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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19276657 No.19276657 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a guide on how to make the best burger?

>> No.19276658

Use blue cheese

>> No.19276670

Is this the best advice /ck/ can offer?

>> No.19276688

Why make burgers when In n Out exists?

>> No.19276689

Pound and a half of pork
>Pound an a half of beef
>It has to be at least 20% fat
>1 egg
>1 spoon bread crumbs
>1 spoon starch
>All dry
>Worcestershire sauce
>Garlic powder
>Onion powder
>Parmesan cheese
>No salt
>Mix together
>Do a second grind until it has the consistency of sausage
>Form ten equal balls
>Turn balls into burger patties

>> No.19276888 [DELETED] 
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Here you go anon.

73/27 ground beef.
Chill meat in fridge.
Weigh out 1/3lb amounts. Don't handle the meat too much. You want the meat to stay slightly chilled when forming patties. You can work in salt and spices now, but don't overwork the meat. It will look sort of pale and white if you do, and have a worse texture.
Form patties flattened down to at least the size of the bun, if not a touch larger. Not smashed flat like paper, but not thick either. Try to keep the edges from splitting, and reform them if they do. You can also put a small dimple in the middle on one side.
If you're cooking right away, go get the grill started. You want it to be nice and hot before you put the patties on. If you're waiting a while, you can put the patties on a tray or a plate and put them in the fridge for now. Room temp/slightly cold is fine for when they go on.
Season the non-dimpled side before you take them out to the grill. Salt and pepper is fine.
Put them on the grill seasoned side down and dimple up, and season the other side immediately. If you're on gas, put them directly over an active burner on high, preferably one that has less flare-ups, or directly over the charcoal. You can put the lid down/back on the grill.
Go prepare cheese, a clean plate, and buns if you are going to toast them on the grill.
Cook until juice starts pooling on the top of the patties, and the edges start to brown. The juice will often start pooling several minutes before the edges turn.
Flip your patties. There will be some flareups as you dump the juice on the top of the patties onto the fire. Depending on the melting quality of your cheese, it can go on now, or in a minute.
From here, you should check the internal temperature with a thermometer like pic related every few minutes. 160F is safe and fully cooked, but if you like pink and extra juicy, and trust your meat supplier, you can go lower such as 150-155.
Don't forget to toast your bun.

Enjoy, and always remember, fuck niggers.

>> No.19276909

For me it's the smash burger because unless you're grinding your own meat there's no need to treat it like a steak. Just flatten it out and sear the fuck out of it until it's burnt and crispy around the edges. Mmm.

>> No.19276937

True, I haven't grilled a burger in months because I'm addicted to the smashlife now. I use a big pyrex measuring cup to smush them down in the skillet lol

>> No.19277103

That's insane.

Buy 80/20 brisket patties (or mince yourself).
Buy a nice bun. Many like brioche but I find it overly sweet.
Buy fresh lettuce, tomatoes.
Add a slice of cheddar. Remember that there are zero use cases for American cheese adjacent product.
Toast the buns at least a little on the inside.
Tomato sauce.

Make changes as per your preference. Sometimes I like a lot of salad, or more fried shit, or spicy mayo. Sometimes nice meat is too expensive so I go with smash burgers.

>> No.19278806


>> No.19278827
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Needs more bread crumbs.
>>Worcestershire sauce
>>Garlic powder
>>Onion powder
>>Parmesan cheese
>>No salt
All don't belong on a burger. The Worcestershire sauce is going to make the meat very tough and freezing is going to make it less fresh

>> No.19278848

Online recipes are so shit. Every single cooking website is retarded. I went on plebbit in hopes that I'd find some autist hobbyist and it was just people linking more shitty articles.
The burger is probably the most popular dish of all time (alongside pasta, and pizza). Why isn't there a consensus on how to make one?

>> No.19278861

>how to make a burger
this is so easy a child could do it, why the fuck do you guys have secret techniques
let me guess, you have special tricks for how to add milk to cereal? Epic lifehacks on how to close the door of your honda accord?

>> No.19278879

Post wrist future homicide vi/ck/tim

>> No.19278952

Since you're such a genius, feel free to enlighten the rest of us.

>> No.19278956

maybe try more specific subreddits

>> No.19278993

No, because "best" is subjective. You gotta figure this shit out on your with practice.

>> No.19278996

>50/50 pork & beef
>Egg, breadcrumbs & starch
>Heavily seasoned
You're supposed to be making a burger not meatloaf.

>> No.19279005

Nothing wrong with meatloaf burgers anon, however there is wrong with a lot of those ingredients like I have mentioned earlier itt

>> No.19279006

Yet as this thread proves theres a bunch of tryhards who are right there, fucking it all up. >>19276689 for example.

>> No.19279013

Then "really good" will suffice.

>> No.19279022

It's still subjective. Food is subjective. Only you know what you think is "really good". Go try different things and then iterate on them to improve them.

>> No.19279024

flatten the beef with the door of your honda accord then cook by pouring boiling milk on it

>> No.19279037
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>> No.19279042

Would this melt or boil the meat

>> No.19279063

boil, you put a cheese cloth under the beef to keep it from escaping

>> No.19279157

God quality beef, 80/20 is ideal but 85/15 is the leanest you can go without the end result being shit.

Thin patties, they don't have to be smashburgers if you don't want but I do prefer it, either way a thick burger patty is just worse, you're not trying to go for rare/medium rare, it's not a steak, undercooked ground beef is not a good texture for a burger.

Cook on a very hot skillet. Cast iron, carbon steel, stainless, doesn't really matter but get it hot as fuck. You want it to sear pretty much immediately and avoid losing too much heat for when you flip (cast iron has an edge here). For best results use a flavorful fat to sear in. Beef tallow is best, but lard, bacon fat, or even ghee also work.

Toast your bun in the pan, I like a good potato bun. Add your cheese to the patties like 30-60 seconds before you remove from the pan, cover it if you can to steam and melt it. Use whatever cheese you like, I'm partial to provolone.

>> No.19279413


>> No.19279505

Ketchup has sugar.

>> No.19280319

Very astute

>> No.19281456

Then try some of these suggestions. Someone is calling each of them best.
That said, you're probably looing for "good enough" and that is very subjective.

>> No.19281458

>a thick burger patty is just worse
Nah, you want at least half an inch.
>Beef tallow is best
Bro you're literally frying beef. The tallow will come out of your mince. Just admit you like 70/30.

>> No.19281495

No it's rocket science and everyone has their own equation to success, you will never figure it out listening to others
Be your own burger

>> No.19281521

>hot as fuck
burns both sides and middle is raw

>> No.19281536

>Pound and a half of pork
>73/27 ground beef.
>brisket patties
>Needs more bread crumbs.
WTF???? Also: FAIL

Fuck's sake, this ain't rocket science.
80/20 beef
Smash if you want, grill if you want.
Season both sides, or add seasoning to the mix before forming patties.
Super hot grill/pan/griddle to make good texture outside while not overcooking inside.
Cook inside to medium (it's not a steak).

Now the bun/toppings/condiments assembly is MUCH more subjective. People argue over stack order, what to put on it, type of bun, sauce, etc.
I can offer MY personal advice here:
ALWAYS use cheese.
Cheese goes on TOP of the patty
Wet ingredients (pickles, etc) should not go directly against the bun,
Grill/toast the bun (lightly).

I like to invent a new "secret sauce" every time.
Mix and match:
Horseradish (yum)
Various Salad dressings (ranch and blue cheese are best)

The ultimate problem with OP's question is that he doesn't understand burgers have infinite variations and there are probably a million "perfect" burgers.

>> No.19281550

>I like to invent a new "secret sauce" every time.
>Mix and match:
OOPS! Forgot:
pickle relish
garlic paste
soy sauce
any-fucking-thing in the door of your fridge

>> No.19281616

>Illiterate retard missed the part about thin patties
Many such cases

>> No.19281801 [DELETED] 


>> No.19282395
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>> No.19282750
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>> No.19282769
File: 73 KB, 458x331, 1680072289267779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meatloaf burgers are the best burgers and you're a pleb if you say otherwise

>> No.19282822

is this james may?

>> No.19282865
File: 122 KB, 500x519, abe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...and that's why they're in great demand you can buy them anywhere, huh?
Meatloaf is great, and I LOVE leftover meatloaf sandwiches.
I love BLT's too.
But Opie was asking about BURGERS, not meatloaf sandwiches.
Fuck's sake...

>> No.19282869

Meatloaf is when you cook it in the oven, a meatloaf burger however is when you cook it on the stove top/grill

>> No.19282885

Yeah, 70/30 ground beef, seared/grilled on high heat. Season the outside only.

>> No.19282922

Jesus Fucking Christ on a pogo stick.
Do you not speak English?
OP didn't ask about meatloaf burgers.
I make good chicken sammies on a bun, but that's NOT what OP is asking about.
You might as well about your shrimp alfredo recipe.

>> No.19282944

>or add seasoning to the mix before forming patties.

>> No.19282958
File: 288 KB, 476x580, 1607965905728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A burger is a burger my dude. What has your panties in such a bunch?
>I make good chicken sammies on a bun
And those chicken sandwiches are not ground up chicken thrown directly on a stovetop/grill are they?

>> No.19282983
File: 47 KB, 500x502, 1456195258634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meatloaf sandwiches are not hamburgers, no matter how long you were trapped under the ice at the winter carnival.

>> No.19283000

You're literally forming it into a patty and then throwing it on a grill. It is not the same as a meatloaf sandwich and doesn't taste the same either.

>> No.19283005
File: 302 KB, 1000x750, 2HneMZQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...fuck's sakes I'm done with your nonsense.
Please stop shitting up the thread with your nonsense.
Opie asked for advice on burgers. You offered him a different recipe.
That's all there is to it.
Fuck me in the ass with a 2-by-four, why are you allowed to breathe the same air as decent human beings?

>> No.19283015

Smash em

>> No.19283100

That's what op was asking for lol. He was asking how to make the best burger and the meatloaf burger is the best kind of burger. A normal burger tastes like shit in comparison.