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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 103 KB, 2000x2000, Rice_cooker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19307963 No.19307963 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is the point of this, just boil rice using the stove with a pot.

>> No.19307970

Convenience bruh. Saves time and effort.

Low quality bait anyway. Have a sage.

>> No.19307972

People either

1. don't know how to cook
2. want convenience, so appliances like a rice cooker makes it easier
3. were always taught that rice cookers were the only way to cook rice, so they bought one before they learned how to cook and never really learned how to do it themselves.
4. always had one in their possession anyway so they don't have much reason to not use it when they want to make rice

5. they actually think it makes the rice objectively better (it doesn't, it's the same)

>> No.19307977

Cool it with the antisemitic remarks.

>> No.19307980

>pouring water and rice into a pot and turning on the stove takes too much time
You might unironically be retarded.

>> No.19307990

Yeah, those $20, one-button rice cookers suck. Get a good fuzzy logic or don't bother. Also, why would you boil rice? Just because you bought a shitty rice cooker doesn't mean you have to intentionally make stovetop rice intentionally worse. Of course it's never going to be as good as what you get from a real rice cooker, but poorfags are gonna poorfag.

>> No.19308001

that anon is dumb and gay but he's right about it being more convenient. he's wrong about what makes it more convenient though.

they're convenient because they automatically stop cooking as soon as the rice is cooked and then they keep the rice warm for you until you're ready to serve, whereas on the stove you have to be there ready to turn off the heat yourself when the rice is done cooking unless you want it to burn.
but in terms of time, stovetop method and rice cooker method both take the same amount of time.

making rice yourself on the stove in a pot is still easy and convenient, but rice cookers just make it slightly easier because there's some automation involved (they turn off the heat by themselves when the rice is done).

but it's not that much easier to justify buying or owning one though kek.

>> No.19308003

for pancakes and castellas

>> No.19308006

Ok I'll bite. I agree they are pretty worthless and rice on the stove is better. But as someone with a baby not having to watch to make sure the rice doesn't boil over is handy

>> No.19308008

when people waste their money on something that wasn't worth it because they fell for a meme they always try to rationalize with "people who don't own this must be poorfags. i'm of a higher status" when really it's easy to understand that people like you are just gullible and easily swindled into handing over your cash to people smarter than you.

>> No.19308011
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I cook for my GF a lot and she has her family over frequently (theyre Asian so big into family) so freeing up a burner while we make a large meal is great, plus we just turn it on and walk away and come back to warm cooked rice. Its about convenience

>> No.19308020


>> No.19308024

Lol. I have a Zoj, dude. I didn't fall for any meme. It's one of the best purchases I've ever made. If you think "rice is rice" and "pasta is pasta" and "bread is bread" and "beer is beer" that's fine. Keep buying all your food at Walmart and eating your boiled rice and bud lite or whatever.

>> No.19308026

It's for this reason i recommend Instant Pot cookers. They cook so many things for you, and in a fraction of the time it takes on the stove. And they can cook rice too.

>> No.19308031

I always make a point to call out people who recommend instapots in rice cooker threads. They make terrible rice. Probably not as bad as OP's boiled rice, but not much better than the thing in the OP pic.

>> No.19308037

Can confirm, instant pot rice sucks balls.

>> No.19308041
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What the fuck is the point of this, just put your plump lips around the schrader valve and inflate the tire using your lungs.

>> No.19308049

you wasted your money on that thing and you shop at walmart all the time.

>> No.19308057

>trying to sound smart
>uses the worst comparison possible
I can cook rice just fine in a pot. You could prove with a video that you can inflate truck tires to 33 psi with your lungs because I believe you cannot.

>> No.19308062
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>n-no you!

>> No.19308065

Why not just make minute rice?

>> No.19308070

>has weaklet lungs that cannot inflate truck tires to a safe pressure

>> No.19308076
File: 9 KB, 500x281, 1681187750316578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a rice...cooker?

>> No.19308077

>saying boiled rice is a bad thing

retard anon... how do you think rice cookers cook things?
inside the rice cooker... the rice... is boiling... in water.

>> No.19308078

Sounds like you're seething really hard cause OP called you out on being a retard who wastes his money on worthless shit like a rice cooker, topkek

>> No.19308079

Reddit faggot meme. Go back and kill yourself.

>> No.19308085

Are you a retard? A rice cooker is the best. Perfect rice everytime and no drama. And keeps is warm too.

>> No.19308086

Anon...rice is steamed. That's how most of the world makes rice and that's how every rice cooker works. Boiling rice is like trying to carve a turkey with a cleaver. If you think boiled rice is "acceptable" or "just as good" you are a massive tastelet who's opinion is worth less that nothing.

>> No.19308089

The meme originated on /tv/
I wouldn't know if it's posted anywhere else since I only browse 4chan

>> No.19308091

Imagine if there was an appliance called a "water boiler" that was a big pot that advertised itself as being the best way to boil water.

And people dumb enough to buy one all said the water boiled with the water boiler is "objectively better" than water boiled without one. And these water boilers took the same amount of time to boil water as regular methods, and they cost like hundreds of dollars.

That's what the world of rice cookers is like.

>> No.19308092

I'm not the retard who wasted money on a metal box that does the same thing I could do with a pot and stove, so you tell me.

>> No.19308097



>> No.19308100

Why would boiled water be any different depending on the method used to get it boiling? Your analogy doesn't make any sense.

>> No.19308104

Why are you even on /ck/?

>> No.19308108

Sounds like you're just too poor to understand what makes water boilers the best. Buy one and then you'll realize what makes them superior.

>> No.19308111

Rice is boiled and then steams dry when the water evaporates/absorbs. What are you talking about?

Steamed rice is placed in a basket above boiling water until it's cooked, which doesn't really make great eating rice.

>> No.19308124

>rice is rice
>it's either cooked or not cooked
>all cooked rice is the same
>the technique or method used makes no difference to the end product
Just stop posting. You're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.19308130

Only a completely cooklet boils rice. You boil pasta, not rice. That's why you don't use a lid when you cook pasta but you do when you make rice.

>> No.19308133

i can't hear you over the sound of my amazing water boiler. best purchase i ever made in my entire life. don't cry to me just because you have inferior boiled water since you don't own a water boiler, poorfag.

>> No.19308135

You don't have to check on it and the rice never sticks to the bottom like when you cook it in a pan.

>> No.19308140

>not knowing what BOILING is

Holy shit... anon.... Are you seriously this stupid? like, for real? There's no way. There's just no fucking way. I refuse to believe it.

>> No.19308142

I do own a water boiler. I like the convenience of being able to set a temperature, press a button, and walk away. It doesn't make better quality boiled water, but it's nice to have.

>> No.19308160

The absolute state of brainlet rice cooker fags

>> No.19308163
File: 36 KB, 612x409, boiling-rice-in-portion-bag-a-bag-of-white-cooked-rice-is-held-with-a-hand-in-front-of-a-dark[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think that boiling and simmering and poaching are all the same thing? Have you ever made rice that didn't look like pic related?

>> No.19308175

>i can't explain why i'm right and you're wrong, but if i just keep calling you a retard eventually you'll go away

>> No.19308183
File: 1.88 MB, 300x296, 1484457542563.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I will defend rice cookers until the day I die but you're a fucking retard

>> No.19308191

Post your recipe for cooking rice. You must be trolling.

>> No.19308198

>Saves time and effort.
it saves like maybe a minute of your life, and that's giving it too much credit

>> No.19308212

>he has a recipe for cooking rice
There are lots of different kinds of rice, dum dum. Anyone who says shit like "boil for 5 minutes, cover and turn off the heat and wait 15 minutes, and you have perfect rice every time" is about as retarded as someone who recommends cooking burgers or steaks by minutes per side.

>> No.19308226
File: 113 KB, 1200x800, Congee-Toppings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only a completely cooklet boils rice.
Actually you do boil rice when you cook congee/juk/okayu/other similar dish like picrelated, but otherwise you are right, thread is full of cooklets without any knowledge of culinary notions.

>> No.19308252

It takes literally the same amount of time to put rice in a pot, fill it to the first knuckle with water, turn the stove on to medium heat, and then walk away for 20 minutes.

You're literally too fucking lazy to set a timer. This is not a matter of convenience for you. You were not already fully able and willing to make rice, and found nicety is the insignificant convenience of not having to set a timer. You're just too fucking lazy to cook unless a machine does every single bit of the work for you.

>> No.19308262
File: 34 KB, 612x612, IMG_3965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19308300

That’s not a pot

>> No.19308317

You are trolling arent you? Post your method to make short rice grain to be used in making sushi.

>> No.19308328

To be honest I haven't made sushi rice without using a rice cooker in probably 15 years. Because why would I? Unless you're literally working at Jiro's you're not making better short grain rice than any mid-range Zojirushi.

>> No.19308342
File: 69 KB, 830x895, 1518073425851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rinse rice, add water ( USE YO FINGA ), put in cooker
>press one button
>can now cook the rest of the meal without having to multitask the rice
>it comes out perfect every time
>keeps it warm until you're ready to serve also
WOW imagine not owning a chad cooker

>> No.19308356

you don't even need to rinse it
i used to rinse my shit religiously when i cooked it in a pot but with a zojirushi i just throw the rice in and fill it to the line and let it go and it's perfect every time

>> No.19308360

Pretty much this. I use one so I can just hit go and forget about it. I also have a shitty electric stove so it takes a bit more fiddling to cook rice on it.

>> No.19308365

Terrible advice, you should be ashamed.
Hand over your cooking badge and your spatula. And your other spatula.

>> No.19308368

Lmao, ricelet. A donabe cooks short grain rice better than any rice cooker once you get the correct soaking time, water ratio and cooking time.

You're dodging the question because you are playing a stupid word game.

When cooking standard table(basmati, jasmine, whatever) rice do you put rice into water? Do you bring that water to a boil for a certain amount of time? Your rice cooker does that...

>> No.19308372

>chad cooker
based cannibal.

>> No.19308394

I get having a rice cooker but I don't know how people justify getting one of those unless you're literally eating rice every single day.

>> No.19308535
File: 262 KB, 500x500, 730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


For me, I had the kind in OP's picture. It was like some $20 faggy thing from an Asian market, and you know what, there's a reason Asians have Tigers and Zojis, and these $20 ones are only bought by Western college students, its because they suck donkey dick at cooking rice and have trash construction

>> No.19308588

>rinse rice


>> No.19308607

>unless you're literally eating rice every single day.
this is what a zojirushi is built for. anything less and you're just a weeb.

>> No.19308704

OP get a cheap one, use it for awhile, then report back whether you think it is pointless

>> No.19308706

I really enjoy my one button rice cooker
eh they can be so cheap I think it's justified, especially if you're a forgetful person and you cook a lot of rice.

>> No.19309101

i lived in japan for 12 years and japanese honestly dont know that you can just cook rice in a pot with water.
rice cookers are just too convenient if you eat rice all the time

>> No.19309216

>using a blender when you can use your knife
>using a toaster when you can use your oven
>using a microwave when you can use your pan
>using a peeler when you can use your tiny knife
it's certainly possible

>> No.19309364

Use to cook rice on the stove top until I was gifted an instant pot. Then laziness took over my life.

>> No.19309531
File: 161 KB, 976x1390, a-monk-stirring-a-big-pot-of-rice-in-a-monastery-JC076H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stove pot team on the defense
I got this.

Mass quantity rice boiling, electric fags defeated and shamed.

>> No.19309672

you can do something else while not needing to return at two specific times just to turn a knob. The rice cooker's time is not the user's time. Are you only pretending to not understand this?

>> No.19309792

only disgusting gaijin use stove to cook rice

>> No.19309918

Because there’s too much on the line.

>> No.19310310

OP if you're going to copy someone else's meme at least contribute some OC. Or something useful. Or at least funny.

>> No.19310316

>they actually think it makes the rice objectively better
One guy around here will die on that hill. He made sushi rice for like 10 years and we just dont know what actual good rice is

>> No.19310332

i'd get one if if i ate rice regularly, but is there really someone who thinks the primary function of a rice cooker is doing it better while you stand around watching? wtf have they been doing to rice?

>> No.19310334

I just use a pot and ive never found rinsing necessary

>> No.19310422

Rinsing depends on the type of rice. One rinse is always get to get the fecal matter, bug parts, and bare footed brown person remnants off your rice.

>> No.19310501

my rice never sticks to the bottom of the pan because I'm not deeply retarded. what the fuck are you even doing?

>> No.19310536

Not having to take care of it even a little while cooking something else

>> No.19310576

You only need to worry about that shit if you are in a third world country or buy rice grown and packaged in third world countries.

>> No.19310577

It makes perfect rice every time and stays warm. I've cooked for years and CEC. I make most rice dishes from scratch in the oven and in pans. Mostly use pilaf method. But for steamed white rice the cooker just can't be beat. The fact that it's non-stick alone makes it superior for storage and quick cleaning.

And most restaurants utilize very large rice cookers specifically for the consistency and hot holding factors. I've not worked in Asian restaurants; they may use hotel pans or bamboo gear or something else, but I can attest to cookers in fine dining kitchens.

>> No.19310584

Besides the fact that it's gross with a terrible texture? Well, it's only 8x the cost of the rice it's ready faster than. I guess if you like bad rice and in a hurry and very expensive for what it is, Minute Rice is for you.

>> No.19310590

Rice cookers are $20 USD brand fucking new. It's not some scam like the bluetooth juice bag squeezer. The rice doesn't stick. It cooks perfectly without stirring or timing or adjusting the temperature. It turns itself to low and maintains warm rice for you.

You may as well be demonizing the fucking countertop coffee machine that most households have because you could make coffee in a saucepan on the stove. A Mr. Coffee is $20 USD brand new. Easy to operate. Keeps your coffee warm for you.
Fucking retard.

>> No.19310600

This anon clearly believes that "boiling" is cooking something in abundant excess liquid and then it is cooked and much liquid remains. Doesn't understand that it's the same boiling going on, the same reaction, same dynamics as when he strains noodles.

And anyone here railing against rice cookers has just never used one. Hell, maybe they bought a bad one and had a bad experience. But no one who's successfully made perfect rise with a cooker would argue that a pot and burner experience is better or easier. Wouldn't happen. It's a case of ignorance, plain and simple. These guys just need to try one and they'll know.

>> No.19310701

You wash your chicken too?

>> No.19310708

>rice cookers are $20 USD brand fucking new. It's not some scam like the bluetooth juice bag squeezer.

No they aren't because you have fags like >>19310600 who then tell you that rice cookers less than $100 are shit and you have to buy the expensive ones.

>> No.19310759

For a rice cooker costing $200 I will finally have rice that is like 5% better than stovetop rice.

>> No.19310956

>is there really someone who thinks the primary function of a rice cooker is doing it better while you stand around watching
Of course not. The primary function is doing it better while you do literally anything else besides standing around watching.

>> No.19310977
File: 643 KB, 1440x1200, 09A091E7-C7E6-4CBD-8ADA-81B5E53F1771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19311000

There's so many uninformed, ignorant, and simply bad opinions on /ck/, but I don't think I've ever seen one as objectively wrong as all the people claiming that rice cookers don't make significantly better rice than stovetop. You are either a complete tastelet, or you've simply never eaten rice made in a decent rice cooker before.

>> No.19311014

You only think that because you never made stovetop rice before because you used a rice cooker your whole life from the time before you learned how to cook. And if you did make stovetop rice before then you fucked it up and blamed it on the tools instead of yourself for fucking it up.

>> No.19311033


>> No.19311750

>getting this mad over cooking rice one way or another
Peak pathetic holy fuck go outside for 3 minutes

>> No.19311753
File: 60 KB, 600x800, wdfd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's so many uninformed, ignorant, and simply bad opinions on /ck/, but I don't think I've ever seen one as objectively wrong as all the people claiming that rice cookers don't make significantly better rice than stovetop. You are either a complete tastelet, or you've simply never eaten rice made in a decent rice cooker before.

>> No.19311795

I bought my one button, stainless bowl cooker on purpose. It works fine. Makes Thai, indian, and japanese rice perfectly. There's a secret though, let it sit on warm and steam for 1/2 to 1 hour after it clicks to warm. It's simple, cheap, no teflon, and I don't need to read a manual to figure out the seTeflon. I'm not making soup or vegetables in it, just white rice.

>> No.19311798

He really looks JUST like that.

>> No.19312829
File: 22 KB, 450x450, 41HWavOunCL._AC_SY450_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cooking rice on the stove in a pot seems barbaric as fuck.

>> No.19313746

>be me
>put in rice and water
>turn on rice cooker
>go run errands

>be (You)
>be retarded poor fag
>have to use pot to cook rice
>seethe about it

>> No.19313751

>rinsing white rice
>when all of the nutrients come from a fortified powder they sprinkle on at the factory
retarded malnourished brainlets.

>> No.19313757

>be me
>try cooking rice on stove
>ends up being undercooked soup
>try cooking rice on stove again
a rice cooker is the only way

>> No.19313761

Only the shittiest of shit rice is fortified. Imagine being such an enormous ricelet you can't taste how disgusting that fortifying powder tastes, and such a gigsntic healthlet you need your rice to be fortified or you become vitamin deficient. Lolol

I dislike rice cooker hating pot cookers, but I understand them as well. I switched over to using a Japanese clay vessel to cook my rice, and it comes out 10-15% better than my high end pressure + induction cooker. Everything except High quality short grain rice gets cooked in my rice cooker and I love it.

>> No.19313762

>reddit spacing
I only eat brown rice that is boiled like pasta to remove the arsenic.

>> No.19313769

Because i can think of at least 50 other productive things to do, other than babysitting a pot of rice. I agree that the quality isnt that different. I just would rather work on something else, while rice is cooking. Like what goes WITH the rice, for example.

>> No.19313770

I purposely use a rice cooker to make faggots like you shit their pants seething.

>> No.19313771

OBSESSED. Get off reddit and you will stop seeing it everywhere.

Thanks for the laugh at your expense, bud. I can only hope for more.

>> No.19313783

Look at this newfag 12 year old who thinks double spacing and formatting is a reddit creation.

>> No.19313851

I tip my IPA to you epic gentlemen.

>> No.19313856

>I understand them as well
>I switched over to using a Japanese clay vessel
Yeah sure I can make rice in a pot just like I can griddle bread or heat soup up in a pot. We understand them. They don't understand us. They're ants.

>> No.19313861

go back newfag

>> No.19313863


>> No.19313869


>> No.19313881


>> No.19313895

can rice cookers make crispy spanish rice or will it always come out sticky and soggy?

>> No.19313933
File: 144 KB, 1024x1010, 1683916250587313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no. you should go back.

>> No.19314092

Ones like OP's pic that use an older analog system will cook until there's no water left, so you could probably just add less water. For ones with programmed routines I'm not sure.

>> No.19314133

You just need to accept that the rice you make isn't as good as the rice cooker and get over it