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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 453 KB, 1080x1123, Screenshot_20230606-192211_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19354084 No.19354084 [Reply] [Original]

>Findings in a 2016 study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggest that water isn't the best drink for hydration — at least in terms of long-term bodily fluid balance. The answer is actually milk, which may be shocking. Both skim and whole milk can be more hydrating than still water, even when accounting for the drink's inherent water content.


>> No.19354090

> achsually

>> No.19354111

>The answer is actually milk, which may be shocking. Both skim and whole milk can be more hydrating than still water, even when accounting for the drink's inherent water content.
>As the Mayo Clinic points out, one of the reasons milk and orange juice are so hydrating is that they're composed mostly of water.

>As the Mayo Clinic points out, one of the reasons milk and orange juice are so hydrating is that they're composed mostly of water. Both milk and orange juice, in fact, have a water content of nearly 90%.
you know what's 100% water? WATER

fuck this gayass article

>> No.19354117

coconut water > water

>> No.19354121

thats racist

>> No.19354122

Yes electrolytes are a thing there's a reason why plants crave them

>> No.19354123

>the American j-
stopped reading there, there's nothing more fake than american studies or research.

>> No.19354124

>coconut water
more like diarrhea water

>> No.19354126

i heard some people drink buttermilk on hot days. wtf? anyone try?

>> No.19354135

These are people who brought you “15 days to flatten the curve” and “100% safe and effective”
They are not to be taken seriously

>> No.19354136

Yeah that's right
Saline water is the actual best drink for hydration

>> No.19354140

I put gatorade powder in my water, eat my ass

>> No.19354141

Fact coconut water is 150% water. Checkmate milk industry.

>> No.19354145
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>> No.19354149

The world's first alcoholic already knew this.

>> No.19354180

your diarrhea tastes like coconut?

>> No.19354225

pretty self evident water is meh at fluid retention if you pay attention to cause/effect of your body. it's the neutral baseline why would it be the best lol

>> No.19354234

wtf is that real

>> No.19354235

are people still dumb enough to believe the dairy industries lies? the lies that have been going on continually for decades. just drink water- and if you need to really stay hydrated eat/drink something salty for fluid retention. most people consume enough salt without even thinking of it

>> No.19354239

>coconut milk is now better than deuterium oxide
That'll show those commies.

>> No.19354267

I love hiking while bringing nice refreshing whole milk instead of water. . . . .
Who the fuck writes these retarded articles?

>> No.19354273

Milk has electrolytes. Sugar also helps absorb liquid. If you do 1/2 cup orange juice and 1.5 cups water with 1/4 tsp salt it's an ideal rehydrate beverage too.

>> No.19354280

based, I just watched that movie (again) last friday

>> No.19354294
File: 98 KB, 770x660, 2023-06-06 - 21-42-09 - Monkey slave labor rampant on Thailand-s coconut farms- report.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coconut milk is the jam

>> No.19354304

There is a reason athletes drink milk for recovery.

>> No.19354309

The problem with hydrating with just water is that eventually you start flushing out electrolytes and vitamins/minerals from your system.
Milk/fruit juice/sports drinks have those dissolved in them so you're getting that replenishment. Ones with low enough sugar concentration are ideal.

>> No.19354316

Coconut water consumption -> distressing digestive issues
No thanks

>> No.19354317

Study says the hecking sciencerino is settled.

>> No.19354322
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and to think this guy had it right all along. i kneel

>> No.19354331

a million pity

>> No.19354336

>according to New York Post
>PETA's Asia senior VP who led the investigation
Sounds trustworthy.

>> No.19354339

>The problem with hydrating with just water is that eventually you start flushing out electrolytes and vitamins/minerals from your system.
sure, but this isn't a problem if you eat a well-balanced diet. actually now that i think about it, most people are probably potassium-deficient. even one banana is only a fraction of the RDA

that, or just start drinking water with added sodium/potassium

>> No.19354358
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waterbros... whats going on...

>> No.19354370
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Milk is the OG sports drink.

>> No.19354394

Sweet potatoes, low sodium spicy v8, pumpkin seeds, switching to table salt alternatives that use potassium.

>> No.19354396

Thank you, dairy industry for this informative graphic. I think I could use a cold glass of milk from my local store right about now!

>> No.19354419

I'm sorry that you're lactose intolerant, must suck.

>> No.19354445

an alternative way to phrase it is that milk causes excess water retention

i drink water not to have it in me, but to pee it out so i don't get kidney stones

>> No.19354509


>> No.19354532


>> No.19354565


>brownie who can't have dairy

>> No.19354568


>The monkeys actually work


>> No.19354604

>Start drinking pocari like a champ
Shit tastes good and keeps you hydrated despite the name. Thanks jap bros for making it

>> No.19354613

/v/ is literally shaking

>> No.19354618

I fail to see what is wrong here. Since when was domestication of animals wrong, and as far as veganism goes isn't meat eating a much bigger phish to fry?

>> No.19354991

Can lactose-intolerant people build up an immunity by regularly consuming dairy? To me it doesn't seem possible, but I know more than one person who swears by it.

>> No.19354996

hell yeah bro, get yours while supply last!

>> No.19355001

Brown people consume so much dairy that they regularly buy literal cartloads of milk from my local grocery stores & supermarkets.

>> No.19355016

It depends on why you're lactose intolerant. It could be from you not drinking milk often so your body isn't ready to produce enough lactase. Regularly drinking milk could actually fix that. But if you just don't have the genes for your body to produce lactase, you'll always have problems with it unless consumed in small amounts.

>> No.19355026

>Can lactose-intolerant people build up an immunity by regularly consuming dairy?
No. It's not an immunity thing. They are lacking an enzyme in their gut biome.

There's nothing "wrong" here. Nobody with a functioning brain is surprised by this result. The "shock" is that the last20+ years of propaganda that only water good for hydration was in fact just a marketing ploy.

>> No.19355033

There is lactose-free milk available in most supermarkets. I think it is a great alternative to stuff like soy milk and similar things. I'm not lactose intolerant, but I find it preferable to regular milk.

>> No.19355041

Apparently lactose-free milk does taste different from milk that still has lactose, so I guess it makes sense for even perfectly lactose-tolerant people to have a preference.

>> No.19355042

Idiocracy was supposed to be a warning, not a guide.

>> No.19355047

Hydration: to make something have water

Water has more water per water, yet it does less water than milk, which has water but less of it.

These scientists just say whatever they want and change their minds later, don't they? /pol/ was right, science is dumb, praise Jesus.

>> No.19355051

Do plain electrolyte drinks exist?

Most of them have sugar in them, and I don't want that.
I actually don't even want artificial sweeteners, either.
I just want plain electrolytes, even if they taste awful. Preferably with as little calories as possible.

>> No.19355056

I used to buy these things when I was in the Army. Really useful when working outside or before taking a PT test.

>> No.19355071
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>Potassium Chloride
>Calcium Lactate
>Magnesium Oxide
>Calcium Silicate
I'm probably an idiot, but I wanna look into the individual cost of these ingredients and see if I can make it cheaper than Gatorade Gatorlytes.

>> No.19355090

>I'm probably an idiot, but I wanna look into the individual cost of these ingredients and see if I can make it cheaper than Gatorade Gatorlytes.
It's probably the smarter way to do things. I just bought the gatorlytes because I had extra money to burn (at the time) and was too lazy and busy to make it myself.

>> No.19355104

YES. Nuun/Liquid IV/etc... the current trend of stupid expensive "hydration multiplier" powders are the ultimate marketing scam targeted to neurotic yuppies who think they're being smart by not drinking sugary sports drinks but still need to feel like they're "maximizing" something.

It's literally just Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) as would be used in ORT for severe dehydration, but with flavoring and "vitamins n shit" (i.e woo) added. Just go buy some WHO formulated ORS - there is more scientific data around its formulation - they literally use it to save people on the edge of death from dehydration. Every year it saves millions of third world pajeets from dying of dysentery. By itself it tastes like shit (salty, slightly metallic), but that just means it doesn't have any extra bullshit. Trioral is a good brand on Amazon that sells for like 40¢/packet, but each packet makes like a liter (or two if you dilute it, since you probably aren't dying of dysentery), so it's like 1/10th the price. Or you can buy it in bulk for practically pennies per liter if you can find the Unicef / UN shit. If you hate the flavor so much, just throw in some crystal light or whatever.

I can't believe these marketing fucks have figured how to sell 3¢ of ORS for $1.30 by making it strawberry flavored and adding 1/8th of a B-complex vitamin pill.

>> No.19355118

>I can't believe these marketing fucks have figured how to sell 3¢ of ORS for $1.30 by making it strawberry flavored and adding 1/8th of a B-complex vitamin pill.
Well, to be fair, nobody wants to drink something that came out of the toilet (water).

>> No.19355194

it only takes a couple hours of chugging water to flush all of the electrolytes from your body in an adverse situation. I've personally seen it happen a couple times when I used to work warehousing jobs and the only water available was purified bottled water.

>> No.19355203

An alternative to electrolyte drinks is simply something like a bottle of sprite. While not something you might want to drink all the time, it basically works like an energy drink with all that sodium and sugar. I don't like caffeinated drinks when I'm doing any kind of manual labor.

>> No.19355223


>> No.19355226

Is this true? My parents would always suggest sprite after someone threw up

>> No.19355232

beggin op to never drink water again

>> No.19355351

Idiocracy was Jewish propaganda. Every problem shown in the film is a direct result of Jewish interests

>> No.19355353

>monkeys work harder than niggers
Imagine that.

>> No.19355360

soda is actually decent for sick people. it's basically liquid carbs that will partially digest even if the person throws up again they'll get nutrition from it. it's like the endgame of congee or milk toast. but put in a blender. the caffeine probably isn't great for sick people though.

>> No.19355412
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>drink 2L water
>0 calories

>drink 2L milk
>1300 calories, 47g sugar

>> No.19355416
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Now that's what I call a monkey business

>> No.19355450

The presence of water doesn't mean you're hydrated. The water needs to get in your cells, through osmosis. Osmosis requires you to acquire certain molecules that allow you to get the water through the membranes. That's why you can't just hydrate your skin by washing it with water.

You fucking retard.

>> No.19355452

don't eat if you're fat

>> No.19355487

now that i think of it i've been hearing this on the downlow for months. in little whispers. it's the ghost of dean foods stockholders, still trying to convince people to buy their bags

>> No.19355532

Dairy industry out in full force

>> No.19355537
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Or just drink fucking WATER

>> No.19355543
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>> No.19355549

for me, it's WATER

>> No.19355558

no one drinks milk for recovery except maybe a couple guys on /fit/

>> No.19355612

That’s not how osmosis works. At all. By your fucking mushbrain mongoloid understanding water wouldn’t get absorbed by the body.

>> No.19355616

Like you ever get wrinkly skin from being in water too long. Jesus how retarded you must be

>> No.19355626

MFs will read this headline and proceed to drink 8 cans of coke a day

>> No.19355746

Depends on if you're genetically lacking the encoding for lactase production. As a child I would drink litres of milk (because it was free in my shitty primary school and most young children think milk is icky), but stopped for about 5 years and milk would make my stomach bloated with gas, until I started drinking about 3 litres daily. It does give me horrible phleghm (and some people get migraines same way as red wine). My brother never seemed to lapse into a temporary lactose intolerance but is auto-immunene "sensitised" to milk (i.e. gives him eczema rather than a "real" throat closing allergy)

If you're Indo European or Central Asian it's very unlikely you have a permanent genetic lactose intolerance, even most American Blacks can drink it due to high European admixture, and some sub saharan African populations have a genetic lactose "tolerance"

>> No.19355752

I wish it wasn't so expensive, as I find milk to be too sweet

>> No.19356505

Mongol hordes once again dabbing on modern nutritionists. Turns out red meat and dairy are the most healthy and effective foods on Earth.

>> No.19356550

study funded by the european hydration institute which is bankrolled by the food industry with coca cola being a big donor. so yeah it's bullshit.

>> No.19356585

>Mongol hordes
Ate plant porridge too and guess what: if plants dissolve in water the water becomes an isotonic drink with electrolytes. As an omnivore I'm getting sick of one-sided arguments.

>> No.19356904
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>even one banana is only a fraction of the RDA
The potassium = bananas idea in pop culture was born in the 2000s thanks to a slew of highly publicized "studies" bankrolled by, you guessed it, major food companies of the time.

You know what contains massively more potassium than bananas?
Almost every dried fruit.
And most foods you'll eat in a day if you eat a Medi diet.

"NOOOO YOU NEED THIS SPECIFIC FOOD TO GET X NUTRIENT" is a statement guaranteed to be false for literally every single nutrient-food combination to have ever existed in history, which is something that becomes self-evident when you ask yourself "Wait, if this is essential to survival and health, then how did people from places where this food isn't found live?"
The answer is just as well without it.
"Superfoods" do not exist.

>> No.19356910
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>it's another "electrolytes are magical particles only found in sports drinks instead of basically anything edible on Earth" episode
getting real tired of reruns

>> No.19356937

mongols ate people.

>> No.19356940

Cucumber water > all

>> No.19356953

>if this is essential to survival and health, then how did people from places where this food isn't found live?"
I'm not the one you're replying to and I agree with you for the most part, but the quote shows the profound ignorance that many Anons share. Our ancestors lived and many people today still live with nutrient deficiencies. Surviving is not thriving.

>> No.19356955

For a second at 38 seconds I thought it was about to explode wtf

>> No.19357011
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>> No.19357029

>listen to this article

>> No.19357035

You guys never took a nice swig of cold whole milk right from the carton?

Crazy refreshing

>> No.19357044

What's so magical about milk lmao?

>> No.19357072

Should unionize

>> No.19357078
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Some races mad about Mongolians and whites dominating due to dairy farming.

>> No.19357099

i still think getting your water from cucumbers / tomatoes / watermelon is the best for hydration

>> No.19357166

I don't know the science behind it, and while I do drink a lot of water before going to sleep and after waking, milk and coconut water always make me feel better for a hangover. I also take multivitamin, magnesium, and eat a banana or two.
Nothing I've found actually gets rid of a hangover though just eases it.

>> No.19357186

dunno brehs, W𝘢ter is pretty darn refreshing

>> No.19357414

Food "science" articles are always bankrolled by some industry lobbyist/thinktank group or some ESG/WEF bullshit. No in betweens.

>> No.19357632

I like milk better anyway. It doesn't have me taking as many bathroom breaks as water does.

>> No.19357711

Mongolians have the next best racial genetics for lifting after whites as well

>> No.19357733
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>> No.19358372

Lactlets BTFO.

>> No.19358408

uh, yeah, if you eat something that contains water, rather than just water, it will be absorbed into your body more slowly cause it has to be broken down first.
I don't think this a huge revelation honestly.
might as well eat a vegetable instead.

>> No.19358419

>American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggest
Eggs are amazing!
No wait, they cause superAIDS, DO NOT EAT THE EGGS
Uuuh, huh. Corn syrup. Buy corn syrup now!

>> No.19358422
File: 44 KB, 466x658, 89C98A1F-8C63-4B7B-B122-EBA6C33A374D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breastmilk is best for hydration grown white men should get free breastmilk from the government to keep us healthy and in charge.

>> No.19358469

Based Electrolite™ craver

>> No.19358677

>still water
ok but what about flowing water?

>> No.19358731

Building a home around a natural spring for the sole purpose of having infinite and immediate access to thirst-quenching sips is the holy grail of hydration.
I'd be an absolute insufferably smug cunt about it. Just imagine all the PET golems and toilet slurpers seething.

>> No.19358732

What other options are there? I'm seriously

>> No.19359831

How does that make it Jewish propaganda? Wouldn't that make it anti Jewish propaganda?

>> No.19360183

You're expecting a poltard to be rational?

>> No.19360349


>> No.19360400
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Milkchads wwa?

>> No.19360422

idiocracy was an isekai anime

>> No.19361836

this is the funniest atrocity I've ever heard about, aside from the one that's illegal to question.

>> No.19361844

>just drink 1000 calories worth of milk daily to keep hydrated

>> No.19361847

Same, Water somehow looks artificial (and weak).

>> No.19361855

when i was sick my mom always gave me a mixture of sugar, salt and water for hydration

>> No.19361897

turns out...

>> No.19361922
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Supplementary electrolytes is a scam. Enjoy your kidney stones.

>> No.19361926

shut up

>> No.19361976

This is how I feel about most beverages. I don’t want a beverage with a choice of real sugar or fake sugar, I want no sugary taste. The closest thing I can get that isn’t water is unsweetened black iced tea

>> No.19361978

Welcome to Costco

>> No.19361992

White people have the Mayo Clinic lmao

>> No.19362003

Call me when I can get milk coming out of the tap in my kitchen and I might consider it

>> No.19362006

>he's never lived on a dairy farm
I honestly feel sorry for city cucks sometimes

>> No.19362012

So it's not water but this other stuff that's also 95% water
So its not water that's best for hydration actually but water mixed with something else I'm a journalist

>> No.19362014

>So its not water that's best for hydration actually but water mixed with something else
yeah, you can read, good job

>> No.19362078

ok, but electrolyte imbalances have absolutely nothing to do with hydration.

>> No.19362083

lactose free milk should taste sweeter because the lactose gets broken down into tasty sweet smaller sugars

>> No.19363903

Tat's correct, girl piss is better.

>> No.19363906


>> No.19363919
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>Drink milk, goyim! It's good for you oy vey!

>> No.19364858

>Drink milk, goyim! It's good for you oy vey!
Milk is cheaper than a sports drink or plant milk with great protein in it. If anything, they would encourage you to drink plant milk and energy drinks to supplement your needs and increase your dependency using caffeine. Why do you think meatless vegans are being pushed harder?

I find it weird you're trying to shame milk since I am pretty sure most farmers in those nations are primarily Caucasian.

>> No.19365025

it's not true, cum is the best for hydrating

>> No.19365135

There's nothing like a tall ice cold gallon O' buttermilk on a hot summer day

>> No.19365139

Jews, Niggers and Asians can't digest milk... only Indo-Europeans and their descendents keep the ability to digest lactose.

>> No.19365151

He's referencing the film Idiocy, nufaggot! Fuck off back to Twitter and die!

>> No.19365216

Room temperature sparkling water is

>> No.19365594

If it's real buttermilk from homemade butter? Sure. Storebought buttermilk? No.

>> No.19365744

it's ok, but it does leave an aftertaste

>> No.19365752

Hey everybody don't drink free water, buy PRODUCT instead! It's better for you, honest!!

>> No.19365755

>milk and coconut water always make me feel better for a hangover
Milk has fat and coconut water has electrolytes. A hangover makes your body crave fat (though it doesn't actually need it), and after drinking your body is depleted of electrolytes.

>> No.19365791

>water isn't the most hydrating
>OJ and Milk are
>cuz of all the water in them
is this some elaborate joke I'm not in on? I'm certain this (((study))) was funded by coke.

>> No.19365820

This but unironcially, Gatorade is the best for killing a hangover

>> No.19365824

apparently they contain minerals and fats that increeease the retention of water

>> No.19365868

/ck full of fat retards who compare the best goyslop. Not surprised you guys aren't aware of shit. Ray Peat was correct again.

>> No.19365882

Well yeah you retard. Did you europoors skip science class? Saline is the most optimal way to hydrate a human.

>> No.19365915
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>> No.19365963

This is mental illness

>> No.19366046


>> No.19366050

>Salt plant
>It dies
What's the truth anon?

>> No.19366124

Lactose is a sugar so I would assume removing it would make milk less sweet, at least a little.

>> No.19366133

Well sprite doesn't have any caffiene at least, but I'm in the UK, might be different in the US. I know a lot of soda in the US has a lot more sugar. Like a can of coke over here has 11g sugar, whereas apparently it's like 35g in the US

>> No.19366147

I mean there are some "superfoods" meaning the original definition, which is that there's some food that contains something generally considered beneficial to health. But it's been memed into "something that will cure cancer and give you a bigger dick and also win the lottery"

By the original definition, Broccoli is a superfood, since it contains fiber, but you can't sell that so companies continually push new stuff to make money

>> No.19366566
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You don't need to go that far into slavland or Scandinavia before people do a light lunch on ice cold kefir over some kind of cheap cereal and some kind of jam.
Almost the same thing, even if kefir is a lot thicker than buttermilk.

Pikari Sweat and Farris. And quite a few mineral carbonated water that contains trace minerals.

>WHO formulated ORS
Too much salt for daily consumption. But at the least its a cheap pre mix.
Something like snake juice recipes are better for daily consumption.

>> No.19367313

Only people seething over this are niggers since they all have lactose intolerance

>> No.19367317

Magnesium is a salt and plants like it

>> No.19367327 [DELETED] 

The lactose isn't removed, an enzyme is added to break the lactose down into simpler sugars. Some people say it actually tastes sweeter than normal milk. But I read one person saying it had a slightly funky smell kind of funny fermentation.

>> No.19367332

>Not drinking both milk and water every day

>> No.19367333

The lactose isn't removed, an enzyme is added to break the lactose down into simpler sugars. Some people say it actually tastes sweeter than normal milk. But I read one person saying it had a slightly funky smell kind of like fermentation.

>> No.19367348

Hydration isnt just consuming water, hydration means the water moving into the cells
Sodium is required for this first osmosis purposes
So for example water with salt in it will hydrate better than water without

>> No.19367355

lardasses love pointing to the mongols to justify their dogshit diets

>> No.19367404

>muh optimal beverage for hydration
Holy fucking shit who fucking cares? Unless you're planning to cross the Sahara desert hydration is such a fucking non-issue, drink literally anything that's mostly water and you'll be hydrated. Amerimutts may drink nothing but corn syrup water mixtures but I can assure you their hydration level is the least of their problems.

>> No.19367934

>anon gets mad because he's lactose intolerant and throws a racist tantrum

>> No.19368024

Based retard

>> No.19368046

>muh lactose intolerance
>muh race
Nearly every lactose-intolerant people I know consumes dairy anyway. I don't know what actual difference it makes. Oh no, your shit is a little watery. At least you're shitting.

>> No.19368077

I'm gay and coconut water tastes exactly like big fat cum loads. So I guess you must just enjoy the taste of semen.

>> No.19368609

>water sucks for hydration
Everyone with a brain knew this shit a long time ago

>> No.19368616

based coconut

>> No.19368637

Oh my! Look at these positives! I'm sure there are no estrogens or any other female mammalian hormones which could enlarge my breasts! Or any fat to get atherosclerosis!

>> No.19368684
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imagine being a subhuman who can't digest milk

>> No.19369281

What the hell is a "waterfag?"
>Oh look at that dude he's drinking water, how GAY!
What's next, airfags?
>Look at that dude breathing air, what a bitch!
>That nigga be sleeping lmao. Sleepfags are so retarded!

>> No.19369308


>> No.19370768
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No, you are retarded

>> No.19370843

If you have tits I'd wager that it isn't because you're drinking milk

>> No.19370854

I only drink water and milk. Checkmate degeneratefags. No sugar goyslop or liquid jew for me.

>> No.19370887

Milk has more sugar than most sodas

>> No.19370890

I drink human breast milk and I strictly regulate her diet.

>> No.19371026

Damn I didn't know Chad was in the thread with us

>> No.19371029

can you mouth-breathing retards learn even the first thing about how hormones work please

>> No.19371144
File: 281 KB, 2400x2400, 81+IlQZuHXL[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, pic related. and maybe a magnesium tablet.

>> No.19371612

That's why I have Gatorade on tap.

>> No.19371617

Someone left coconut water when they were visiting. I drank it as I didn't want it to go to waste, it was disgusting.

>> No.19371716
File: 50 KB, 740x669, 1645975206225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an 8 oz glass of cows milk has 2.2 nanograms of estrogen
the average male produces 54,000 nanograms of estrogen daily
women produce 480,000 nanograms of estrogen daily

>> No.19371718

lactose sugar is not the same as high fructose corn syrup

>> No.19371725

Milk chads win again.

>> No.19371880

That's the biological definition of hydration anon, keeping your insides wet has to do with osmosis more so than H2O content of a beverage.

>> No.19371990


>> No.19372212

>Be A1 intolerant
>Drink/eat A2 instead
>No issues and vice versa
It's that easy.

>> No.19372219


>> No.19373447

I dont give a fuck if milk industry lies and this is all fake, I drink whole milk everyday because its TASTY. It's better than being an alcoholic anyway. I binge drink that shit like it'll get me high. I love whole milk SO FUCKING MUCH.

>> No.19373457

They should stop monkeying around

>> No.19373521
File: 61 KB, 337x310, 1675295696854646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always feels good being a raw milk Chad. LMAOing at anyone who can't digest it

>> No.19373527

If they were right, trannies chugging soymilk AND normal milk (me) would get somewhere, but uhh, WE AINT

>> No.19373531

Yeah milk and juice get absorbed slower than water because milk has protein and fat and juice has fiber, they also contain sodium which makes you retain the water longer
Why the fuck did we need a study for this?

>> No.19373656

dehydrated water would be a little bit of minerals... obviously it's not real

>> No.19374031

I have indo-european ancestry and still can't do it
Or at least I think I can't
It really seems like my shit turns rancid when I drink milk

>> No.19374050

and I mean actual indo-european ancestry, not some distant relative bullshit, I live there
I feel like my ancestors shat themselves drinking milk and just powered through it

>> No.19374058

because NPCs will only believe something if you can link an article that claims a study says X

>> No.19374066

Source on its funding or shut the fuck up.

>> No.19374074

Go get cancer from sprinkles you pansy foreign fag