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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19294951 No.19294951 [Reply] [Original]

Best foods for increasing grey matter ?

>> No.19294971


>> No.19294972


>> No.19294975

Not cooming. Porn consumption and the amount of gray matter in the brain are inversely related. Heavy porn users didn't have much at all. Makes sense. Thinking gets in the way of cooming.

>> No.19294982


>> No.19294990

I’ve wondered this… if I watch cute asmr girls when I go to bed does that count as pornography? Does it affect my grey matter?

>> No.19294989

look up the MIND diet. it's designed specifically to slow down dementia and alzheimers in old people

I hear that walnuts, blueberries, and fatty fish are all especially good for the brain

get those deenz bros

>> No.19294992

Can tuna ?

>> No.19294993


>> No.19294994

I get that live birds in tortillas is the new meme, but how are they nutrition-wise?

>> No.19294999

Fresh fish
Make sure to eat plenty of protein and balance it with veggies and carbs. Doesn't have to be a lot of the latter. Not sure how much dairy to consume, refer to someone else's advice for that.

>> No.19295013

Well, I'm specifically trying to coom so that I stop thinking for a while and I figure it has to be better than using alcohol or drugs for the same purpose which is what I used to do. Not that it ever works, the thoughts still get through once in a while.

>> No.19295021

>and I figure it has to be better than using alcohol or drugs for the same purpose
you might be surprised...

>> No.19295027

Went to store got some
>blueberry mixed fruit juices
>cabbage that I’m gonna cook with onion and to packs of bacon
>activia yogurt

>> No.19295028

I'm ready to be surprised, but porn has to be better for my health than a 12 pack of 9% abv beers every day. There's just no way.

>> No.19295046

Literally cholesterol

>> No.19295060

Yes. Sexual cues suppress higher functioning.

>> No.19295102

What does that mean?

>> No.19295109

stop fapping and you may be able to understand that sentence

>> No.19295110

Is it safe to eat birds?

>> No.19295115

I don’t fap except once every other week but I quit last Saturday for good. I watch asmr girls though

>> No.19295120

yes, i eat pigeons and quails. tasty.

>> No.19295155

fish is high in mercury which makes you dumb

>> No.19295160

should be, they don't eat grass / dirt / parasites like farm animals
tho the snails etc that they eat might carry parasites

i shot and ate a sparrow once, too many bones, not worth it. pretty sure it's legal at least

>> No.19295170

plus they're not mammals, so it's an extra filter
you can freeze the meat first, which is gonna kill some, tho i hear not the eggs
you can buy a food thermometer to see if it's cooked properly to kill the rest
maybe if you soak it in alcohol or salt for a while, should kill even more

>> No.19295174

cute bird

>> No.19295190

Sounds like vegan rubbish

>> No.19295575
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>> No.19296250

if you stop does it go back to normal?

>> No.19296259

Why are you wrapping up that poor bird, it remindes of a parakeet I had when I was a kid. A lutino so yellow with red eyes, that little bird was smarter than most dogs or cats I've ever been around.

>> No.19296289

nig alcohol can kill you

>> No.19296294

Pretty much only if it's methanol, that's pretty much just for crackheads and meth addicts and those weirdos trying to get cheap hooch.

>> No.19296300

>porn is worse for you than daily heavy drinking
Nofappers have lost touch with reality

>> No.19296312

You've been reported to your local park ranger for bird abuse.

>> No.19296316

shellfish, shrimp, crab, lobster, oysters, eels, basically anything very early humans would have been able to gather from shallow waters

>> No.19296335

upgrade your grey matter cuz one day it may matter

>> No.19296656

Not saying it is but watching porn is not exactly the dopamine addiction one should chase. How about doing something productive

>> No.19296913
File: 232 KB, 928x696, the kitty's contemplation of the feesh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's Del been up to these past two decades?

>> No.19296937

Basically if you are looking at or listening to things that arouse you or do things that gives you pleasure then it shuts down the part of your brain you use for critical thinking. This is why when people are addicted to stuff they make stupid decisions because they are always doing or thinking about stuff that gives them pleasure.
Avoid arousing stimuli of all kinds especially in exessive amounts.
You can fix this quite easily if its allready happened to you by just sitting in the dark in silence for at least 15 mins a day. Which is harder than it sounds. Try starting with 2 minutes and working your way up to longer times.
This will increase your brain plasticity which is the thing kids have that allows them to learn stuff faster and to change habits and stuff like that

>> No.19296950

Alchohol is defineatly worse as it rots the body and the mind. Porn is just bad for your brain.
Nobody has ever died from porn withdrawal but I have nearly died from alcohol withdrawal and heard of plenty of people who actually died its not a rare occurrence.
All vices are bad so dont try to justify one by saying its not as bad as another but also practice harm reduction if you are incapable of stopping and then get help when you are ready.

>> No.19297238

Lmao retard cope alert. Imagine thinking that fapping and sex make you dumb, only some sub 90IQ tard who happens to also jack off to futa porn could come to such a conclusion. Power to you if you think that not jacking off is somehow going to cure your retardation

>> No.19297265

Who the fuck is a del and why is it fucking cats and fish?

>> No.19297268

as long as i ate well the day before, it feels like i think better on the days that i fast
if i start the day hungry i just i feel drained all day though

>> No.19297292

Based and red pilled

>> No.19297517

That’s interesting… let’s switch it up a bit. I listen to music when I run and I get a much heavy dopamine rush. I’ve been wondering if that and the prolactin are reducing my grey matter

>> No.19297590

I feel like crap after I jerk off

>> No.19297597

That's a personal problem, buddy

>> No.19298217

Yeah it could very well be. Try dopamine fasting. Where you just avoid stimuli that give enjoyment and youll find you become way smarter. About a year ago I became Muslim but only in the last 2 months have I been strongly practicing and I have noticed a significant increase in mental ability. we arent allowed drinking, non medical drugs, we fast for 1 month a year and optionally a couple days every week all year, no music (singing is ok) or to look at women (especially the hot ones) and we pray 5 times a day. I firmly belive in Allah (God) but I think if an atheist adopted these practices the rigid routine and the lack of pointless dopamine releases would be massively benificial.
One of my freinds joked it was like id googled "how to have as little fun as possible" and it was funny because little did they realise that now to me simple things like a good meal or going out in nature give me just as much enjoyment as hard drugs

>> No.19298223

Good shit anon. What are you using this significant increase in mental ability to do? I see you're still using 4chan, maybe getting off of here should be part of your dopamine fast.

>> No.19298630

Im using 4chan to educate people.
Its not exactly unproductive.
Over the years iv talked about 30 people out of becoming an hero, iv helped peoples addictions, iv taken part in treasure hunts and I have had many lulz.
I just avoid porn boards and use a shit ton of filters

>> No.19298647

Im using this increase in mental ability to live a more normal life (im disabled. Im not retarded just autistic and I have some possible CTE so im quite dysfunctional despite having a 130 IQ

>> No.19298682

Now that's good for you, and I'm glad you found something that works, but have you considered that you are in a relatively unique situation and that what you need personally is not necessarily what is best for others?

>> No.19298941

Yes. And I would say the millions of other Muslims it works for disagree with you. Im not meaning to be rude but its something thats tried and tested that works. Also why would I give advice based on the expirence of others thats not something I have the ability to do.
Also im not saying you HAVE to become a Muslim just that its something that has worked for me and also the majority of religious people in the world.
So you have kinda made a moot point

>> No.19298950
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fuck off to /sci/ with that gray matter shit bro, do we look like astrologists to u??

>> No.19298965
File: 16 KB, 285x190, ortolan-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like ortolan, the creepy French like eating little birdies.

>> No.19299118

Not that anon but he is right and medical literature and reviewed journals are pointing in the direction he's saying. Any kind of addiction or dependency destroys the brain's pathways and fucks up with neurotransmitter reuptake.
t. Psych NP

>> No.19299167

>schizo rambling

>> No.19299966

lion's mane mushroom and niacin supplements

>> No.19299976


>> No.19299978

This is 4chan, you aint never going back to normal

>> No.19299993

Could you not just abide by the practices of self restraint without also shackling yourself to an ideology for desert pedophiles?

>> No.19300030

He's autistic and has brain damage, give him a break

>> No.19300055

Take your meds now!

>> No.19300139

Nutritionist here.

>Lion's mane mushroom, look at all the studies they've done. supplements are fine for this
>Fatty fish: salmon, deenz, mackerel
>Minimize added sugars, alcohol
>blueberries, açai, other colorful antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables
(color is mostly a meme but dark red and dark purple foods are generally higher in anthocyanin compounds)

Those are all the evidence-based ones I have for you. I also think fatty red meats are bad for the brain in large amounts somehow, just based on my observations/experiences, but I have no evidence to back it up really.

>> No.19300151

>this was revealed to me in a dream

>> No.19300153

Was that from space alien stuff, with flying saucers and lizard people?

>> No.19300283

I could but I would rather just do what im doing.
Also you do realise all that im preaching here is the self restraint aspect? I fully realise that the cooking board of 4chan is not a good place to preach religion to people.
But if you are Christian then thats a really funny thing to say because Jesus (pbuh) was born in Bethlehem and resided in Nazareth and was born to a mother of the age of 12-14. She an joseph had been married a while before so your religion is also for "desert pedophiles" so maybe go read some scripture.
if you are an atheist then I see no point arguing with you on a cooking board. Same goes for if you are christian this just isnt the place for it lol.
All im trying to promote is the benifits of structure and abstaining from strong stimuli on brain plasticity.

As for ops question I would reccomend wallnuts, fish, assorted berries, lentils, chickpeas and choline suppliments

>> No.19300297

ceiling legumes are better

>> No.19300310

Wtf is that? I googled it and just got interior decorating stuff.

>> No.19301277

Tuna is lean. Salmon is what you want.

>> No.19301625

If you can't conceive of any possible difference between having sex with a person vs sitting alone at your computer browsing hundreds of thousands of images/videos, then I'm gonna bet that you started using porn at a young age. People who insist that there's no functional difference between sex, masturbation, or using porn reveal how deeply they have been damaged. That's okay though, well not really, but it can be okay. There's still hope, even for them. We are very adaptable and resilient creatures

>> No.19301876

Yeah there's a difference. I have to deal with a woman to have sex, which means that jerking off is automatically dramatically better even though I can't help but continue to fuck women compulsively

>> No.19302545


Are they really that bad these days? I haven't bothered in over a year and just focus on work.

>> No.19302751

>over a year
Women have been trash beyond hope since like 2014 at the absolute latest

>> No.19302806

o b s e s s e d

>> No.19303081

this is my diet and i'm still dumb as shit
(don't drink, smoke, use drugs, and i do exercise)

>> No.19303100 [DELETED] 

Black people are inherently violent and compulsive.

>> No.19303154

Sun conures are real cute… until you own one. Their screaming exceeds OSHA safety levels and goddamn do those little shits love to scream.

>> No.19303164

You missed /pol/ by a few feet.

Do you actively try to improve your knowledge?

Consumption of media and who you hang out with also influence intelligence over time.

>> No.19303780

You under-cooked it.

>> No.19303786

this anon beat me to it
idk about the red meat personally however

>> No.19303904

you sound like just another poor vulnerable retard suckered into a cult desu

>> No.19304335

Maybe from what you have heard in this thread. Those that know me who know me that arent Muslim support it. Even those who are anti religion have asked me for guidance when they see how much iv sorted my life out.
Think what u want tho im not gonna try give dawah on /ck/

>> No.19304495
File: 75 KB, 736x702, niggardly little cayique.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's the cayique. Amazons and Goffin's cockatoos are also up there.

>> No.19304705
File: 430 KB, 847x564, Screenshot 2023-05-23 at 11-54-30 love birds are better - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats why get a peach faced love bird
they just sit on your shoulder and purr

>> No.19304716
File: 508 KB, 1487x560, MAGGIEETJE[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow I get banned for making a thread on Belgian minister of health being an obese woman (food related) but this drivel is allowed on here

>> No.19304731

psilocybin mushrooms. Not even joking, they apparently cause new connections to be generated, thus increasing brainpower.

>> No.19304734

depends on whether the tortilla is low-carb or not.

>> No.19304738

>shellfish, shrimp, crab, lobster
Good point, post-Vietnam-War some do-gooders went over there to help the starving Vietnamese people and taught them to eat the unclean filthy definitely-not-kosher shrimp. This was credited with significant improvement in nutrition and intelligence among children.

>> No.19304766

Most of those other muslims are only religious because they were raised to be, it doesn’t necessarily do anything beneficial for them

>> No.19304943
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kek... perhaps so.

>> No.19304961

Given some of the absolute bullshit pseudoscience I've heard my muslim buddies state with absolute conviction, the tenets of their faith definitely aren't a universal means of improving brain function.

>> No.19304979

Why do you have muslim buddies?

>> No.19305018

Because I interacted with them enough to foster some goodwill, I guess.

>> No.19305214

>I also think fatty red meats are bad for the brain in large amounts somehow, just based on my observations/experiences, but I have no evidence to back it up really.
Anything that's bad for the cardiovascular system is going to be bad for the brain. The one exception is cigarettes ironically, since they contain nicotine.

>> No.19305577

You must not be white

>> No.19305589
File: 79 KB, 1024x768, ortolan_bunting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a European robin. This is an ortolan.

>> No.19305654

Cooked meat allowed humans to digest calories more efficiently resulting in the brain capacity we have nowadays. I guess using your brain pretty much daily along with a healthy and sufficient diet in terms of calories is mostly important. I say this as thinking extensively literally consumes calories. It's also the first thing to go when you are way below maintaining your calories

Other points are great although I thought Lion's mane was just temporary.

>> No.19305820

Cooked food in general, including starchy foods like tubers and grains. I don't know how relevant that is though considering it's related to evolution over hundreds of thousands of years. Fat people don't see increased brain function.

>> No.19305850

I fuckin hate the taste of fatty fish though.

>> No.19305869

Well that's because you're a retard

>> No.19306129

yeah, i made it all up
deal with it

>> No.19307621

>dehydrating during the day and stuffing your pig face with fat and sugar during the night, getting up at 3 am just to stuff yourself some more
Yeah great fasting bro.

>> No.19307673

Isn't dementia/Alzheimer's starting to be referred to as type 3 diabetes? It's when your brain has become resistant to insulin so stops firing on all cylinders. There's ongoing promising studies into whether the keto diet actually helps with dementia since if your brain can't use glucose for fuel because of insulin resistance, using fat as fuel instead could work.

>Several small human studies have shown benefit on cognition in dementia with a ketogenic diet intervention. Future, large controlled studies are needed to confirm this benefit; however, the ketogenic diet has shown promise in regard to delay or mitigation of symptoms of cognitive decline.

>> No.19308674

Im in agreement. A lot of people I know who where raised Muslim rather than became Muslim deliberately like me it dosent seem to be as helpful for. Also theres a big thing of the Muslims that live in the west calling themselves Muslim but then basically not practicing their religion

>> No.19308680

Im white as fuck lol.
Currently having to stay indoors because I have sun burn

>> No.19308685

Thats just what a bunch of Muslims do not what you are SUPPOSED to do. We arent supposed to eat untill our stomachs are full which while fasting it can be full after like 2 bites these people are just stupid.
Also we wake up or stay up to about 3-4am all year so we can pray at dawn before sunrise

>> No.19308696

People like to make fun of keto on here but it legit cures a lot of medical conditions. Like epilepsy for example.

>> No.19308702

>We found a significant negative association between reported pornography hours per week and gray matter volume in the right caudate (P < .001, corrected for multiple comparisons) as well as with functional activity during a sexual cue-reactivity paradigm in the left putamen (P < .001). Functional connectivity of the right caudate to the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex was negatively associated with hours of pornography consumption.

>> No.19308748

t. literal retard