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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19346955 No.19346955 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19346981
File: 118 KB, 1024x741, 1680116851116603m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't chitin fuck the human digestive tract? Based moloch worshipping elite killing the chattle slowly.

>> No.19347007

They are a source, and I think people are not understanding at some point you will have no other option. No amount of hissy fitting will make beef affordable for anyone but the rich.
Yes. The amount might be negligible but I would prefer for them to find either a way to deshell them or breed soft bodied ones. Then make it like ground beef, mash it all up with a little bit of some kind of fat. Or season them and dry them out for snacks. I don't get the aversion unless you're trying to have the aesthetic of a teenage girl that goes ew bugs. Tf are you afraid of

>> No.19347013

Yeah. Good source of cancer too.

>> No.19347026

Yes. There's absolutely no need to eat ze bugs with plenty of different forms of vegetable protein available and being able to hunt small game and raise chickens.

>> No.19347074

What happens when we can’t afford bugs?

>> No.19347076

For non Americans sure. Those retards already eat bugs lmao

>> No.19347101

Tofu? I can't remember the other one that's got really good protein content. Seitan or something? I know people are upset about soy, but I will eat tofu over insects 1000x over.

>> No.19347103


>> No.19347104

Americans aren't white in any way.

>> No.19347110
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Sure thing esl

>> No.19347115

You are clearly a mutt though.

>> No.19347118

>didn't even deny it
Relax brown boy

>> No.19347121

i will not eat the bugs

>> No.19347123

jesus christ it took me 3 times to read entrepenuers
im going fucking blind

>> No.19347152

Do you know what esl means you fucking cretin mutt ape? Majority of the world is esl, entire Europe besides Anglo-Niggers is esl.

>> No.19347160

You will never be white esl mutt. Now keep obsessing lmao

>> No.19347166

You are low IQ. But since you're a mutt, it's like hitting a child. Be on your way, you abomination.

>> No.19347169

>Retard calling other people mutts
Post hands, nigger boy.

>> No.19347170

You're the brown esl poster. Not me.

>> No.19347172

Americans are not white. Even the darkest Shitalian is whiter than any American.

>> No.19347173

LMAO! You are getting ice burned by Mr. ESL

>> No.19347175

imagine being so delusional that you think bugs are not a good way to source food. What do you think early humans ate ya fucking morons? They couldnt kill large animals every day

>> No.19347177

You never denied being a brown esl. You will never be American. You will never be white. Until the day you die.

>> No.19347178

I hope a train severs you in half you fucking waste of oxygen

>> No.19347185

>You never denied being a brown esl.
Because I don't need to. I'm not race obsessed liek you are you low IQ trash. You are so insecure you actually had to sell your DNA to the Jews, to check if you're white lol >>19347110
That's fucking pathethic.

>> No.19347187

Kek we knew it. esl nigger boy lmao

>> No.19347189

>/ck/ thread completely off topic
>retards arguing over who is the biggest mutt
>casual racism
Go back to your containment board. No one wants you here

>> No.19347203
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>> No.19347206

Go sell your family to the Jews while you're at it, you insescure mutt troon.

>> No.19347211
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Say the line non American lmao

>> No.19347242

What happens when we can’t afford tofu?

>> No.19347259

You should have learned to code retard

>> No.19347260

Go back to your temple, Rabbi.

>> No.19347312

No. Their protein bioavailability is as shit or worse than the worst vegetable protein

>> No.19347348

You have no clue as to what you’re talking about my guy, I’m a power lifter and I use bug protein only. I’m still just as ripped as I was on Tren

>> No.19347357

You are a roidtranny. Your opinion is irrelevant.

>> No.19347374

Why do you lie on the internet?

>> No.19347380

I hope a gang of chimpanzee niggers breaks into your apartment and steals all of your electronics and jewelry

>> No.19347383

>hunt small game
>raise chickens
Ammonia in chicken droppings is a powerful long lasting greenhouse gas

>> No.19347386

shut the fuck up you faggot ass nigger KIKE. I bet you look like a fucking stick bug, I could crush you easily

>> No.19347388

>t. seething tranny with a broken dick
Enjoy your prostate massages

>> No.19347390

You're comparing eating insect protein for your primary protein source to using fucking tren. There is ZERO comparison. None. Insect proteins don't magically alter your hormone profile. Off you fuck, shill.

>> No.19347395

I’m not a tranny, you’re just a weak faggot who is jealous of my progress. I could out lift you, out run you, out jump you and also take your white gf. You would be sidelined and seethe at the absolute cuckholdery you are apart of.

>> No.19347397

I bet you think SARMs are anabolic steroids too. You sound like a complete fucking retard

>> No.19347398
File: 157 KB, 640x360, roid tranny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19347422

If your only response is slapfighting, I'll assume the dominant role in this argument. Assume the position.

>> No.19347423

What a weak “meme.” (If you could call it that) you’re probably some fat LARPer seething in your parent’s basement

>> No.19347435

This is me without drugs or working out

>> No.19347445

I'm 6'2 230 lbs at 20% without roids, you dumb tranny. if I take away your steroids, you're gonna be a skinnyfat twink in a matter of days. Everything about you is fake, no wonder you're a vegan-bug tranny.