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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19297948 No.19297948 [Reply] [Original]

30 random anons from /ck/ are coming over to visit you tonight.

What do you cook for them and what will they drink? You can either impress with your skills or impress by serving them the most vile creation you can think of (still has to be edible, tho, so no rat poison seasoning).

>> No.19297955

i would make pizzas on my bbq with pizza stones
we would drink beer - a large regional brand name but not a large national brand name

>> No.19297958

I have no idea wtf I could make for 30 people, that's way too much unless I'm just using my BBQ as a conveyor belt for meat. I've made pizza for friends in my wood burning oven and it's absolutely exhausting even for 6 people

>> No.19297981
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Keg of beer and some pig

>> No.19297984
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I refuse to feed them and threaten to/shoot at them until they go away

>> No.19298019

Where did that come from, some airport bathroom?

>> No.19298066

>What do you cook for them and what will they drink?

>> No.19298074

Super hoppy IPA, hot sauce, and seed oil, impossible burger, gluten free buns, and soylent.

>> No.19298092

>30 4channers are coming over to visit you tonight
those fuckers are lucky to get a frozen pizza
I grab my dull knife and hope someone doesn't try to rape me, shit in my sink or cum in my food

>> No.19298316

30 nuggets in my airfryer and Cola

>> No.19298466
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Bust out my grandma's cauldron and make a ton of goulash. As for drinks I dunno I'll get some beer I guess, and dump a packet of cedevita into a bowl of water for non-alcoholic.

>> No.19298479

>what will they drink?
trinaranjus or biterkas, they can choose
I can't lie I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed. But I can cook some spaghetti alfredo, a nice duck magret with orange sauce and for last brownies or tiramisu, and/or a nice organic orange (by organic orange I mean the ones coming from fucking trees of random people that never do anything weird to the trees, those taste insanely good, my family and friends both have such trees)

>> No.19298484

kinda based ngl

>> No.19298833

Hamburgers made to order because I'm poor currently. Water to drink. I'm not feeding you guys dessert.

>> No.19298876
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I'm not letting 30 of you faggots into my house.

Even 5 would be too many. You're all fucking richfags, die.

>> No.19298885

>house owner
>accuses others of being richfags

>> No.19298898

I'll buy 30 pot noodles, 29 chicken and mushroom and 1 bombay badboy. Tap water for drinking

>> No.19298902 [DELETED] 
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God I fucking wish I owned that whore holy fuck

>> No.19298907

Wait you said house not horse...

>> No.19298960
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Ground sirloin, jasmine rice, frozen peas.

>> No.19299116

Oh jeez I better start jacking off now

>> No.19299205

I'll go to the nearest McD and order 1000 nuggies (no dip)

>> No.19299219
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>Massive pot of white rice and brown rice in rice cookers
>chili on the stove
>steam some frozen veggies
>hard boil some eggs
>bake some salmon fillets
cooking for lots of people isn't that hard if you just spread out some random cheap bulky foods. Fried rice, chili, etc. all work great.


>> No.19299284

Hope you guys like dried fish (not smoked but sunbaked with salt)

>> No.19300546

>(no dip)
literally torture

>> No.19301958

This picture makes me sad.

>> No.19301963

I don't have enough food at my place to serve 30 people.

I order out.

>> No.19301981
File: 192 KB, 800x1198, 1406_Cantonese-Ground-Beef-And-Eggs_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it looks good tho
you should try cooking the peas and ground meat together next time

>> No.19302074

Weed cookies and deviled eggs. Easy and fun. For drinks whatever, even water and tea would suffice for the majority of people.

>> No.19302089

i hope they burn down your house

>> No.19302147

Why do I have to try to impress anyone? Why can't we just enjoy good food together?

>> No.19302152


Because you can't really enjoy the time together if everyone is like "greater-than-sign OP invited us over and tried to feed us goyslop, it wasn't even warm, let's shit in his bed and pour glue down his sink drains and then slash his car tires". But if you cook everyone a good meal, everyone will be like "wow OP is so talented and knows how to cook!".

>> No.19302155

Deenz and water

>> No.19302172

Chicken thighs & mushrooms stroganoff over mash. Might bring out some sosig, ham and cheese with garlic toast to monch on before if I'm feeling generous. House rules: as I'm feeding you lot, chip in for them drinks.

>> No.19302290

If 30 of you are coming to my house tonight I’ll tell you right now the last thing we’d be doing is eating food. I’m talking dry, rough anal sex. Our dry bodies all rubbing together like sand paper. Hair everywhere. Veins appearing on our necks. Just really really gay shit.

>> No.19302310

>30 random anons from /ck/ are coming over to visit you tonight.
>What do you cook for them and what will they drink?
Hot Pockets Sausage & Pep with Mountain Dew Baja

>> No.19302327

A bowl of eggs.
No utensils, all of them has to find a way to eat through all the raw eggs cracked in a bowl that's fit for 30 people.

>> No.19302820

>What do you cook for them?

>What will they drink?
Water. If they want to drink alcohol, then I'll offer them wine.

>> No.19302844

pee and poo

>> No.19302848

I'm horny.

>> No.19302849

I don't want 30 random /ck/ posters descending on me. Although this is one of the better boards, there are still too many vile shitheads here. They wouldn't be welcome at my home.
Of course the ones who act out and post edgelord content here would never dare act that way IRL and probably wouldn't leave the house anyway.
But I wouldn't admit proud non-tippers, racists, manchildren who only eat chicken strips, alcoholics, or autistic weirdos. Anyone left? Come on over. I'm a professional in the industry and I know there are others like me.

>> No.19302879 [DELETED] 
File: 1.72 MB, 720x720, fuck you.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your mom's pussy

>> No.19302918

If it's good food they will be impressed. You seem confused about the OP's question.

>> No.19302933

I have about three pounds of shrimp and nothing else in appropriate quantity. I think I'd go with sweet and sour, should be pretty easy if I bust out the deep fryer.

>> No.19303158

I am going to make a beautiful lamb stew but instead of chicken stock I am going to piss into the pot and you fuckers are gonna eat it