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19358168 No.19358168 [Reply] [Original]

What are some meals that I can make in under 5 minutes?

>> No.19358306


>> No.19358307


>> No.19358320

idk about you but I could fry eggs, toast my bread. butter it, apply avocado, plate the eggs and sit down to eat within five minutes.
fuuuuck im getting hungry thinking about that.

>> No.19358475

meat n 3 veg
a sandwich
can of beans/spaghetti
bacon n eggs

>> No.19358477

Boil water
Throw ramen in
Cut in green onion, oily meat, season
Throw on a lid and add an egg
Eat when the egg is done

>> No.19358842

>pasta noodles in 5 minutes
you're eating undercooked noodles my guy

>> No.19358847

egg and toast

>> No.19358849

egg sandwich....you can probably do sausage too if you get the patty thin enough.

>> No.19358859

>le avocado toast
kill yourself

>> No.19358861

omelette of any kind, scrambled eggs, french fries etc...

>> No.19358931

Why under 5 minutes?
Simply extending that to 15 and you'll have some actual meals and not just snacks.
Extending to 25 minutes will grant you the ability to cook anything.

>> No.19358957

>triggered this hard by a dish

>> No.19359009

It ain't the toast that triggers, dipshit. It's everything that vapid, self-absorbed, like-obsessed, instagram dumpster of a culture that that shitty toast represents.

>> No.19359012

Fry egg or crab stick or whatever
Add water and instant noodle seasoning packet
Add instant noodles

>> No.19359020

There's literally nothing wrong with avocadoes in sandwiches, it tastes good. Stop letting other people ruin things for you

>> No.19359025

>Throw on a lid and add an egg
Not necessarily in that order

>> No.19359139

>still seething over it

>> No.19359293

i hate faggots like this

>> No.19359310

Virtually anything you can fry in a pan. Grilled cheese, omelette, minute steak if you use store-bought bearnaise, the list goes on

>> No.19359320

A salad, you lazy fuck.

>> No.19359325

I can't have sex with these women, so i hate what they eat, it represents how I'm a loser, and it makes me fucking seethe with impotent frustration whenever I see an avocado

try the redpill of resentment

>> No.19359349

I hate lazy fucks that complain about not having enough time to cook because they lead super interesting and busy lives.

>> No.19359376

>OP asks question
Why the fuck do you think OP made the thread? To hear your holier than thou preaching bullshit? Shut the fuck up nigger.

>> No.19359384

>Why the fuck do you think OP made the thread?
Because he is a lazy fuck obviously. And probably a fatso too.

>> No.19359388

That's going to be one sorry ass excuse for a salad.
There aren't any.

>> No.19359396

Depends if you do have something to cut the vegetables fast or cut them by hand.

>> No.19359403

>Why the fuck do you think OP made the thread?
go eat a lunchable, fatty.

>> No.19359407

What salad are you making that takes longer than 5 minutes?
I swear, it's just lazy people who make these threads

>> No.19359434

They need to import the limes and avocado first. That takes its time.

>> No.19359439
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>> No.19359521

you make a proper grilled cheese in the frying pan, way over 5 minutes, i usually do 20-30 min

>> No.19359726
File: 112 KB, 800x600, fuck it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

raviloi right out of the can

>> No.19359843

Nachos, if you consider that a meal.

Put oven on broil
Dump some chips onto a pan
Dump some pre-shredded cheese on the chips
Broil 2-3 minutes
Dump some salsa and sour cream on the finished product

>> No.19360999

Where do I get wala?

>> No.19361003

same asile as the gin say quoi

>> No.19361011

for all the reasons to hate avocado and/or toast, this stupid meme is the stupidest

>> No.19361038

nobody wants to admit they ate 9 cans of ravioli

>> No.19361053

Beef wellington.

>> No.19361129

>grilled cheese
>under 5 minutes
If you make garbage grilled cheeses, maybe.
A good grilled cheese is cooked low and slow, 15-20 minutes

>> No.19361919

I can't cut anything in less than 5 minutes

>> No.19361960

Scrambled egg, beans and toast.

>> No.19361963


>> No.19362007

>eating your grilled cheese well done
bro that's disgusting, I only eat my grilled cheese medium rare tops. Anything beyond that and it's ruined.

>> No.19362197


How old are you? Because I'm 33 and if I had the miserable ass mindset you did I would have killed myself 10 years ago. You're either an edgy 16 year old or a 35 year old virgin.

>> No.19362443
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>> No.19362874

box of craft mac and cheese cooks in about 2 minutes along with a ppj sandwich while I wait for water to boil

>> No.19362972

Only if it is dried pasta (with exceptions like acini di pepe or something).

>> No.19363083

The box on my KD says I should microwave for 9 minutes

>> No.19363190

>wtf someone is eating a super nutritious fruit in a convenient manner? AAAAHHHH I'M GOING INSANEEEE

>> No.19363222

That's not a Caprese.
A Caprese isn't a meal.
That's not balsamic vinegar.
That's pesto from a jar.
That's not a proper, healthy, tasty meal.

>> No.19363409

Counterpoint: you're an insufferable faggot

>> No.19363899

pasta with brocolli (frozen) and tuna. add gochujang and sesame seeds for asian flair

>> No.19364043

>t. Gordon

>> No.19364087

Show me the last time on planet earth that anyone cooked bacon and eggs in under five minutes. The rest of your list is bullshit too.

>> No.19364100
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Sausage Bacon
Tortilla wrap

Bacon triggers the fags

>> No.19364108

Microwave the bacon

>> No.19364150


>> No.19364166

Avocado toast is a delicacy in my house, go fuck yourself

>> No.19364172
File: 1.67 MB, 1080x1080, 1679073403820025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello this is Chef John from FoodWishes.com with... Kewpie™ Airfied Mayo Chickpeas! This might sound a little bit strange but it works. It works really, really well. And unlike the more popular Chickpea dishes, this requires very little effort and almost no finesse or technique. There's no grinding or sifting involved.

The first thing you want to do is get your can of chickpeas and drain the liquid from them. Some people might want to use a sifter but you don't actually have to.

We'll go ahead and fill the can with water and drain it again to get rid of the preservatives and salt. Now dump the can of chickpeas into an airfryer and set it for 7 minutes. Depending on your airfryer you may want to set it longer for that extra crispy texture.

We'll go ahead and get out Kewpie™ not-mayonnaise out and add a generous serving of it over our chickpeas but not generous enough that it overwhelms the chickpeas. We'll give it a quick stir with the spoon and that's it. My take on what I consider a proper mediterranean meal.
And as always... enjoy!

>> No.19364189

its balsamic reduction

>> No.19364194

Balsamic vinegar is disgusting anyways. It should be reduced to zero.

>> No.19364324

>what can I cook in 5 minutes
>set the air fryer for 7 minutes, you may want to set it longer

fuck offffff

>> No.19364395

A good grilled cheese takes more than 5 minutes. But a ham sandwich.

>> No.19364553
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you lost me there pale
although i'm more of a malt vinegar kinda guy

>> No.19364581


>> No.19364598

rare steak + veggies in microwave w/ pat of butter

>> No.19364626

For me it's tuna bread.

Heavily toast thick whole grain bread.

Mix pouch of tuna (drain well) with a little salt/pepper, a half spoon of relish, a half spoon of spicy mustard, and a half spoon mayo. 1 pouch of tuna per bread slice

It used to be really good with the starkist reduced sodium red labels, which had a really great meaty texture. Unfortunately they stopped making it afaik, and the green labels are a lot mushier, and I haven't found a good replacement, but it's still good. Avoid the canned tuna, the texture is disgusting.

>> No.19364648

microwave oated egg

>> No.19365290
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>Microwave the bacon

>> No.19365305

Not necessarily 5 minutes, but you can make it on the go (if you have a car).
>take sausage (not minced meat, but sausage [bratwurst or something like that])
>wrap it in aluminium foil
>put it on top of the engine
>drive for a while
>it's ready
>put on some topping if you want

>> No.19365817

hot dog with simple condiments
cook in three
load it up
and you're golden
honestly I'd rather put in the extra 15 though. Some of my favorite dishes are about in the 10 to 15 zone. With just 5, it's kinda pushing it.

>> No.19365970

I go to Costco and get microwaveable rice bowls, and individual packets of chicken. I just head the chicken in the stove and fry a couple eggs. I put some Frank's red hot and mix it in the rice and chicken and slap the eggs on there. Takes like 6 minutes

>> No.19366346
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catch a fish and eat it raw

>> No.19367341

>No Cayenne pepper or "I mean you are after all the Black Eyed Peas of your Airfied Mayo Chickpeas"
You could have done more efforts

>> No.19367356

Egg in toast

>> No.19368762

Quesadilla with black beans and salsa

>> No.19368786

Barbecue ribs
Beef stew
Confit de canard
Bao buns
Meat and potato pirogis
Shepherd's pie
Commonwealth cocktail

>> No.19368797

Cock In Mouth

>> No.19369159

great post

>> No.19369289

soylent shake or huel. all you really need. ton of protein and nutrients. i usually have 2 huel shakes for lunch if im in a rush.