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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19278976 No.19278976 [Reply] [Original]

for first time for my moms bday because no one else wanted to, i didnt make enough batter so its half the size i wanted it to be (one 8 inch tin), when i put it in the oven it browned on the outside while raw in the middle (170C/340), i didnt take it out soon enough anyways because i didnt realise from the texture of the prod it wouldnt push back that much and it just reminds me im fuckign SHIT at everything and i should fucking END IT because im a clown for others amusement everything in my life has worked out the exact opposite of how i wanted it to be, im a waste of space no one loves me everyone is disappointed

>> No.19278986

8 inches high? If your cake is that tall that's probably why it didn't bake properly. Maybe next time do a few thin layers and stack them up into a taller cake. Other than that just make sure you followed the recipe properly and patiently, you can do it. It's not difficult, just don't be so hard on yourself..make sure you don't use any substitute ingredients either

>> No.19278994
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8 inch in diameter fucking idiot baka

>> No.19279007

Then idk sorry. Your batter shouldn't be too thick nor thin and maybe try doing an oil cake next time, it's easier for beginners

>> No.19279009
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never cooking again
slop from now on

>> No.19279026
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It's okay anon as long as you're not a woman. If you are then it truly is over.

>> No.19279062

save the pieces that aren't raw, make some custard, and serve it in a small cup to eat with a spoon.

>> No.19279076

Or just make a trifle

>> No.19280000
File: 58 KB, 778x546, wtfman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i didnt make enough batter
what kind of retard recipe were you following?

>> No.19280007

>I don't know how to bake a cake
>let me go ahead and make something way out of my league
well deserved, fag.

>> No.19280023

good on you for trying to do something nice for your mum OP. you're gonna make it. also fuck the rest of these faggots.

>> No.19280125

Did you follow a recipe? It doesn't sound like you did.

>> No.19280138

170 with convection is quite hot for a cake. It's also quite dependent on your cake pans. If you have a thin short black cake pan, you will need to cook colder than someone with a high quality thick tall reflective pan.

>> No.19280472

I'm 8 inches deep in your mom.

>> No.19280526

it was a victoria sponge cake i made 250g equal parts flour sugar butter, i followed a mary berry recipe, i didnt pay attention to how much it made because i was sleepy

>> No.19280540
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nemu nemu taku desu

>> No.19280562

shes fat and she has back problems

>> No.19280576 [DELETED] 

and breathing problems

>> No.19280711

>i didnt pay attention
fatal baking mistake, try not being a retard

>> No.19280801
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Hold up there, friend. Anyone who bakes will have failures, now and then -- it just feels worse when you were baking or cooking for someone that you care about. Besides, if you think about what you might have done wrong, you might find that you learn something and become a better baker.
Try the recipe, again, and make sure that all your measurements are correct. Like another anon said, a cake batter shouldn't be too thin or too thick (thicker than pancake batter, but it's too thick if you could hand knead it). If everything looks the same as last time, try baking it, again, at a lower temp and for a longer time. Keep an eye on it and check the center by inserting a toothpick, looking for it to come out clean and free of batter.
Lastly, bear in mind that you might have just had a shitty recipe. I've gotten burned a couple time by following miswritten or just plain bad recipes, online, so it might not have been your fault, at all -- fault may rest with the writer.
I like you, OP. I like you and I believe in you.

>> No.19280804

What is this divine woman from?

>> No.19280826

>waaah I didn't bake a perfect cake on my first try
Clean up.
Dispose of the failure (into the stomach if it's edible, into the trash otherwise).
Repeat with what you've learned.

>> No.19280894

should be able to find our yourself but im kind shes clorica from rune factory 4
shes always sleepy haha

>> No.19280901

im an ubermensch, it should be perfect first try
its terribly cliche to do badly your first time, my mom actually thought it tasted it okay but im still upset

>> No.19280929

This is why mothers take your first time, so you don't embarrass yourself like this with a girl later on.

>> No.19280932

>I was sweepy so I fucked it up on purpose

You people constantly self-sabotage. It's fucking Munchausen syndrome. You'll get no pity from me.

>> No.19280965

youre impure

>> No.19280972

i would rather make a lame excuse than admit any failure of my own but i was sleepy fr i spilled my milk tea this morning

>> No.19280981

Cleanse your filthy mind anon, we're talking about cake here

>> No.19280987

i was too, what the hell are you talking about?

>> No.19280994

She said my dick made her moan more than the back pain.

>> No.19281004

good one but you really wouldnt want to fuck her