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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19273327 No.19273327 [Reply] [Original]

Why do Baby Boomer women refuse to add salt to their cooking?

>> No.19273333

Because they're boomers. Boomers are just retarded.

>> No.19273337

You should ask your mother. Her doctor probably said to minimize the sodium due to hypetension

>> No.19273345

go home tyrone

>> No.19273357

My mother doesn't use salt because she thinks it's why my grandfather had 2 triple bypasses and died at 70, I guess the 10 cigars/4+ pints a day was nothing to do with it

>> No.19273366

ol pepo don seeson dey food

>> No.19273373

dries their pussy out.

>> No.19273384

gonna n33d you to kill yours3lf asap you un3ducat3d n3rd chud faggot. i doubt anyon3 h3re on /ck/ was born b3tw33n 45 and 65.

>> No.19273467
File: 34 KB, 600x600, st,small,507x507-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>filtered by the "our system thinks your post was spam" filter

>> No.19274993

Do doctors ever recommend to increase sodium due to hypotension?

>> No.19275015

probably some boomer notion about salt being unhealthy that they refuse to let go of

>> No.19275043

In the 80's and 90's, American health authorities warned people that salt was a silent killer and caused heart attacks and boomers started cutting down. Lots of food producers advertised 'low sodium' etc. So many boomers still have this mentality because they believed what the TV man said.

>> No.19275125

>Why do Baby Boomer women refuse to add salt to their cooking?
Because anybody that age has had a doctor tell them to avoid salt.
I'm neither a woman nor a boomer, but I rarely use salt in cooking unless it's in mix like Montreal or Lawreys.

>> No.19275133

>anyon3 h3re on /ck/ was born b3tw33n 45 and 65
When I was a kid (80's), boomers were people born in the actual ww2 baby boom, so 1946 to 1950-ish.
Now somehow _I'm_ a boomer because the cutoff 1s now 1964? My sister's less than a year younger than me, but she's gen-x?
I really don't think that's how it works in real life.

>> No.19275158

>I really don't think that's how it works in real life.
If older than you = boomer
If younger than you = zoomer

>> No.19275208

memed into thinking salt is bad

>> No.19275210

Imagine the sexo

>> No.19275236

My problem with the generational time periods they set is that I was born 37 days after gen X stopped. I grew up out a gravel road in WV. People who were raised in big cities during the same time period are nothing like me. I'm oldfaggy as fuck. Yet I have to be dumped in with the millennial fags, which I don't relate with whatsoever

>> No.19275250

When people hear "sodium" they assume it means table salt so they cook all their food bland with no added salt. They conveniently all the other sodium based preservatives in their highly processed foods.

>> No.19275256

it's almost as if generations are made up bullshit

>> No.19275264

“It’s not healthy.”
My boomer mother literally never used oil, butter, or salt to cook any meal, to absolutely any degree. Absolutely mind-boggling to imagine someone living their entire adult life like that.

>> No.19275286

>My boomer mother literally never used oil, butter, or salt to cook any meal, to absolutely any degree. Absolutely mind-boggling to imagine someone living their entire adult life like that.
By "cooking" I assume you mean putting tv dinners in the microwave?

>> No.19275321

>which I don't relate with whatsoever
Same here, except with time. As far as I'm concerned, Boomers were in high school when the Beatles came to America, I wasn't even born yet. Some protested the Vietnam war while in college, some went to war, I was in 3rd grade when US pulled out. Woodstock? I was 4.
I have nothing in common with these people.

>> No.19275335

They all look like lesbians, they've forgotten how to appeal to men and maybe that's by design.

>> No.19275341

They all look like snarky bitches, who would want to marry or have kids with those things?

>> No.19275354

What the fuck is the beatles, all I know from vast old memories is whiney bullshit blown away by The Clash.

>> No.19275357

they lived through the (first) peak of memediets and hate salt, sugar, fat etc

>> No.19275369

They're kamela types that hate everything even themselves so much that it spreads.

>> No.19275402

Seems like marriage material. Buy those diamonds, they're going fast.

>> No.19275404

>What the fuck is the beatles
It's my parent's music. That was kind of my point.

>> No.19275423

All I know about the beatles is that it was just whiney shit from when I was a little kid and didn't have any choice in what I listened to. That's why I got my own apt as soon as possible. Now lets rock the casbah with arrdvark sounds.

>> No.19275441

Is it possible for an adult to sound more childish?

>> No.19275442

My wife is like this what does it mean? Shes not a boomer afaik

>> No.19275448

Fuck off slack jaw.

>> No.19275454

It means she doesn't want to have sex anymore.

>> No.19275458

because they were gaslit into believing salt is bad for them by the sugar industry. Its the same reason they hate cholestoral, and fat.

she unironically does think that because when amerifats started dying in the 50s and 60s, the government funded several 'studies' which were then bribed by certain industries which put the blame for all america's problems on fat and salt. For decades, the news media would run paid-for advertisements disguised as SCIENCE teaching people absolutely incorrect nutritional/health information. Its the same reason these retards love to recycle plastic bottles into chinese landfills and incinerators. They unironically think some magician transmutes their garbage into new plastic bottles due to decades of propaganda.

>> No.19275474

>Fuck off slack jaw.
The child has decided to retaliate with an insult. How predictable.
What shall it say next?

>> No.19275477

please stop dehumanizing anons.

>> No.19275480

Then she's not marriage material maybe unless you were dumb enough to pump out babies with her, that's the gift the keeps on giving forever.
Welcome to the rest of your life.

>> No.19275483

>please stop dehumanizing anons.
What logic are you using in which you can presume that referring to an anon as a human child is dehumanizing?

>> No.19275490

They're from an era when it was difficult to go out and research things, so they largely relied on people in positions of authority (journalists, politicians, teachers, police officers, etc.) to tell them how things were. This is why they're so gullible. It's hard not to hate them for how they are, but I often try to remind myself they came by it honestly.

>> No.19275497

Check out this snyder dude trying to interview
The Clash - Interview with Tom Synder 1981

>> No.19275505

>They're from an era when it was difficult to go out and research things, so they largely relied on people in positions of authority (journalists, politicians, teachers, police officers, etc.) to tell them how things were. This is why they're so gullible. It's hard not to hate them for how they are, but I often try to remind myself they came by it honestly.
People have an odd tendency to forget how difficult things were in a LOT of ways before the internet.

>> No.19275548

Always beware of the snake in the grass, one has to be careful in life, some snakes are friendly and just want the warmth of you hands, others will try to eat you.

>> No.19275550

No. He's just a fucking cancerous summerfag moron.

>> No.19275552

Gay and irrelevant

>> No.19275553

-t snake

>> No.19275580

I can tell you're a boomer because your brain is broken by the slightest nuance

>> No.19275581

You're so adult sounding, I almost spat up some blood laughing.

>> No.19275590

What does salt have to do with sex? She keeps my balls empty. Are you projecting?

>> No.19275591

Can any of you faggots trill your Rs in Spanish castles or are you too "adult" and vaxxed up for that?

>> No.19275603

It's not so much about that, it's about peace and quiet and not getting hollared at. I grew up around a lot of women so for a time I like to not be around them or anyone really. See the peace and quiet party.

>> No.19275607

Wtf no it wasn't? Just go to the fuckin library. What subject exactly are you implying it was hard to get info on? I mean ok sure check your Google history, maybe people didn't have the ability to sit for 90 fucking minutes searching for 209 variations of "who was that actor in the movie about sharks not jaws" but it's not like you were just locked in an intellectual closet. If you wanted the "truth" about a diet you just looked for a few sources, read them, and formed your own damn opinion. It has nothing to do with the "availability of information" because 20yos today will base entire life decisions off of fucking image macros without so much as a "hey Siri."

>> No.19275621

You two are retarded and probably can't read a paper map

>> No.19275625
File: 103 KB, 720x885, ee5af45033f38272753644d6feafc5e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im having sex with a 58yo grandma right now

>> No.19275633

Hoeflation has sunk to new lows

>> No.19275657

Driving to the library and delving into textbooks to determine whether or not a claim about salt is true or not is so EASY. Why were boomers so LAZY?

hee hee!

>> No.19275678

I mean it literally is THAT easy. Like I know you're being ironic but literally yeah you're pretty fuckin lazy if you can't manage a Saturday morning trip, a fifteen minute drive or 30 minute walk, a ten minute check of the card catalog, and then a half hour of reading whatever subject. Versus just sitting on your fat ass and letting some retard on TV say crazy shit and just being like, "yuh i guess so." The truth is even with super computers in their pockets people are still ignorant retards. Multiple sources are literally just a few buttons away, on any subject, and people are still jackasses. It wouldn't matter if we had the ability to just add wrinkles to people's brains, when it came time to remember a fact they'd be too lazy to do THAT, too.

>> No.19275685

Jesus Christ, we had books at home. Hghjx

>> No.19275688


>> No.19275689


>> No.19275690

books are a libtard hoax. no hablo libtardo!

>> No.19275695

I think it's a cultural thing where the people eating add salt to their liking.

>> No.19275698

someone call a jimmie wrangler. we've got quite rustling on out hands.

>> No.19275702

Retarded boomigger detected. I bet you fell for Atkins and got a reverse mortgage coz da tee vee man said to didn't you? LMAO.

>> No.19275711

>information took more work to get in the past, and as a result people were more misinformed

Settle down, son. Look me in the eyes and give me a firm handshake and let's put this behind us.

>> No.19275716

There are studies that say:
Salt is good
Salt is bad
Eggs are good
Eggs are bad
Wine is good
Wine is bad
It's not simple to research health claims due to massive amounts of conflicting, flawed or biased studies/data.

>> No.19275721

High amounts of sodium killed alot of famous and respected people back in their day.
They ate a lot of processed foods as they were new and in style at the time.
Also more companies used salt as their main preservative because it's cheap, non toxic and no one was paying attention to sodium amounts on labels at the time.

Really though it was smoking.
cigarette companies paid alot of money to make people think it was salt giving people heart attacks and strokes and causing high blood pressure.

In the 80s big sugar did the same thing by blaming fat in foods for making people overweight.

>> No.19275722


>> No.19275730

Do you know what you can conclude if you took the time to read competing studies? That the entire point of the studies is a fuckin grift and you should just eat balanced in moderation. Ffs no wonder boomers are the commie globalist generation, autonomous thinking just pisses them off. Case in point:

>> No.19275738

No, she would get and prepare ingredients, just without any seasoning, oil, or butter whatsoever. She also avoided red meat whenever possible, and though we ate shitloads of bread it was always “healthy bread” aka enriched wheat bread.
A typical meal was turkey burger, placed directly from the container into hot pan with no butter or oil, served with no condiments or garnishes on a wheat bun.
I remember I once was over and made hamburgers, and she remarked how she was totally shocked that anyone enjoyed hamburgers since they were so disgusting.
I asked her to take a bite anyway and there was surprise, I would say even SHOCK, on her face. She demanded to know what I had done to make it taste good. The answer was I had used spice.

>> No.19275743

>neither this nor that is true, but everyone is stupid except me
this is like the angry 4chan incel post version of an economist feature article

>> No.19275753

Dude, good times!

>> No.19275755

tfw no boomer bitch to make do crazy kinky shit

>> No.19275756

This is really kinda sad, she went most of her life not being able to enjoy tasty food

>> No.19275757

Thanks for the globalization grandpa you retarded old dick I'll be sure you get the angriest Haitian nurse and I'll see to it that all the dumb shit you hoarded is dumped in the nearest landfill the minute you're not there to watch it

>> No.19275760

Cattle rustling is a hanging offence

>> No.19275764

Studies back then said that salt was bad because it causes high blood pressure which leads to cardiovascular disease. In thirty years, kids will ask why your generation doesn't use seed oils.

>> No.19275766

you'll take my rapeseed oil from my cold dead hands

>> No.19275767


>> No.19275770

"back in the day" salt was more valuable than gold. personally I never saw much worth in gold, salt is actually useful.

>> No.19275774

Who the fuck puts spice in a hamburger

>> No.19275781

No, it's that boomers all have healthcare and have for their entire lives
Doctors tell them salt is bad
That's it
They bitch about millennials and say they're coddled or some shit
Fuck that, boomers and TGG got everything for free

>> No.19275785
File: 145 KB, 1153x1500, Tony_Cacheres-Creole_Seasoning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This tony's stuff is pretty good in burgers

>> No.19275795


>> No.19275801

Seems to me that you're the one bitching, and right from a script.

>> No.19275808

OK then please give me a suggestion that's not grim.

>> No.19275809

a little garlic powder, onion powder (or finely chopped onions), and paprika go great in burger meat. Not too much ofc

>> No.19275811

its useful in several industrial practices, mostly relating to electronics and chemical processing

>> No.19275812


>> No.19275815

I'm gen X but thank you for your seethe

>> No.19275817

It’s extremely sad. As others have mentioned in this thread, the studies at the time were also complete bullshit and she bought into them 100%. She was fat through her entire adulthood and hated it, and in her mind she was making every sacrifice to the altar of health and it was doing nothing. She would eat plain pasta and snackwells cookies (no fat!) and think she was doing it right.
It actually makes me really angry thinking about it now.

>> No.19275828

I think platinum and palladium outdo gold.

>> No.19275829

I'm not bitching at all, that's all just factual statements
I'm gen X I got no dog in the fight

>> No.19275836

>It actually makes me really angry thinking about it now.
Same here, my parents also bought into the 'doctors know best' meme and it fucked them up, not exactly the same situation but similar.

>> No.19275839

they are more expensive but don't get used in the same ways

>> No.19275847

For all intents and purposes things will be bad for old boomers but worse for gen x especially since there's more time to bleed off assets and disrupt living arrangements before retirement

>> No.19275874

I know, girls like their golden prettys.
Especially wedding rings and diamonds, that one was made up De Beers.

>> No.19275884

difference is, salt never was as bad as they claimed. sneed oils are

>> No.19275922

Oiling up a cute girl is fun, try it out sometime.

>> No.19275945

Especially if her cute penis gets hard when you're rubbing oil on her bussy

>> No.19275957

Once you stop consuming tablespoons worth of salt with your meals, you gradually begin to appreciate the taste of the food itself. Alternatively, because salt=bad.

>> No.19276001

Salt makes food taste better. Cope and seethe, tastelet

>inb4 I'm an elevated being who has learned to enjoy the innate blandness of food without salt and that makes me superior

>> No.19276007

they bought into all the bullshit
>salt bad
>fat bad

hard to blame them. they grew up in a time when there was still some level of trust in "authorities"

>> No.19276025

In moderation for sure. Go fling shit somewhere else.

>> No.19276049

You'd probably be less prone to anger if your sodium levels were adequate.

>> No.19276081

>they grew up in a time when there was still some level of trust in "authorities"
This. Look at how many people of all ages still trust most or all authority sources nowadays, when it should be clear most of it is complete bullshit.

>> No.19276089

i denied this for years, but its true. most restaurant food tastes disgusting to me now. the less salt you eat, the less you need for your food to taste good

>> No.19276095

It's unfortunate but at least their kids got to see the transition from trustworthy to paid advertising
What's odd is that younger millennials and zoomers never seemed to get the message, they trust everything they're supposed to, for the most part

>> No.19276500


>> No.19276910

Salt is nature’s cocaine, awesome in moderation but no one wants to admit they’re having a bit too much

>> No.19277064

When I was a kid I had to beg my Mom to use salt in our dinners, and even then I'd have to beg her not to use rock salt. She said she just didn't think it needed it, it was never a health thing for her.

>> No.19278352
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Poltards call everyone boomer to try and associate negative feelings with your history in an attempt to destroy normal culture and facilitate fascism.

>> No.19278801

cos salt to boomers is like seed oils to zoomers