I checked.

>> No.19367214

Didn't ask ahmed

>> No.19367222

1. All Protestant states have simple food because of puritanism and stuff. Simple life, praising god, no frills.

2. Britain also industrialised first so it established a culture of eating processed food first.

3. British food isn't all bad. Roasts, fish and chips, pies. Also Britain has a great tradition of baking, with an extraordinary number of delicious sweet biscuits, puddings and cakes.

>> No.19367230

most of england has a culture that would make fly-over states look positively cosmopolitan.

>> No.19367233

Also Britain literally invented mass produced chocolate and candy

>> No.19367236

Yeah nowadays but I mean where does the customary bland food come from. That's what I was getting at.

>> No.19367237 [DELETED] 
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Now report it to the jannies like the bitch you are lmao

>> No.19367243

They really do have terrible food.

>> No.19367269

>muh cheesesteak
>muh burger this
>muh burger that
>muh apple pie
>muh turkey this and that

Bitch please. How about we talk about the childish palate of you Yankies. Cannot stomach anything other than beef and chicken breast.
Yet somehow very eager to eat processed shit.

>> No.19367270

>Its just mindbroken Muricans
OP doesn't sound American by the first sentence. It's really sad that you can just start insulting random people so easily.

>> No.19367285

OP sounds like some ESL that landed in America yesterday but is already waving the American flag and dissing on other countries.
Probably wondering why the Brits don't each fried rats in sewer oil like he does back home.

>> No.19367364
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>muh greggs
>muh beanz
>muh ready meals
>muh takeaways
>muh "crisps"
>muh cheeky nandos

>> No.19367385

cooked some some clueless American,
you can tell because the chips are cut American style

>> No.19367497

Only Americans use the word "suck" to describe something as bad

>> No.19367504

that blows

>> No.19367525

I think it's great. I like simple food, like good bread, cheese, and sausage. I'm pretty sure they invented or at least popularized sandwiches and hamburgers, so the popularity of English food is extremely underrated.

I think the problem is their empire has been collapsing for decades. They're too decadent and consumeristic, so most of what you see people eating is junk food, street food, and foreign takeout - various kinds of fast, takeout-type food.

>> No.19367548

I wouldn't describe British food as simple, because there are lots of European cuisines that are simpler.

>> No.19367552


>Oi m8, I can't believe we're 'avin boiled beets for dinner again

British food is depressing af

>> No.19367555


Don't you hate on the US, Nigel. A short list of our accomplishments:

>We made English better

>We invested the moon just to conquer it

>Taco Bell originated here

>> No.19367657

"Why their food" still sounds like ESL grammar. An American would say "why does their food".

Just stop letting yourself get baited into insulting random people so easily. That makes it easy for you to be used by someone who doesn't care about you.

>> No.19368031
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oi m8 u wot

>> No.19368104
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some of it is pretty good

>> No.19368117

That's not American that's bizzaroworld looking shit, maybe Canadian.

>> No.19368119

bongs will make a million excuses but the truth is simply that northern countries have garbage food culture. people only think br*tish food is the worst because they don't know what they eat in finland.

>> No.19368132

War rationing, recipes from before that are completely different. There was even a time after the great war that children had developed a preference for the powdered eggs over fresh ones

>> No.19368606

better in Scotland with a slice of haggis and black pudding, but still better than the English attempt

>> No.19368615

The breakfast tradition is overrated. There are so much good British foods and you pick the one which is basically putting things together on a plate.

If I had to pick one, it would be meat pies, or cornish pastries, something that Americans seem to stupid to figure out how to do.

>> No.19368619

I would agree. Except I would not categorize the Brits with the Nords. Brits and Germans are the mid-tier. Not as good as the south but not as bad as Norway and Finland.

>> No.19368629

Bongs just cant cuisine, its just how it is.

>> No.19368641

Most cuisines on the planet are literally worse.
Brits are bad?
I'd rather eat British food that being condemned to a life of eating Asian or Latino food concoctions.

>> No.19368643

Every nation is a nation of peasants. Even if you set up a rich person commune you'd still need peasants because they don't know how to do shit for themselves

>> No.19368647

That's an American, we don't call them Spaghettios, we call them spaghetti hoops or spaghetti rings

>> No.19368652

Very American dish too. Most yanks under 40 can't cook so just eat chain restaurant slop

>> No.19368654

Boomers raised by WW2 parents. Younger people put more effort in but the old like bland shit because it's what they were raised with, because their parents had 2 ounces of butter and 4 ounces of meat a week and had to make it last. My granddad just yesterday wanted me to make a cottage pie that was just unflavoured in any way mashed potatoes atop browned mince and onions, without even salt or pepper. I made it properly, with a gravy and he liked it but said he preferred just bland minced beef and potatoes. Can't fix a 92 year old's taste though.

I also had to take over because he can barely stand and shouldn't really be using the oven, but I walked in and he was pouring rancid oil from one of those spray things into the onions that was 12 years out of date.

>> No.19368665

How many times have these threads been made? It's made so many times on /ck/ it isn't even funny any more. It's why people think Apple Pie is American and not British. Or people who think hamburgers are American and not British. Or people who think eggnog is American and not British. People are dumb and get their memes from the 40's when GI's went over and were presented with food from a rationing nation that had to use every piece of food available to survive and had limited spices and flavours to add to it.

>> No.19368734

don't diss mushy peas. you've clearly never tried them

>> No.19368911

You sucking British cock might be. Back home with you tastelet amerimutt

>> No.19368917

Yes, because of all that gun toting persecution and the need to commit genocide and celebrate it on Turkey Day.

If America celebrated wiping out a people I'd have respect but you're all focused on rewriting your not existent history into the eternal professional victimhood. You stole everything you have and sit on top of the pile because of it, all least the war machine is honest about it you west coast wannabe tastelet chef

>> No.19368923

yes Nordic cuisine is basically beige stuff out of a packet or maybe picked stuff out of a jar

they take pride in having extremely bland miserly open sandwiches for lunch and having frozen pizza as a special treat

British food is just a bunch of stuff oven roasted, boiled or fried, possibly in a pie . It's fine

>> No.19368938

Wait a second. Hamburgers are British and not German?
Also, is true that the UK invented the concept of cooking raw meat?

>> No.19368961

the cunt is dead,
her son is the king now and he's a foodie btw, while the queen was notorious for her bad food tastes

>> No.19369054

>I come from the Mediterranean
>British food is comfy as fuck to me
I don't believe you

>> No.19369079

And then they got sidelined by other countries that did everything better

>> No.19369084

We already do this better in the states

>> No.19369120

It's all entirely a meme based on cherry-picking the absolute worst examples, and in a lot of cases, obvious jokes. Then it's compared with the best examples of the most renown cuisines worldwide and used to widen the gap, while also ignoring other cuisines which are similar, or worse.
Nobody discusses things like Norwegian, or Finnish food for example.

>> No.19369258

UK has Pastry shops selling meat pies and sausage rolls and chippies selling each combination of fried junk food. What does the US have of comparable comfiness?

>> No.19369277

what is the best and most tasty meat pie?

>> No.19369298

Their modern cuisine and food culture was born out of severe WWII-era rationing and scarcity. So their food culture evolved into poverty cuisine and never changed. And unlike other famous world cuisines like Italian food that were also born from poverty and scarcity but ended up elevating it to something greater, the Brits were content with just eating dull poorfag slop.

And of course their coping mechanism is to deflect onto Americans for being rich, having excess, and more food options than the Brits can ever dream of.

>> No.19369311

They are all tasty. It's personal preference, really.

>> No.19369354
File: 397 KB, 1536x1536, Cornish-Pasty-4-square-1536x1536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meat pies, or cornish pastries,
YUCK! I'd feed these to my dog maybe.

>> No.19369362

Scotch pies, obtained from a chippy at 11pm, while a lass vomits in the street outside

>> No.19369522

>no proof op is american
>uk and us signing more and more cooperation agreements
you can't destroy our friendship!!!

>> No.19369532
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>British 'food', amirite? XDDD
It is almost sad just how much one nation can cause so much impotent seethe

>> No.19369550
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>> No.19369554
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>> No.19369556
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sosij rolls and bisto

>> No.19369557
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>> No.19369559
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>> No.19369562
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>> No.19369567
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>> No.19369569
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>> No.19369572
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>> No.19369576
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>> No.19369582
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>> No.19369584
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>> No.19369586
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>> No.19369589
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>> No.19369591
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>> No.19369596

Some of it is probably decent.

>> No.19369599
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>> No.19369602
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>> No.19369605
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It's food depressed people eat, and when you consider the UK's downward trajectory over the past 5-10 years this makes perfect sense.

>> No.19369613

me on the left after pride month

>> No.19369622

that's disgusting. you nearly made me spew

>> No.19369707


>> No.19370357

some of it is, but there's nothing particularly interesting about roast chicken, lamb hotpot or beef stew, so the weird shit some student made from leftovers is what gets remembered

>> No.19370378

My boyfriend on the left after pride month

>> No.19370631

I had steak and salad for my tea today

>> No.19370636
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>Fackin' heat wave, innit.

>> No.19370643
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>> No.19371060

They're British, need I say more?

>> No.19372390


>> No.19372393
File: 53 KB, 750x500, cheese-pineapple-hedgehog-257496722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cheese and pineapple hedgehog
game changer

>> No.19372436

Why do I come to this board when I'm eating?

>> No.19373703

It’s fine. It’s not a mind blowing cultural gem like Italian or similar but there’s nothing really wrong with it. They could stand to add more vegetables.

>> No.19373708

This tastes weird the first time but I can absolutely see how someone would develop a craving for it.

>> No.19374036

this. also we never say "italian meatballs" for no reason. italian meatball sub at subway? sure. you dont really find "italian meatballs" in stores, usually is only regular meatballs/swedish meatballs. literally only mutts obsess over "italian meatballs"

>> No.19374117

>as seen on social media

>> No.19375150

Take it from a beaner such as myself. I can guarantee British cuisine would go from like a 5/10 to like a 7/10 (maybe 7.5) if they swapped out the white beans for black beans. Those things are little nuggets of delicious beany goodness.

>> No.19375207
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>sense of pride

>> No.19375220
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This is a gimmick restaurant owned by a guy who openly has said he wants fat people to eat themselves to death as quickly as possible so as not to burden society. Explain pic related at a football pitch, bong.

>> No.19375230

Norfers will eat fucking anything as long as it's drenched in enough gravy.

>> No.19375442

Midlanders too.
T. Midlander who had gravy today

>> No.19375520

why you can't speakie englis?

>> No.19375521

shut up anti white racist trash

>> No.19375533

Anyone would

>> No.19375678

Nta but you are in a thread obsessing over another nation's food lol

>> No.19375680

Oh hell no, you mean to tell me that you're serious? I thought you were just having some fun, but you're actually getting mad about other people mocking your food?

>> No.19375720

Not our fault you're such a faggot tastelet.

>> No.19375730

> This man fucks
Other men


>> No.19375762

> boiled beets

No-one else in the world calls beetroot beets, but Americans.
At least fucking try.......

>> No.19375770
File: 1.12 MB, 2048x1536, Eels_1385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an American I will say jellied eels are a superfood that I wish we had here for a reasonable price.

>> No.19375776

Just because your mom can't cook , eh fagboi

>> No.19375784
File: 1.17 MB, 1080x810, proper-scran.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To quote Douglas Adams:
>There is a feeling which persists in England that making a sandwich interesting, attractive, or in any way pleasant to eat is something sinful that only foreigners do.
>"Make 'em dry," is the instruction buried somewhere in the collective national consciousness, "make 'em rubbery. If you have to keep the buggers fresh, do it by washing 'em once a week.''
>It is by eating sandwiches in pubs on Saturday lunchtimes that the British seek to atone for whatever their national sins have been. They're not altogether clear what those sins are, and don't want to know either. Sins are not the sort of things one wants to know about. But whatever their sins are they are amply atoned for by the sandwiches they make themselves eat.

>> No.19375819

Sometimes I like to get the gammon with a pineapple ring instead of the egg and then eat it at the end as a dessert

>> No.19375828

Dry, brown, tastes foods roughen up the digestive tracts and bodily innards, giving the mind and soul a hardy resolve and preparing you for life's hardships.

Men who dine on sushi and taco bell are weak, their stomachs are weak, their emotions and brain chemistry that of a menopausal woman.

>> No.19375830


>> No.19375840

that's the most vile thing I've ever seen that was intended for human consumption, and you're taking the absolute piss

>> No.19375841
File: 78 KB, 453x660, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is reminding me of something

>> No.19375846

No, it has gelatin, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids, everything a man needs, don't care what it looks like

>> No.19375866
File: 725 KB, 2340x1080, Screenshot_20230613_131420_com.google.android.youtube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking anglos man. What the fuck is this shit?

>> No.19375879

Idk if Anon is wrong. I came in here searching for an explanation like that. I’m not much for woke thinking but it seems like white may have something to do with boring food. I am not a professional racist and am not sure what France is considered.

>> No.19376628
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>> No.19376672

>MuH cItY
Your city is a dirty shithole memed into relevance by the financial sector
This is true for every American city

>> No.19376681

>Shit yourself in public
>People call you a filthy retard
>"Lol obsessed!"
Middle Eastern goatfuckers are better people than you, mutt

>> No.19378224

>chips are cut American style
You’re really grasping at straws huh

>> No.19378393
File: 920 KB, 828x1510, avg-bong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's genetic

>> No.19379710

i love british food and you can't stop me

>> No.19379884

>Fish fingers are an entirely British thing
>Baked beans served in tomato sauce are an entirely British thing
>Side serving of bread with a meal is an entirely British thing.

>> No.19379972
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HAG slaps tho

>> No.19379976
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M'lord, pray share some beige with us. Winter last was harsh, and our youngest John didn't make it. Please spare us your slop so we may fatten for the coming cold. Please m'lord, we would be honored to take your eels and offal. God be praised for this bounty.