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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 132 KB, 1160x600, whale-poo-full-width.jpg.thumb.1160.1160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19287286 No.19287286 [Reply] [Original]

What does it taste like?

Going to Norway in the summer where whaling is still legal, thinking of trying some.

How do I cook it?

>> No.19287306

>What does it taste like?
A bit like beef.
>How do I cook it?
Get a restaurant to cook it for you.

>> No.19287312

/thread, anytime you're trying a new food in a new place you want a local to cook it first before you experiment, so you know how it's "supposed" to taste

>> No.19287331

So.i just walk into any restaurant and plonk my whale meat on the counter and ask them to cook it?

Isn't it still controversial to eat whale meat even for Norwegians (who still eat puffins and skate and sheep's head etc)

>> No.19287531
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I'm gonna tell you something and you're not going to believe me...

>> No.19287547

Hit up the Faroe Islands during a Grind, and you'll get all the whale you could ever want in one lifetime. Check out Heri Joensen's videos about it, he's a musician who defends and documents the tradition.

>> No.19287557


No dumbass, you walk into a restaurant and order it from the menu. Wtf kind of question is that?

>> No.19287603

Well, double dumbass on you!

>> No.19287613

Why would you want to eat such intelligent being? It's barbaric

>> No.19287619

I would eat you too, better watch out. And barbarian is a compliment.

>> No.19287645

>I'm going to tell you something
I don't believe you have yet. I am waiting.

>> No.19287740

Best star wars movie. 80s San Fran was kino, what happened?

>> No.19287751

You are genuinely a subhuman. Eating whales should be punishable by death

>> No.19287768
File: 14 KB, 500x340, Ricardo_Montalban-Khan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was some star trek movie and the one of the sucky gay ones, only the Khan ones were watchable.

>> No.19288982

Ate whale in japan and it’s not that good
Basically beef but with the bad parts of fishiness in it
I can see why people dont test this
Not so tasty

>> No.19289024

So it's basically the cow of the sea?

>> No.19289026

Tried it twice in Svalbard. It tastes a bit lite beef but more gamy and with a strange fishy flavour. 5/10 stick to salmon/beef.

>> No.19289130

How did they cook it?

>> No.19289493

eating no animal should be punishable by death

>> No.19289500

We eat pigs

>> No.19289504
File: 2.50 MB, 1885x1414, 1684503112951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong sea mammal

>> No.19289509

I've had whale sushi in Japan. It has almost no flavor. Not as soft as fish like tuna or salmon. Not as sweet as shrimp. It's not bad, but very uninteresting. So the sushi chef usually puts green onion or daikon on top of the whale meat to give it more flavor.
beefy and gamy, I think that's an apt description. Not as tough as beef, and not as gamy as something like lamb or duck, but yeah. It doesn't really taste like fish. Which makes sense because whales aren't fish, they're mammals.

>> No.19290064

most mammals are pretty fucking intelligent, dude.
We shit on chinks for eating dogs, yet pigs are 3 times as smart.

>> No.19290070

Your mom was the last whale I ate and it was fishy.

>> No.19290165

Who is we? I do not eat pig

>> No.19290216

Whales > pigs for a lot of reasons, but if someone only wanted to eat animals like the chicken I'd understand

>> No.19290219

Duck isn't gamey at all
What is gamey even supposed to mean? Is it just a negative word for meaty tasting?

>> No.19290224

Only orcas. The rest I don't particularly care about.

>> No.19290228

It's a characteristic of meats that have a wild diet
Depending on what they've been eating changes the flavor of the meat
Farm duck is not gamey, but wild duck is

>> No.19290250

Is it at all like the difference between 100% grass fed beef and other beef?

>> No.19290275

It depends on what their diet is
If they've been eating plants and fruit it's nice, actually
If they've been eating fish and frogs, eh

>> No.19290574

Whale meat tastes like ASS. Do not eat whale meat. It's all fatty and gross.