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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 19 KB, 3840x2160, Chick-fil-A-Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19351432 No.19351432 [Reply] [Original]

Why do white people like this shit so much?

>> No.19351444

White people love fried chicken. They love eating it with their big fat lips and buying it with their EBT cards. I wish we could ship all of these low IQ, impulsive and violent feral whites back to Europe.


>> No.19351448

We got a super duper clever cumskin over here

>> No.19351595


>> No.19351604

Did you mean to say black people? Those are traits of black people. Did you know they hadn't invented the wheel by the time we found them kek. It's okay they just needed an extra thousand years I'm sure.

>> No.19351607

Because raccoon behavior isn't tolerated in C-F-A

>> No.19351608

Please get tested for autism, my friend. There are strategies that can be learned to lead a normal life.

>> No.19351611

nah taking things literally drives normans up a wall. that's why when I realized I was doing it as a kid I doubled down as an adult just to fuck with people.

>> No.19351616

Ah, carry on then

>> No.19351645

Chicken sandwiches while getting to hate the gays? Sure, I'll support them especially if they're anti LGBT

>> No.19351667

Do we tell him?

>> No.19351714


>> No.19351717

I'd rather not support a company that spends their profits to oppress minorities.

>> No.19351728

How does a chicken restaurant that pays above the industry standard oppress minorities?

>> No.19351746

Have you considered that beyond your little political mind because its good? I know that befuddles your little minds, too bad, I like it and I'm white.

>> No.19351747

By spending the profits from selling the food to ensure that it remains legal to discriminated against LGBT people through lobbying efforts against an anti-discrimination law.

>> No.19351755

stfu mayo boy

>> No.19351758

Kill yourself

>> No.19351761

You people are so pathetic, you've politicized eating chicken. What's next toilet paper?
You do know that you can choose for yourself and it doesn't to be political as if cunts would want people to believe.

>> No.19351791

Dumb esl poster

>> No.19351793
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>> No.19351800

I'm really not, I'm just not some cunt in school like you that goes around politicizing everything like you've been watching tv channels all day. You dumb bitch.

>> No.19351804
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Alice beats you

>> No.19351807

Because the employees are white. They do their job correctly, they smile, they listen and pay attention. Instead of "wat'chu wan?" and the messiest, incorrect fuck sandwich, it's "Hello sir, how can I help you?", "My pleasure.", and honestly good fucking food, made correctly.

>> No.19351815

Where did you get that from, that shit is just plain hilarious and like you quota types love to spout.
Yet you always suck, explain your sour selves?

>> No.19351827

>explain your sour selves?
Maybe there are some White people that don't enjoy being abused by black people of color

>> No.19351833
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Kek, very based. I just imagine a redditor getting all bitchy, desperate and condescending trying to explain sarcasm to you

>> No.19351837

>nah taking things literally drives normans up a wall.
When I visited Europe, I did the same thing to those half-breed Vikings

>> No.19351838

Are they in the wrong tho? Faggots spread faggotry and aids by molesting kids, which then grow up, become faggots and spread faggotry thrpugh the same way

>> No.19351839

I don't know. It's not bad or anything but the way these places get SO packed out every day is just insane, it's not THAT good.

>> No.19351840

>Faggots spread faggotry and aids by molesting kids, which then grow up, become faggots and spread faggotry thrpugh the same way
That's not how it works. I mean, there seems to be some evidence that it may work that way for Catholic priests, if Jack Chick is to be believed, but there is no evidence that kids who are molested will become gay or be psychologically or physically damaged by those events in any way.

>> No.19351841

So dont do it, why be a scumbag?

>> No.19351845

>So dont do it, why be a scumbag?
Don't do what?

>> No.19351850

Follow the thread if you're capable

>> No.19351854

>Follow the thread if you're capable
Wait, so you're saying don't follow the thread.

>> No.19351856

Paging "dumb esl poster" guy to this thread.

>> No.19351857

If you're capable

>> No.19351864

I genuinely can't understand what question you are asking. Maybe try speaking like a human being.

>> No.19351870

>I genuinely can't understand what question you are asking. Maybe try speaking like a human being.
Why you so racist you donkey riding hamburger eater?

>> No.19351871

It's this very blatant denial of obvious reality by the fag community that encourages the majority of people to support places like chic-fil-a and avoid companies like budweiser. I kinda want chic-fil-a right now.

>> No.19351874

Only race I mentioned was the human race. Are you not part of it?

>> No.19351876

>Only race I mentioned was the human race. Are you not part of it?
Ooga booga bix nood

>> No.19351879
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Holy fuck the cope. Sure thing fag, sure thing

>> No.19351883
File: 56 KB, 780x438, DK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Decent tasting chicken
>Fast service
>Publicly and unapologetically admits to hating all the agendas that are destabilizing America
Seems pretty obvious to me.

>> No.19351892
File: 206 KB, 1080x344, Species.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>human race
Species* my nigga

>> No.19351896

>Publicly and unapologetically admits to hating all the agendas that are destabilizing America
Um, I haven't seen them saying anything about bringing back Jim Crow. I mean, sure, it makes sense that they would take money from people of color because that's just basic business sense, but they could have a Chick-fil-a for Humans and a Chick-fil-a for Black People of Color

>> No.19351898
File: 69 KB, 800x289, King_Kong-peering_through_window.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no, what comes next?

>> No.19351932

>people of color
yeah right

>> No.19351957

>yeah right
What part of that confuses you? "people" or "color"? ;)

>> No.19351992
File: 716 KB, 1170x1458, chinlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What part of that confuses you? "people" or "color"? ;)

>> No.19352002

I’ve gotten banned from places for doing that.

>> No.19352004

>You pizza da shit!

>> No.19352010

The fact that you say "people of color" instead of "niggers" means that you're a hypocrite and means that you should piss off.

>> No.19352020

drenched in msg

>> No.19352041

Black isn't a color. It is the absence of color :()<----3

>> No.19352084

Wrong. The Latin word "niger" translates directly into the word "black" which is a color.

>> No.19352090

Why do you have pictures of chinless teenagers saved on your personal computer?

>> No.19352099

>Why do you have pictures of chinless teenagers saved on your personal computer?
I like to make racists feel impotent by photoshopping pictures of myself

>> No.19352141

They add comedic value to 4chan™.org threads.

>> No.19352163
File: 2.01 MB, 640x800, 1685732144166725.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's something vastly more entertaining.

>> No.19352210

And yet conservatards got agitated into violence over a single sponsored instagram story that no one saw and a tik tok blatantly lying about swimsuits

>> No.19352228
File: 1.71 MB, 8881x4992, wide rena.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit he's fucking showering!

>> No.19352240

Culture war.

>> No.19352378

Because chic-fil-a is consistent both in food and service. Other fried chicken places are either mediocre for their cost or polluted with a garbage workforce.

>> No.19352400

I dont accept non- physics answers. Artists need not apply.

>> No.19352454

You're retarded and need some axe to grind.
Nigger means black now get over yourself.

>> No.19352491

>whites back to Europe.
Now that you've said it, I don't think it would be absurd.
If we created white surpopulation and ghettoisation, we could get them to eat the "rest" and save cities like Berlin and Paris.

>> No.19352514

I say dont get into it, it's as a go nowhere argument as tipping.

>> No.19352523

>urpopulation and ghettoisation
Where do make these words up from?
Some idiot place like hunter college?

>> No.19352524
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>> No.19352543

These folk are getting more retarded by the day with al sharpie sharp and jessie jackson types.
Just imagine any of those things trying to build an Aurora or even an f-16.

>> No.19352548

Hey it's the NYC schizo I got to flip out earlier.

Exhibit D, I think we're on.

>> No.19352552

>came in here to shit on chic fagly because its garbage for basic bitches and the lines always to long for me to give a shit
>its a culture war thread

Fuck you assholes

>> No.19352556

"Fuck you assholes", said the effeminate homosexual male, before he fucked an asshole.

>> No.19352576

pretty tasty

>> No.19352577

What does that even mean? I'm not wearing my decoder ring for you brooklyn types.

>> No.19352586

Those Chinese shrimp chips were pretty tasty to me.

>> No.19352757

And black is the absence of color. Therefore niggers aren't "people of color".

>> No.19352776
File: 367 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230606-104756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19352786


>woah chick fil a is so based

>> No.19353251

Popeyes too spicy for them, also "muh customer service", they like the fact that the workers there basically act like your slaves. Culver's for some reason isn't nearly as bad, probably cause I've never seen black folks working or eating there


>> No.19353494

In my experience growing up in NYC it's really the demoshits that get pushy and shovy when called out on their own bullshit. They just don't like anyone disagreeing with them.

>> No.19353601


>> No.19354486
File: 25 KB, 400x400, 1648995270107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19354837


>> No.19355024

They are homophobic, transphobic, and most importantly, afraid of spices.

>> No.19355914

>good fucking food
it's ok at best but very consistent, overpriced, and you get the best service you're gonna find at a fast food place. Very low chance of food poisoning too

>> No.19356093

The best thing Chick-fil-a did is pretending their workers give a shit about their customers, the amount of mouth breathing retards that praise their customer service (all white ppl btw) makes me laugh because their food is remarkably mid.

>> No.19356104

They season their chicken
Also the rest is good and I like that

>> No.19356112

It’s still processed zogslop I wouldn’t feed to my dogs.
Make your own and freeze them

>> No.19356289
File: 33 KB, 640x324, FA11C032-0EB8-4A4A-A3A3-CBE434D8FC7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They’re definitely overrated but it is consistent, of all the fast food places I’ve tried tho they do have the best max&cheese

>> No.19356305

cumskin has never been a good insult. if you used it irl people would give you strange rooms

>> No.19356308

people will pay more for better service
it's not rocket science

>> No.19356353
File: 457 KB, 600x450, 1304376955947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating goyslop to own the libs

>> No.19356358

>gay kid fucks adult
>retards think the gay sex made him gay, instead of the far more plausible explanation that he had gay sex because he was already a faggot

>> No.19356749

I just saw some Law&Order SVU about that, this kid was fucking his stepmom, she got preggo and was fucking everything around, it got even weirder from there.

>> No.19357672


>> No.19357693
File: 28 KB, 621x281, Team-Member-desktop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its food by white people for white people. What don't you get?