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19283204 No.19283204 [Reply] [Original]

99% of alcohol tastes like fucking piss how do people actually enjoy drinking this? All beer tastes like piss. Heavy liquors are vomit inducing. I enjoy some sweet wines but dry wines are disgusting. Other than sweet wines and gay fruity cocktails this shit is awful. What's the deal why is all of human civilization addicted to this stuff?

>> No.19283211

I'd call you a fag, but you're better off just not liking booze than liking it too much and then you've got a problem.

>> No.19283224

Society pressured us into smoking or drinking. It tastes like shit, makes you sick until you get used to it, ruins your quality of health, and for some people it just totally fucks them up/kills them etc. It's one of those things where if it didn't exist, the world would be a better place. But profits and degenerate behavior have kept it alive and here we are

>> No.19283227

I finally tried Hennessey. It was absolutely disgusting, why the fuck do people make a big deal out of it?

>> No.19283243

You made the mistake of thinking that bl*cks have taste.

>> No.19283253

Sounds like your first challenge would be turning 18, and then getting a job, and then meeting people in a social environment

>> No.19283258

If you don't like it then don't drink it. Definitely don't start drinking it until you do like it and then want it daily. Learn from my mistakes.

>> No.19283353

You have to be 16 - I mean 21 to post here.
It's horse shit. Garbage promoted by American pop music. Most supermarket-level brands are just as bad. They're a waste of time and money, unless you're into cocktails. There you actually want to use garbage. If you want a good Cognac look for Fine Champagne, and work your way up.

>> No.19283356

Grow up

>> No.19283360

I quit drinking for many years. From what I remember all those coolers with low alcohol content didn't taste too bad, also cocktails made with gin tastes nice and unlike alcohol. But every other drink was disgusting.

>> No.19283362

>how do people actually enjoy drinking this?
they dont, they just pretend to, to feel tough. the only alcohol that tastes well is fine wine. prices are accordingly.

>> No.19283366

ah yes, the poor man's substitute for fine wine

>> No.19283397

>99% of alcohol tastes like fucking piss
that's what I thought too based on the grocery store alcohol I've tried. literally everything in your pic is shit even stuff like chivas regal that is supposed to be good is complete jokes compared to real scottish whiskey. you basically only get bottom of the barrel stuff at the grocery store because everyone is cheap so you only get access to the mcdonalds tier of alcohol.

my advice would be to buy alcohol when it's on sale at amazon. I just got 5 bottles of good stuff that was heavily discounted + 15% off for buying 5 items when you "subscribe & save"

>> No.19283402

just give me wine slop you pretentious bastard

>> No.19283472

gin is the worst alcohol in terms of taste other than drinking something not made to be drunk straight or jagermeister or something

>> No.19283492

What specifically have you tried? Give us some brands, brewers, or distillers you've tried. Mass market swill is invariably disgusting, but craft brewers and distillers are usually good.

>> No.19283494

This. I overdrank gin one night because it was free and I still regret it over every other alcohol binge i've ever had

>> No.19283515
File: 122 KB, 900x1200, seagrams_7__70804.1489080497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want a bad night? Look nowhere else.

>> No.19283525

You aren't going to be 14 forever, OP.

>> No.19283639

I think gin varies the most in quality out of any drink, expensive gin tastes great but cheap gin tastes like fucking ass and will absolutely rape you in terms of a hangover.

>> No.19283647

I'd say the same goes with tequila and mezcal too. The real bottom of the barrel shit should not be safe for human consumption.

>> No.19283651
File: 265 KB, 1275x1780, beaucastel-2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheap shit but it's got a great finish
>pretentious bastard
keep pouring sweet juice into your booze to make it somehow palatable poorfag

>> No.19283658

Fair point, they're all the kinds of drinks where if you don't shell out you will NOT have a good time.

>> No.19283670

Why do people always say something tastes like piss? If you've ever actually had piss in your life you'd know how ridiculous that comparison is. Pissmaxx before trying to talk shit

>> No.19283671

I love pissy pee wizz peepee poopy wee wee tee hee

>> No.19283676

The only things I've ever had that legitimately remind me of piss are the big-name American light beers. Bud, Miller, etc. legitimately taste like someone pissed in soda water.

>> No.19283681

>I drink this jpg every day because I'm le rich
What a faggot

>> No.19283704

sounds like cope and seethe desu

>> No.19283709

Stay away from fad drinks like gin, tequila, alcohol pops and mezcal. And eat something greasy before going to bed, like a döner or quality cheese. It takes some practice but eventually you'll get rid of hangovers.

>> No.19284055

>Gin is a fad drink

>> No.19284181

Shit advice from someone whos a bitter loser and who wants others to fail just like he did.

If you are having a hangover that means your body is warning you, you drank too much the previous night, think about it, reconsider things and next time drink less or stop drinking entirely. Getting "good" at drinking, drinking large amounts of alcohol and not getting a hangover is a sure way to health problems, bad/dangerous social situations, trash people and just degeneracy in general.
If you are unable to have have or socialize without getting drunk then you already have issues and if you don't stop drinking your lack of social skills (while sober) will affect a much wider range of your social life, you will be living only to finish day job and go out and get drunk until eventually you won't have job/house anymore.

>> No.19284185

How the fuck is gin a fad drink, I know that tequila and especially mezcal are catching on right now but gin? That's been a staple drink for hundreds of years.

>> No.19284195

stop making me want to drink /ck/

>> No.19284202
File: 109 KB, 600x600, Morning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alcohol makes me feel better about my fucked up life and it probably does the same for you.

>> No.19284204

Is captain Morgan a good sip with Pepsi?

>> No.19284217

Either you're the odd one out and it's the fault of your shitty palate, or you're just drinking bottom shelf trash as your pic would indicate.
There is alcohol out there that tastes better than the best meal you've ever had, and it's shelf stable.

>> No.19284224

I like how you started but not how you ended.
Gin also has the most random price to quality relationship.
And it doesn't make your hangovers worse, it's still a clear spirit.

>> No.19284232

Captain Morgan is terrible at everything.
Try Rebellion Bay or something spiced with vanilla.

>> No.19284234

drink more.

>> No.19284250

Low quality gin has fucked me up like nothing else, I don't know what it is but I've never had worse hangovers than with gin in my entire life. I'm far from the only person I know that can attest to this either. I'll give it to you that the price to quality ratio can be pretty random though.

>> No.19284259

What about cacique 500?

>> No.19284263

Captain Morgan spiced is great with cola fuck the haters

>> No.19284274

We don't get that here.
Descriptions say milk or chocolate flavour. Depends on how you feel about coffee coke; I think it's terrible.

>> No.19284297

I hate this sub 60 IQ mindset of clear and dark liquor. Jaeger meister is a clear spirit its only dark because they add food coloring; schnapps is clear but it has a bunch of sugar. You dumb niggers clear =/= no hangover. Stop reading buzzfeed.

>> No.19284314

Do shots of Fisherman's Friend, aka Fisk

It's a minty liquor made with vodka and it is fucking tasty

>> No.19284320

I would imagine piss tasting less bad. But I drink the devil's water for the effect, not the taste.

>> No.19284331

I was comparing it to beer or wine, but whatever.

>> No.19284333

It's not called mother's ruin for nothing

>> No.19284340
File: 405 KB, 1500x2000, Tanqueray Ten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try this. I don't think it gets better than that at 20 quid

>> No.19284368

No kidding. I've chugged piss, it only has a mild taste. But pisslets will claim everything from hard liquor to hot sauce apparently taste like piss.

>> No.19284437

hahaha tank her up and have a jolly time

>> No.19284442

Growing up in the midwest, I didn't learn until about 27 that apparently Asians have severely low tolerance to alcohol and tend to have severe flushing when they drink. Apparently this is a rather well-known result of their genes causing them to have a deficiency in a certain enzyme.

>> No.19284452

Kansas girls are really hot, I almost married one.
That might be midwest.

>> No.19284541

Asians process alcohol fine, they've been drinking alcohol as long as cultures linked to the Near East have, but yeah the flushing is because they can't break down an enzyme that's a byproduct of it. Basically they can get through the first step, but their bodies are way slower with handling the second. So they can drink like people in the West, but get that crazy flush in the process. It's really easy to drink an Asian person under the table because they have no means of hiding when they get super drunk.

>> No.19285312

This is half right and half wrong. Asians also have very low tolerance to processing alcohol as part of their genetics. Seperate from them simply being shorter and lighter as weighing less reduces the alcohol needed to inebriate a person. TLDR: Them chanks cant drank shieet.

>> No.19285372

It's not a bad thing, I wish I didn't have high tolerance.

>> No.19285379

Get some testosterone zoomie. Put down the iPhone and get some exercise. Learn to chop wood.

>> No.19285401

>It's horse shit. Garbage promoted by American pop music.
A bar I used to work at had a large black and wigger customer base and they drank the shit out of it. One day, this wigger rocked up to the bar and asked for a “”Henny and Coke.” Common pairing with these sorts. We were out of Hennessy so asked him if he wanted Courvoisier. He flipped and acted like I asked him if he wanted me to piss in his glass. Leaned over the bar and said, “you’re drinking it with fucking Coke.” He thought a moment, and ordered one. Fuck’s sake.

>> No.19285463

Based cuba libre connoiseur

>> No.19285605

Make a negroni and try some umeshu.