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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19283539 No.19283539 [Reply] [Original]

What did peasants eat in medieval times?

>> No.19283541

The king's poop

>> No.19283542

Bread and onions, weak beer

A hare or some bird meat now and then

>> No.19283549

McDonalds, probably.

>> No.19283550

The richest king in the world sits on a sack of shit

>> No.19283572

poverty food like potatoes

>> No.19283574


>> No.19283580

Primarily whole grain bread. Grains included wheat, rye, buckwheat, oats, barley, and upland rice. Sugar in any form was rare, and the most common sweeters were honey and syrups made from reduced fruit juice.
Veggies and legumes like leeks, onions, carrots, turnips, lettuce, cabbage, sprouts, peas were common.
Most forms of beans, all chili peppers, potatoes, tomatoes, pumpkin, corn were void, as those are native to the western hemisphere.
Spices and herbs included sage, thyme, garlic, salt, nutmeg, mint, coliander, licorice, and horseradish (the habanero of Eurasia).
Meat was mostly poultry and farmed cod. Amongst the Ashkenaz (European Jews) cod farming was huge, and formed the basis of the massive use of fish in traditional foods like gefilte fish. Goose was also a massive deal, as pork is considered treif (non-kosher/not fit for human consumption), and plant based oil was rare outside of southern Eurasia, goose fat was the frying medium of choice. The fat is known as schmaltz, and is often chicken fat in the modern day.
Duck, sheep, goat, beef were also common. Amongst the gentiles, all of these as well as horse, rabbit, eels, clams, were eaten.

Beer was universally ale, dark, and often seasoned. The whole "German purity law" was local to Bavaria only, and was written to regulate the grain market for bakers, not to purify beer. Most of Europe also had vineyards for wine, and make wine out of any given fruit.
Distillation in Korean type clay stills was also done. Most liqour was clear, unaged, and often flavored. Absinthe, brandy, dutch gin, slivovitz, and vodka (which could be flavored) were all known.

>> No.19283598
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This is a clay still from Korea. European stills at the time were similar. I've read that heavy use of copper in stills was not done until the late 1500s.

The bottom pot holds the beer/wash. The middle pot is actually a topless and bottomless ring with a spout. The spout has an internal extention to catch drips. The top pot is a massive bowl full of cold water, and all pots are sealed with a simple dough or clay to make the system vapor tight. The fire under the still warms the beer to under a boil, the alcohol vapor rises, is cooled by the water pot, and it drips down into the spout extention, and hout of the spout.

>> No.19283611

whole wheat sourdough made from shitty soft wheat instead of hard, pottages, etc.

>> No.19283614

>medieval times
You should talk less and listen more.

>> No.19283620

Beef, pig, rabbits, hare, deer, carp, tench, waffles, pancakes, bread, beer, wine, sorrel, spinach, bear garlic, pennyroyal, myrtle, mustard, redcurrant, apples, pears, prunes. Proper food.

>> No.19283630

Thanks chatjewpt

>> No.19283636
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>> No.19283649

90% of their diet was hard, grainy, stale bread made from whatever seeds they could find

>> No.19283652


Interesting. Didn't know that.

>> No.19283660

weaker peasants

>> No.19283664

pitiful bait but on this godforsaken imageboard a solid 7/10

>> No.19283673

europe knew beans before, just different types

>> No.19283675

Only started getting them in europe in the late 1500s

>> No.19283692

Tomato (Italy), vanilla (French), peanut (Dutch), potato (Poland) and chocolate (Dutch) are European inventions. They were useless before we intervened. Broad beans are European as well.

>> No.19283707
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a good post on 4chinz, I'm shocked. Have a well deserved (You)

>> No.19283719

Very region dependent.

>> No.19283721

>thanks for the disease

>> No.19283780

>tfw actually Jewish
>but not a chinaspeakeebot
>que lastima.

>> No.19283814

Venison was almost universally poached if it was being eaten by a serf. Hunting, and the wildlife on it, were relegated to the land holding nobility and gentry.
Beef was eaten, but it almost always only on Christmas. When beef was eaten, it was normally a draft animal that was old, injured, or not at full strength.
I forgot ducks and pigeons were also eaten. Just as in the old south, wherein visitors would sit and shell dried beans and peas as a courtesy, a similar thing was done in Eurasia with nuts. Chesnuts, walnuts, and hazelnuts were big protein sources (and their oil was used for some industrial applications). Visitors were sort of expected to help shell them while sitting.
The only bean known to medieval europeans would have been the fava bean. Pintos, navies, blacks, etc. are all American native.

>> No.19283886

there's native vanilla orchids in the old world throughout the tropics, but not cultivated. probably due to not producing enough/strong enough pods. archeologists found compounds associated with vanilla in ancient burial site in israel.
there are new world wild onions, but i think used by certain north american tribes only.

>> No.19283898

This picture is wrong and whoever made it back in 1998 needs a hard slap on the ass.

>> No.19283921

Chickpeas and lentils were also common, with chickpeas being mentioned in Carolingian texts as being widely cultivated across his domain. Also as an addendum, wheat was often consumed in a porridge called frumenty. Oats and oat porridge became a common foodstuff only recently, being considered a poverty food, normally meant for animal feed, across Europe for much of history.

>> No.19283951

>The only bean known to medieval europeans would have been the fava bean.
This is wrong. Chickpeas/garbanzo beans and lentils were indeed cultivated and used for food by Europeans during the Middle Ages. Why would you post something factually wrong, anon?

>> No.19283955

Porridge, no matter the grain, is pretty good food really. You can easily make it sweet or savory or something in between depending on what you add to it.

Here, rice porridge is considered a seasonal and fine food almost always seasoned with cinnamon and served with milk, while oat porridge is a considered simple and nutritious and can be served any way.

for the latter I personally prefer either raw oats with milk and honey or treacle, or as a savory/salty dish with butter and MSG.

>> No.19283962

A good YT channel for this.
*They ate WAY better than we do now.

>> No.19283967
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We have the new world Peruvians to thank for 'Taters...

>> No.19283971
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I'll second that...
Your (you), sir...

>> No.19284579
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Apparently they had it pretty decent.

>> No.19284615

why do you hate us

>> No.19284735

>Primarily whole grain bread.
they may have, but that is not what they wanted. everyone back then wanted white bread.
>Meat was mostly poultry and farmed cod
only rich people got fish, unless they lived on the coast.

>> No.19284740

peasants were not allowed to hunt.


>> No.19284747

>peasants were not allowed to hunt.
Just shut up if you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.19284763
File: 544 KB, 1536x2048, 88E53D27-0717-47B5-8808-ECBA47A8AB4C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to an authentic medieval cuisine restaurant and there was a lot of meat. The waitress explained to me that people back then ate a lot of meat in especially wild game. Wild turkey, venison, duck, etc… as well as fish and bread are what medieval people ate. And they would wash it down with wine and/or some fresh well water. I wish I had lived back then instead of these crazy times we are dealing with today with all these crazy people using meth and trannies and left wing kooks and unhealthy fast food. I think I’d have done pretty well back then. Perhaps I’d have been a knight or maybe been one of Robin Hood’s men? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medieval_cuisine

>> No.19284772


why do you think everyone was dying of dysentery?

>> No.19285026
File: 629 KB, 2527x1900, 00D6AFF5-A2A0-4D06-B812-ABE129FFF4F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think I’d have done pretty well back then. Perhaps I’d have been a knight or maybe been one of Robin Hood’s men?
It’s much better to live in the present day and just pretend

>> No.19285048

The lands were owned by the lords who owned the rights to hunt there

>> No.19285053

It's not us. It's you. Specifically you, dearest anon. Oh... oh boy howdy, do I feel the rage a-bubbling in my heart. The white hot anger and unadulterated distaste and dismay, all for you. I stay awake at night, tossing, turning, kneading, rolling, all for that next post on a Vietnamese basket weaving forum website on the internet. I am addicted to it, the hate. It is my purpose, my vision, my white whale of a tail.

And most Conseradox Jews, and like 2/3rds of Israelis. I hate them too. Oh, how I despise...

Farmed fish was huge in the medevial era (see: aquaculture, agricultures wetter brother). My anon, have you never heard of rivers?

>> No.19285054

I think wine and meat would be what the wealthy upper classes consumed, it wasn't everyday food for everyone. The average person today can probably get a bottle of wine and roasted chicken more easily.

>> No.19285059

Yes, he's right. Hunting as a right in Europe didn't become a thing until the French revolution. In the legends of Robin Hood, poaching of the King's game animals for food was a big deal. Boars were reserved for hunting parties of knights, who used the hunts as a form of cavalry exercise. Fox hunting with hounds and signal horns on horseback is derived from this.

>> No.19285064

isn't carp a shit-tier fish? I get that peasants take what they can get but isn't carp notoriously bad

>> No.19285069

They hadn't had any salmon to compare it to

>> No.19285073

He's right you don't know shit about history of the time

>> No.19285083

You would have been one of the 95% of all people who were serfs. Stop being a narcissist, and stop eating at larp joints.

Wine from grape was normally a rich person food, but wine was also made from fruit. Cider, plum jerkum, pear cider, and wine made from any given form of berry, stonefruit, etc. would have been known.
Meat was common, but it's the species and how we use it that makes the difference. Meat in the medeival era was a flavoring agent, like bacon fat, not a bulk ingredient as it's used today. Poultry, especially goose, was common, as was fish. Pork was not as common, but it was not a holiday only affair.
The non-avian species that were more rarely eaten (sheep, goats, horses, beef) were slaughtered only at the end of their useful commercial life. These animals were used for wool, milk, and labor first and foremost, and meat and leather as a last end.

>> No.19285087

Not really. It's a boney fish, but it is good depending on what the fish is fed. Species is nothing compared to feed quality in modern husbandry. Store bought eggs have flat, yellow yolks, but if you ever have a real free range egg from a chicken that's been eating bugs and grass, that yolk is neon orange and domed. Feed matters.

>> No.19285094


>> No.19285109

Basic stuff - beans and potatoes mainly

>> No.19285136

>Hunting, and the wildlife on it, were relegated to the land holding nobility and gentry.
Wasn't that specifically a Western European thing? Even more specifically, English (after 1066)? How did land ownership and access to the woods compare in the HRE or in Scandinavia or even Eastern Europe?

>> No.19285144

So what kind of horse shows happen here

>> No.19285148

>The waitress explained to me that people back then ate a lot of meat in especially wild game. Wild turkey, venison, duck, etc… as well as fish and bread are what medieval people ate. And they would wash it down with wine and/or some fresh well water.
I know she's just repeating what she was told to say but this is so wrong. Every inch of hunting land was strictly controlled and the average man rarely ever had wild game. And table beer was the staple drink, anyone could make it, anyone could drink it, and it was safer than any still water.

>> No.19285153

>Stop being a narcissist, and stop eating at larp joints.
he's just having fun

>> No.19285182

Mostly stepping routines. The Spanish Step is actually pretty impressive. But they also do jousting and such. And then they have fights when the put away horses.

>> No.19285193

Sounds fun. Your meal looks good
What beer is served

>> No.19285252

jews larp that white people belong to a group of people called the amalek, which were the people who lived in palestine before the israelites murdered everyone and stole it. they claim their god told them they could totally have palestine but only if they first removed the most evil and vile of humans who currently occupied their promised land. and it was one of his first commandments to utterly destroy them, down to the last woman and child, as well as any pets or livestock. But alas, some amalek escaped and race mixed with some other group and eventually they became everyone not jewish because oey gevalt dont question it goyim.

>> No.19285304

I'm jewish, and everything you just typed is wrong.