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19358244 No.19358244 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for discussing teas, tisanes, and other herbal infusions.
info: types of tea, where to get tea, how to brew tea
Previous thread: >>19334037

>> No.19358251

general with most posters with asian girlfriends.

>> No.19358252

Just say tea. It's already exotic enough. Some sinobo tea server at this tea house told me most confident losers say first flush Darjeeling.

>> No.19358253

Tea was brought to europe 400 years ago. Now take your retarded shit and go away.

>> No.19358274

anyone familiar with ivan tea? i found that it tastes worse when you sweeten it. i want to find what i can add to it to make the flavor easier

>> No.19358303

My gf is indian, does that count as asian to you?

>> No.19358322

does anyone else enjoy japanese greens much more than chinese greens?
even the rather expensive long jing or bi luo chun variants I've had are less enjoyable to me than some mid-tier sencha or kabusecha and I go for them much less often

>> No.19358337

well, we don't expect indians in the amwf category. but curious, do you mostly drink indian tea or chinese/japanese tea?

>> No.19358354

>amwf category
amwf or wmaf* category
me personally i prefer indian girls to chinese girls, and also prefer indian teas. wonder if there's a connection.

>> No.19358380
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Yingpan shan black ftom farmer leaf, really nice mouth feel. Insane for the price imo.

>> No.19358398

I've found out that drinking tea is what's making me so unbearably horny every day
Coffee was taken from me because of heart palpitations...macaroni cheese and anything creamy or milky was taken because of lactose intolerance...I can't give up yet another cherished part of my life

>> No.19358445

What are you drinking? Horny goat weed tea?

>> No.19358457

Literally all tea. It's the caffeine I assume. FUCK. I never even finished the giant tub of duck shit my ex gave me.

>> No.19358471

pu-erh tea lesbian detected

>> No.19358585

Chinese (incl Taiwan) or Chinese/Taiwan style teas grown in other SEA regions, Indian, Jap
In that order of preference.
I personally prefer Longjing, TGY and bitter ass shengs. But yes, I enjoy Darjeeling offerings, but mostly the really tangy autumn picks which are usually considered less desirable.

>> No.19358592

>and also prefer indian teas. wonder if there's a connection.
doubt. the jap neighbor I know prefers Indian tea as well. Indian tea definitely hits different. Not talking about Assam since assam is so meh.

>> No.19358771

Good longjing has a nice nuttiness I don't think I could get anywhere else. I don't really have any interest in other Chinese green teas though. Japan's almost single minded focus on green tea has developed into something pretty good, it's in a weird place in the broader tea market but I enjoy it a lot. Too expensive in general for most "casual drinking", harder to source, harder than most teas to brew, and requires more care to store. It makes sense that black tea became more popular globally, in a way.

>> No.19358984
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are fundanshis inherently linked to tea

>> No.19359014

That tea is straight up furry

>> No.19359018

Love the color on those leaves, they look like little jewels

>> No.19359294

what did you do to that poor crumpet. it looks more like a pancake

>> No.19359295

please dont use that word

>> No.19359317
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tfw no aspie tea gf

>> No.19359399

>no aspie east Asian tea gf

>> No.19359436

my gf is Egyptian. they have a tiny part in Asia ig

>> No.19359476
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2nd sample from YS tasting pack. not bad but makes me wish i were drinking the 2013 menghai 7562. might need to adjust the brewing with this one to get the best out of it.

>> No.19359481

Netflix Egyptians don’t count, Tyrone.

>> No.19359487

That looks like some stuff that's been swept up from a hair cutting salon, not fit for human consumption.

>> No.19359508
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I suspect that a CHUD is hiding underneath that mess.

>> No.19359513

I've never tried the YS ripes, but I think it's hard to beat some factory cakes in terms of value. My Awazon order should be here next week, I'll be sure to report on the 12$ full size Fuhai cake

>> No.19359523
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She's Coptic though. Mother from Alexandria, Dad from Cairo. Her first language is Arabic and she has a cute accent in English. Got one of those tiny coptic cross tattoos on both her wrists so she can't lie to muslims if they get uppity. real deal egyptian.

>> No.19359536

yeah i'm surprised it's about 50% more expensive than the menghai brick as well. there's a couple more YS branded puerhs in the pack so we'll see if it's a pattern.
nice always interesting to get info on cheap cakes.

>> No.19359544

Go eat some "pattern" and see how far that gets you. It's from an old radio show if you don't get it.

>> No.19359568

i don't get it :(

>> No.19359604

I tried to look up the OTR show for you but they're obscure and not easy to find. I'll find it eventually, it's some scifi that I love listening to late at night while doing other stuff. Finding them on cue is not easy.

>> No.19359623

There's also a 19$ 7572 taetea cake from 2011 on there btw. Beautiful prices from 10 years ago.

>> No.19359651
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That reminded me of Devil Dogs, gotta get some.

>> No.19359684

Just put in this year's Yunnan Sourcing order, a lot of repeats this time because I'm starting to hone in on my favorites. The dragon well, bai mudan, and orchid aroma lapsang are staples for me, the rest is experimentation. I've had a rock oolong sample before (forget where it was from) but I wanted a little more quantity this time because I know I'll like it.

>> No.19359690
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Forgot pic, silly me.

>> No.19359700

I just opened the pastebin and this is the most autistic shit I have ever seen. You guys cannot be serious.

>> No.19359713

You really haven't seen autism if you think a chart is autistic

>> No.19359746
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You forgot durian, what are you goofy?

>> No.19359777

Damn AWAZON finally blew up, i should hurry up and grab a few kilos before you nerds buy it all up.

>> No.19359790

Wuui oolong is always a good call. Drink the yaobao ASAP it ages worse then green tea from what ive read so enjoy it while it's fresh.

>> No.19359796
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I can get even more autistic

>> No.19359800

Buy black tea
Put a spoonfull in a mug, fill with boiling water. Drink when its cool enough. If you want to make your life easier get a stainless steel filter basket on Amazon, use that in the mug, brew for 3-4 minutes.

>> No.19359807

wait until you see the type of autism coffeefags have. tea is mostly simple, a lot of it works fine with nothing but a cup and hot water

>> No.19359814

I wouldn't say it blew up, I never see it mentioned outside this thread. this thread just likes cheap somewhat sussy stores like fullchea

>> No.19359826

My awazon orders are stuck at "Origin post is preparing shipment" since like the 30th :(

>> No.19359829

Good to know on the yaobao, I've heard great things about it but I figured it would have a similar shelf life to other white teas, I have no problem drinking it quickly based on the descriptions I've read.

>> No.19359895

coffeefags are gearqueers which is insanely more autistic than just "measure weight and volume, be careful not to burn" basic baking stuff that tea has

>> No.19359903

i dunno, some of the clay tea pot stuff gets pretty intense.

>> No.19359969

Clay pot autism is so convoluted and full of grifts that genuinely it's smarter to just stick with porcelain and be happy. Porcelain is outright just the best material overall and is as far as you ever have to gearqueer. Clay is subjective and not required to know to make good tea.

>> No.19359976

She can get autistic on my p3n0r

>> No.19360147
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My non-tea-drinking grandfather apparently has a collection of random teaware he has collected over the years. He recently found out I enjoy tea and decided to show me his teaware and gave me a teapot.

At a glance, nothing looked particularly exciting, but he gave me a clay teapot with some kind of blossom branch design on it from his collection which was nice of him.

>> No.19360155

that kyusu could come in handy. if it has a lid, that is

>> No.19360167

I've got a cake of the 2019 bu lang pig thats pretty good.

>> No.19360290
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>> No.19360332
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>the tea set is wedgwood blue and white
This inspired me to snap a quick pic of my fav wedgwood cups

>> No.19360411
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Also, another white tea review. This is Spring 2022 silver needles white tea of Feng Qing I got from yunnan sourcing. The aroma is sweet hay, with delicate citrus and delicate floral notes. The flavor surprised me; lightly sweet with toffee flavors, some bitterness, some astringency, some mineral tastes. Color of the liqour was tan. The leaf quality was okay, intact whole buds, little breakage, about half of all buds had signs of oxidation that turned up after brewing. There was quite a bit of leaf flake from broken up leaves clinging to the buds and I wound up with some in every pour - unfortunate. I'm impressed with the flavor of this tea - it hits a little harder than the other silver needles I've had and gave a consistent strength across ten infusions. First infusion at 5 minutes, then 7, 9, 11, 14, 19, 24, 30, 36, then a final multi hours long cold water steep. Delicious!

Overall, I rate this tea a "good", beneath "very good" and above merely "okay", downgraded from very good for leaf quality issues. Others might rate this as being merely "okay" above being just "passable" because the flavor was not delicate enough for a silver needle.

>> No.19360540

Sounds nice, i still haven't explored white teas at all, i guess i should try some.

>> No.19360607

err then don't drink it?

>> No.19360624

So add sugar to the water, fool.

>> No.19360745

Proof that autism is hereditary

>> No.19360802
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>> No.19361046

Doesn't relate to this thread which is mostly about east Asian teas. The regular people who drink black tea from tea bags are not the same kind of people who stash Chinese tea leaves, learn Chinese, and collect Asian teawares.

>> No.19361098

Keep repeating that three times over and some witches on broomsticks might come to help you out of your problems.

>> No.19361153

looks fine, be sure to leave a review here. do you ever steep it long and add milk?

>> No.19361698

add less yerba or use colder water

>> No.19361794
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is it true that you should let your cakes rest for a while after shipping or is it just a meme?

>> No.19361811

I have noticed a nontrivial difference in the taste of a tea cake straight out of the shipping box vs after it has spent a few days in my storage.
But that doesn't mean you need to wait to try it. It doesn't matter if you open it and drink some right when you get it. Putting a cake in your storage for a few days isn't going to make a bad tea taste good either.

>> No.19361815

desu I don't even have boveda packs yet because all I drink is ripe and I go through it quickly
so I guess in that case it wouldn't make much of a difference?

>> No.19361853

Try it next time you get some tea in and see what you think. Drink some right after opening the package and then come back to it after a day or three.

>> No.19362040
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trying fu brick for the first time today. a sample of this 2017 XiangYi brick from KTM
it brews up much lighter than ripe or liu bao and the aroma and flavor are completely different as well
it reminds me of some semi-aged shou mei I've had. it has a similar combination of "dried apples / pears + autumn leaves on the ground" type notes to those two. also a bit of clean earthiness on the finish and a hint of grain... and a nice bit of huigan / returninig sweetness afterwards

didn't expect it to be so much more like shou mei than ripe or liu bao. it's pretty subtle. I'll have to drink some more before I decide if I want more of something like this in my life. maybe I'll try to push it more next time

does this sound like what a fu brick should typically taste like? I hear some of them can be more smoky

>> No.19362068

Just got a Yunnan Sourcing order in, and I guess since I haven't ordered any pu erh in a while, they sent me a sample of their Everyday Drinker Menghai


To be honest I'm still pretty new to pu erh. Typically, while I like the flavor of most ripes I've tried, it has often been too intense to really enjoy a full session, undoubtedly a result of my struggling to find my ideal brewing parameters yet.

Using a fair amount of leaf and flash steeps, this one's been a lot more forgiving, coming out a little more mild while still giving an enjoyable ripe flavor. I've also only ever had Kunming storage ripes, and branching out with this Menghai has been a welcome change of pace, though I'm not well versed enough to hand out good tasting notes. Really grateful I got to try this, definitely inspires me to go back and try the cakes I've ordered in the past some more. I'm very surprised I like such cheap shou so much, though of course for seasoned pu erh drinkers I'm sure the story would be different.

>> No.19362143

>I'm very surprised I like such cheap shou so much, though of course for seasoned pu erh drinkers I'm sure the story would be different
ripe is actually a category of tea where you can get really tasty stuff for cheap. that's one of the best things about it
in fact today I'll be receiving a cake that's half the price per gram of this loose leaf from YS and I'm expecting it to be quite nice

>> No.19362145

Money's been tight for a while but when it's less of an issue I was hoping to place a moychay order (can I still buy from them as a burger?) with some fireweed. You're not happy with the taste?

I enjoy whipping out my Jap gear, and it's so different from my other teas it fills a niche I feel like more often than China greens, but the ceiling for mainland green is just as high. I need to find more steamed Chinese greens, the one or two I had were truly excellent.

good mate has all sorts of flavor beyond bitter, but if the bitterness keeps the plebs from spiking the price like actual tea, feel free to stay out.

>> No.19362166

interesting, never got these from mate. it's usually more sweet than savory to me. I guess the paprika and bacon would be from the smoked nature of some mates. to me they tend to taste more like the smell of a bonfire

what steamed chinese greens have you had btw? I've only tried enshi yulu before

>> No.19362473

>does this sound like what a fu brick should typically taste like? I hear some of them can be more smoky
There is a bit of a range for fu bricks, some of the modern premium offerings could probably be rightly criticized as being a bit muted taste wise.
There is a pretty big range of fu bricks with different factories making different recipes, also the super premium fu brick is a very modern invention, trying to get in on the puer hype bubble, so they are still learning just how they should go about making one.

>> No.19362510
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Awazon order has arrived
12$ Fuhai cake (7576 IIRC)
20$ Dayi 7572
2002 6ftm ripe tuo
And a chunk of 2006 Dayi Spring of Menghai

Might dig into the 7572 first. I'm curious about the "benchmark ripe"

>> No.19362540

Why does Houjicha feel so weird on my mouth?
It's pleasant, though.

>> No.19362549

The idea of 100g sample portions is hilarious and awesome to me

>> No.19362557

I think it's a very useful size. Lets you try a tea thoroughly without being locked into a whole cake. Much more useful than 7 gram samples tbqh

>> No.19362596

Nice. Report back when you rip into that order.

>> No.19362606

>didn't expect it to be so much more like shou mei than ripe or liu bao.
fu zhian never tastes much like shou or liu bao. The stuff I have had is probably closest in taste to semi aged sheng often with emphasis on the sweet and smokey (not all fu is smoked though) side of things while still being distinctly its own thing. Never really thought of it being like shou mei but I could see it being plausible especially the "autumn leaves" angle. The different grades of fu can be distinctive in taste from one another as well.

>it's pretty subtle.
What brew perimeters did you use? I don't tend to think of either fu zhuan or shou mei being subtle but I also leaf heavily.

>> No.19362617

I just kind of eyeballed it and watched for the color of the liquid. used about 5 grams I think
I'll definitely try to use more next time

>> No.19362619

>Might dig into the 7572 first. I'm curious about the "benchmark ripe"
Not same anon but what do other anons think they dayi 7572 tastes like. I have a 2009 cake that has a distinctly cedar chest with light camphor sort of taste going on while at the same time being a bit less earthy than the typical shou and I was wondering if that flavor profile is typical of the 7572.

>> No.19362762

I like fullchea, and I'm glad they finally ship over here

>> No.19362810

waiting for 2023 spring puerhs...

>> No.19362933

waiting for aged puerh I ordered spring 2023 to get here...

>> No.19362944

Please understand, john works hard to ship your tea quickly.

>> No.19362954

Junjak just taste like sencha, I'm kind of disappointed. I guess I don't know what I expected.

>> No.19363283

To be fair he did ship it fast, China Post Is the one at fault here. Not sure how they can just justify delaying stuff by a over month right now. I am a little annoyed because with how I paid on airmail shipping I expect to be faster.

>> No.19363563

I notice it looks like you prefer less material when you brew. What are your parameters on average and what are your thoughts on it?

>> No.19363615
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I couldn't get through a work week without cheap shou puerh.

>> No.19364695

I love ripe pu-erh. After all this time, i stopped caring about brewing parameters. I just throw in a random amount between 5 and 8 g in my 100mL gaiwan, and the time is whatever i feel like. I mostly go by colour. No matter what i do it still tastes good

>> No.19364717

Grandpa brewing a sunskate mini while I play ddr. Life is good.

>> No.19364814

yeah I always brew ripe by color as well. it makes sense because it can get so dark and the compression levels vary as well so you never know quite how long you need to brew
I try to get a color that's darker than hong cha, but not as black as coffee. I do know that some people prefer their ripes pitch black though

>> No.19365248

trying the cheap 7572 from the Awazon order for the second time today
so far it reminds me of V93, much more so than the Haiwan 9978 I was drinking recently. the flavor does not feature the sweetness and distinct burnt sugar / caramel notes nor the fruitiness of the Haiwan cake. it has more of a doughy and woody character, like the V93. I find it a little boring so far, but I don't judge ripe until I've had a few sessions. maybe it really does need to rest more after shipping too

I'm not getting any camphor, I'm guessing your cake had more of an aged taste than this 2011 dry kunming storage one

>> No.19365638

provide more pictures of the brown one at bottom left
bottom of pot, close up pics, underside of lid, inside of pot

>> No.19365816

>running low on Drunk on Red
>go to YS.us to buy a new tong
>sold out
>check the .com
>also sold out
Well shit, what midrange bulk loose black do I got for instead? It's for kombucha and it's what I've been using for a few years now. I can get by for a batch or two with other blacks in my collection but it will get pricy quick, and plenty have profiles that would clash. Don't want anything smokey or nutty, say.

>> No.19366224

are those fruit peels stuffed with puerh actually good or are they just a novelty?

>> No.19366316

Pretty sure my 7572 cake was dry stored as well but mine was also a different year and batch so that could account for the difference. If anyone else wants to share their 7572 tasting notes for comparison I am interested to hear them.

>> No.19366358

It depends, some of them are pretty nice, some of them are made with cheap ripe.
If you brew with a few small chunks of the peel they taste citrus for the first two or three brews and then they taste more like a standard ripe.
Fullchea has the dried peels themselves for sale if you want to get some and brew it with one of your nice ripes, it's not quite the same as ones that were actually dried and aged inside the fruit but thrn you can control what tea is used.
TLDR yeah they are interesting, don't brew with the entire peel or the citrus flavor is way too strong.

>> No.19366891

Pictures doesn't help, it depends which tea i'm brewing and this specific pic is first brew and i do flash so the leaves are not opened at all yet. Usually when i'm done drinking the leaves would almost reach the lid on most teas. I don't weight my tea i just look at the leaves in the gaiwan.

>> No.19366939
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best 250 bucks i ever spent

>> No.19367668

Made some earl grey and stuffed it in the fridge. Waiting for it to cool down.

>> No.19367716

Man i really regret it when i skip my afternoon tea.

>> No.19367725
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The best way I've found to avoid this terrible fate is to make 2 liters of tea in the morning and drink tea all day.

>> No.19367732
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I thought I was retarded when I spent $70 on mine.

>> No.19367811

Had some strange aged mystery sheng today. it has a dominant strong mushroom and old leather taste and smell. Some vaguely fruity and other earthy notes as well. The tea is quite intense in its flavor. However something about the overall flavor profile seems off and just does not work for me. Its got something weird about it I cant place. Unfortunately despite not being very bitter it also does not quite agree with my stomach. I did not end up fully finishing off the tea session because of this. The material itself looks fine besides a few stems, and I don't think it has any overly wet storage on it, nothing that would explain its unique taste at least. I am not that picky with my sheng either so I don't know what is up. Hopefully it will settle down in my storage otherwise it may end up being one of the few true duds in my collection.

>> No.19367872

Yeah i should try that more often

>> No.19367880

I love buying mystery shengs like that. They usually are at least interesting even if they aren't fantastic.

>> No.19367927

I remember that thread.

>> No.19368080

>green tea lost its flavor
it's ochaver

>> No.19368118
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milkies yummies i love milk tea. i bought a gallon exclusively to make milk tea

>> No.19368131

I plan to buy some tapioca pearls and a bunch of extracts from my asian store so I can make booba tea

>> No.19368411

I want to get into oolong, where should I start? I hear Taiwanese ones are best, any specific recs?

>> No.19368571

Oolong is great, some of the best teas out there.
I would suggest checking out tiwan tea crafts if you want to try some Taiwanese oolongs
Pick a few that sound good, i would suggest getting 50g bags of at least a few of the teas so you have a decent amount to drink. But don't go to crazy, with the greener oolongs you want to plan on drinking them this year as they aren't really processed to stay fresh.
I can link a few that sound good to me but i suggest you read through some product listings and see what speaks to you. I suggest trying a batch or Oriental beauty, something roasted, and some kind of high mountain tea.
They also have some black teas too which might be worth sampling

>> No.19368574

Oh and here is one of the cheaper teas

>> No.19368680
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Wenshan Baozhong soft and nice mouth feel

>> No.19368766
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Drink more 23 year old ripe puer

>> No.19368771

going to crack open the 21 year old ripe tuo from Awazon soon

>> No.19368791

That 23 year old Riper:
>has never heard of raw pu-erh in his life
>goes through half a tong of ripe every month
>buys the cheapest factory cakes he can find
>doesn't think, just sipps
>"Fullchea order coming in"
>hopes his mom doesn't discover the pu-erh attic
>"what do you mean it all tastes the same??"
>is more mushroom than man at this point
>"got Haiwan in my gaiwan ;))"

>> No.19368826

God i wish that was me

>> No.19368847

is there any point in aging ripes? once the wet pile taste disperses from the cake is it really going to change much?

>> No.19368850

they do change, though less dramatically than raws. if you want to see how much impact ageing can have on a ripe, try some of the wet stored ripes from yeeon

>> No.19368874

i have 15 & 10 year ripes and they taste pretty much the same as 1 year old ripes. i also have black teas from the same mountain, same harvest that taste completely different. raw aging i can understand but the whole wet piling is going to break down so much of the tea that i really dont think there's much point in aging ripes

>> No.19368881

>i have 15 & 10 year ripes
that's the issue. they need to be older or more humidly stored

>> No.19368882

Some of the older ripes were much less fermented then the modern ones. Those lighter fermented ones tend to benefit more from aging. Beyond that it does make some difference, but its nowhere near as dramatic as raw.

>> No.19368890

i was looking at this one but the steeping basket not having an elevator function rendered it useless desu. i can't remember it having a timer?
waking up in the morning with your tea already being ready is worth every single buck.

>> No.19368922

sounds like you want a Teasmade

>> No.19369014

trying the 12$ 2009 Fuhai 7576 cake from Awazon for the first time
doughy, woody, creamy, a bit of dark chocolate. very tasty aroma of cookie dough and vanilla. nice medium body. no wet pile aromas or any off flavors.
a very classic, balanced factory ripe, tastes basically the same as the Dayi numbered recipes to me. nothing fancy, but very good value if you want that classic Dayi taste except at half the price

as I drink more of my Awazon order I'll try to see if I can spot any clear differenes between this cake and the Dayi 7572 I also got. so far I've enjoyed my session with the Fuhai more, but maybe I just overbrewed the Dayi cake a bit. we'll see. they're certainly quite similar

>> No.19369036

Nice, it seems like fuhai was making some good teas in the 2000s.

>> No.19369229

>i can't remember it having a timer?
It does, but not the kind you want.

It has a 30 minute keep warm to hold at whatever temp you set, and it has a 1-10 minute brew timer, but you can't fill it with water and tea leaves then set a timer to make tea at 8am or something like that.

Instead I fill it with water before going to bed, then wake up and hit the button to pre-boil and hit the bathroom from my morning absolution, then get dressed and come down to 190f water that is being held at temp for up to 30 minutes. Then I just add tea to the brew basket and let it steep until it's at my desired strength.

Doesn't sound as hands-free as youd like, but I also spent a hell of a lot less.

>> No.19369683

Yes, they do change some over time but less than raws. An extra decade or so also really helps ensure the wet pile tastes clean up.

>> No.19369748

Lowkey ripes basically taste the same desu.

>> No.19369752
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>> No.19369818

amazing new gaiwan. when did you get this? where?

>> No.19369963

Amazon really recently not the best size i have to hold it with my thumb under it otherwise i burn my fingers but i like the look of it.

>> No.19369981
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11 year 7581 cold brew for kombucha.

>> No.19370056

how's that 7581? I hear the recipe tends to be particularly fruity. I should try it sometime

>> No.19370063

>shipping withing europe is 35 euros
the fuck??

>> No.19370073

co2 tax for sustainable shipping

>> No.19370076

what store? that sounds ridiculous unless you're buying like 20 kgs of tea

>> No.19370088

gonna buy from china instead now which will result in more co2, genius
just checked the price with 50g, moychay had only UPS which was 35euros and hotsoup around 25 so still pretty crazy, probably similar price for most stores then. wanted to pick up some of moychay's cheapo ripes

>> No.19370114

you sure they don't have cheaper shipping options? even shipping from China and Japan isn't this expensive, that's just stupid

>> No.19370115

thumb on top of the lid fingers under the gaiwan not the usual way of handling it my bad.

>> No.19370144

I like it. Definitely on the "brighter" side of ripes. No funk, no wood/forest floor, just sweet and mellow.

>> No.19370399
File: 429 KB, 957x941, 2009_lxt_nannuo_ripe_bao_957x941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drinking 2009 Long Xin Tang "Nan Nuo Shan" Ripe Pu-erh. 3 grams and 3 min steep, then 4 min, then 3. thick mouthfeel. blackcurrant. Its not super smooth. its good. but not incredible. Got it as part of a sampler. 3rd steep still has lots of body and flavor.

>> No.19370406

i like medium roasted oolongs the best, dong ding is my favorite. ktm has some good ones

>> No.19370411

I think I got some of that from proust. Wasn't a fan.

>> No.19370430

its good. if this was randomly served, i wouldnt have much complaints.

>> No.19370513

totally an easily acceptable tea?

>> No.19370517

When I say wasn't a fan, I mean I wouldn't reach for it over any other ripe I've got. I only had two sessions with it though. I should probably start actually taking notes at some point.

>> No.19370520

It was probably just as acceptable in 09 as it is now.

>> No.19370536

yeah i started taking notes, gonna have to up my pu erh game. the price is cheap too so idk,i think YS tea is pretty high quality no matter what.

>> No.19370580

whats a good high grade ripe pu erh recommendation?

>> No.19370588

you should take notes too. maybe drop a few grand and rent a nice place for month like me.

>> No.19370594

i drink tea in a place that costs like a few grand a month. do u think that changes the taste of the tea?

>> No.19370737

I thought it was autism too until I got curious and ordered some fresh green tea, and now I'm dropping 100usd orders

>> No.19370896

Tasted like black forest cake. Layers of vibrant cherries and smooth chocolatey notes.
I don't think its a tea that wildly changed with age. It was probably just ok when it was pressed, and just ok now.

>> No.19370941

I see all that model paint lurking back there

>> No.19370952
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only had 9 grams of gyokuro letft in the bag so i decided to brew the whole lot
honestly feel like i'm on amphetamines lads

>> No.19370970

>whats a good high grade ripe pu erh recommendation?
Best ripe ive ever had, tasted like dark chocolate cherry cake, still kicking myself for not buying a brick when it was cheaper. Any way he sells 100g portions, totally worth the 40¢ per gram.

>> No.19370978

>Tasted like black forest cake. Layers of vibrant cherries and smooth chocolatey notes.
I just posted about that same tea, well different batch same recipie, goddamn it was good, black Forest cake is exactly how i would describe it

>> No.19371370
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I salute you, fellow anon of exquisite taste.

>> No.19371656

What's the deal with the tea curious water recipe. It says amorphous silica is difficult to find. It doesn't seem like it is. Is this not just the pharmaceutical grade Silicon Dioxide they add to pills and stuff like that?

>> No.19371948

>I love buying mystery shengs like that.
I enjoy it to and usually have decent luck. I am hoping this cake will settle down after a few months in my storage. Still not sure why the cake tastes off, perhaps its haunted or something.

>> No.19372020

Is LBZ sheng a meme worth paying for?

>> No.19372144

Planning a retarded W2T order, about to commit to generational poverty.
Basically a tong of the new thing is, plus some samples, and one of every dragon ball/coin.
My cart has gotton to the point of instability and can crash the site if you look at it wrong, I am truely reaching a higher plane of autism my fellow lesbian bros.

Did I miss anything?


>> No.19372331

Bruh... I'm speechless. I'll never be able to reach your level.

>> No.19372382

I still can't read white2tea product descriptions without feeling pissed off about the lack of origin information, like where the fuck are these teas from

>> No.19372396

Marigold tea with nattokinase for vaxx damage

>> No.19372443
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Daily black tea (red Ai Lao mountain), enjoying it more with low temp (around 80c) for the first 3-4 steeping then 90c until it doesn't taste good enough. Might drink some raw pu-erh later.

>> No.19372449
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The Nuo Gu Wan small trees from this year (farmer leaf) Smells incredible, fresh, fruity, honey.

>> No.19372718

>LBZ sheng a meme worth paying
Meh, you can get plenty of exciting bulang sheng for a fraction of LBZ prices.

>> No.19372739

farmerleaf 2023 spring teas are out :DD
really beautiful wrappers, three cheapos this year it seems:
have you ordered it yet? i would wait a bit to see if the stuff on farmerleaf is interesting, hes probably gonna release more cakes along the week

>> No.19372755

Oh baby, should i go all in on fresh greens firm farmer leaf, or buy a kilo of old ass ripe?

>> No.19372770
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Day 3 of my scale being broken
Im pretty sure this is somewhere between 8-12 grams of ripe, ive already lost a good portion of my eyeballing accuracy in just a few short days, i was hoping the larger piece would be 7g but i doesn't feel right, then adding the second piece i know i went over but can't tell by how much.
Pls send scales

>> No.19372774

just ordered these:
how'd i do bros (got three ounces of each)

>> No.19372796
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I'm putting mums in my black and can't be stopped

>> No.19372818

New oolong black too "Spring 2023 Fen Shui Ling Oolong Black"

>> No.19372829

Think of it as an exercise in tea identifying. Inspect them very closely. Note the grade, the tasting notes, the condition, age, blend/single origin, perhaps even terroir.
Life is chaotic. Not everything needs a label.

>> No.19372904

I've been meaning to check our farmer leaf for a while, but I honestly just don't drink enough raw pu-erh to bother. maybe once I drink all the stuff I do have
the only raw I've wholeheartedly enjoyed so far was a semi-aged cake that had a very pronounced long-lasting huigan, but it was also pretty expensive
if anyone can recommend a raw cake that's cheap, not to bitter and has a good huigan, I'll be sure to try it

>> No.19372915

Anyone had problem with tea addiction worsening depression and anxiety? I lately went overboard with 2023 shinchas, drinking them like 4-6 times a day, (I'm underweight guy). I go into a loop of more anxiety -> drink more tea to feel good (with increasing jitter and diminishing feel-good throughout the day) -> compensate with more tea. The caffeine probably affects my sleep quality, and when I wake up next morning I have even more crippling, borderline psychotic depression worrying about everything and wanting to die. If I start drinking (tea) early next day I feel the tolerance and it doesn't feel as good anymore, but if I wait until later into the day, it's the most gruesome miserable wait. If I manage to skip a day, the next cup is heavenly.

I had a tooth extraction a while ago and had a week of almost no tea, and in comparison it was the most stable and calm days in a long time, then since getting the new harvest green teas, I've been a complete wreck with my whole life revolving around tea. The problem is, once I start, I can't stop without drinking at least 2 more rounds/varieties within the hour, and if I start early (recommended to not have caffeine for sleep), I still need another session in the evening. I wish I was joking, but don't mess around with fresh tea. Does anyone else have a tea drinking problem, and tips on how to have more healthy relationship with it?

>> No.19372927

I've definitely gotten excited about trying new teas and drank more as a result, but for me that's only like 10g/day split across two sessions (also a lightweight here). Even at that level I just stop feeling good, the tolerance means by the time of my 2nd gong fu session I'm getting drowsy and need that "hit" to feel normal. Usually to reset I just go cold turkey without caffeine for a week or two and then start back up with ~3g light sessions instead of hammering my body again.

I'd highly recommend you just chill out about tea for a bit, don't worry about the fresh teas "going bad," just do what you need to do to drink at a pace that makes you feel good long term. For me that means maximum 1 gong fu session a day of 4-5g, and then if I'm craving more tea I will make decaf coffee or a caffeine-free herbal teabag. Caffeine may be legal and abundant, but it's still a drug, and especially if you are prone to anxiety (I am too) you should be careful with it.

>> No.19372929

I also tend to get obsessed with my hobbies for a while, but it always passes into a more stable phase
my advice is, find something else to do other than sit at home and drink tea. and if the caffeine has you feeling jittery or anxious, do some sports to use the energy for something productive and to calm down. preferably something you can do outside like jogging or swimming, so you can't do it while snorting shincha

other than that, maybe skip the spring greens next time if you feel forced to drink them ASAP. and get something less stimulating, like GABA oolong or ripe pu-erh, or at least bancha

>> No.19372932

>flavored tea
Its a start
Lets us know how the white is, that one can be a bit tricky to get right

>> No.19372936

Godspeed anon

>> No.19372939

Get exercise untill you are tired, improve sleep quality, good luck

>> No.19372942

It's hard to recommend teas that just got released. Might be better to buy loose pu-erh leaves instead of a all cake. Usually the more expensive the less bitter lasting it is so it's hard to find the best of both worlds. Need to try and adjust brewing to best fit your likings when you get your tea. >>19372449 I got this one and if i brew it "wrong" it can be very bitter for my taste so just need to adapt but it's really good and on "cheap".

>> No.19372966
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next sample. took a while to build up to drinking this one, because to me the smell is quite weird.
my palate doesn't really know what to do with the odd funky note in there either. lucky there's enough here for a couple more tastings. checking the YS reviews i think "old books" is probably the right description.

>> No.19372972

Do you eat? Try eating

>> No.19372973

How do you drink tea without becoming a skeleton? I’ve already lost 25 pounds this year.

>> No.19372975

This is for you too >>19372973

>> No.19372978

That one my bad >>19372972

>> No.19372985

Yes but I have no appetite and you can’t eat anything too oily or sweet because it ruins the flavour of the tea.

>> No.19372989

I had a similar idea but with their entire ripe lineup. I decided to skip for now because my collection is too big. Did you email them to see if they have a discount available?

>> No.19373008

Drink water and wash teeth? just don't eat right before tea? wtf are you talking about?

>> No.19373009

Yeah aged pu-erh can be a bit of an acquired taste. It's definitely interesting though, you wouldn't be getting taste associations like "old books, beetroot, damp cellar, old furniture" anywhere else

>> No.19373023

yeah i'm definitely not disliking it, my brain just doesn't know what to do. which is not an uncommon reaction to fermented stuff at first, i find. definitely a fascinating drink.

>> No.19373044

what's wrong with flavored tea?

>> No.19373052

> you wouldn't be getting taste associations like "old books, beetroot, damp cellar, old furniture" anywhere else

>> No.19373053

It's typically just cheap commodity tea with food flavorings sprayed on it, kinda like how they don't use the good stuff to make flavored whiskey.
If you decide to dive into the world of loose leaf tea you can get an incredible range of flavors and textures that exsit without any added flavoring
But hey drink what you like.

>> No.19373218

If you want black tea with a nice flavour without paying a large sum try the Jin Jun Mei from Fullchea

>> No.19373279
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trying the 2002 6 Famous Tea Mountain ripe tuo from Awazon for the first time
supposed to be a lighter fermented recipe. this tastes very different from other ripes I've had. it's very woody in a "rustic" way and even has a bit of those beetroot / cellar notes that I associate with aged sheng and liu bao. it doesn't really have the doughy or chocolaty or sweet flavors I usually get from ripe
I'm not that good with aged pu-erh notes yet, but it's interesting. not sure if it's 100% my thing yet, but I'm glad I grabbed a tuo

>> No.19373337

Nice glad you tried it, i agree that its on the woody side of things and that is has some aged tea taste which is interesting because it's probably almost entirely dry ass kunming storage. It definitely has a somewhat unique flavor profile which is nice.
I would suggest trying it grampa style with like 5g in a mug as well, that's how i drank it about half the time.

>> No.19373340
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Gib tea

>> No.19373343

>has some aged tea taste which is interesting because it's probably almost entirely dry ass kunming storage
yeah I wondered about that too. it honestly reminded me the most of one wet stored sheng I tried, but a milder more mellow version if that makes sense
thanks for the recc. I might try boiling it at some point too just to see what it does to the flavor

>> No.19373394

My best guess is that its made with a bit lighter fermentation than typical ripes are today, i think i rememer seeing some fairly green leaves in the gaiwan at the end of a session

>> No.19373606

This is a great photo.

>> No.19373645

did i do well with the needles afayk?

>> No.19373661

haven't tried them from this site, but they tend to be a solid choice. maybe a bit overpriced for 14$ per ounce

>> No.19373684

Given how little the website gives about the origin of these teas (it appears to cater to the casual western market in the same manner as teavana) you probably overpaid, but silver needle is so inoffensive it will probably still be good.

>> No.19373793

Nah, I haven't ordered yet. I have came to my senses a little though and am only ordering a cake of the thing, since the whole point for me to buy tongs is to not open them.
I wouldn't really expect a discount. All the 7g ones only come to about 150 for 400g. Total cost is around 500 for 1500g.
It will be interesting what the bonus will be since Paul cannot pull the here's a ball bro trick on my any more.
I need Jesus or something man I already have enough tea for the apocalypse, getting dangerously close to jian any%.

>> No.19373852

please show a pic of the lot once it arrives, would be fun to see.

>> No.19373949
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Bros im literally turning into puerh

>> No.19373956
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>> No.19374080

I tried simmering some aged sheng and mixing it with soy milk. Unfortunately I think I simmered the tea to long because the end result tasted like liquid mushroom death. it had an unpleasantly strong fungal flavor and even when mixed it soy milk it still felt like gut rot. I had to toss the whole batch.

>> No.19374096

What kind of ratio did you use? For ripe i usually use like 7g in 1.25 litres, if i use more tea then that it's way too fucking strong

>> No.19374103

How is your teeth patina coming along?

>> No.19374110

I used 15g/2L but it was all tea that had already been half spent (leftover from gongfu). How long do you usually simmer the tea for?

>> No.19374189

Yeah sure, I'll make the new /tea/ thread too once I've tried everything and are ready to share my extremely scientificly important results. Not exactly sure how to organize it though and I'll definitely have some notes. Maybe a tier list for each category? Like hong, shou, sheng, misc experiments, smoked experiments, etc. Could also do updates as I go and then compile it all together.

>> No.19374210
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>the whole point for me to buy tongs is to not open them
This makes me seethe but I can't disagree. I haven't bought a tong before as full disclosure, but help me ideate on this. What's the median experience when obtaining a tong? You like a cake so much you decide to buy a tong. What's going through your mind?
>I'm going to age this tea and love it even more in 10 years
>I will rarely drink anything else, this is merely a bulk purchase
>I like this tea so much that I want potentially many years worth such that if it stopped being available to me, I would not be as disappointed.
>My grandchildren will love this! (tfw no tea gf)
Or the flexibility that it could be any of those things?
Help me justify my own tong purchases over just buying a shit ton of a variety of cakes.

>> No.19374245

>How long do you usually simmer the tea for?
20 minutes
In theory the amout you used should work okay. But i have no experience simmering raw. I would be afraid to do it with anything but really old raw with some serious storage to mellow it out

>> No.19374303
File: 35 KB, 560x560, 2006_myanmar_kokang_mei_hua_bing_raw_puerh_tea_100g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the whole point for me to buy tongs is to not open them.
Even if you open them so long as you ration the tea it will last a long time. Opening the tong wont prevent the tea from aging. If you really hate opening the tong buy an extra cake or two to sample as the tea ages.

>What's the median experience when obtaining a tong?
Whenever you want to, but probably not before you are sure you wont get bored of tea and regret it.

>Or the flexibility that it could be any of those things?
I think that is probably the best answer. You don't need to get into tongs but they can be nice if you have a reason to. The closest thing to a traditional tong I have is a sleeve of this ( https://www.chawangshop.com/2006-myanmar-kokang-mei-hua-bing-raw-puerh-tea-100g.html ) I bought before the owner hiked the price. I am generally happy just buying single cakes and prefer having lots of variety but here are some reasons why I personally may consider buying a tong:
>I really like a tea and want to stock up before its gone because it may be hard to replace.
>I like the tea and it is a really good deal right now but will probably go up significantly in price.
>I want to try my hands at aging my own tea.
>The sentimental/aesthetic value of having your own aged tea that you have kept for decades.
I do have a tea I have my eye on grabbing a tong off once I have more money. The tea in question is not great now (currently in the bland middle aged stage) but is cheap and I think it has potential in another decade or two. Not really in a hurry to grab it though as I would rather have more interesting teas now and there are other cheap teas I could age if I really want to even if this one sold out.

>> No.19374349

Im either going to order two fresh as shit cakes from farmer leaf or a kilo of old ass shu. I can't decide what i want to drink for the next several months

>> No.19374394

Mainly just to age. In 10-20 years I want to have a stockpile of amazing aged teas that I can daily drink. And doing it yourself is much cheaper. It's also just a fun side project and I'm sure I will learn things along the way. My theory is that to age you must buy more tea then you consume, but you also need the self control to not drink it now, and to help the self control you need to place mental layers between you and the tea, like a padlock. By buying a tong it adds another mental layer with the bamboo, since you have to open it, like a seal, if I just had a cake laying around I would be much more likely to cheat and break into it. Also it's easier for storage, and may as well buy a tong for luck. Also the time is now to buy, it's only ever going to get more expensive. I'm not very concerned about teas becoming unavailable, maybe if it's a 1 of 1 experiment or something that cannot be easily replicated but there will always be another harvest, and eventually something similar will come, possibly surpassing the original. 100% I will buy a tong of the thing just not right now, I have it on good authority this harvest was fucking banging.

>> No.19374395

Fuck it, im going with farmer leaf. His cheap lao man e cake from fall 2022 was the best ta i bought last year

>> No.19374396

Fresh from farmer leaf anon go for it godspeed

>> No.19374426
File: 196 KB, 629x522, FarmerLEAF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay i did it, I guess im a young sheng drinker now.

>> No.19374430

I had to make sure i at least got a sample of one of the teas he actually processed himself. Also i guess his wifee processed the Fa Zhan He, im really excited for that it sounds fantastic.

>> No.19374435

i've been teetering on the edge of getting a cake from him for a while and you just pushed me over. time to sift through and make a choice i guess.

>> No.19374457

My sample size is one so far, and it was a tea he sourced instead of making himself but it was damn good. The shipping being included in the price makes ordering a litte easier psychologically even though i know im paying for it anyway. I would definitely nab a cake if you have been considering it.

>> No.19374522

I just found out they grow coffee beans in yunan, probably going to have to order some.

>> No.19374538

i ended up with the bangwai small trees as well, and a few samples. seems like the right pick for the stuff in my budget.

>> No.19374547

Nice yeah it sounds like a good one

>> No.19374580

Sirs when puerh collapse 2.0?
Price on some of these teas are just retarded. It's literally rotting tea,

>> No.19374609
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Let's GO boys! Stocking up. Had to get a piece of that Laotian cake. Plus the single tree sampler.

>> No.19374620

I don't think there will be a "collapse", the old best stuff will still be expensive as it gets older and more scarce. Material pressed into cakes today though is probably not going to appreciate in value the same way tea from 2 decades ago did since everyone is in on the game of trying to age puerh to make it valuable now.

>> No.19374641

Nice, im interested to hear about that broder tea, i had a nice one a few years ago that chanwangshop pressed

>> No.19374648

>western hemisphere market has joined the chat

>> No.19374653

>Sirs when puerh collapse 2.0?
never ever, labor is just too expensive in china now to give us early 2000s prices again. On the bright side a lot of the tea is better then it used to be in terms of precessing and the quality of farms. The increased price has made sourcing teas from random remote villages economically viable and allows us to try all kinds of teas that never would have been made before.

>> No.19374678

NTA but should I get the 2020 version of that tea?
compared to 2019 it's cheaper but has an organic certification...

>> No.19374696

Different anon but i tried the 2020 and thought it was fantastic, my description of it was the same as that anons. My sample was from a kilo brick but its the same batch of tea. You can get a 100g sample from this guy for $45
Anyways i think either year should be pretty good

>> No.19374725

I can't into russian but are these the same tea?
if so that's about $10 cheaper.

>> No.19374730

so the year 2020 is good? ok i think i might order 100 grams.

>> No.19374733

interested in earl grey. never tried earl grey outside of supermarket brands.

>> No.19374736

For pu-erh how does 5grams per 100 ml and 20 second brews sound?

>> No.19374740

anyone have any information on the:
Menghai tea factory (Dayi) is working hard on same target and published a brand new shou tea series "Yi Yuan Su". ) ??

>> No.19374742

20 second initial brew (after a rinse) seems about right, might be a little light but it's a good starting point to adjust strength as needed.

>> No.19374743

il get a 50 gram of this and another nice pu erh. any other good recommendations?

>> No.19374765
File: 50 KB, 526x559, 2019 DaYi Yi Yuan Su.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any information on this line?? Google does not have any info or reviews.

>> No.19374834

Yeah im fairly certan its the same tea

>> No.19374843

KTM used to have a big page explaining it on the old website. I guess it was an experimental batch from dayi using some new fermentation techniques and possibly adding specific microbes to the fermentation process. They were trying to maximize the beneficial compounds produced during fermentation. Im assuming they meant polyphenols and things like that.
Keep meaning to try it but never got around to it. It was always expensive, i think it was first listed for $80 a cake.
Ive seen two batches on KTM from successive years, dont know if they made more.

>> No.19374850

Get a sample of this

>> No.19374861

yeah it seems experimental lol. but the packaging looks nice lol.

>> No.19374863
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welp first time buying from russia. hope my order doesn't get stuck in customs or something lol

>> No.19374865

no thanks, no raw for me. Im looking for a good high quality ripe.

>> No.19374870

Nice, you got the noble sir, im thinking about that too.

>> No.19374876

I'm looking for medicinal teas. For example green tea helps with plaque. Turning helps with inflammation. What else?

>> No.19374891
File: 158 KB, 800x777, 2011_sanji_minituo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking this. 20s rinse. 20s 1st steep. 1 minute 3rd steep. Its bitter, dark, thick mouthfeel. Has dark fruit flavors. no astringency.

>> No.19374898

That guy isn't actually in russia, its a Chinese guy, his store is in china. His website just is focused on selling to russians

>> No.19374908

Oh sorry im not sure what else to recommend for exciting ripes, i rally haven't had that many premium ones.
I guess the dayi "dragon piller" and "silver needle white lotus" are both popular.

>> No.19374930
File: 112 KB, 1312x598, 10ish for 25grams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats your opinion on the pu erh on YS that are about $10/25 grams? they have quite a few choices in that level. i want to get a few of them but does it make sense to get a bunch of teas at the same price? I have a sampler pack and a few at the $5-$9/25g-50g. YS doesnt seem to have more premium ones but i like YS because the descriptions are easy to read.

>> No.19374933

i want to get the premium one mentioned but the full cake is a better choice. either I get one full cake or a bunch of higher quality samplers but cheaper per gram.

>> No.19374938

>dayi "dragon piller
looks good too.
Im drinking this atm:
mengku-grade-3-ripe-pu-erh-tea-mini-tuo-cha, its pretty good, probably one of the best in the sampler i got.

>> No.19374963

>compared to 2019 it's cheaper but has an organic certification...
Organic puerh does not mean bad. MengKu RongShi has been making organic productions for years. Supposedly they have over 7.2 square kilometers of organic tea plantations.

>> No.19374969

all their more premium ones are all of their store brands so idk.

>> No.19374981

alright thanks for these reccs.

>> No.19374982

I keep meaning to buy one of these but never got around to it

>> No.19374986

YS is such an easy site to browse and navigate, like all sites should be. that KTM isnt easy. like what the hell?

>> No.19374988

Also I just checked and it looks like the 2017 and 2019 are organic certified as well, so I don't think they changed the source material. Different batches can always vary though. I think 2017 was the first year of their ripe "wish" series.

>> No.19374995

I really like menku Tea Factory teas, their modern productions are extremely clean and their processing is fantastic. I havent had a bad one yet.
It can be a little confusing because they have a second factory under the same brand, the cakes always have the abstract squiggle of a bird or a tree or something on the front, haven't tried those yet.

>> No.19375025

mengku eh. 2020 MengKu RongShi "Bo Jun" (Wish). I might get the 100 gram sample too. cake is obviously better. and i might also get the two Dayi mentioned.
those two look good, popular eh? ok i might get these too then.

>> No.19375061

Sorry i cant be more helpfull
The dayi lao cha tu bricks also get mentioned a lot when it comes to ripe, not high end per say but they do rise in price quickly.
Its made up of the collected tea nuggets for the fermentation piles, the tea will sometimes compact into these dense nuggets. Specifically the dayi ones get praised here pretty frequently.
I know brand like xiaguan do premium ripes but i don't know how good they are. Xiaguan has a particular hose flavor thats a bit funky and off tasting so not a brand where i would drop big money for one of their raw offerings.

>> No.19375065

>not a brand where i would drop big money for one of their raw offerings.
*ripe offerings
I drink a ton of xiaguan raw, classic stuff, i even like their ripe, but most people woild probably find it offputting.

>> No.19375070

no problem. its all good. its helpful.

>> No.19375075

fuck this looks good too. it says the cha qi is strong for a ripe.

>> No.19375082

Says it's from the same batch of ripe as this
Which shows you how much that guy is marking up for his brand image, he makes a lot of really expensive teas including an honest to god laobanzang ripe (allegedly)

>> No.19375087

>Which shows you how much that guy is marking up for his brand image
what do you mean? comparing those two links, one of the is only 1 dollar more for a sampler.

>> No.19375091

enjoying some cold brewed bi luo chun to kick off the morning, the cheapo stuff from fullchea. it's pretty good but i think i prefer longjing for this.
tried a cheap keemun the other day but it got a pretty weird, almost mentholic(?) taste.
anons who cold brew, what do you like to use?

>> No.19375093

>I had to hijack my hubby's account to write a review
tfw no tea wife

>> No.19375128

lol i need to go to bed

>> No.19375212

I'm sorry mate I haven't been able to decipher this. What is broder tea?

>> No.19375279

They meant border tea. In the context of puerh it typically refers to puerh style teas processed outside of Yunnan across the border in neighboring countries hence the name. That Huey Wa cake from farmer-leaf comes from Laos right near the yiwu region.

Also does anyone know what happened to the 2023 Huey Wa? seems odd if they sold out already despite the 2022 still being in stock.

>> No.19375411

>Also does anyone know what happened to the 2023 Huey Wa?
It looks like they took the listing down. Maybe the accidentally published it early?

>> No.19375425
File: 968 KB, 998x1331, 1686639049661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of farmer leaf im having some cheeky fall lao man e

>> No.19375503

yeah Dayi Lao Cha Tou is good if you want a really great thick body with good longevity

>> No.19375505

Oh baby this was quite the choice for a late night tea session, really got me sweating

>> No.19375528

What are they? I personally can't drink anything with caffeine

>> No.19375563

Dried citrus fruit peels stuffed with tea
If you just wanna buy the dried citrus fruit peel fullchea has some. It's really good.
You just rip off a few small pieces (1/8 of a full peel or about half of one of the "leaves") and toss them in a mug, then add boiling water. It tastes like dried citrus peel. If you get some buy one that's at least 3 years old, it needs to be aged to mellow and create the proper flavor

>> No.19375646

What about Maga mushroom? Or something? Turmic tea seems cool. Etc etc?

>> No.19375671

im really tempted to pick up the Nannuo cake, the sample i got from 2021 was great but at the same time i can get a new teapot for that price...

>> No.19375790

"Expensive tea in cheap teapot taste better than cheap tea in expensive tea pot" Anon chan 2023

>> No.19375807

>Maga mushroom?
Chaga mushroom, its not bad, dark woody flavor
Havent tried tumeric tea
Cutting up some ginger root and simmering it tastes awesome
American ginseng makes a herbal tasting tea thats really stimulating

>> No.19375824

Anyone ordered the new oolong black from farmer leaf?

>> No.19376066
File: 3.68 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20230613_145755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nuo Gu Wan small trees on pic, very fruity taste perfect for summer. I want to order again from farmer leaf but i know i shouldn't.

>> No.19376164

Hey did someone archive /tea/ - Jackie Chan edition 04/24/23?

>> No.19376170


>> No.19376212

what are you talking about then

>> No.19376694
File: 755 KB, 1595x888, Screenshot from 2023-06-13 17-28-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YS sample. to my pretty poorly educated palate this one tastes like a little bit improved version of the cheap 7542 i got at fullchea. still i can't say i'm a big fan on the raws i've tried so far. i like that sheng taste, but the astringency in front of it just sours the experience for me. user error?

>> No.19376712

I have similar feelings about sheng. it also doesn't help that my throat is really susceptible to drying out with such astringent tea and that sheng can get really pricy
shopping for it is kind of annoying too with all the fake claims about tree age and famous areas
really doesn't seem worth the gamble for me personally when I know I could just get a 15$ factory ripe cake or some basic sencha and almost definitely enjoy it

>> No.19376742

>my throat is really susceptible to drying out
funny you mention that, me too. maybe people with fuckin dry mouths are just gonna struggle with sheng.
i won't write them off entirely but i'm assuming the good stuff will be way outside my budget.

>> No.19376958

Black tea was the only tea you could reliably and economically ship across the ocean without either fucking up the taste or becoming mouldy

>> No.19377066

>just bought tea
>itching to buy more tea
I have to stop. This is madness

>> No.19377335

Kunming stirage doesnt mellow out teas the way that wetter storage does. Even when they are 20 years old they still have some edge to them. You can try using less leaf, and or shorter brew times but their is going to be some astringency/drying moth feeling and bitterness, that's part of the appeal imo
I love sheng but i also seem to taste bitter flavors less strongly then some people do I wouldn't be surprised if that plays in to it.

>> No.19377339

Just be completely broke, it works for me

>> No.19377360

This is basically me
That will be me soon

>> No.19377602

My KTM package ETA: never ever
/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿(﹏)
Why China-man, Why is your shipping so slow?

>> No.19377614

You just got really unlucky. Your package has been waiting about as long as mine did when i ordered in the middle of batflu.
I guess you could email the KTM guy beut he will probably just give you the please understand. Still might not hurt just to feel like you are doing something

>> No.19377626


>> No.19377632

Are haiwan stuff good? I blind purchased a lot of their ripe cakes

>> No.19377661

Thanks, I will email KTM if another month goes by but you are right that he cant do anything besides declare the package lost. I honestly think it will get here eventually, I mostly just complain because I feel like it. My main concern is if it shows up when I am out of town and the package gets left out.

>> No.19377679

>Are haiwan stuff good?
They typically make some pretty solid affordable ripe cakes.

>> No.19378157

Jackie Chan

>> No.19378389
File: 6 KB, 564x59, 1675959346779897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually NTA, but I am in agony

>> No.19378428

New to /tea/ but love tea and am growing a plant of my own currently. What cultivars might I want to grow if I wanted to scale up and personally process my own tea?

>> No.19378544

>What cultivars might I want to grow if I wanted to scale up and personally process my own tea?
Thats a really good question, it really depends on where you are and what is actually available to you. It seems like most modern commercial operations are propagated by clones. So they idea would be to find varietals that are known to do well in your environment. Beyond that you have considerations like cultivars that are intended for oolong production or some other specific type of tea.
I have one tea plant, its a varietal developed for cold weather and im still not sure if its really viable where i live.
I got a plant from these guys
If i could grow anything where i live i would go with Chinese assamica, since it makes nice white tea and white tea is reasonably easy to produce.

>> No.19378618

>Chinese assamica
I'm in a warm area well within the marine layer so I can (and do) grow pretty much anything. I'll look up assamica, thanks for the suggestions, appreciate it.