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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 385 KB, 2000x2000, liver wurst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19280109 No.19280109 [Reply] [Original]

What is /ck/ opinion on liverwurst?

It has lots of vitamins and protein. And I like it.

>> No.19280117

Never had it. Used it for cat fishing a few times. And no, I didn't use it to trick people on the internet

>> No.19280121

Never been a fan of it as it is too fatty.

>> No.19280124

One of my favorite snacks, though it is fatty to the point of being too rich sometimes

>> No.19280141

this is the best thing to ever happen to me. spread on a pita wrapped up and eaten with a pickle or some carrots. it is a bit rich so i feel guilty eating too much of it.

>> No.19280143

Basically meat butter. Delicious, but you're still eating butter.

>> No.19280165

I never saw the issue with eating salted butter on its own, as long as you don't go overboard.

>> No.19280196

I just ate 300 grams of liverwurst in one go.

>> No.19280207

I like it on a Ritz cracker. I've heard of people making sandwiches out of it but sounds way too rich for me desu. Only time I've had it is in nosh trays for Thanksgiving/Christmas.

>> No.19280478

Love the stuff, I grew up with those metal ring crimped tubes, but you get all sorts of different pates in the shops these days. Maybe it's a bong thing but "pate" seems to mainly refer to liver based pastes here so I use it interchangeably.

>> No.19281356

You'll get gout.

>> No.19281387
File: 376 KB, 2048x2048, Bhliverwurst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love it, liverwurst, onions, mustard on a sandwich
nothing better

>> No.19281395
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I drink lots of vodka. That cleans out my system, and even cleans my teeth (I haven’t brushed in years, and haven’t had a cavity since).

I also eat a liverwurst sandwich pretty much every day – to counterbalance the effects the vodka has on my liver. I make my sandwiches on seeded rye (because it’s the healthiest bread), with mayo (because eggs are the best protein; I use kewpie, because the msg makes it taste better), coarse mustard (good for the white blood cells), zucchini pickles (because they taste good), and a bunch of baby spinach (just for filler; it could honestly be left out).

I also eat a lot of canned fish (mostly sardines, but also the occasional fancy smoked oysters) on saltines. They give you all your essential amino acids, and provide a nice opportunity to try out various hot sauces, which are generally very low in calories, while high in flavor and immensely prodigious to healthiness.

Aside from that, I drink large amounts of water (anywhere between ice-cold to slightly chilled) every day, always through a straw, and sometimes with a lemon wedge.

To each their own, I say, but I’m just shy of 30 and am doing better than most of you.

>> No.19281399


>> No.19281400

I like it on white bread with mustard and Cheetos.

>> No.19281405
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I like liverwurst with sliced red onions on rye, it's a good combination and I suggest trying it out if you haven't already.

>> No.19281459

Liverwurst and Havarti cheese on wheat is my go to now

>> No.19281563

would eat it more if the sodium content wasn't through the roof
also nitrates
but good lunch/sandwich meat with tons of other healthy nutrients
great on rye with pickles and mustard

>> No.19281572

holy shit thats a lot of liverwurst

>> No.19281582
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I like the spread, great on crackers and baguettes

>> No.19281601
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With a touch of this.

>> No.19281607

That looks like hot garbage but if the protein is there, I might not mind.

>> No.19281617

I like to keep a tube in my fridge in case I get a craving.
I use it as a spread instead of butter sometimes.

>> No.19281684

Is it the same as braunschweiger? Then I like it sometimes.

>> No.19281697
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It's the wurst!

>> No.19281698

Yes, although braunschweiger is better.

>> No.19281716

hahaha bro I'm dead

>> No.19281752

Mmmm… good memories. I remember being a poor kid when my dad would buy it straight from the deli and make a big liverwurst and mustard sandwich all for me. Very distinct memories of eating the buttery deliciousness while watched grass and trees zoom by out of the window of his car.

>> No.19281755

It gets a bad wrap. I like putting it on stuff like chips and other appetizers.

>> No.19281758

Based dad joke

>> No.19281761

Hahaha, walking on the moon

>> No.19281885

With yellow mustard and onion on white bread just like dad likes. Can't go wrong.

>> No.19281888

Seems like eating butter by itself IS going overboard.

>> No.19281892


>> No.19281895

Sorry. It’s a doggy dog world.

>> No.19281925

good stuff once in a while, but eating it when i dont crave it makes it disgusting.

>> No.19281934

>but eating it when i dont crave it makes it disgusting
To be fair that’s how I feel about pretty much any food

>> No.19281935

Agreed. Tastes awesome but only can do it once in a while

>> No.19281939

they can even make one at publix

>> No.19281999

Liked it ever since I was a kid. One day I bought some actual liver to cook it and was surprised how close the taste was to liverwurst. I guess that shouldn't have come as a surprise but somehow it did.

>> No.19282001

Mmmhhh, liver and onions!

>> No.19282025

>American food

>> No.19282050

Take the amount you'd put on a baked potato and eat it. That's what I'm referring to. Doesn't taste great but it is something if you've lost the ability to experience pleasure from good-tasting food.
Usually more of a rice-and-beans kind of person tho

>> No.19282634

>always through a straw
Bendy, loopy, or bitchassed?

>> No.19282756

Great with RAW Apple or mustard

>> No.19283071

goes really well with potatoes and butter. cook the taters, add a side of liver wurst and butter - done.

Cheap, stupidly easy and can even be eaten cold with cooked potatoes from the fridge.

>> No.19283080

It is the wurst (worst)

>> No.19283081


>> No.19283168
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Perfect "dip" for pork rinds.

>> No.19283208

isn't it a little too thick for that?

>> No.19283231

keto fags have no shame

>> No.19283247

You eat liver fresh or not at all.

>> No.19283465
File: 81 KB, 867x293, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah pork rinds are firm enough to scoop

>t. carboschizo

>> No.19283481

Retard vegan trash.

>> No.19283488

I've never though of liverwurst as anything but a spreadable for breads. Is there some thicker varietes or do you people really just eat chunks of this with potatoes and shit?

>> No.19283502

It's basically the same as liver pâté right? If so, I adore the stuff. I usually have it on rye bread along with thin slices of brined cucumber. A glass of orange juice and a cup of coffee to go with it. It's basically the perfect summer breakfast.

>> No.19283512

sausages are just pâté in a tube

>> No.19283528

Thanks. It usually comes in small square packages with a lid (spreadable kind) or brick-shaped and wrapped in foil (sliceable) here.

>> No.19283558

The tube variety is the most common here but it's practically the same stuff in all of them.

>> No.19283568

Good liverwurst is good, cheap liverwurst is sometimes too cloyingly fatty--that kind of mouthfeel that leaves a greasy feel in your mouth for half an hour afterwards.
I can only eat it a couple days at a time...Usually once every few months.
Anyone ever tried it sliced and browned? on some nice homemade bread toast with spinach, mustard, mayo and mebbe a slice of peppered tomato.
Great on crackers too--(stone ground mustard to cut the fattiness.)

>> No.19283573

Sounds good...will try.
Mebbe with coleslaw too?

>> No.19283578

Gotta give you your (you), anon...
Good one.

>> No.19283881

>brined cucumber.
You ... you mean pickles?

>> No.19283939
File: 114 KB, 703x538, ACV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought pickled implied vinegar.
...or at least a lacto-bacter culture to create it's own vinegar.
Do you count sauerkraut as a pickle?
I don't think it is.

>> No.19283981
File: 186 KB, 1000x1000, leverworst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did someone say leverworst? if you have the right one it's amazing (like the one of my local town's butcher), if you have a lower quality (like the supermarket one) it' s mediocre at best. got to love a sausage that contains a percentage of liver.

>> No.19283986

>that contains a percentage of liver.
Did you mean HIGH pecentage?
They ALL contain a percentage.

>> No.19283987

Like the other anon said, without vinegar. And not small "pickle" cultivars, but regular cumber slices kept in salt and a small amount of water for a while.

>> No.19283988

What ingredients, other than cabbage, do you think are used to make sauerkraut?

>> No.19283990

Salt and perhaps a bit of your already cultured sauerkraut.
Do you even ferment??

>> No.19283991

>did someone say leverworst?

Alright, thanks for playing.

>> No.19283999

Alright then, faggot.. YOU tell ME how YOU make Kraut.
t. That's How it's done. you MASSIVE chode yodeling faggot.

>> No.19284002

REKT! by Digits

>> No.19284005

Do you have to keep up your girly figure?

>> No.19284038

I used to like making those with ritz crackers when I was a little kid. I'd use the chicken ones, I never see those anymore or the roast beef ones.

>> No.19284041

Your mom got my tube last night.

>> No.19284060

there is no sausage only containing liver you dumb fuck, else it would be disgusting, it's all about the balance, anything above 50% liver is inedible.

kys, liverwurst is from either Germany or The Netherlands, no other country is involved whatsoever... so it's Leberwurst or Leverworst. all other fake imitations are a joke

>> No.19284068
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>> No.19284127

>Bathing food in butter is fine dining
>Smothering bread in butter is just fine!
But somehow having a slice of butter on its own is too much. I don't get it

>> No.19284143

I know. I watched.

>> No.19284150

It's like the peanut butter of the meat world. The real question is are you anons slice guys or smear guys?

>> No.19284188
File: 1.43 MB, 275x208, Consider the following....gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being THIS illiterate.
Let's be honest, "anon"--You just aren't cut out for this kind of destructive "Work"
Do us ALL a favor and,

>> No.19284461

If eating alone - slice.
If eating on bread, smear. Prefer rye, pumpernickel, but sourdough is also nice.

>> No.19284480


>> No.19284608


>> No.19284624

Ah come on, liver little

>> No.19284646

I simply meant that the Demoralization shill--The force that's TRYING to make these broads untenable, can Immolate itself...
Do you need moar?

>> No.19284648


>> No.19284871

In the states ALDI is super-convenient for this since they always sell braunschwager (basically americanized liverwurst, different in Germany) and those dense rye breads and sourdough.
I just learned pumpernickel is actually a mix of sourdough starter and rye, which explains why I like it so much. Should probably make it at home honestly.

>> No.19285112

Let it sit out for an hour. It softens like brie. Or cream cheese.

>> No.19285116

Every rye bread needs sourdough otherwise it wouldn't work.

>> No.19285117

What a strange restriction to live by. I often get frozen liver. Liverwurst is great. Chicken liver pate is amazing. Not all areas have fresh liver from any animal you'd want, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with eating liver that's been frozen or somehow processed.

>> No.19285121

What toppings do you guys like for it?
While it is super rich, the actual flavor profile beyond that is pretty mild in the way unseasoned beef is, so I usually top it with something sharp or pungent to cut through the rich taste. Usually I either go for a mustard or raw onion.

Just something I never considered since the only bread I make at home with any regularity is sourdough. I should expand my horizons.

>> No.19285132

Canned liver pate is one of the most underrated canned goods in the states at least, rarely see it on shelves. But I guess I'm not complaining too much if it keeps the cost outside of the caviar range.
According to a youtuber who made a sausage out of cat food, it tasted just like liverwurst and he actually enjoyed it, and I'm tempted to confirm that myself.

>> No.19285135

tastes like my german gf’s pussy. Yum

>> No.19285137


... Based?!

>> No.19285244

I miss visiting my grandparents in Florida and walking over to publix for a sandwich after getting sunburnt on the Atlantic, there was some weird store near the Publix that sold UFO and space alien magazines, those were hilarious

>> No.19285245

Yeah but sausages with onions and peppers are pretty good. They go together naturally.

>> No.19285247



What the fuck? Don't try to make this a thing. It's really dumb. I know you think it's cute but you're mistaken.

>> No.19285254

Men smear.

>> No.19285263

Gross. Why would you ever purposely eat cat food? Even if you managed to make it taste palatable, you're still eating food not deemed good enough for human consumption. I will taste a lot of strange things but I have to draw the line at pet food. Starvation would be another matter of course.

>> No.19285275

Your mom got my man smear last night

>> No.19285280

He's clearly a freak job that likes the frisky feast

>> No.19285405

>you're still eating food not deemed good enough for human consumption
Who deemed it and their reasoning is a big distinction I would make here.
I still haven't fully researched why it is deemed substandard for human consumption, but as long as it isn't due to it containing poisons or intentionally allowing production processes that make it risky for human consumption, I would be open to at least tasting it.
Suet and dog treats aren't considered people food, but I've eaten both without issue and I would consider them just fine as people food.

>> No.19285536

The point, you poor benighted sod, is that sauerkraut=salt+cabbage so your whinging about how pickles are more than just salt+cucumber (just like sauerkraut supposedly) is moronic.

>> No.19285559
File: 2.32 MB, 336x498, hahahaha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your sense of humor is offal

>> No.19285580

It's good. Mebbe I'll get some tomorrow

>> No.19285593

It's mostly fat anon. Tastes good but not exactly healthy
>inb4 keto schizos

>> No.19285678

I'm pretty sure that pet food does legally have to be safe enough fire people just in case of a shit hits the fan scenario. Also pet food taste tester is a job.

>> No.19285715

That's my logic.
I imagine it is just objectively poorer quality and probably doesn't taste as good to humans as a "proper" variation of it.

>> No.19287087

Love it, but it's a little expensive in my third world country.

>> No.19287395

>slicing it instead of spreading it like you are supposed to

Why are you people like this?

>> No.19289022 [DELETED] 

I hear it's good for cleansing the liver after drinking a liter of vodka

>> No.19289071

Long-term effects of sexual abuse during childhood.

>> No.19289073

Eat enough liverwurst and you might get reanimated

>> No.19289138

Oh no not another butter freak

>> No.19289269

So is nothing else on the pita besides the liverwurst??

As in the carrots and pickle are on the side?

>> No.19289276

That pic shows white onions though

I am disappoint sir

>> No.19289279

Why are nitrates so bad

Cancer risk??

>> No.19289292

based alcoholic eater. I hate vodka but to each their own.

>> No.19289339

When I use it right out of the fridge, it's too firm to smear without tearing the bread.

>> No.19289347

there is nothing else on the pita except for liverwurst because there is no need for anything else.

>> No.19290175

>I also eat a liverwurst sandwich pretty much every day – to counterbalance the effects the vodka has on my liver.
LMAO, that's like retarded folk medicine opining that walnuts are good for your brain 'cause the halves look like little brain hemispheres.

>> No.19290637

>walnuts are good for your brain 'cause the halves look like little brain hemispheres.

Thats a profound truth though

>> No.19291000

You mustn't pierce the toast.

>> No.19292649

love it

>> No.19292796

how's the woods gramps?

>> No.19293057

I gotta sleep bro

>> No.19293474

>meat butter
If I hadn't been sold on it before, I would now.

>> No.19293710

Good lord dude.

>> No.19293746

I've read that thread thrice now and I still can't tell what point you think you're making.

>> No.19295182


>> No.19295576
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Have a (You), friend

>> No.19295593

Never had any but if it's anything like liver, I would probably dislike it. There's an inherently off putting taste to organ meat. I've found that no cooking or ingredient can make it palatable. People like the buzzword "aquired taste" but I think it's just people who got used to eating literal and figurative shite who say this thing anyway.

>> No.19295620

Never understood why this turned into a pasta. It's kind of funny but not worth years of reposting.