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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19349617 No.19349617 [Reply] [Original]

>every good drink is acidic and erodes my teeth
this fucking sucks, the only choices that I know of are water, milk, vegetable juice, and tea.

>> No.19349630

Hey the 90s called they want their pixels back.

>> No.19349657

You probably remember the 90's you're so old

>> No.19349659

whats your reward for dying with perfectly preserved teeth?

>> No.19349667

The reward is during living, not after death.

>> No.19349671
File: 513 KB, 1033x843, Screenshot 2023-06-05 152143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least my images are crisp and clean you dick

>> No.19349673

dying is during death, not during living nor after death

>> No.19349679

why is milk the cargo shorts of drinks?

>> No.19349684

Well, in the colloquial common usage of these words, the implied meaning would be to not be concerned about your teeth decaying, as it won't matter once you're dead, so my reply is that it matters when you're alive, not dead.

But if you really want to just stick to the question of what the reward for dying with perfectly preserved teeth is, then I'd say that there is none, though I'd then ask what's the point of the question.

>> No.19349883

dying is during living.
while in the process of dying, you have not yet died.

>> No.19349913

das it mane

>> No.19349919

Lactose intolerant brown hands typed this post

>> No.19349937

And what the fuck is it about water that you don't like?

>> No.19350011

because its incredibly versatile and beneficial and faggots who jerk off their ego all day pretend theyre above it

>> No.19350073

not living with anxiety over cracking a molar again every time you eat anything harder than slightly stale pizza crust

>> No.19350122

Don't forget to wear a helmet every time you go outside, too.

>> No.19350190

It will come for you sooner than you think.
Get of 4chan and do your homework kiddo

>> No.19350312

Just dilute them or drink water after.

>> No.19350319

have you tried squash?

>> No.19350720

Milkshakes, chocolate milk, but what you already listed is good and tasty. I love tea

>> No.19350788


>> No.19350973
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>the 90's were a long time ago
Holy shit child.

>> No.19350980

Milk, vegetable juices, and tea are also acidic.

>> No.19351999

Herbal teas are a safe bet. Rooibos, mint, ginger and chamomile are all pretty accessible and healthy. Dunno if you'd call it a "good drink" but there's also wheatgrass.

>> No.19352008

>the only choices that I know of are water, milk, vegetable juice, and tea.
But those ARE the only good drinks, minus the tea.

>> No.19352024

tastes gross but you can put a teaspoon of baking soda in an acidic drink to neutralize it

>> No.19354132

drink them with a straw it's better for your teeth

>> No.19354246

everything you listed there is acidic or contains sugar, which will cause your saliva to become acidic. anyway kwik tip from someone with bad enamel who was told by three dentists that they would be toothless by twenty: i rinse my mouth with bicarbonate dissolved in water after eating or drinking, even if im at a restaurant or at work. i keep a box in my car
>pinch of baking soda on tongue
>bit of water
>do a thorough swish
ezpz enamel hasn't gotten any better and i've lost a two teeth to breaking, but i havent gotten any more cavities and still have all of my original teeth at 32 years. i eat and drink pretty much what i want

>> No.19354257
File: 73 KB, 360x640, A5F08187-0AFB-42A1-A425-4D1C388AC7F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all sans the two i lost ofc

>> No.19354877

I have drank 6-8 cans of soda a day since I was 13 and I brush my teeth maybe once or twice a month. I have never had any issues with my teeth. I don't see drinking acidic beverages in moderation could really be that bad.

>> No.19354890

mix them all together like a disgusting fucking chilean

>> No.19356036
File: 142 KB, 640x687, 6729D71F-4103-43EA-8D57-A5E9849CED32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the curdle pill

>> No.19356795

Just rinse your mouth out with water a few times after consuming. You should also do this after every meal.

>> No.19356799

This is absolutely retarded. Yeah, sugary milkshakes and chocolate milk are just fine…


>> No.19356821

Water is the best drink period. It's just so good for you.

>> No.19357911

i drink nothing else but water and tea and i am completely fine. you dont need soda and alcohol and all that other retarded shit. it makes me feel sick to even think about drinking that stuff.

>> No.19357942

Seriously, you have to consider how we're all hurdling towards death anyways and making small sacrifices of perfect health are worth it.
You obviously shouldn't be guzzling down fruity drinks and sodas every day, but every once in a while will be pretty negligible.
There's other ways to mitigate effects as well, like drinking lots of water and using a waterpik to make sure the muck is out

>> No.19357948

Carrot juice is pretty based

>> No.19359587

Oh yeah? Well the 2020's just called, AND THEY WANT YOU TO FUCKING KILL YOURSELF.

>> No.19359598

what about vodka

>> No.19359632
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Be sure to add a tiny drop of dish soap to your tall glass of juice to balance the pH. Don't use name brand soap though. Use the generic stuff and make sure it's at least 2 cups of juice or else it ruins the taste. Never tried with wine or soda though. I can imagine carbinated drinks become far too bubbly.

>> No.19359637

uhoh.... boomer rage, be careful with your blood pressure lmao

>> No.19359912

would you?

>> No.19359919


>> No.19359953

Tea is acidic too bud

>> No.19360296

milk is acidic
some teas are too

>> No.19360713

Yeah I fucking love black coffee but I worry about this a lot. I wonder if my beloved kombucha is acidic too..

>> No.19361738

You need a drink for hydration, a drink for energy and a drink for fun. Water, coffee, and a tea.