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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19315761 No.19315761 [Reply] [Original]

lmao, it do be like that tho

>> No.19315775
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>> No.19315792

Wow, the most popular meat in America gets a sandwich at every fast food joint, how could this be
They're all different btw

>> No.19315795
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>> No.19315801

Why iterate on perfection?

>> No.19315832

This needs to be updated since McDonald's, Hardee's and Wendy's all have their own lettuceless carbon copy versions too now

>> No.19315856

Freedom of choice

>> No.19315868


>kfc > all
at least in australia

>> No.19315927

>capitalism feeds people
where's the joke

>> No.19315939

Nigger it's a chicken sandwich what do you fucking expect you imbecile

>> No.19315942

Stores in Cuba are full of food and they produce more native doctors than the US per Capita

>> No.19315958

what a prized albino cherry you've gone and picked!

the average income in cuba is also 150 bucks a month so I don't fucking care how many 'doctors' they churn out.

>> No.19315963
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>Haha I make a lot of money and pay a lot of it for food and housing, people that make less and spend less are losers
Enjoy OPs burgers costing $11 each I guess. Also it isn't even just communism, it's any country that cares about citizens enough to subsidize anything but corn

>> No.19315969

>Stores in Cuba are full of food

>> No.19315971

you're not wrong I sure am getting rooked by the stores in my area. When I lived in the distant sticks of north louisiana my food bill was 1/5 what it was.

>> No.19315976

>the cuban government cares about its citizens

>> No.19315980

I could post similar videos from everywhere from Thailand to Denmark, Japan to Italy, Mexico to Singapore. The US overpays for its food in comparison to every single other country, and we don't even get good quality stuff. It's similar to and directly tied in with our healthcare system

>> No.19315992
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>places with low income.... cost less to live in?

>> No.19315993

we don't deserve good healthcare because of how enthusiastically we're trying to destroy ourselves with obesity. You can't save someone from drowning if they are actively trying to fill their lungs with water.

>> No.19316005

>Low income
Lol I just pulled up the price of a package of sausage in Italy ($2 equivalent for 10) and it's literally more than double in the US and has an ingredient list twice as long

>> No.19316012

because europeans get half of their income siphoned off in taxes

>> No.19316016

idk man you make 150 usd a year and only pay 60 cents for bread! wow what a steal!

>> No.19316019

To be fair, it's more a reflection of the target demographic and their preferences.
Compare KFC's US menu with the Polish meni, for example
Plenty of innovation, but American customers don't want anything other than the unspiced chicken and biscuits with gravy.

>> No.19316021

>just subsidize food
>just make everyone pay for everyones food instead of paying for your own food
What if I don't eat as much as you?

>> No.19316027

holy shit i get 12 different choices for a chicken sandwich? thanks capitalism!

>> No.19316031

you won't get a straight answer here. Subsidizing food is the dumbest shit ever and is just new avenues for corruption as these do nothing commie politicians line their pockets with taxes every time the money moves.

>> No.19316045

Americans get low taxes but the prices are still high AND we don't have more government services

>> No.19316048

This. What the fuck do people want exactly? A sandwich is just the shit you actually want to eat between the shit best suited to deliver it to your fat mouth. The problem isn't the boogyman of "muh capitalism", it's always the fault of the consumer for buying the same shit ad nauseam.

>> No.19316053

You could argue that everything is implicitly subsidised by you not being taxed for it in the first place.

>> No.19316059
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>Capitalism is when chicken burger

>> No.19316062

fuck you, why did I laugh at this

>> No.19316064

oh i'm not talking shit about subsidizing, shit works for many features of a working country. Roads, Police, Fire, Police (in fact the privatization of police functions has been a fucking disaster), ect al

Subsidizing food is dumb as shit tho.

>> No.19316067

>lol hundreds of thousands of successful businesses serving tens of millions of people food every day
>capitalism did a fail

>> No.19316070


>> No.19316118

>Invent 12 different forms of the same product
Why are commies like this?

>> No.19316135

It's a food fad. Those constantly come and go.
Are any of you old enough to remember the sun-dried tomato craze in the 90s? Shit was everywhere.
How about the chipotle fad?
Ciabatta bread?
Sriracha fad where everything had toned-down "creamy" sriracha mayo?

At the very least, Popeye's kicking off the current chicken sandwich fad has meant even places that sold chicken before have had to up their game and serve large, juicier pieces of chicken. That's capitalist innovation.
And yes, I know Chik-fil-a was first, but they were, and still are, good, but overpriced for what you get. It was when Popeye's came out with their larger, cheaper and just plain better sandwich that this current chicken sandwich craze kicked off.

>> No.19316155
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>Upholding fried chicken sandwiches as the paramount innovation of all capitalist systems
Meanwhile you're posting on the fucking internet

>> No.19316610

Yes it do be like that. Both statements are unironically true. Innovation happens through iteration

>> No.19316650

Almost every European country has higher inflation that the US.
I'm told it's corporation price gouging food, Europeans must be greedier.

>> No.19316657

You only have like three of the above choices in Australia. Your opinion is irrelevant. Of those listed only Pop eyes and Chik FIL A are good, and they are actually legitimately good. The rest are horrible.

>> No.19316658

Cost of fuel in Europe is higher and tied to the dollar
The US doubled the number of dollars in circulation over the past two years
You can, and should, blame the Biden administration
Stolen elections have consequences

>> No.19316662

if you think these are all the same thing you have broken taste buds and should go see a tongue doctor

>> No.19316851

I am a socialist but this meme is fucking retarded and intentionally ignores the massive menu that every swinging dick fast food chain in the world has, along with all the regional menus and differences between chains or even individual locations.

>> No.19316981

ifunny watermarks aren't even ironically funny anymore chud

>> No.19316984

yes the food in the stores in cuba is fish bait here, but thats NOT the point

>> No.19317110

>Stolen elections
Go back to your containment board.

>> No.19317154

Denmark is expensive af.

>> No.19317170
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>> No.19317195

>is told our food supply is overpriced and low quality
>hurting our health
>its our fault
please kill yourself anon if you're so tough

>> No.19317253

More is better

>> No.19317456

The innovation is the amount of different brands/chains
Each one has a different price and different quality/flavor
You can choose the best one for your money
With communism it's just a single government bread line

>> No.19317474

Stop lying, nigga. We are literally starving.

>t. Cuban

>> No.19317482

That is a fallacy. You get tons of government services that don’t exist in Europe at all. Just off the top of my head you get Snap, Section 8 HUD, Medicare, Medicaid, Heap. Only to mention a few. I live in Europe and literally had Americans say to me homeless people here get taken cared of and had to watch the sad Bambi eyes when I explained to her there is no safety net for those people, no snap like food benefits, no hud like benefits, and although there is public health services the fact that they’re swamped means that in a way they don’t exist. Every eu state is different so your experience may vary.
Medicare and Medicaid alone make half of the us government expenditure every year.
You may get in proportional terms more services than anyone in a European state

>> No.19317489

this meme is used for communists that defend videogame companies chud delete it right this instant

>> No.19317493

>I must defend my favourite pedophile from criticism on a cooking board

>> No.19317505

It's not like each of those fast food outlets only sells chicken sandwiches and nothing else, they all have different menus with "innovative" things unique to each one.

>> No.19317506

the popeyes one is unironically an entirely different experience from chick fil a and not in a bad way
w/o capitalism we'd have one option and it'd probably be the shittiest one like sonic's or something worse idk

>> No.19317507

ive only eaten wendys and carl jrs
they were good

>> No.19317730

>i must bring up schizo politics in a thread about chicken sandwiches

>> No.19317738
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Reread the thread. Very slowly.

>> No.19317851

that 60 cent bread is like $5 in Canada

>> No.19317871

don't forget the US taxpayer essentially funds the defense and weaponry of Eurofaggots

>> No.19317878
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>> No.19318036
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>> No.19318060
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>chicken burgers are popular
>fast food companies all start making their own to capitalise on market demand
>this is bad somehow

>> No.19318079

He's not defending the corporations, he's defending the Chicken Sandwich. You mong. You retard. You absolute buffoon

>> No.19318104
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>> No.19318170

this was just the right size for me, thanks :)
t. ant