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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19298475 No.19298475 [Reply] [Original]

What did you cook today anon?

>> No.19298486


>> No.19298491

I chopped some tomotos and chilis and put on some bread with some cheddar and grilled it.

>> No.19298495
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Chicken and pasta with coconut cream sauce. Normally I'd use sour cream but I was visiting my mom and she had two big cups of coconut cream so I just went with that. Turned out well.

>> No.19298496

grilled lamb chops, asparagus with holandaise sauce and crispy salami bits on top, and a side green salad with tomato, olive oil and balsamic.

>> No.19298497

this sucks this is dumb this pisses me off, things are supposed to be normal sized

>> No.19298501

>coconut cream sauce
I have a kidney condition. I need this. Tell me more pls.

>> No.19298502
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Keep seething, meanwhile mousechads will be eating good

>> No.19298509

You can buy it in a store. I just dumped some in the pan that I cooked my chicken in, added a bit of salt to it and added the chicken back for a while. Look into vegan or organic sections in stores, that's where you usually find stuff like this.

>> No.19298510

Beef musselman curry, just started, got a couple pounds of chuck in the soup with lemongrass and bay

>> No.19298555
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Braised chicken thighs

>> No.19298570 [DELETED] 


>> No.19298575
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>> No.19298580
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And dessert

>> No.19299424


>> No.19299449
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Made some kheer. It was okay. I put too many cloves in it this time. This is my second time cooking it with whole spices instead of powder, so I haven't gotten the ratios correct yet.

Yesterday, I made spaghetti puttanesca with a sazon seasoned salmon fillet. Pic related. The drink is vermouth. I don't buy wine because I don't want to finish the whole bottle myself in one night. The parsley is from my veggie garden.

Looks a little sloppy as I started to eat before I took a picture, but it tasted pretty good. The puttanesca leftovers taste even better on the second day. I'm sure by day 3, it will be fantastically pungent.

>> No.19299456

Homemade ravioli and tortellini. The tortellini were too tedious, so I just switched to ravioli. Have a lot of pasta dough, so I'll be enjoying a lot of different types of pasta over the next couple days. :D

>> No.19299486

Top notch photo. Looks very appetizing.

>> No.19299506

What's stopping you from drinking the whole bottle of vermouth?

>> No.19299515
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Bought to chow down

>> No.19300449

Nothing yesterday, actually. I reheated some biscuits and gravy I made Saturday, made a sandwich for lunch, and was at birthday party with my kids and had pizza for dinner.

>> No.19300468

Grill Marinated beef shoulder chuck and home made coleslaw

>> No.19300500

I boiled some potatos and stirred in some pesto. I am lazy.

>> No.19300511

kraft mac and cheese. and today I learned something new: apparently you can use crisco (unflavored) as a replacement for butter, and water instead of milk.
I seasoned it up with some soy sauce and sriracha.

>> No.19301504

How much work is homemade slaw? Do you just use a food processor to chop everything, then add the "vinaigrette" to the bowl and mix it a bit and call it a day?

>> No.19301529

Nescafe instant.

>> No.19301801

they really ruined it with that touch at the end

>> No.19301827

>eats like a health nut or jogger, but those rare AF ones who focus on real food
>two giant bottles of vodka on counter

You are a functional alcoholic/health nut jogger (yea it's schizo but there are people like this), and you are a white woman not older than 26

>> No.19302726
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Thanks m8!

Self control and no guilt about letting half the bottle go bad overnight in the fridge.

Tonight, I had planned to make a lemon butter chicken over lemon parmesan risotto, but ran out of time. I didn't know how to get the lemon flavor in there without the sauce, which I didn't want on top of the risotto. I figured out I could brine the chicken in lemon juice, some herbs, and (less) salt, then just baste it in butter as it seared. But i figured that out too late to start brining. I've made the risotto before, and it was delicious. Just make normal risotto and add parmesan, lemon zest, and herbs. But sadly, I ran out of time.

Instead, I just made curry. I think I added too much of my garam masala, as it's a bit browner than usual (cinnamon). I coat the chicken in curry powder, cook it, then add it back at the end to keep it tender. The rice has a cinnamon stick, anise seeds, whole cardamoms crushed, whole cloves, and saffron in it. I picked that up from a YT video on making biryani. You really need to layer in those flavors.

>> No.19302784
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I did chicken again, but a whole roast instead of braised thighs.

>> No.19304421

Does it taste good?

>> No.19304486

>What did you cook today anon?
Last night it was lobster spaghetti with an alfredo sauce and broccoli on the side.

>> No.19304494

No pic my dude?

>> No.19304609

It's a whole chicken + butter, fresh herbs, salt, pepper, onions, shallots, potatoes, carrots, white wine, and chicken stock

What's not to like?

>> No.19304650

I made some pork neck (seasoned w/ cumin, garlic, pepper, salt, "grill" spice, paprika) with coleslaw and potatoes.
Made a dark brown cream sauce from the juices of the pork neck, tasted pretty good, made it sweet & savory.

>> No.19305518
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Nothing yet, about to make chili.

>> No.19305568

Eating fried oyster on rice, but I used too much onion powder, and I'm asking myself if I should just let soy sauce fix things.

>> No.19305596

>coconut creme
That stuff is so incredibly sweet it dries out your mouth and you used 2 cups????????????

>> No.19305603

Flat iron steak with chimichurri, oven roasted garlic/rosemary parsnips, and seasoned potato wedges.

>> No.19305605

Too much soy sauce, and now I'm floating around on Planet Onion.

>> No.19305694

I used like a third of a cup. It also wasn't that sweet and didn't dry out my mouth at all. Might just be the brand you're buying

>> No.19305740
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most of the beef is still pre-cooking but I'm ready to start things in the pot.
I forgot how fucking long chili takes.

>> No.19305760
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grilled some plain ass sirloin steaks from target to medium rare.

>> No.19305852

I'm a 30 year old white guy. I eat really healthy because I'm a very active person. And yes I like to abuse alcohol

>> No.19306366
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Done. It's pretty good.
not as spicy as I wanted it; habaneros really mellow out when you cook them for a few hours.

>> No.19306397

Nice spoon

>> No.19306413

what did it ever do to you?

>> No.19307533

do americans really put cheese on anything?

>> No.19307540
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I made chili with dark chocolate and cocoa powder, also red and black beans, butternut pumpkin, and ground beef. It doesn't look like the pic, it looks like mud.