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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19274812 No.19274812 [Reply] [Original]

The double McRib meal, a feast that symbolizes Freedom, Justice and Prosperity. God bless America

>> No.19274816

McRibs are the worst fast food sandwich ever

>> No.19274819

Damn they got waffle fries in your cunt?

>> No.19274850

I had one last year I was disappointed it tasted like something from the freezer section

now the big mac that's a sandwich!

>> No.19274858

do people really pay money for something like this?

>> No.19274868

People fall for the marketing...once. And retards buy it more than once. The sauce is disgusting, and the pressed frankenmeat patty just has a weird texture.

>> No.19274877

McRibs are based and tasty

>> No.19274882

>God bless America
>German McDonalds is the only country with year round McRib
idk, seems like Germany might be more free, just and prosperous to me.

>> No.19274933

Its to welcome the imported sandniggers with plastic-pork the whole year.

>> No.19275418

>mich liebe es
It must suck living in a jew occupied territory. Maybe one day, you can throw off your shackles.

>> No.19275566

for me, it's the Filet-O-Fish

>> No.19276109

I hate you krauts for still having mcribs on the menu
Burgerland has fallen

>> No.19276178

Why are Germans still taunting the Jewish people with these non-kosher sandwiches?

>> No.19277760

now I suddenly need to know what mcdonalds fries taste like in waffle form
I swear I will take a trip to germany or whatever fuck eurotrash shithole youre from just to try those little shits

>> No.19278364


>> No.19279442


>> No.19279568

>No plastic lid
>No plastic straw
>No ice
Seems like some kind of EU enforced eco-friendly meal to me? Not sure how you could call this "freedom"

>> No.19279573

Just buy some frozen waffle fries from the store and fry them in oil at home.
That's literally it.

>> No.19279579

>Lid and straw
Those are for children or women.
Why dilute a already cold drink.

>> No.19279584

imagine the price of this slop with all the hikes in the past few years. my god, nigga is going bankrupt for some actual poisonous garbage

>> No.19279609

>Those are for children or women.
A revelatory insight into the German psyche
>Why dilute a already cold drink.
Abundance. You can always just get another.

>> No.19279656

that'll be $40 plus 20% tip, chud

>> No.19279675

You joke but I calculated the price and it's over $25 dollars. Nightmarish. I can get days worth of food from a Chinese place for that

>> No.19279823
File: 383 KB, 853x480, oh yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can't afford fast food anymore
It's expensive shit nowadays

>> No.19279891

I can afford it but it really is not a financially sound decision. I would just spend a few dollars more and eat at a local fast food chain if you have one.

>> No.19279899

Just get a loaf of bread and some cheese for half the price and double the food

>> No.19279917

Freedom for white men
Justice for rich men
Prosperity for a chose few

>> No.19279918

That's a bit racist

>> No.19279945

I sound like a pretentious faggot I know but this does not look like food to me.

>> No.19281997

Ya no thaaaaanks>>19279675