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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 10 KB, 246x205, images(8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19287667 No.19287667 [Reply] [Original]

So I recently caught a 3 day for posting a thread about dancingbacons, saying that it was off topic
A cucktuber who films food from all over Asia
Why are the ck mods so fucking bad. I hate them so much and want them all gassed irl

>> No.19287670

They're troons who volunteer their time to work for 4chan. What do you expect? If they weren't freaks they'd be low level beaurocrats smugly abusing their power by fucking normies over at the DMV.

>> No.19287678

>eceleb faggotry
This is a food and cooking board, you and every dipshit who posts youtubecancer deserve it, fucking faggot.

>> No.19287679

Still havent found a bigger image file? Better hurry, anon. She looks like shes plumping up. She'll be too big to fit in your tiny image

>> No.19287682

Okay but it's directly related to the contents of this board. So you should perhaps kys

>> No.19287683


I used to watch this and fantasize about going on a date with her

>> No.19287685

Third try will be the charm, try posting about food or cooking.

>> No.19287688

Fuck off back to lame ass shill zone.
How desparate can you get you fat bitch?

>> No.19287696
File: 18 KB, 225x273, LONDON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19287697

Why would you or anyone fantasize about going out with a fat chunk like that? Also that thing looks like it never shuts up, like a "FEED ME, FEED ME" TYPE.

>> No.19287703

Fuckers gave me a 3 day for a bud light thread then let one hit the bump limit the next day.
Fuck janny

>> No.19287710

Because this is a food and cooking board, not a discussion board for your parasocial YouTube bullshit.

>> No.19287712
File: 25 KB, 400x300, Arnold-Schwarzenegger-Grace-Jones-Conan-the-Destroyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not Grace or Arnold.

>> No.19287715

Was probably having a bad day and decided to take it out on his board by closing his eyes and banning at random.
All the mods on this site are fucking retards when it comes to moderation.

>> No.19287732

I got a one day ban a couple of days ago because I made a food as weapons thread. Other than that I usually get 3 day bans that /ck/ jannies apply to the whole site because I make "racist" posts. Which is funny because niggers are subhuman so I don't see how it's racist. Either way this board has the worst moderation by far.

>> No.19287829
File: 1.87 MB, 265x199, 1605661517934.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dat timestamp doe...

>> No.19287838

The Jannies often use the board to relive stress. Its one of the less popular ones so banning people here wouldnt really raise any eyebrows. I know they talk among themselves and from time to time even call out other mods but again I doubt any of them care about this board.
>Random chance
Also on any board you fully have a chance of just getting banned for no good reason at all. Last week caught a 3 day but they wouldnt even tell me what It was for.