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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19343151 No.19343151 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Filipino food so BASED?

>> No.19343175


Based on what?

Asking for a Thai friend.

>> No.19343336

Pretty much every classic Filipino dish involves braising meat in a well seasoned broth/sauce, it's hard to fuck that up.

>> No.19343377

Is that in SM Fairview because I'm pretty sure I've eaten there

>> No.19343397

>Based on what?
Based on whatever meat they can pull out of the trash

>> No.19343415

Bulalo is good. And of course so is fried lumpia. I like sinigang too. Uhhh... Their adobo is nice but usually pretty salty. Pancit noodles are a good side, plenty of flavor. And kids always love their spaghetti.

>> No.19343426


>> No.19343445

most powerful race in the world

>> No.19344135
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>> No.19344136

With ox tail, yes. Unless you don't like soups. But then you're dumb for ordering a soup.

>> No.19344139

Never met a Filipino. Never seen Filipino food for sale. Can't point to the Philippines on a map. As far as I'm concerned they don't exist.

>> No.19344142
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>Hispanic food made in a retarded ching Chong way
>Ching Chong food made in a retarded Hispanic way
What's good about it? Eat ching Chong food or eat beaner food.

>> No.19344155

Sisig and lechon are also great. I am more than happy for /ck/ to keep pushing the meme that Filipino food sucks so that it stays cheap. Last thing I need is for it to become the next Reddit meme and drive up the prices because all the hipsters start eating it.

>> No.19344160

what are some good Filipino dishes?

>> No.19344187

Adobo, salpicao, sisig, lechon, bulalo, sinigang and their bbq comes to mind. They don't really have anything amazing in terms of dessert, halo-halo is so varied some of them can be decent. Don't bother with their versions of Western food. Due to a lack of easy access to proper Western ingredients they're never as good.

>> No.19344207

Local 18y/o pussy ;)

>> No.19344230
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for me, it's the Filipino breakfast, tosilog or longsilog. It's really basic but I guess that's what makes it classy? Like I'm a hapa Jap-Flip that grew up stateside and it's difficult to find Filipino food "classy" but it does make great bar food (pulutan). The exception IMO is tosilog, as I said, it's basic af, just garlic fried rice, anise seasoned meat, either tapa (slice of beef) or longanisa (anise seasoned chorizo), and a fried egg. It's the dish that combines Eastern and Western influences of the Philippines.

>> No.19344238

Tapa is pretty good. Longanisa is hit or miss depending on the variety.

>> No.19344242

Yeah longanisa is very hit or miss but when it's good it hits right

>> No.19344249
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Haven't had those yet but they do look good. I have a few close friends who are Filipino and their moms always want to feed me. I appreciate that, they're authentically happy to share their food. Tortang Talong? I wouldn't know that it existed except my friend's mom prepared an extra eggy eggplant just for me

>> No.19344259

Haven't had that before, I'm a weirdo who doesn't like eggs. But based neighbors.

>> No.19344264

overcooked spaghetti with sliced up hot dogs and ketchup. uma delicia

>> No.19344275

Like panda express isn't basically the same thing with asian food

>> No.19344284

We are so far apart in America, they are my good friends but never neighbors. 20-30 minute drive is worth it for good company

>> No.19344287

>tfw I like Filipino ketchup spaghetti
>tfw I also like Panda Express Americanized food

>> No.19344292

you can go lower than that

>> No.19344369
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>25 replies in
>STILL no mention of this absolute gem

>> No.19344373

I remember the first time I ate it.

>> No.19344388
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>> No.19344392

lol at the faggy kpop worst Korean knight

>> No.19344391

I only like the soup inside.

>> No.19344405

It's the same inferiority complex blacks have, except they have the intellect to articulate it in very funny ways. Not sure why they have one, though. Must be the small penis meme. Their women are never this wound up and angry about white people. Unless they're 2nd generation who were raised here and went to college, but at that point they're essentially white women.

>> No.19344409

I always wonder how this got labeled as a "Filipino" dish when it is equally as popular in Vietnam and Cambodia. I think you can find it in other SEA countries as well.

>> No.19344483

I have always assumed immigrants in Manila slums who have always claimed to be native Filipinos. Nothing else in the cuisine of that Philippines is anything but poverty versions of Chinese or Spanish food, this is uniquely Vietnamese in origin

>> No.19344493

My grandmother would also make me and brother tosino. I think it's still my brother's favourite food. Good memories.

>> No.19344501

>Nothing else in the cuisine of that Philippines is anything but poverty versions of Chinese or Spanish food
Not really true, the precursors to many of their dishes already existed before the Spanish showed up. They were using vinegar to preserve food and already had adobo and other similar dishes. The only Spanish influence in that dish is the bay leaf (which half this board would tell you doesn't do anything anyway)

>> No.19344515
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>> No.19344537

>Why is Filipino food so BASED?
I don't like it. Noodles with stink sauce. Overrated soup. Rice. BASED? Whatever, man.

>> No.19344553

i guess they sometimes use anatto seeds, which also does nothing.
i think tomato sauces are more common than the rest of south east asia, but not like we say indian cuisine is mexican/spanish influenced when they use tomato or chili, and we don't say pizza and spaghetti with tomato sauce are spanish-mexican influenced.
i think the spanish/mexican influence are more seen in desserts.

>> No.19344561

>i think the spanish/mexican influence are more seen in desserts.
truth and they some amazing deserts, pastillas, sampalok tamarind, sans rival, brasso de mercedes, leche flan, mm

>> No.19344630

tamarind originated in africa and has been used throughout old world tropics. not sure about when it reached south east asia, but it's been in india for thousands for years. don't know about the other one except flan

>> No.19344638

You like 'em REAL broken in I see

>> No.19344653

I didn't know tamarind was that old world, it's one of my favorite candies and my first association with it was Mexican tamarind candy Pelon so in my head tamarind is Hispanic lol

>> No.19344772

You haven't lived until you've had their national dish Pagpag.

>> No.19344780

There's a reason American Born Chinese has been used in colleges' curriculum and this guy is still this guy.

>> No.19344793

And they do with half their citizens making less than $2 a day.

>> No.19344913

local 8/yo pussy

>> No.19345089

yeah, the name tamarind means indian date, which is how i suspected it's old world. the non-hispanic countries also use its different levels of ripeness. when it's really green it can be made into a kind of dipping sauce even including the seeds and skin. i've seen some snack on it green with just a dip. when i got green tamarind at the filipino store the wagie told me its used especially for cooking sinigang to make it more sour.

>> No.19345093

I hate this absolute faggot like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.19345169

It's mostly based on Chinese and Spanish cuisine.

>> No.19345193
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>> No.19345386
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kare kare is god tier

>> No.19345395
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>> No.19345406

I want to visit Philippines but I'm a 30yo white guy and I don't think I can without looking like a sex pest. It's not so much that I really care what people "think," but I can somewhat anticipate people changing their behavior around me for the worse if I come back to work and I'm like, "I enjoyed the past few weeks in Manila" or whatever. And I'm sure the locals greatly dislike lone goobers wandering their streets for obvious reasons. I'll still go though, what should I eat?

>> No.19345418

flips don't give a fuck

>> No.19345422

Thank you Fernandina I'm omw

>> No.19345426

bring money

>> No.19345458

Love how he’s pretending it’s outsiders who divide Asia but still can’t help but take a jab at South Korea by making them fags and calling them South Korea , which they all fucking hate.

>> No.19345461
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Why is their fast food so terrible?

>> No.19345474

Wtf this dude really thinks Asians are being killed for being Asian??? And then is brain rotted enough not only to think it's happening but to think it's WHITES behind it? Holy fuck no wonder Asian women can't stand him, he's retarded

>> No.19345532

I really liked the sauce they had in their cheeseburgers

>> No.19345553

I hate noodles. Such an overrated reddit carb of choice.

>> No.19345671

this is the only real and acceptable answer in this thread.

>> No.19345677

Nothing from PI is really that tasty, unique, or special. It's just the Mexico of Asia

>> No.19345715

Sounds like you've never been to mexico

t. been to both

>> No.19345731


>stout women that age like milk
>unremarkable food
>folksy and weird versions of Catholicism
>main exports are boxers and manual labor (or should I say Manuel labor)

It's the same place

>> No.19345824

i think noodles predate reddit

>> No.19345839

I thought we were talking about food, coomer. Please masturbate before you post again.

>> No.19346093

>implying any fast food is good

>> No.19346098
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He's pretty cucked. Even other Asians can't stand him anymore after he made some comic where he implied Asian women were perpetuating white supremacy by not dating Asian men. I also find it funny that he draws himself looking way more attractive than he actually is.

>> No.19346610

>Mexico of Asia
Back during the Spanish colonial era when both countries were under Spanish rule, Mexico, named Nuevo España (New Spain) at the time, was the governing body for the Philippines before going to Spain. Just one of those fun facts to why Philippines and Mexico share a lot of similarities, they have tied history.

>> No.19346779

the Tariq Nasheed of Asians

>> No.19346809

i envy you
t. philipino

>> No.19346894
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Ok I'm gonna be that guy who asks when filipino food is mentioned: do you consume a lot of balut ? is it just a food for special occasions ? street food ? tourist trap ?

>> No.19346906

its street foot, some cheap slop you eat for brekky or a snack throughout the day. its pretty good

>> No.19346912


>> No.19346914

oh okay, thanks, I assumed it was a "meme food" that actually very few people eat, like frogs in France

>> No.19346930

no no, plenty of poors eat it off the street, but from my experience a lot of people who aren't in poverty cannot stand it. not just the smell and look but the idea of eating a fetus cannot be ignored by those people. some people even look down upon those who do eat it, from a morality standpoint (like my mom)

>> No.19347295

Is that one of the dudes from Trash Taste?

>> No.19347333

Never in history have I saw noodles and cabbage holy shit what is this?

>> No.19347362
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>Filipino food
>Posts a pic of an Australian

>> No.19347371

Your mother's pag-pag stinks, OP. Which isn't surprising since she picks it out of literal garbage piles.

>> No.19347611

Just because he looks like a Lord of the Rings extra doesn't mean he's Australian.

>> No.19347959
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its literally Joey, a half-Aussie half-Jap e-celeb. famous for speaking 2 languages and liking anime

>> No.19348679

yeah that's Connor

>> No.19348839 [DELETED] 

>Filipino food
Kapampangan food*
>pork tocino
pindang babi*
>beef tapa/tocino
pindang baka*
>maja blanca
>(filipino) tamales

>> No.19348842

>Filipino food
Kapampangan food*
>pork tocino
pindang babi*
>beef tapa/tocino
pindang baka*
>maja blanca
>(filipino) tamales

>> No.19348852

Thanks for sharing

>> No.19348880

what's the difference?

>> No.19350269

gotta give credit properly. the food are literally kapampangan, or they have superior versions, or they just cook better.
at least sisig is not being appropriated by having a tagalog word.

>> No.19350717
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>> No.19351565

I am not sure if it's just because there's heaps of Philippinos in America (and so you guys are exposed to more of their food) but Philippino food is easily the bottom 3-4 of South East Asia .
The undisputable trifecta is Malaysian(all ethnicities so kinda cheating), Thai, Viet.
All others might have a couple of dishes here or there but essentially not as refined as a cuisine.

>> No.19351610

when you go to a thai restaurant it's food not for thai people but for westerns to want to go to thailand. the same to an extent with viet, which is why a lot of viet restaurants just specialize in pho or bahn mi. filipino places are for filipinos who want a taste of home, even the disgusting ones.
it's actually easier to get into thai food because there are so many restaurants even in places without thai community and because they've narrowed the menu down to ones they know will sell to westerners instead of a nearly non-existent thai community.

>> No.19351651

pretty grim to be putting that kind of information as a cheery little fun fact in a restaurant.

>> No.19351673
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>>>19343426 >>19345671 >>19346912
>>>19343175 (You)
>>Based on what?
>Based on whatever meat they can pull out of the trash

Kek award for you.

>> No.19351684

>>Mexico of Asia
>Back during the Spanish colonial era when both countries were under Spanish rule, Mexico, named Nuevo España (New Spain) at the time, was the governing body for the Philippines before going to Spain. Just one of those fun facts to why Philippines and Mexico share a lot of similarities, they have tied history.


They used to teach this in US schools.

>> No.19351700

Flippo food is the fusion nigger's disneyland

>> No.19351713

Flips don't really care if you're hwyte. They'd look at your mail-order bride with disdain doe albeit thoughever

>> No.19351740
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sure pedro

>> No.19351818
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*ting* well meme'd my friend