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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19288482 No.19288482 [Reply] [Original]

>turn 30
>anytime i eat slop like a frozen pizza, my heart races, i get lightheaded, and feel ill
>my stomach is fine though

Any other 30+ bros like this? What's weird is I always ate pretty healthily, the worst I ever ate in my life was during covid, but i found out i love that junk food and had it somewhat often since then. some of you guys have lived off frozen pizzas and ramen and taco bell though, and i'm wondering if any 30+ bros in particular have bodies that just reject shitslop. i don't drink anything but water either, and a lot of it.

>> No.19288520

Anon you're diabetic you fat retard

>> No.19288521

>high blood pressure and type 2 beetus at 30
lay off the processed food or you have chosen died
you must watch your daily sodium intake unless you actually work for a living an sweat profusely

>> No.19288529

You get the jab?
I'm in my 40s eat like I'm 20 and I'm good

>> No.19288556

I just feel really tired and want to sleep when I eat too many carbs, that's about it. goyslop gives me an upset stomach and nasty shits which is why I stopped eating it years ago.

>> No.19288582

anon, there comes a time in life when you can't just put whatever you want into your mouth anymore. this time comes at different ages for different people and it the food is different for everybody
it is good that you are paying attention. a lot of food addicts/fatties ignore the warning signs

>> No.19288596

>26 years of healthy eating and exercise, 4 years of what the average american eats
>"omg diabetus"


>> No.19288608

This is wisdom. Ignore at you're own peril

>> No.19288621

>the worst I ever ate in my life was during covid,
can you elaborate on this pizza

>> No.19288632

the spirit of Jeebus demonically possessed this post

>> No.19288763

My only problem is that super spicy food will destroy my stomach (and anus).

>> No.19288767


I eat one meal a day and do 100 pushups. I'm 31 and feel better than when I was 20. A good diet and exercise really is the best thing one can do for himself.

>> No.19288768

do you look DYEL

>> No.19288777

What is your sodium intake like? I know some folks be saying sodium is harmless but the carve out is that it is harmless until it isn't. Even water can fuck you up if you drink too much of it.

>> No.19288785

I'm 41, and no. At some point too much spicy hot food started giving me mild cramps the next day, but nothing intolerable. I'll also get heartburn if I completely stuff my gut with food, which didn't happen when I was younger.

>> No.19288808

Not really. I just had a za yesterday and apart from a greasy shit I felt fine

>> No.19288809

I survive exclusively on goyslop fast food and I feel great and have good shits
I'm starting to think it really is all down to your genes and body adaptability
I also haven't been to a doctor in like 20 years, fuck those faggots

>> No.19288828

It's all the salt anon. The chuds of /ck/ will scream at me but that's what it is. You need salt to live of course but one(1) average frozen pizza has at least a days worth for one average person. This of course heavily depends on how much you sweat and excercise but we're talking average here.

>> No.19288840

It actually depends on your salt to water balance.
You are fine if you eat a fuckton of salt as long as you drink a fuckton of water after

>> No.19288842

it has a day's worth for like 3-4 people. maybe 5 small women. humans really don't need to add more than a literal pinch of salt to our food.

>> No.19289242

>i don't drink anything but water either, and a lot of it.

Dont know how you do it. For me thats a recipe for depression Lol

ONLY water. Jesus. Thats some punishment right there

>> No.19289278

This. Ideally, people would start worrying about their health BEFORE they start seeing the signs though.

If you’ve been eating amerislop for 30 years then a lot of damage has already been done that you can’t undo though. That’s one of the reasons why Americans are so ugly. They grow up eating shit like pizza and fries in school every day.

>> No.19289361

no kefir? i bet chris benoit didnt drink any kefir

>> No.19289386

I've been getting occasional heartburn since I was a teenager but now that I'm in my 30s if I eat anything that may cause it It's going to ruin my fucking day.
>eat some shitty fast food
>get heartburn a few hours later
>oh shit time to take some TUMS
>stomach ph level skyrockets
>next day wake up, first thought is "I'm gonna puke"
>puke in the yard
>zero energy for the rest of the day

you just get to an age where you can't eat like a retarded teenager anymore or your body rejects it. if you're getting lightheaded though that's not a good sign.

>> No.19289601

Nope, I can still eat like a teen. Sounds like you need to fix your guts with SAUERKRAUT

>> No.19289763

>Retard doesn't know there's different types of beetus
Many such cases

>> No.19289773

I haven't regularly drank anything but or tea for years, I can't imagine needing more honestly. I'll have a soda like a couple times a year and it's not that good. Booze of course I still drink in moderation.

>> No.19289783

i eat greek yogurt daily

>> No.19289791

Happens to me because I've eaten TOO healthy in my life. The first time I at at mcdonald was at 18 and the eccessive amount of salt and fats was making my heart beat faster.

Fatties and junkfood addicts don't experience these and thus they keep at it

>> No.19290078

>he can't double fist totino's party pizzas

>> No.19290116

>I'm healthy
>I can't handle eating food


>> No.19290125

I highly doubt you have diabetes but high blood pressure is a real possibility

>> No.19290129

they do experience it but to them its just normal, they never realize anything is off because its just like every other day for them, its sad actually

>> No.19290132

it's weirdly the opposite for me. I had horrible acid reflux when I was a teenager but as an adult I barely ever get it

>> No.19290137

>the worst I ever ate in my life was during covid

You mean when you personally had COVID or the pandemic itself?

Because I'm wondering why. Like some people for example went to working remotely so they'd actually have more time to eat well/healthily and prepare their own meals and what-not.

Also because restaurants shut down, you wouldn't be getting unhealthy meals from there. or desserts/appetizers etc.

I'm guessing its because you were shut-in, craved stimulation or pleasure or something and turned to eating junk as a pleasure/entertainment?

>> No.19290143


>> No.19290154

>carve out
I really hope that was an autocorrect thing and not how you think caveat is spelt.

>> No.19290159
File: 88 KB, 960x960, 1660350990230972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seed oils. Unironically

>> No.19290167

cut off that sodium f a m

>> No.19290182

The solution to eating too much salt is to drink water

>> No.19290221

What part of the frozen pizza would contain seed oils? The sauce mainly?

>> No.19290244

i measured my blood pressure over the course of 2ish weeks after a relative got a bp detector, and the average was like 125/80. highest it ever was was like 131/90

>> No.19290248

the pandemic. just a lot of frozen and processed shit compared to my diet now which the most processed thing about it is probably just whatever they do to the salmon before they put it in a can and ship it to markets.

>> No.19290252

anything with bread/dough like the dough, crackers, chips, etc likely has seed oils in it. it just can't be made at scale and be as profitable for companies unless they use it canola, safflower, soybean oils. wouldn't surprise me if there's some in the sauce too.

>> No.19290260

stfu retard, this shit is unironically not funny anymore, you idiots ran the joke into the ground. and if you truly believe this, well, take your fucking meds schizo

>> No.19290261

Do you spend your work day sitting?

>> No.19290263

>sneed oils bad
>drinking brine actually good
this truly is a big brain board for big brain kids

>> No.19290287

The dough and the emulsions (anything saucy or creamy - including sausages etc). They're not that bad when eaten in moderation. There's very little wrong with grapeseed oil. There's definitely something wrong with half of the Brazilian rainforest being levelled for GMO soy oil which half the population doesn't want on their plate.

>> No.19290328
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>> No.19290334

you are going through menopause.

>> No.19290630

get skin tested for food allergies. you're welcome.

>> No.19290948

You don’t have to be fat to get diabetes. Get your a1c tested, go low salt for a few days, get checked out for gout. Tell me your last 7 days of meals because I know it’s salty frozen garbage already.

>> No.19290966

Been having this since before I was 30, it's just an atomic blood sugar spike from goyslop overdose as far as I know

>> No.19291003

89 after fasting

>> No.19291595

i get this at 24

>> No.19292100

This makes me wonder about good sauerkraut and not just the cheap bagged shit

>> No.19292234
File: 20 KB, 400x389, por que no los dos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19292239
File: 15 KB, 413x225, You just keep using that stupid word time after time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
