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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 43 KB, 600x400, godfather-tomato-sauce-0408221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19347851 No.19347851 [Reply] [Original]

What do you cook?

>> No.19347854

beans and tortillas so that they understand that is better than pasta and sauce

>> No.19347857

glass of whiskey and some random italian sausage and cheese

>> No.19347860
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authentic sausage carbonara

>> No.19347863
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cheeseburgers, it's not like they're going to cater to my usual diet if i came by

>> No.19347872

What I would have right now ready to go for such an occasion: orechiette, broccolini, "spicy" italian sausage, garlic, parmesan to finish

>> No.19347885


>> No.19347897

I'd order a spread from my local Italian place and spend the rest of the time cleaning my apartment and buying wine/alcohol.

>> No.19347900

A good, thick Irish stew. Not gonna fucking insult them by butchering Nonna's linguini recipe.

>> No.19347906
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This would make for a cool movie scene

Some italian crime family sends the head and some goons to meet with a powerful american guy in america. The american guy makes them burgers and fries or whatever. Then the italians get all offended "what the fuck is this, where's my gabagool?!"

Then the american says like "If I went to italy for this meeting, would you have catered to my american tastes? No, you would have just made the thing you know and are known for"

Then tony soprano or whatever takes a bite and loves it - cool

t - /tv/ fag

>> No.19347912

American Italians as seen in the sopranos are all in their 80s now. All their kids ear McDonald's and turkey sandwiches with American cheese and wonderbread

>> No.19347919

some sausage and leafy vegetable pasta bullshit I always make when I make pasta
fry sausage, take out, boil water, fry onion, vegetable, garlic, lemon zest, hot peppers/pepper flakes, cook pasta, add sausage back to fried stuff pan, add cooked pasta to fried pan, heat off move from stove if electric, dump in some pasta water, add finely grated whatever italian cheese, stir and shake pan, more cheese and pasta water to whatever consistency I like
dump into big ceramic dish your great parents loved, and grandparents, and so on
wa la

>> No.19347960 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19347969
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>> No.19347974

AI is not an OC
for fuck's sake /ck/ actually make something and document it

>> No.19347975

it fucking annoys me how good chatgpt is

I know it's far from perfect, but the fact that it's as good as it is now is cause for consternation

>> No.19347976

it's highly flawed until AI tech reflects the effects of marijuana

>> No.19347985

there's a pic of my borg and an elevator pitch that was posted within ten minutes of the OP which are both original.

>> No.19347987

I'm not reading this shit
>captcha: MXGASS

>> No.19347989

reading is hard for those with low iq

>> No.19347996

>reading is hard for those with low iq
reading all the AI thing is easy for low IQ too

>> No.19348021

Then you should be able to do it, I believe in you.

>> No.19348025

probably sausage and peppers/onions in the crock pot with rolls from the bakery and some pesto gnocchi

>> No.19348028

I appreciate your belief in my mission it validates my existence but shan't
thank you for applying

>> No.19348039

Spatchcocked roast chicken, because that's my best dish honestly
Crispy roast potatoes
Arugula salad
I'm probably getting shot in this scenario

>> No.19348077

Imagine a baked chicken being your most impressive dish

>> No.19348326



>> No.19348355

Some kind of Italian soup. Almost impossible to fuck up badly enough to get whacked for, and not too hard to impress with.

>> No.19348366

dinner is the worst meal thing

>> No.19348372

Zuppa toscana and lasagna and Chicago deep dish pizza

Can't fuck it up

>> No.19348380
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>You're having members from the Italian Mafia over for dinner in 5 hours

>> No.19348396

I haven't seen prices like that since 2020

>> No.19348404

A Dr. Oetker frozen pizza and the finest bottle of bottom shelf French or Italian dry red wine.

>> No.19348494 [DELETED] 


>> No.19348508
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>> No.19348900

Bolognese sauce, but instead of ground meat, they must settle for pepperoni.

>> No.19348904

And Barilla spaghetti. Plus no parmesan, just pecorino.

>> No.19348935

That's getting exceedingly good

>> No.19349864

I actually kek'd, soul

>> No.19349953

a jar of ragu, kroger brand spaghetti noodles and frozen meatballs

>> No.19349957

theyd eat that shit and say its better than their mothers cooking

>> No.19349966

haha your butt is cause for consterpation

>> No.19349984

How is a fucking a salad considered American and not eyetalian? Every time I go to Olive Garden they bring out a fucking salad.

>> No.19350062


>> No.19350187

Tortellini with pancetta

>> No.19350219


>> No.19350949

Bobby flays meatballs, oven baked Italian sausage, my girlfriends best Sunday gravy, and pasta

>> No.19351163
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>"wtf is this shit? am I a joke to you?"
Mr Soprano was not impressed, now you sleep with the fishes.

>> No.19351175
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I think the odds of them being offended by me making authentic italian food "wrong" is higher than them being offended by some french food, so probably a stew, bourguinon, maybe? I've never seen somebody dislike it who isnt a retardedly picky eater or a literal child

>> No.19351180

Spoonful of stew ontop of mashed potatoes? Why not just a bowl?

>> No.19351184
File: 31 KB, 550x367, 102c62fbbdd145ebb0f3_550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cherry tomato, basil, and goat cheese bruschetta with Pinot Grigio as an appetizer followed with a lemon, garlic, parsley, and shrimp fettuccine pasta, and finally a rhubarb pie with vanilla ice cream for dessert.

>> No.19351197

A bowl wouldve worked fine, but so does a plate

>> No.19351201

oh are you a /tv/ fag? yeah everyone on this board goes to /tv/. i see you picked up some nice reddit spacing too, along with your god awful movie idea.

>> No.19351415

Guessed as much. RIP

>> No.19351600

i make tomato sauce with my secret ingredient Jamaican Jerky seasoning

>> No.19351613

gumbo filled with rat poison. dagos are fucking scum.

>> No.19351617

not me, I hate that board. its funkopop central.

>> No.19351829

Zuppa di pavese
Veal liver venetian style and polenta

>> No.19352483


>> No.19352501
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>How is a fucking a salad considered American
It says this salad had "croutons and a tangy dressing", both things you'd typically find in a Caesar salad, something eaten almost exclusively in the anglosphere.

>> No.19352691

>Caesar salad
Caesar was Roman, dipshit

>> No.19352726

Roman is salad, illiterate broccolihead

>> No.19352766

Salad was considered poison until Queen Elizabeth started dated a Frenchman
It's not an Anglo thing at all

>> No.19352767


>> No.19354510

I'm doing the full 7 courses. Plenty of wine throughout. Appertivo, antipasto, primi, secundi with the contorni, insalata, formaggio e frutta, dolce, cafe, digestivo. If you've never tried it, do it. It's all family style and it's a great way to spend 3 hours. I usually skip the coffee but some people like it.

>> No.19354987

I would cook Spaghetti and Meatballs and Focaccia.
I'd also buy a couple bottles of wine.
They'd enjoy it, it's authentic and very tasty.

>> No.19354988

Fuck it, I give up and let them whack me off or whatever they call it.

>> No.19355046

This is a tough one. For insurance I'm bringing my abuelita, perhaps if they see that the food is made with love they will go easy on us. They respect nonna's so they might respect abuelitas.

First we will have the appetizers which will be chips and salsa and guacamole, its impossible to dislike chips

Then the pozole

Then I will make them ice cream sundaes. If they don't like the chips or pozole at least I'm finishing up with ice cream which most everyone likes so it ends the meal with a good impression.

If they are still peckish I will serve coffee with a variety of breads.

>> No.19355347


>> No.19355404
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he best spagbol they ever had

>> No.19356468
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Lines and grappa

>> No.19357155
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Huge delivery order gets noticed because the place is run by a rival, and you get the hideout bombed. Game over.

>> No.19357750

That was genuinely wholesome

>> No.19357795
File: 2.06 MB, 1680x2048, Hush-puppies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're having fried catfish, hushpuppies and coleslaw because that's good eatin'.

>> No.19359392


>> No.19359616

chicken cacciatore and polenta, just like my nona used to make

>> No.19359649

Something poisonous.

>> No.19359652

Where are they from? Can't serve them Sicilian shit if they're from Naples.

>> No.19359701

>pizza butt

>> No.19360313
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I'll start them off with a nice plate of dandelion salad, and end with something filling like Timballo.

Captcha: 4ySOYt

>> No.19361652

Ay yooooo whuddahell is this!

>> No.19362271

order papa johns

>> No.19362284

nigger you got to order the magnificent at marcos pizza online with the coupin code

>> No.19362295
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Ultimate magnifico* for like 13bucks and the pepperoni one is 10bucks

>> No.19362310

i go make a bbq. maybe be a bit careful with the sides. Just have a bunch of good meat and sausages. they're happy if they got some good beef.

>> No.19362344

Catfish courtbouillon. It’s a creole dish, which is basically Italian-Cajun fusion before the word “fusion” was used to describe food.

>> No.19364165

The mafia aren't sadistic psychos. If you invite them over for free food and you even put a normal amount of effort into it they will thank you and be on their way, or help you in the future.

>> No.19364516
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