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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19344992 No.19344992 [Reply] [Original]

They fucking ruined the Space Needle.

>> No.19345001

Twin Towers had some really nice scenic restaurants at top floors. Sears Tower I believe has a really nice bar and grill 10 floors below the skydeck thing.

>> No.19345018

How many of you think Sinbad starred in the movie Shazaam?
Now how many of you think terrorists flew airplanes into the WTC?
Think about that for a minute.

>> No.19345020
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Top of the Hub closed :[

>> No.19345183
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>look up why space needle exists
>it's just because some dude thought all buildings in the future would look like it

>> No.19345199

Anyone who works in Sears tower is retard it's been targeted multiple times including supposedly on 9/11

>> No.19345244

peak delusion
why would anyone bother hijacking an airplane just to blow up an office building in "literally where: the city"
ever notice how you never hear chicago being mentioned without the shitcago person trying to shoehorn new york into the sentence, either implicitly or explicitly? talk about little brother syndrome, chicago try being significant challenge (impossible)

>> No.19345791

What a retard
Chicago is 3rd largest city in the country
Sears tower largest skyscraper in whole US
In an attack on skyscrapers of course Sears would be targeted - look up the Cali flight that got attempt hijacked on same day, target is believed to have been Sears
>hur dur no they hijacked a plane in west coast Cali just to fly it all the way to NYC
Do you not realize that only whites work in Sears tower it's not like it's full of South side gang members
What a retard
So retarded he glows
Look up history of Sears tower terrorist attacks it has been targeted dozens of times before and after 911. Something about taking down the tallest building in the whole country is intriguing to terrorists/cia/mossad
What a retard

>> No.19346320

nobody gives a shit about the sears tower dude

>> No.19346331

i dont know how people can do this, i remember going up the CN tower and i nearly fainted, ive never fainted in my life and it was the first time i experienced it. i walked on the balcony and glass floor but fucking hell just the height made start falling over

>> No.19346336

that can happen when you're bitchmade

>> No.19346340

i jumped on a glass floor, i dont think that was being a bitch

>> No.19346342
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Chiraq cope on full display
The twin towers symbolized jachin and boaz, and also the pillars that samson toppled. Ground was broken in 1968, 33 years before 9/11. The 911 emergency services phone number was also established in 1968. That connection reminds americans of the incident, constantly.
It was a huge judeo/masonic ritual on full display to the world. Sears tower has none of that occult symbolism. Maybe you could argue the tower of babel, but it's a stretch, especially since it's no longer the world's tallest building.
What I'm trying to say is that no one cares enough to bring it down. Just like no one cares about shitcago.

>> No.19346344

yeah it was being a faggot

>> No.19346351
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cant deny that

>> No.19346356

Chicago? More like Chicongo, am i right?

>> No.19346438

What a retard
Bush said in 2010 that Sears tower was a target
>but muh symbolism
Schizo babble to justify ignoring facts
What a retard

>> No.19347289

Lou Malnati's deep-dish is objectively superior to your greasy towel pizza, Shlomo. Deal with it.

>> No.19347294

based, someone else finally uses the correct name for it.
>"Chiraq" is a crappy unfitting neologism because the tribal warlords are not Arabs

>> No.19347300

>Bush said in 2010 that Sears tower was a target
>believing anything that war criminal says

>> No.19347305

>They fucking ruined the Space Needle
How so? The restaurant was always shitty and ridiculously overpriced. I had an elderly relative who went there in the 1970s and got served a $40 shrimp cocktail with three count-em-three shrimps. He was still bitching about that decades later.

>> No.19347309


I wish we could somehow ban /pol/ posters from /ck/.

>> No.19347378

Hey man, fuck you, I actually was born in Chicongo and still live near it. The name is fucking accurate, especially if you drive through the South Side.

>> No.19347396

>corn rows, on a date
I think they did you a favor

>> No.19347409

The chiraq thing was because it had a higher homicide rate than a warzone in Iraq or something idk idc

Edit: jfc talking about chicago is like walking into a fabric store...you just immediately yawn and lose interest.

>> No.19347410

You will never be American esl. Sorry.

>> No.19347429

Fair enough

>> No.19347447

and now that we're in the future we know he was correct

>> No.19347470

>bunch of cheap snack foods in a weird dish
Reminds me of the star wars restaurant

>> No.19347607

The space needle was always ruined, just like Seattle. I seriously hope the whole city gets glasses over with nuclear fire. Fuck Seattle and all the Nigs and bums that reside there. Also, fuck the soytranny tech workers, i want to feed them through a wood chipper

>> No.19347756


just going to refer you here

>> No.19347841

>I wish we could somehow ban /pol/ posters

>> No.19347862

fun fact, you actually can. You can select:
>this post is off-topic
>trolling outside of /b/
>racism outside of /b/
>This post is extremely low quality
Usually you could pick from at least 2 of those, often all 4 apply.

>> No.19347880

The Space Needle was built for The World’s Fair. But the world’s not fair.

>> No.19348063

>Fuck Seattle and all the Nigs
There are hardly any, compared to Chicongo.

>> No.19348074

Dont understand a single post in this thread. Fuckouttahere with your local culture
>whay is the space needle?
>how was it ruined?
>how is it food related?
Should have been answered in your OP retarded fat hamburglar

>> No.19348242
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>> No.19348252

how many languages can you speak?

>> No.19348265

According to Bush it was

>> No.19348284

He was dumb for going to a fine dining restaurant and ordering a basic-bitch option you could make at home.

>> No.19348287

The Space Needle had a decent affordable fine dining restaurant at the top that middle class families would go to for special occasions.
It has been replaced by a tacky overpriced 21 and over cocktail lounge with a glass floor.

>> No.19348289

only time i went the restaurant was closed entirely. based

>> No.19348297

The Space Needle is a local landmark in Seattle, Washington which you should know due to having been alive for 18+ years the same way you've heard of the Empire State Building, Sears Tower, etc. It was ruined when tech companies overtook the local economy of Seattle, in particular in the downtown area where the Space Needle is located. It's food related because now the restaurant on an upper floor of the structure which was closed for some time due to covid has re-opened as a shitty, godless soy ass Cocktail Lounge as another anon specified, in order to milk bux out of the tech workers.

>> No.19349210

>live in seattle
>never been to space needle because it costs like $80 just to go up
tourists should be slaughtered

>> No.19349340

Eh who cares. War criminals are based

>> No.19349341

Speaking multiple languages is a sign of an inferior mind

>> No.19349422

He said he had a great chef at the White House was that a lie too? Dude got stuffed (with great food) every night

>> No.19349472

How many office buildings do you know outside your home continent? Idiocracy pig hamburglar

>> No.19349483

Nobody ever ate at the fucking Space Needle anyway so it makes sense. You can't rely on tourism to keep a restaurant afloat and alcohol has an eternal shelf life.

>> No.19349874

You dont like cool things?

>> No.19349915

i hope they didn't eat all that salt D:

>> No.19349927

so you're saying sinbad orchestrated 9/11? i'm listening...

>> No.19349931

try hiking in the nearby cascades, looking down at a cliffside on uneven ground is pretty nauseating if you like to imagine yourself tumbling down a 1500ft drop.

>> No.19349941

ive climbed helvelyn, and thats like 2500ft its not scary because its not straight up, something about going from the ground to so high in the sky in so short time is horrifying and its straight up, i kept my eyes facing the button panel on the way up aswell

>> No.19350002

i should note on the cascades you're already 5000 feet up (with plenty more to go) if you'd hiked while looking down at that cliffside.
i do agree with you, something about the severe and sudden elevation change is spooky.

>> No.19350066

The space needle isn't an office building it's a ufo on top of an elevator built for the worlds fair and ufo is a restaurant.

How have you heard of seattle but not the space needle, that is like knowing about LA but not hollywood

>> No.19350639

sent ;)

>> No.19350905

You want the french restaurant in Pike Place. Failing that, any place within 3 blocks of the market that isn't Cheesecake Factory.

I say this as a local, but the view from the Sneedle isn't even all that great. Downtown skyscrapers, some nasty industrial shit, and too-much-money suburbia. You can get better views of Rainier and the Olympics from ground level.

>> No.19350925

Wasn't he like LBJ, one of those steak & potatoes motherfuckers the chefs couldn't do anything with?

>> No.19350966

Seattle does not have any good food, except that Italian place that only opens for lunch in downtown. Everything else here is shit.

>> No.19351090

For me, it's Pagliacci Pizza.

>> No.19351406

Ausfag here, went to sneedle a few years when visiting some friends. My disappointment to discover that it's no longer a restaurant was fucking immeasurable.

>> No.19351450

He spoke perfect English, do you not know how to read or are you being a petty little bitch

>> No.19351487

What? I visited multiple times around 2010. Place was always packed. They made loadsamoney. It was a nice experience.

>> No.19351624

I don't think I speak for most Americans here but its been pretty tense for the last couple of months between us and the rest of you. maybe you should go somewhere else.

>> No.19351647

the CN is a bit more in-tents on account of the glass floor. I went up there when I was teen-aged and got sort of vertigoey. The Top of the Hub or similar observation decks can throw you off a little but at least there's a floor under you