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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19301813 No.19301813 [Reply] [Original]

Saar food thread

>> No.19301819

Work smarter not harder

>> No.19301832

The poor cooking sanitation is offset by the high nutritional value of the food.

>> No.19301835

good morning, sirs!

>> No.19301850
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>> No.19301853
File: 369 KB, 1200x882, Eating-Out-in-Venice-c-Kavey-Eats-Kavita-Favelle-135152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See? This is why these countries will remain disgusting, undeveloped shitholes.

Sure, the West used to eat like shit and did stuff like this. We paid for it with shortened life expectancy, sickness, being weak and stunting our neurological development. As we industrialized, though, we started to have better diets and better bodies as a result of improvements in food production, from it being more sanitary or higher in proteins. We got bigger, stronger and smarter as time went on.

Meanwhile, the Chinese eat spiders and make gutter oil. The Indians walk on their bread and stick shit in their armpits. They live miserable lives and are poor as fuck.

Nutrition is one of the fundamental things to being a strong, intelligent and healthy human being. The countries that know how to make food and how to make it safely prosper. The countries that haven't even figured out why it's important to wash your hands after you take a shit in a communal squat toilet and wash your ass by scooper water out of a bucket with your barehand and who stomp on their food in dirty sandals are doomed to remain shitholes. The evolved of us, however, can enjoy eating culinary delights and our highly advanced civilizations.

Enjoy your feet bread while I sit on the shores of an ancient city built upon the water and hundreds of little islands and eat pizza and fine wine.

>> No.19301874

Italian niggas literally eat cheese with living maggots in it

>> No.19301878


That cheese has been illegal to make for a long time. Every Italian with a brain knows it's gross and wouldn't touch it even if it was widely available.

>> No.19301892

I'd try it.

>> No.19301898


It's usually considered okay to eat as long as the maggots aren't dead. You want them alive and moving around. Chances are you would not be able to eat it though. Your brain would just be like fuck this no way.

>> No.19301902

Maybe if I saw someone else eat it first, I think that helps a lot.

>> No.19301941

Isn't this also why western countries are hives of soicucks with allergies to everything and high incidences of cancer and autoimmune deficiencies? 100 years ago the western world had the optimal balance between sanitation and exposure. By now it's becoming a disadvantage.

>> No.19301994

Kek you would laugh and say "I'm not eating that shit"

>> No.19302016
File: 196 KB, 1200x800, Restaurant-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's because of the Jew capitalist control.Why do you think there is such a huge backlash against bullshit liberal political philosophy lately?

From Canada to Italy or from Portugal to Norway, Western people are getting sick and tired of having our culture and prosperity destroyed by globalist bankers and corporations, seeing everything from our culinary histories to language to the basic definition of man and women torn up and redefined into this overarching post-modern "nothing means anything anymore" ideology.

This is why tradition is important. You don't even need to be a right wing, religious or socially conservative person. I am very left wing but understand why tradition and identity matters. Human beings and civilization requires grand narratives that post-modernism is diametrically opposed to. Grand narratives do not need to be a bad thing. They are just threads that tie our histories together. Preserving the importance of good culinary history is one method and that's why people should stop consuming soy, seed oils and chemicals and try to learn how to be self-sufficient with cooking, gardening and living healthy and fulfilling lives. Otherwise, pic related is what we will lose. We'll end up consuming capsules to sustain ourselves while working for very little money just to feed the capitalist machine.

>> No.19302020

Goan fried fish is great, they try to jew you by making most of the fish platter white rice, but the curry and the side dishes are wonderful, and usually the main fried fish while a little on the smaller side, is great.

>> No.19302103


>> No.19302191

I don't think you know you know what liberal means.

>> No.19302215

There is a webm I saw once that was a jeet making Pav Bhaji or something, it was pure sloppa and mostly butter and they said it was a crackling hamburger. Does anyone have it?

>> No.19302224

Sir that was from Pakistan

>> No.19302331

Do you have the webm?

>> No.19302342

all that text to say poos don't wash their hands

>> No.19302451

Feet bread is good though?? Not sure what your problem is but you sound like you enjoy complaining.

>> No.19302482

Maybe. It could also be that modern medicine has kept those people alive when they would've died in childhood otherwise, but it doesn't make them perfectly healthy. Less developed countries still have higher rates of childhood deaths. I think preventing children from dying is still a good thing even if they continue having health problems.

>> No.19302518

Too spicy for ytbois

>> No.19303493

Most of the immune shit is from lack of environment exposure as kids due to libtards killing social community and driving panics to make parents freak out and keep their kids indoors, which is further compounded by video games and screens taking over child rearing from parents. The rest is globohomo soy-based goyslop raising estrogen levels in everyone, and giving everyone diabeetus because fat bad so put sugar in everything.

>> No.19303494

Meds, now.

>> No.19303739

the heat from the feet cooks the bread