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19321885 No.19321885 [Reply] [Original]

Good ol beer thread

>> No.19322026
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>> No.19322249
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>> No.19322260

Industrial piss

Gives me headaches

>> No.19322327
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Don't drink this
As a co-worker once said: Lapin kulta is really good, until you remember that you bought a second one

>> No.19322332
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This is really good though if you want to drink 12 in a row

>> No.19322510
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Ol' reliable

>> No.19322591


>> No.19322610
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About to try this for the first time, what am I in for?

>> No.19322612

a revelation lad. its heavy that

>> No.19322614

The worst stout I've had

>> No.19323121

Looking for some advice, I've never really drank that much and even less beer. I've had maybe 3 or 4 beers in my entire life and I couldn't tell you single thing about them.
Going to hang out with some friends this weekend and we're all supposed to bring some beer to share and I have no clue what to get. I don't want to show up with some generic bud or whatever but I don't want to get something snobby. Any recommendations for a good casual beer that tastes good?

>> No.19323140

Bro I've had like 8 beers tonight. How have you not have had more tan 4 beers? Anyways, get in to the different styles, porter, stout, bayer, ipa, pilsner, wheat beer, raw ale, etc. Some beers are more flavored by hops than the malt itself and vice versa. Find what you like and bring that. Shit's no contest.

>> No.19323145
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>> No.19323150

Bring this if you can find it>>19323121
I've never seen a person complain about it.
Almost no hops so bitterness is extremely low. The wheat adds a nice sweetness and subtle honey taste. It's always a winner, and 5% so not overpowering by any means.

>> No.19323172
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>> No.19323179

This shit is good, if you can find it.

>> No.19323201
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>> No.19323233
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fag enabling brands to avoid

>> No.19323447
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I'm Trans BTW, not sure if that matters.

>> No.19323461

It's been a long time since anything reminded me about surf sharks.

>> No.19323473

flat beer

>> No.19323519

hating on lapin kulta is a retarded finnish redneck meme. you heard the big boys tell you once that it's "reindeer piss" and now you hate it too because you want to look cool.

>> No.19323531

Also not saying it's super good or anything but it's just barely any different from any other bulk pisswater you get at the stores. It tastes like cheap beer and gets you drunk just like the rest.

>> No.19323674
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>> No.19323739

I'm still drinking Miller Lite
I don't care if they made a gay commercial
all the heat is on Bud Light anyway

>> No.19323834
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>> No.19323848

Anon who generally hates beer here, yesterday I had the first beer I ever didn't find to be disgusting, it was Hoegaarden. Any other varieties that taste kind of like that, with very little hop taste?

>> No.19323856


>> No.19324147

Look for wheat beers, Hoegaarden is specifically Belgian style wheat beer but you might like German ones as well.

>> No.19324149

beer is so awesome :D

>> No.19324151

Maybe you should stick to soft drinks

>> No.19324155

For me it's La Chouffe, the best Belgian blonde beer

>> No.19324177

Any white beer/blanche such as >>19322026. If you're in the US have a look at https://www.celisbeers.com/our-beers.. They're made by the same guy who made Hoegaarden.

>> No.19324183
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>drink 4 heinekens over 6 hours
>somehow still get a hangover
It's over for me isn't it?

>> No.19324363
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The best, suck it faggots

>> No.19324382

After finishing my tea I'm gonna grab a Rohrbach Scotch Ale. Rochester has a good beer scene. Happy Memorial Day!
The flat and bad stout replies are accurate but it fills an uncommon niche: it's a light stout. It's low abv and light on flavor, but the roasted coffee stout flavor is still present. It's a bad stout is because stouts are supposed to be full of flavor and heavy, but not everyone's into that sort of thing. Granted, I'm in the USA and we import all of our guinness from Ireland and I've heard it tastes different (usually stronger) if it's made closer to you. So if you're in Europe it might taste better and stronger than the guinness draught I've drank.
If you like it try Murphy's, it's the same style. The worst part of Murphy's is it has a slight metallic taste but it's not that bad.

>> No.19324386

It's so bad they intentionally design the cases to fall apart so stores will have to write them off as a loss

>> No.19325302
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Tuborg green

>> No.19325310


>> No.19325363
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plebs would never know this feel

>> No.19325372
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Any Canucks here? What do you think of Rickard's Red?

>> No.19325422

this looks like fun times

>> No.19325512

Good choice

>> No.19325513


>> No.19325635

>They're made by the same guy who made Hoegaarden.
no shit, he moved to austin? i also thought they closed down during the pandemic. i'll have to check out their place sometime soon

>> No.19325950

They didn't make a gay commercial.
They made a stupid bitch commercial.
Know the difference.

>> No.19325988
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If you want a stronger Guinness then you get picrel, albeit without benefit of the nitro widget. They have also done some more limited releases like Foreign Extra at 7.5%.

>> No.19326343

>Foreign Extra Stout
That one is pretty nice, I allways get it from an african grosery store

I find the normal Guinness Draught disgusting.

>> No.19326358

You're not the only one with that reaction but I don't understand it, my only problem with draught is that it goes down TOO easy.

>> No.19326369
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The best everyday beer.

>> No.19326618

Why are you americans freaking out about that one ad? Drinking light beer is as queer as it gets.

>> No.19326980
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Leffe blonde is the best tasting beer ever IMO

>> No.19327512


>> No.19327647
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>drinking tranny beer

>> No.19327763

I mean it was gay like it was retarded
I come from a time when if something was stupid, you'd just say it was gay

>> No.19327831

>>19327647 do you have nothing better to do?

>> No.19328064

Thread is full of plebs who buy pre-bottled beer.
Any Growler fillers here?

>> No.19328108

Tuborg, you know that's for homosexuals, women, and weirdos.

>> No.19328111

"pre-bottled?" What does that mean you fucking idiot? As opposed to post bottled?

>> No.19328117


>> No.19328143

as in you buy it in bottles from the store instead of getting it filled from the brewery's tanks, you smooth-brained fucking retard.