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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19355369 No.19355369 [Reply] [Original]

How can I be sure there aren't spiders in this broccoli??

>> No.19355373

>Visually inspect Broccoli
>No spiders

Behold, you are now sure there are no spiders

>> No.19355375

They could be hiding

>> No.19355377

That's literally how they fool you. The Jews have had you eating bugs for years.

>> No.19355378

>t. eats hidden spiders on the daily

>> No.19355392

>he doesn't use infrared goggles to inspect his produce
amateur detected
have fun eating orbweavers and black mambas

>> No.19355397

why do you care? it's free protein

>> No.19355398

wait, you guys don't own any spider detecting googles?
Fucking poorfags lmao

>> No.19355401

Spiders aren't real and any "spiders" you've seen are government spy drones watching your every move.

>> No.19355406

Dip them in your bug bowl, the spider will come out to eat the bugs

>> No.19355435

By cooking and eating it

>> No.19355484

You can't. But once you've boiled it you can be sure they wouldn't be alive if they were in there.

>> No.19355485
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>locally grown
>live in Australia

>> No.19355489

Boiled broccoli?

>> No.19355491


>> No.19355493

You eat forty spiders whenever you sleep, spiders aren't what you should be worried about.

>> No.19355503

Put it underwater for 10 mins

>> No.19355507

>Air bubble gets trapped under the florets
>Spider crawls inside it

>> No.19355533
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>> No.19355544

>Checked x2
Op - you can soak your broc in some water with a dash of chlorine in it and it'll at least kill those book-lunged hooligans

>> No.19355557

Checked x2^2^2

>> No.19355566

If you were 2 posts earlier.....holy fuck imagine that

>> No.19355569

If you steam your broccoli will that kill the spiders?

>> No.19355570

dont worry about it

>> No.19355572
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I'm going to just rope...it won't get better.

>> No.19355573

how do those hidden spiders taste like, bud?

>> No.19355576

This is a fairly slow board, it's not particularly difficult to make Bateman proud.

>> No.19355591

I don't want to eat dead spiders

>> No.19355623

you vill eat ze spiders

>> No.19355635

That reminds me of this guy I know. He's afraid of germs and washes his hands as often as he can without causing serious detriment to his social and professional lives but won't use hand sanitiser because then he'll "just have dead germs all over [his] hands," the logic being that the soap will kill them and the running water will rinse them away from his hands.

>> No.19355643

So he'd rather have living germs on his hands than dead germs, and hasn't realised that he could just have a pack of wet wipes on him to wipe his hands with?

>> No.19355653

I guess so, yeah.
>wet wipes
I'll have to bring those up next time i see him.

>> No.19355711

just spray the broccoli with raid

>> No.19355807

>he doesn't rinse his colinflower

>> No.19355822

Anxiety and fear are not voluntary states nor or they founded in reason, you are just bullying someone who is unwell.

>> No.19355832

Pointing out what should be obvious is not bullying you absolute faggot.

>> No.19355890

while I agree that you should be kind to your fellow man, many anxieties and fears are based entirely in reality which is why the biological response exists in the first place

>> No.19355898

i started only buying frozen broccoli after finding pincher bugs out of nowhere 2 times in a row in the fresh stuff

>> No.19355933
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Nah, I don't bully him about it so much as take the piss, just as he does to me.
That's just mates being mates. That's not bullying.

Fucking right.

I found a single cabbage worm in a bag of veg I got down he green grocer. I just calmly removed it and watched it wriggle about on the bench for a bit. Bugs don't really bother me. I'm more disgusted by people touching my food than bugs.
Shame that such a neat looking caterpillar grows into such a boring looking moth.

>> No.19355936

hence 10 minutes you muppet

>> No.19355942

ask the broccoli nicely. not the spiders

>> No.19355946

10 minutes will not make the air bubble disappear, nor will a small spider use up that much air in that time.

>> No.19356431
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>Some spiders living in periodically flooded habitats can survive for an extended period of time underwater by entering a coma-like state, up to 16–36 hours in Arctosa fulvolineata.

Sorry broccolibros you're fucked

>> No.19356541

Lex Luther is the worst

>> No.19356618

Only until the diabetes catches up with him.

>> No.19356674
File: 62 KB, 449x375, Broco-1647264_4f87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The broco heads will have their revenge!

>> No.19356675

kek, have fun destroying all your sulforaphane.

>> No.19356676

Eat it

>> No.19356693

Once the broccos are weakened the cauliflowers might launch an attack, beware the cauliflowers!

>> No.19356777
File: 99 KB, 1000x500, dishwasher-vegetables-1606389777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wash it in the dishwasher

>> No.19356830

So many spider shills ITT

>> No.19356887

The heat of the broccoli cooks the spider.

>> No.19356928

Step 1. Construct sealed hydroponics chamber with botanist and hydroponics set up inside
Step 2. Make botanist grow broccoli without any contact from the outside
Step 3. Destroy the structure and retrieve the broccoli

There you go.

>> No.19356934
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NUKE IT in the microwave, then throw the microwave out...
Just wash and inspect your produce anon...

>> No.19356941

>I'm gonna have to check that

>> No.19356944

Selecting Fresh Broccoli: When choosing broccoli at the store or market, inspect it carefully. Look for signs of spider webs or tiny insects lurking in the florets. Opt for fresh, vibrant-looking broccoli with no visible pests. This initial inspection will minimize the risk of spiders making their way into your kitchen.

Rinse Thoroughly: Before cooking or consuming broccoli, give it a thorough rinse. Fill a basin or bowl with cool water and gently submerge the broccoli heads. Swirl them around, ensuring that water reaches all the nooks and crannies. This step will help dislodge any hidden spiders or eggs.

Soaking in Saltwater: To take your spider prevention game a step further, consider soaking the broccoli in saltwater for a few minutes. Dissolve about one tablespoon of salt in a large bowl of water and immerse the broccoli heads. The saltwater solution can help repel spiders and discourage them from making their way into your dish.

Inspect Before Cooking: After rinsing and soaking, give your broccoli one final inspection before cooking. Look closely at the florets, stems, and any crevices where spiders might hide. If you spot any spiders, remove them promptly. Remember, spiders are more scared of you than you are of them!

Cooking Thoroughly: Cooking broccoli properly is not only a delicious way to enjoy it but also an effective method for eliminating any potential spider inhabitants. Steaming, boiling, or stir-frying broccoli at appropriate temperatures will ensure that any lingering spiders are cooked and rendered harmless.

Store Properly: If you have leftover cooked broccoli, store it in a sealed container in the refrigerator. Spiders are less likely to invade your stored food, especially when it is properly sealed and stored at the correct temperature.

>> No.19358016

What if a spider is hiding in the botanists clothes when when you first seal him in the hydroponic chamber

>> No.19358378

you can't
and there are spiders in there
cause I put them in there

>> No.19358388

thanks chatGBP

>> No.19358410

In English we say
>what do [X]s taste like
>how do [X]s taste like
dumb ESL

>> No.19358507


>> No.19360210

Big Spider is trying to corner the anime forum market

>> No.19360215

a lil spiders is ok prolly

>> No.19360229

If it's organic there is 100% at least five caterpillars in there. If it's not organic it's probably fine.

>> No.19361874

a daring synthesis

>> No.19362098

who asked

>> No.19362527

Have you tried along the spiders to vacate? They might be more reasonable and understanding than you might expect.

>> No.19362563
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>> No.19364067


>> No.19364110
File: 1.29 MB, 2048x1378, 1656726331517-cute_spooder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll see that and raise u a cute spooder

>> No.19364216


>> No.19364291

I would guess you meant 'asking' but autocorrect fuckery fucked it up to fuck.

>> No.19364371

If you've been to south florida on the atlantic side and chilled out on the beach then you'll find these little mini spiders, those things are hilarious and why you need a beach towel. You dont want to just lay on the sand without protection.

>> No.19364390

Place it next to your ear to lure out any potential broccoli spiders.

>> No.19364398

That's creepy, spiders from the greenery.

>> No.19364406

I've seen that stuff in NYC, I was buying habanero and scotch bonnet peppers from the union square "green" market and little spooders started popping out. It was kind of creepy at first then totally hilarious. They're just little spooders, they couldn't hurt me but it was just weird and unexpected at first.

>> No.19364407

what about interdimensional time spiders? they exist outside time mind you

>> No.19364412

>your interdimensional self is worried that there are brocollis hiding inside his spider

>> No.19364424

Dont forget that movie Arachnophobia, that was supposed to be scary but make me crack up laughing.

>> No.19364436


>> No.19364443

Yeah but its better than the spiders eating you

>> No.19364452
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Look how these spiders massacared my boy!

>> No.19364454
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>Worrying about fucking spiders in your damn broccoli

>> No.19364904

Proofs this works?

>> No.19364930

That'd be scary

>> No.19365001
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i used to buy fresh broccoli up until a few years ago. one day upon slicing it open i saw fucking aphids all over the inside. that shit traumatized me for life and I will NEVER buy fresh broccoli again. I've bought frozen broccoli floret bags ever since.

>> No.19365080

Spiders heavily prefer the Enviromental security only a Logitech mouse can provide, anon. Put one in your fridge and your broccoli will be good as safe.

>> No.19365089
File: 1.03 MB, 1121x1321, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can you be sure there aren't spiders in your eyes making you see spiders in the broccoli?