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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 39 KB, 470x362, apples.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19349558 No.19349558 [Reply] [Original]

I just ate a good apple, bros. Nothing like a good apple.

>> No.19349560

I bought 2 granny smiths today. I might eat one tomorrow.

>> No.19349576

Nice. Keep me posted if the thread is still up by then.

>> No.19349581

I'll try to remember but it might take 20 hours or so for me to get to that apple.

>> No.19349582

This is /ck/ even if no one responds after me the thread will be up in 20 hours.

>> No.19349614

>Nothing like a good apple.
What about an orange?

>> No.19350039

youre not supposed to compare those
besides why bother with either when you could just eat a peach

>> No.19350589

nothing like a good apple because a good apple doesn't exist

>> No.19350595
File: 19 KB, 800x534, studio-shot-young-handsome-man-doctor-rubbing-hands-together-isolated-against-white-background-173212649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nothing like a good apple because a good apple doesn't exist

>> No.19350612

for me its SweeTangos

>> No.19352311

there's a lot of lousy apples out there, so it's luck of the draw

>> No.19352314

Fuji for me.

>> No.19352683

Granny Smith for me.

>> No.19352709

Sorry for the late response, I actually had half of the apple for breakfast this morning and I have to say that it wasn't that good of an apple. I like my apples sweeter, maybe a bit less crunchy. I've always picked my apples just judging by what looks good to me at the moment but I think I'll have to start paying more attention to the names so mistakes like this don't happen again.

>> No.19352731

Aint nobody eating a good apple in june

>> No.19352733

some good locals out there

>> No.19352735

>sweeter, maybe a bit less crunchy.
Have you considered that maybe apples aren't for you? Have a go with a banana and see if it fit's the bill.

>> No.19352738

>paying for literal roullette food

What's the point of paying for something that will only maybe be good?

>> No.19352751

Name one

>> No.19352762

Shitty ones still make a good pie

>> No.19352780

I can get some good Fujis locally in NW PA

>> No.19352931

Never understood the "apples and oranges" thing. You might as well say you can't compare vegan chk'n and fillet mignon IE one sucks and the other is good. Oranges tend to fucking blow and apples are delicious.

>> No.19353012

Even if it's a bad apple, as in spongy or a bit bland, try cutting it into pieces and microwaving it until it's like a compote. Dust with some cinnamon if you like. Dramatically improved a bad apple and makes it worth eating.

>> No.19353041

or eat it with some peanut butter

>> No.19353099

But you can't do shit to salvage a bad orange.

>> No.19353234

no, that's true
I stopped buying them

>> No.19354841

candying it maybe

>> No.19355938

apples are based

>> No.19356486

Fujis, honeycrisps, and red delicious are the only apples for me. Between those three the honeycrisp remains the king of apples.

I tried those trendy new apples with fun names like rockit and cosmic crisp and I wasn't impressed.

>> No.19356495
File: 451 KB, 836x719, 268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's apples, mate.

>> No.19358384
File: 165 KB, 1280x960, 0924161658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so like an apple thread or two ago we were talking about foraging in ggeneral, and amongst my wild apples and blackbreeze stories I mentioned how I would harvest chicken-of-the-woods in August or so but I was pissed off that I couldn't find any pitchers.

WHELP I found one finally!

And let's get this thread back on track

>> No.19358389

Also once my sausages are out of the oven I'm making some appre clisp. Will bump with progress.

>> No.19358468

Only two months until my apples in the backyard are ripe enough for eating.

>> No.19358481

fucking baste. what kinda apples you grow? got any pics of your trees? I grew up with a friend who had an overgrown cortland apple tree that they would NEVER eat, and it eventually annoyed his mother so much for dropping apples (eventually it started dropping them in their pool kek) that she had the tree cut down.

this annoyed me at the time but years later it fucking straight up angers me

>> No.19358487

Nothing quite like heading out for a walk in the summer with a fresh juicy apple

>> No.19358493
File: 257 KB, 921x1228, CRW_0042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picrel, from years ago tho. stole an apple off a tree along the way :]