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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19288181 No.19288181 [Reply] [Original]

Finally, non seed oil mayonnaise in a glass jar.

>> No.19288182

Why are chuds so afraid of seed oils?

>> No.19288184


Canola is the best mix-in for homemade mayonnaise.

>> No.19288188
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>knowing about the issue of seed oils
>still eating them to "own" people you don't like
You are poisoning yourself.

>> No.19288200

I love what PK is doing, by making everything out of avocado oil. I get their salad dressings too.

>> No.19288205

>that'll be $15.99

>> No.19288208 [DELETED] 

>3x more expensive than regular mayo
Yeah, pass.

>> No.19288213

Because they're retarded. There really is no other explanation.

>> No.19288219
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It was $10 yeah, worth it though because I use maybe 4 tbsp a week or less.

>> No.19288233

I want to love this mayo. It's relatively affordable for a big jar from Costco, but it keeps splitting on me when I take it out of the fridge. As soon as I put it on a peice of bread that is just room temperature the oil breaks out of the emulsion and soaks into the bread leaving behind clumps of eggy stuff. The only reason I keep buying it is because it works well when I mix it with other things to make fry sauce, salad dressings, etc. Are they just using too much oil in their recipe or something?

>> No.19288242

They have it at Costco?

>> No.19288261
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They did last I checked.

>> No.19288266

it's disgusting
you can't use unmodified avocado oil, it tastes god-awful

>> No.19288267

I enjoy this one and kewpie.

>> No.19288270

Only get dukes stop buying hellmans

>> No.19288272

> projecting this much
You'll absorb more hexane from 2 mins exposure to ambient car exhaust than drinking a litre of canola.
A diet with a high ratio of polyunsaturated fats is overwhelmingly shown to benefit heart health
what evidence do you have, be honest, it's just some absolutely retarded chud with zero credentials on twitter isn't it?

>> No.19288282

>Study was funded by the Corn and Soy growers association of America
Into the trash

>> No.19288291

Thanks! I'll look for it next time I'm there!

>> No.19288294
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>look bro you need to eat seed oils because they aren't harmless bro ingest them bro you are a chud bro you get more poison from other things so just fucking eat them here's a study that says they're safe so fucking buy food with them and eat them bro

Not eating seed oils.

>> No.19288401

I don’t take advice from /pol/ and internet grifters, have sex

>> No.19288414

>not a new ip

>> No.19288427

that actually sounds good, canola is good for lots of things and has a lot less PUFA than other seed oils so I don't avoid it.

>> No.19288440

>“Cooking with seed oils at home isn’t an issue.”
lol, this thread is about seed oils in food purchased not made yourself

>> No.19288444

Hexane was never the problem with sneed oils

>> No.19288454

>get a reply

>> No.19288459

Chuds get dietary info that filters from Karen blogs through alpha manly influencers

>> No.19288480

correct, the problem is PUFAs

>> No.19288590

i made avocado mayo with a hand blender and it made me feel sick. it was just gross overall

>> No.19288613

you believe in that pufa stuff because of its mass scale of consumption, your crusade against it is about yourself being a special snowflake. its just food idiot

>> No.19288642

it's been studied. also there must be something fucked up about american processed food because americans have gotten so much fatter since 1980 and euros haven't; this fits the profile. I don't think it's a complete explanation but I bet it's part of it.

>> No.19288656

Seed oils are literally industrial waste that has been put through chemical processes to extract "enough" of the literal poison out of it so they can sell it for human consumption instead of throw it away. We are not talking about food. We are actually talking about literal industrial byproducts. Extra virgin olive oil is food. Butter is food. Tallow is food. Seed oils are poison.

>> No.19288890
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> lying on the internet
zero difference
So what is? You fuckers can't get your facts straight.
You've got to fucking kidding, polyunsaturated fats are the type of fats you should be consuming the most of.
For fucks sake you people are incredibly retarded and actually think that mummy blogs written by schizos know better than heart associations across the planet.

> For good health, the majority of the fats that you eat should be monounsaturated or polyunsaturated.

>> No.19288938

why do chuds love pufa so much?

>> No.19288949

>and euros haven't;
they have, they're just trailing behind. they have become much fatter in the past 10 years

im sure our "totally not vegan ok i am but what does that have to do with anything" friend here >>19288890 would have you believe that has nothing to do with them also eating more and more vegetable oil every year, following the US trend

but it's the uh.. super sekrit additives bro

>> No.19288953

Calm down retard.

>> No.19288960

People have been eating seed oils for hundreds of years, what exactly is the problem?
What next, we shouldn't eat bread either?

>> No.19288965

it's never been this abundant and ubiquitous before

>> No.19288969

>we lied about soy and got exposed, let's make up another conspiracy about [[[[sneed oils]]]] replacing the white race so incel chimp out mass shootings are justified

>> No.19288971

>if i call everyone else an incel, nobody will realize im the incel
I see you buddy

>> No.19288976

i see you incel :)

>> No.19288980

Please dont go on a shooting spree when you realize nobody is going to touch ur pp because you were defending seed oils on the internet

>> No.19288989

kraft beetcha to it chud

>> No.19289066

I'm not an incel, my peepee has been touched by many a woman

>> No.19289069

Crying about soy and seed oils isn't how you attract women

>> No.19289089

kill yourselves /pol/fags

>> No.19289094

kill yourself asshole

>> No.19289112

>may 2023
>absolute retards STILL getting their info from sites like heart.org
>muh heart associations
Kek. Definitely ngmi

>> No.19289114

I use olive oil and butter because it tastes better.
You use it because of some schizo fears.
We are not the same.

>> No.19289122
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> can't post any refutation
> "I'm just right... because I am"
choke on my fat hairy and healthy balls you terminally online delusional loser
you know damn well that when you try to find any evidence whatsoever that says I'm wrong it's all fucking mummyblogs and paleoschizos.
go on, find one credible source to back yourself up you rampaging faggot

>> No.19289134

enjoy your balding and low T chud

>> No.19289153

I have a full head of hair and cum four times a day. I can shoot a rope over 3 metres.l

>> No.19289154
File: 10 KB, 474x266, OIP (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have a full head of hair and cum four times a day. I can shoot a rope over 3 metres.l

>> No.19289158

really doubt that. next you're gonna tell me you graduated from velcro shoes?

>> No.19289261

Why have seed oils become public enemy #1 when there's a ton of other unhealthy shit in general, like added sugar or other chemical additives?

I just find the focus on seed oils interesting. Like it inspires more hate than the other bullshit thats put in all our food.

Why is this? Are they truly the worst?

>> No.19289275

because oil overdose is worse and people are often much less aware of their oil consumption than their sugar consumption

>> No.19289297
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Mate, feel free to show us all who supports your opinion as I've asked twice now.
You boldly claim that polyunsaturated fats aka PUFAs are unhealthy.
So show us the evidence.
It's nothing but schizo hippies and dumbfuck third worlders who can barely into English saying this stuff. You keep posting wojaks as though that proves you point.
C'mon darkie, prove us all wrong so your pongo killing palm oil industry can keep going inshallah you repressed incel faggot.
Post skin colour.

>> No.19289300
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>Real mayonnaise
>Avocado oil

Nigga the real mayonnaise has olive oil not that hipster shit.

>> No.19289301

Extra virgin olive oil is the superior mayonnaise base, you'll never convince me otherwise you fucking retards. And make it at home for fucks sake

>> No.19289302

holy schizo projection

>> No.19289310
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Post skin colour
Anti seed oil shit is a third world meme.

>> No.19289318

if you were confident in your beliefs you wouldn't have to lie. you're obviously ESL; it's very apparent to anyone who speaks english natively.

thirdies eat a ton of seed oil and do moreso now than they did decades ago. your average indian dish is going to be loaded with seed oils today, they're not using a bunch of ghee

>> No.19289321
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> reddit spacing
post skin colour you muslim fuck

>> No.19289322

>newfag pretends to know what reddit spacing is

>> No.19289334

Cold processed unsaturated oils are fine until you heat them to cooking temperatures. In cold applications like dressings or condiments, there's no problem. It's just that they're very fragile and oxidize into toxic byproducts very quickly when heated, whereas saturated fats are stable at cooking temperatures. So use lard, tallow, coconut or palm oil, or clarified butter when cooking or frying, and save the canola oil for mayonnaise and vinaigrettes.

>> No.19289371

> types out all this "knowledge"
All you have to do is provide a source dickhead. It's not hard. You can do it, I believe in you.

>> No.19289407

> you're obviously ESL
Buddy you can't even manage basic punctuation and yet hilariously want to fucking lecture me about not being a natural born English speaker. You keep outing yourself as a third worlder over and over again. No actual human being gives a shit about India or what they consume.
Again, I'm the only one here providing proof of anything, if you want a recap:
Post a link dickhead, is it really that hard?

>> No.19289418

sorry, it's just really apparent. not bad, all things considered; it's a tough language. it's just funny that you would make a point of criticizing people's english when you clearly aren't perfectly fluent

>> No.19289440

This. My mom buys this stuff and I wanted to like it but theres just something off about the taste.
I'll just stick to making it at home or just not having any.

>> No.19289445

MCT oil works pretty well in my experience

>> No.19289922

Avocado oil doesn't even have any flavor at all though. That's one of peoples main complaints with avocados, that they don't taste like anything.

>> No.19289933

>polyunsaturated fats are the type of fats you should be consuming the most of.

>> No.19289941

you can also buy pressed canola oils that aren't made with chemicals.

>> No.19290148

>zero difference
There's no difference between using canola oil in a pan once vs buying something absolutely coated and drenched in it in a factory

>> No.19290152

retard lol

>> No.19290155

That website would be justified as evidence if it wasn't for american lobbying in politics/FDA/HA/etc

>> No.19290157

>oil overdose is worse

Why is that

>> No.19290160
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I wonder how avocados feel about being continually associated with hipsters

>> No.19290163

They didn't have that at Whole Foods.

>> No.19290166

which oil is better, fat-and-cholesterol-wise, for cooking & frying: olive oil or avocado oil?

>> No.19290218

Americans on average eat more, simple as.

Your processed garbage is just as awful as American processed garbage you retard.

>> No.19290238

Who in the literal fuck cares.

Moderation is the only thing that matters you fat fucking cow.

>> No.19290266

Not true at all Lol. Vitamins and minerals exist

>> No.19290311

Vitamins and minerals don't mean shit when comparing the healthfulness of a pound of lard vs a pound of canola oil.


>> No.19290324

Isn't an Avocado pit a seed?

>> No.19290344

Avocado oil is pressed from the pulp of the fruit, not the pit.

Not that it matters at all if you're not a retarded schizo, but no it's not from the seed.

>> No.19290347

You can't avoid soybean oil forever, chud.

>> No.19290374

Can you just stop being so deliberately retarded for once? Try making a joke with some wit.

>> No.19290404


>> No.19290525

avocado, oil has a low smoke point
bro just eat a little cyanide bro lol
I unironically have not eaten any seed oils for the

>> No.19290530

the past month or so*
it's not hard to check ingredients, haven't been able to have any pizza but that's the only detriment

>> No.19290549

I dont huff car exhaust either?

>> No.19290557

Why are you acting like you can't compare the nutritional profiles of lard and canola oil. They are different foods.

>> No.19290562
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>bro just eat the seed oils in moderation bro why are you avoiding them? there's nothing wrong with them dude just eat them, you get more poison from a car exhaust dude just eat them
Why do you want anons to eat seed oils so bad? Fucking evil cunt.

>> No.19290588

I don't give a fuck what anon eats I just want you schizos to shut the fuck up and go away

>> No.19290590

>stop talking about carcinogenic food it hurts me
Okay? Hide the thread you weak faggot lol

>> No.19290595

People who obsesses over which oil is better for any given thing without fail are fat fucks who consume way too much of literally everything they eat. You are fat fuck.

>> No.19290597

Hide my post you knob gobbling cock goblin, you are retarded.

>> No.19290600

lmao, you have to go back

>> No.19290601
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>> No.19290611

Olives are pressed. Fruit, pit, skin, everything all at once. Only a lunatic would try to make oil from deseeded olives.

>> No.19290665

Neat, what the fuck does that have to do with avocado oil?

>> No.19291159

>doesn't make duck fat mayo

>> No.19291938

So much neuroticism around food originated from mentally ill niche blogs that then propogated through the terminally online side of twitter.

>> No.19291949

> literally none of the replies seething to you can quantifiably rebut, refute, or otherwise challenge your argument
You have unironically convinced me anon.

>> No.19291956
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The guys I knew who got the most pussy would call you a fucking nerd if you even uttered the words "seed oils"
just lmao.

>> No.19291957

I know this is bait but I'll take it
>A claims Z could be dangerous
>B claims Z isn't dangerous while insulting everyone else
>anon wants to ingest Z because no one took B seriously

>> No.19291963

I wish they would make a mayonnaise out of bacon lard with little chunks of bacon in it.

>> No.19291972

Stupidest post I've seen in a minute

>> No.19291984


>> No.19291990

Would it be okay if they just said avocado, coconut, olive, etc. oils are healthier? I remember about 20 years ago people saying olive oil was healthier and nobody got upset and started defending other oils.

>> No.19291994

It's obviously cognitive dissonance

It would be fine if they said "nah seed oils are fine i'll keep eating them" but any conversation you read is like "nah they're healthy chud just eat more who gives a fuck eat them in moderation they won't hurt you"

really makes u think

>> No.19293040

the guys you knew who got the most pussy probably didn't get much pussy then

>> No.19293047

it's obviously ideologically driven. they have to defend PUFAs as a whole because otherwise that means people eating palm (the poor monkeys) or animal fats (not enough avocado and olive to meet global demand)

that's why they can't just agree to disagree, or be honest in general

>> No.19293090

It was only a matter of time before someone realized they could make money off of them like they did selling lefties on the danger of gluten.
That and the hippy to Nazi pipeline is alive and well so they're numbers have been swelled with people who generate this stuff

>> No.19293097

Anon you retard it's cause of the culture war. When In the last 5 years has anyone agreed to disagree

>> No.19293101

It's sugar, it's sugar and portion sizes

>> No.19293105

Actually yes bread is a big calorie load and you should have it sparingly. The seed oil stuff seems retarded tho

>> No.19293118

Ameritards, do you really cook stuff in canola oil? Like actually cook in it, drip it into the pan and cook with it?

>> No.19293140

well that could be why some people are vegan I guess, but I know lots of vegans and they are definitely like this

>> No.19293145

They should make a mayo with duck or chicken fat.

>> No.19293158

That sounds expensive

>> No.19293620

>okay but which food is better
>shut the FUCK UP and eat your slop you FAT FUCK
Why are sneed lovers like this lol

>> No.19293650

sunken cost fallacy + cognitive dissonance
you should check ingredients in your own country too, probably has it but america is horrendous with seed oils

>> No.19293672

>says the anon who likes the taste of mayonnaise

>> No.19293678

>Guy Crosby, adjunct associate of nutrition at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, was among those quoted in a May 31, 2022 Consumer Reports article who pushed back on the idea that these oils cause health ills ranging from headaches to heart disease.
>While it’s true that many foods that use seed oils—such as packaged snacks and french fries—are unhealthy, they also tend to be high in refined carbohydrates, sodium, and sugar. “Sure, if you cut back on these foods, chances are you’re going to feel better,” Crosby said. But these other components, not the seed oils themselves, are the culprit behind weight gain and other negative health outcomes.
>Repeatedly heating unsaturated fats to high temperatures, such as in restaurant deep-fryers where oil is infrequently changed, is a health concern, Crosby said. However, he added, “Cooking with seed oils at home isn’t an issue.”
>In addition, experts said that there is no reason to cut back on whole foods that contain omega-6—the type of polyunsaturated fat dominant in seed oils—such as nuts and seeds. Evidence suggests that a diet high in these foods can help lower cholesterol and blood sugar and reduce heart disease risk.
b-b-but the harvard scientists are trying to kill us all! my alphamale tiktok guru told me so!!

>> No.19293708
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>he lives in a world where lobbying is legal
>he thinks everyone with power has the interests of normal people in mind

>> No.19293737

Enjoy your phytoestrogens faggot

>> No.19293765

by your own logic, i should also be a schizo and assume lobbyists are astroturfing social media with anti-seedoil rhetoric and you're a paid shill

>> No.19293770

the problem there is there's more money to be made with seed oils than non seed oils so a shill for it wouldn't make sense

>> No.19293773

>more money to be made
yes shill, for the non-seedoil oils that you're clearly shilling, you fucking retard. crazy how all of the beliefs you cling to and spread all boil down to "evil people are trying to trick me", and it's never about like complicated things like social security or privatized healthcare, no, you need to be angry about some bullshit at the grocery store, that's how low iq you are, and the alphamale tiktok guru making bank off you depends on it.

>> No.19293778

you're wrong because seed oils are 99% of all food in america

you really think it's smart to cater to the rest? you're a retard lol

>> No.19293783

i love how you just spout bullshit like SEEDOIL IS 99% OF FOOD and just expect anyone to be like "oh ok sounds legit thx man". i mean, clearly that worked on you, but normal people aren't stupid enough to listen to bullshit like that and get freaked out enough to start evangelizing for some alphamale tiktok guru on 4chan like, you know, a dumbdumb would

>> No.19293789

>getting overpriced nikocado mayo for hippies
>not based polish mayonnaise