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File: 162 KB, 1080x1444, FxYeTowaAAY3Ls0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19329605 No.19329605 [Reply] [Original]

It's over

>> No.19329606

you are obsessed, genuinely

>> No.19329614

Those ESG dollars are an offer that can't be refused, apparently.

>> No.19329615

Isn't this really old?

>> No.19329626
File: 1.96 MB, 480x320, 1513387658508.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to chik fil a circa 2019
>half the workers are twinks
youre late kitten

>> No.19329647

>immediately goes to thinking about semen

Why are conservatives like this?

>> No.19329658

They were already woke, they went particularly insane with the white guilt during the 2020 Summer of Fun.

>> No.19329669

Eating out is worse than the hire and Joey doesn't realize this. Eat at neighbors homes and socialize LIKE A COMMUNITY. BREAK THE CYCLE.

>> No.19329671


Arent they closed on Sunday? That's pretty un-woke (and yeah, compared to what is defined as "woke" today, its true)

>> No.19329672

12 hours ago according to the twitter screengrab

>> No.19329688

The CEO said white people needed to be ashamed of themselves and beg for forgiveness. It was probably an awkward attempt to thread the needle with regards to the racial obsession of the time and his Christian audience, but it comes across as a white guilt overdose.

>> No.19329694

Hopefully they open on Sundays

>> No.19329700

Chick fil a was never good

>> No.19329702


The spicy crispy chicken sandwich is great

>> No.19329710
File: 633 KB, 849x1132, 1684751335778261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are we going to have to boycott?
pic related

>> No.19329714

why do they have to make shit up? they are hundreds of examples to choose from, then they use the most outlandish shit that anyone with common sense knows to not be true.
>semen in the drinks

>> No.19329716
File: 66 KB, 413x395, Take A Drink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The CEO said white people needed to be ashamed of themselves
Please tell the Canaanites to fuck off and stop pretending to be us, our friends, or other races.

>> No.19329721
File: 223 KB, 1273x1600, chick_fil_a_girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chick-fil-a girls

>> No.19329723

It's over. Chick-fil-A has fallen. Billions must cock-a-doodle-doo.

>> No.19329729

girls are so wierd, dumb and primitive. You would think girls that are slightly above average wouldnt need to show off legs, or wear so much make or leggings or yoga pants. But literally all girls dress the same way.

>> No.19329733

Cant live with them, cant live without em.
Just dont go getting them preggo or marrying them.

>> No.19329734

>get woke get broke that's how it works in this world.
fuck chickfila

>> No.19329737


they cute :)

>> No.19329740

The left girl is confusing me. I can't tell if she's black, SEAsian or blasian.

>> No.19329745


Most of the Jungle Asians have that face shape and skin tone, she's probably pinay or something.

>> No.19329748

Shariff dont like it, rock the casbah
Fuck em.

>> No.19329755

Don't tell them that, it'll go to their heads.

>> No.19329756

Liberals performatively drinking Bud Light and eating Chickfila would be pretty funny desu senpai

>> No.19329762

Who knows, she's a fuck machine, they both are.

>> No.19329779

when you're attractive, you have a tendency to show off your assets. yes even guys. not that you'd know anything about that

>> No.19329806
File: 67 KB, 460x627, 1679245986199104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never ate at Chik fil gay

>> No.19329808

I'm not attractive but that doesn't mean that some hot chicks havent grabbed my "assests"

>> No.19329813

>tranny semen frosted lemonade
Can I order this today?

>> No.19329814

I have an order for you and it comes complete with flying saucers, space aliens and lizard people.

>> No.19329825

christians probably own all these companies and run the campaigns just to piss off their customer base for election season

>> No.19329833

It's not Christians, it's that politics is fucking boring. Nobody in their right mind gives a fuck about weirdo politicals with their arms flailing about like morons. It's not a religious thing.

>> No.19329870

can we finally admit that wendy’s had a better chicken sandwich now?

>> No.19329894

not as long as they are considered legal persons. i wouldnt own a dog if it was a legal person and i had to feed it what i ate too.

>> No.19329900

>Jungle Asians
lol. youre right tho, they live in jungles and are closer to primates.

>> No.19329909

>when you're attractive, you have a tendency to show off your assets.
but those arent assets or unique, there are 10000s of 8/10s, and 100000s of 7/10s and 1000000s of 9/10s. why would a 8/10 also dress and wear make up the way a 6/10 does. Thats where being a follower and a "basic bitch" comes in. Shes not showing off anything, thats the issues, shes showing that she is just like every girl.

>> No.19329914

a billionaire shows off differently than a millionaire. but the range for girls is not that far apart. all girls are selling or showing off the same "assets." If anything, their method of showing off cheapens their value. like why would i purchase something that has no value?

>> No.19329920

that's ancient history

>> No.19329922

see ----> >>19329914
these white chick looks better, but shes showing off the same way as a girl one point below her. lol. like as a man, you wouldnt do something a broke person does right?

>> No.19329929

girls are followers, which means they all wear the same style, same brand, same hairstyle, and all speak in a similar way. espeically within social circles. i didnt know showing off you are an idiot and a follower is something positive. lmfao.

>> No.19329948

thats why for girls, the wall hits so hard. cause they wear so much make up and attract more than they should be, so when they wall, they are even worse looking than they actually were when they were prewall.

>> No.19329954

girl, 4/10 without make up, with make up =6/10, post wall = 2/10. lmfao

>> No.19329962

real incel hours in here, jesus christ. go outside please...actually don't, you'll just scare everyone

>> No.19329965


>> No.19329992

female mad.

>> No.19330837

99% of right wingers brains are tranny obsession. It must be terrible to think about trans people non-stop all day every day.

>> No.19330856

yeah, it's what causes the abnormally high suicide rate among them.

>> No.19330865

>simping for globohomo when you will be first against the wall.

Ironic desu

>> No.19330933
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I was saying that since the beginning.

>> No.19330942

Every woman decides at a young age that they are going to be a prostitute, it only makes sense that the commoditization of their bodies makes them want window shoppers.

>> No.19330960

reactionaries gonna react. there's always a way to create an out group to make you look better to an increasingly small inner circle of true believers. it's like that alt-right "women attract chads and ruin hobbies" meme except real.

>> No.19330962

If you think it's terrible to think about transfolk, you're a chud too

>> No.19330984

Because it’s not about reality, it never was

>> No.19330989


>> No.19331672

chud thread

>> No.19331682
File: 70 KB, 1080x810, 8c8337b8c20408f28c708991b43dd551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vice President of the Gay Agenda here. Just so you know, we have already won. You ate tranny semen at least twice this month already. It is now over, behead your parents and then come worship satan with us.

>> No.19331689

Nothing wrong with troons as long as they are not communists

>> No.19331724

I think it is great that trannies, LGBQs, and MAPs are finally being treated like humans at Chick-fil-a. Now that we have infiltrated this Christian institution, we must set our sights on our next target: The Vatican.

>> No.19331755
File: 26 KB, 628x360, ...stares....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy Shit!
You really haven't been paying attention over the last 9 years, have you--
Wait... You are one, aren't you.
It's hilarious just how much projection fags engage in.
>"Oh, I'll bet he's relly just a repressed gay... Now make my fucking CAKE YOU CIS_GENDER!!!"

>> No.19331853

Somehow this is the straw that broke the camels back, and not all the minorities they hire.

Quentisha and Geraldo have been ruining CFA longer than DEI has.

>> No.19331863
File: 180 KB, 1242x1237, kUzIiUQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first mom came for the orange fool and I said nothing for I am not orange
then mom came for the bud light and I said nothing for I do not drink pisswater
then mom came for my chuddycakes and there was no one left to stand up for the cakes but me

>> No.19331868

Even your posting style betrays how nuts you are. It's over.

>> No.19331881
File: 111 KB, 1500x865, 1678306042894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking OBSESSED with tranny semen
chuds gonna chud