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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 277 KB, 753x646, chicken tiki pee pee poo poo - .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19302271 No.19302271 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any parents on this board? What do you do with your kids who have Indian and Pakistani friends? I'm concerned about my kids eating their friend's spicy ethnic food and then getting sick? Advice?

>> No.19302274

>friends not your same race

Lol dumbass.

>> No.19302313

How are my kids going to make Indian friends? Are they gonna talk Fortnite strategies while taking a shit next to each other in the street? Sounds like your kids need a good beating.

>> No.19302343


You let them eat it so they don't become a tastelet that can't appreciate spices like yourself, OP.

>> No.19302357

>went to a friend's house as a kid, about 9 years old
>He's Indian
>his dad picks us up from school
>takes us to pizza hut to grab a pizza for dinner later on that evening
>get to his house
>we go inside and his dad just sits in the car and then leaves
>no mom in the picture
>he has 2 older brothers that are home so it's just me, my friend, and his 2 brothers now in the house
>they both stink like shit and eat all of our pizza
>friend says he's going to take a nap, which leaves me with his older brothers
>they tell me to take my clothes off
>I'm like hold on, let me just go poop
>climb out the window of his bathroom and run through his backyard and eventually make it out to the main street of our town
>first place I see is the taco bell
>go inside
>girl at the register sees me alone and asks me if I need help
>ask to use phone to call my mom
>my mom hears what I said and instantly hauls ass to pick me up
>employees heard me on the phone too
>they give me a free dinner and a bunch of free coupons
>mom shows up and employees are all saying that I'm a tough little dude
>Mom says I'm never going over to friend's house again
>See him the next day
>He tells me we can't be friends anymore since I left his house and his brothers beat him up
Tl:dr - thanks Taco Bell and the nice people that worked there

>> No.19302368

>human interest
ie garbage
old garbage, at least give me fresh trash

>> No.19302376


Those older brothers probably had that kid do that on the regular. Bring over "friends" then molest them. Sounds like Taco Bell saved you from getting ass raped. Good stuff.

>> No.19302386
File: 60 KB, 443x529, Emi_concerned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That kid definitely got molested multiple times by his older brothers and the dad probably started it. Fuck this world. I'm glad you got away anon.

>> No.19302397
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>Sounds like Taco Bell saved you from getting ass raped
My Aunt and her son, my Uncle, worked at taco Bell in the early 1980's. They are good people. They defiantly would have helped out a kid like that and call the police

>> No.19302440

Usually it's taco bell that's doing the ass rape.

>> No.19302444

Fast food workers used to be like any other restaurant. Now if they go slightly off script the globohomo manager will yell at them. I used to work at a kfc 20 years ago, I'd give my friends free food, let people use the phone or go get someone when their boyfriend or girlfriend came in. You can't do anything human now.

>> No.19302454

Blame YUMMMM!!!!! And their neo-Confederate board. To them though everyone is a slave though. Except shareholders.

>> No.19302472

Probably in all honesty. I remember that he was pretty quiet overall and we were friends I guess because we were in the same class at school and he liked Mortal Kombat and I did too. After that day he didn't talk to me anymore and pretty shortly thereafter he was out of school entirely, so I'm thinking something definitely happened with the people in that house and either my mom or the people at Taco Bell (or both) tipping off the police to look into what's going on there, since my mom sat me down afterwards and asked me everything again from start to finish. That's all I know and remember about it though. Maybe next time I see my mom I'll ask her about it, seems kind of odd to call her up about this out of the blue.

>> No.19302484

Taco bell is getting really desperate with the shilling

>> No.19302495
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I'm that anon and I have to tell you that just thinking of my story of nearly getting raped/molested being used as a "pull at your heart strings" type of ad for their food is absolutely hilarious

>> No.19302505
File: 1.02 MB, 852x641, ass food - Corner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

considering their diet and toilet situation, they are all probably preoccupied with thinking about their butts. then they start thinking about your white butt. and then you have to sneak out the window and run away as fast as you can

>> No.19302506


>> No.19302511

I was only joking friend, I am glad you didnt get raped by curry penor

>> No.19302526


I'm glad you can take the banter, unlike a lot of modern 4cuck.

>> No.19302528

I know that every generation of kids who were thrown out of the house and told not to come home before the lights came on stood a very non-zero chance of getting raped in a van
But I kinda do feel superior to the kids who grew up all sheltered
A kid tried to pin me down in the seventh grade in his attic
I clapped him in the face with an hard-back encyclopedia and he fell backward into a stack of National Geographics
Kids today will never have that
What are they supposed to do, hit them with an iPhone? Good luck with that

>> No.19302531

Just teach your kid not to be a weak little baby who can't handle some spice or vegetables.

>> No.19302532

Gives the title "Encyclopedia Brown" an entirely new meaning

>> No.19302556

>8 million of these “”””people”””” have immigrated to my country in the last 5 years

>> No.19302560

I'd probably be less fucked up if I was a less sheltered kid

>> No.19302582
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Getting assraped by poo dick would be a fate worse than death. Glad you gtfo

>> No.19302605

>we're le superior race!! shitskins BTFO!!
*eats something with more than 3 spices and some spicy chilies*
>explosive diarrhea and dies
W-white sisters?

>> No.19302613

>eats something with more than 3 spices
salt, pepper, ketchup, mustard, ranch dressing. now who needs more than these? i mean really?

>> No.19302618

>That's all I know and remember about it though. Maybe next time I see my mom I'll ask her about it, seems kind of odd to call her up about this out of the blue.
Why? Cant you bring up this event?

>> No.19302622

This is the most ameritard thread I've ever seen

>> No.19302626

Of course, in Europe everyone knows their village rapist and was probably pursued by him at some point.

>> No.19302634

You're right, all the rapey pajeets found their way to America and everyone else that made their way to Europe are all doctors and engineers.

>> No.19302660

Did you read the article you posted? It's ignorant to have such worries. Ethnic food isn't necessarily spicy. They won't serve your kids something that would make them sick. Do you think they have some "immunity" to this food that would otherwise harm everyone else? How much of a pussy is this kid that he can't try new things?
Read the article. It's the same advice anyone who isn't a retard would give you.

>> No.19302666

bullshit story
but I appreciate the omission of the redundant and idiotic 'be me'. I just skip those ones because retards wrote them

>> No.19302674

>ketchup, mustard, ranch dressing
do amerifats really?

>> No.19302694

seems believable to me, what's making you say it's bs?

>> No.19302720

I chuckled

>> No.19302722

you are the retard you silly poo-poo. isn't it that time of day where you go poop out in the street?

>> No.19302732

Never let Indian men around vulnerable people. Children, the elderly, the mentally and physically disabled, monitor lizards, passed out drunks, male, female, or other it doesn’t matter, everything that can’t fight back is fair game.

>> No.19302757

nice projection, assman

>> No.19302765

How so?

>> No.19302822

Right, because anyone who disagrees with or questions ignorance and racism must be the minority they're defending. But it's a nice change from being called trans or jewish. There are other white, male Americans here who aren't kneejerk bigots. This isn't /pol/, btw.

>> No.19302833

>who aren't kneejerk bigots

It's not real, retard.

>> No.19302837

this sounds like one of those half-plausible stories where a major part was changed. going to guess you didn't leave and you let the brothers mouth-rape you

>> No.19302845

I mean, if it helps, I fucking hate all attics now
Gandhi was a mo and a wife-beater
He beat his wife so bad her family didn't recognize her

>> No.19302863
File: 632 KB, 240x180, PalatableImperturbableGermanspitz-max-1mb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you clearly have autism

>> No.19303021

>hey mom, a bunch of people on the internet want to know about that time i probably almost got molested at the indian kid's house

>> No.19303026

>fuck this world
fuck 3rd worlders*

>> No.19303029

top jej

>> No.19303032

>"Hey mom remember that time that thing happend to me when I was around 9 years old? When I escaped from that Indian kid house? I kinda forgot the details, would you mind retelling what happend?
Ain't hard, learn to lie a little

>> No.19303037

>hey mom i know it's late and i havent talked to you in a while, but you remember that time i was nearly molested at the indian kid's house? i need jerk off material

>> No.19303059

Those guys might not even have been his actaul brothers, just an act to make it seem more comfortable to be around. The kid who was your "friend" was just bait to get your little boy hole and possibly others too. I think the "dad" and "brothers" was all a front

>> No.19303063

In b4 /ck/ busts a Jeet pedo ring and an anon regains memories of his abuse that he buried beneath a weird Taco Bell story he made up in his mind.

>> No.19303268

The ol reverse Hanson maneuver

>> No.19303379

They have Taco Bell in the UK?

>> No.19303404

use the clues to solve the mystery. and watch out for bugs meanie. Nasty fella

>> No.19303531

Just go with your kid and cook with your kid's parent in the kitchen to see the ingridients used you moron. It's just a lot of cumin, tumeric, and red chili powder.

>> No.19303570
File: 2.47 MB, 640x360, 1684493699786162.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should be worried more about other things than just what ingriedients they put.
They might put something else for extra ¨flavor

>> No.19303574
File: 1.07 MB, 720x1280, 1684448712027147.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, the superior indian cousine.

>> No.19303577

I cant wait to eat some AMAZING indian food.

>> No.19303584
File: 1.54 MB, 406x720, 1684555995731141.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly superior cousine.

>> No.19303590

You are just jealous of Native American culture, you racist honkey tonk white bread muhfugga

>> No.19303592


These people are vile. Hindu nationalist are hilarious when they try to say India used to be a great place with powerful civilizations and culture until the Brits colonized them.

No, Indians are intrinsically filthy, disgusting and stinky people. Always have been and always will be.

>> No.19303596

ok any surface can be decontaminated, but why the fuck would you ruin whatever it is in a puddle of water? indians are like bots, they just don't care about anything

>> No.19303603

>indians are like bots, they just don't care about anything
True. Even Black people are superior to indians. At least we wash our chickens before we eat them.
With soap, as is proper and dignified, unlike what those filthy indians do.
Black power. Kill whitey.

>> No.19303604
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Did someone say native american culture?

>> No.19303614
File: 2.76 MB, 696x1080, 1684448493510751.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indians seem to disagree on how to handle chicken

>> No.19303621
File: 77 KB, 596x546, FwhAZFsacAAb5eN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enrich me, amadeus

>> No.19303622
File: 1.41 MB, 720x1280, 1684485353105017.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my indian food with extra spice

>> No.19303628

I like how the entire time he is looking around nervously as if he knows that what he is doing is wrong and is afraid that he will be caught. And yet, he does it anyway knowing full well that his behavior and actions are wrong.

>> No.19303631

You're a faggot.

>> No.19303646
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mmmm, bread with slop

>> No.19303648
File: 1.38 MB, 720x1280, 1684494112853596.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

india super power by 2020

>> No.19303656
File: 2.96 MB, 576x1024, 1684502656895439.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you spot the fork

>> No.19303660

That one looks good, at least.

>> No.19303705

I’ve worked for enough Indians and seen enough videos on /int/ to know it’s completely understandable to be concerned if your child has eaten Indian food. It’s like Indians have never heard of dishwashing liquid.

>> No.19303718

>What do you do with your kids who have Indian and Pakistani friends?
Commit sudoku since I have obviously failed as a parent

>> No.19303826

My children are white and do not live around non whites. It's blatantly obvious that they hate us now and I want my children to grow up safe and happy. Indian, African, Middle Eastern, Chinese, it makes no difference to me. They all hate us and always have. They're just not hiding it anymore and I don't wish to be around people who hate my family.

>> No.19303851

How has no one pointed out that this sentence makes no sense unless his aunt fucked her dad?

>> No.19303858

It's not rape it's consensual. You know what you're getting yourself into.