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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 335 KB, 1200x959, Toad_in_the_hole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19269329 No.19269329 [Reply] [Original]

Why does bong food have such a bad reputation? Picrel is fucking god-tier. Irish sausages and bacon are way better than what we get in the US too. Also the milk, tea, chocolate and gin is much better.

>> No.19269339

I always though toad in the hole would be perfect as a superbowl food since it actually looks like a handegg stadium.

>> No.19269348

It's painfully average and i say that as a german.
I think what gives them bad reputation is not only the under average cuisine itself but also their snacking which is quite trashy.

>> No.19269364

>irish sausages and bacon
>bong food

>> No.19269367

That looks so unapetizing

>> No.19269388

Throw some brown gravy on that thing and you're eating good that night

>> No.19269390

no thanks

>> No.19269616

>not a British colony since the Romans left

>> No.19269637
File: 70 KB, 954x693, bacon and egg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everytime I see americans on yt having bacon it's overfried into burnt crisp, why do you do this?

>> No.19269640

Not sure what you call a glorified potato farm, but I guess it's not colony.

>> No.19269641
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Sausage rolls in bisto

>> No.19269645
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Sausage rolls in soup

>> No.19269647

That looks good desu

>> No.19269649
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>> No.19269651
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Chips 'n cheese.

>> No.19269655
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>> No.19269658
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Lasagne sandwich

>> No.19269660

a combination of memes and the contortions required by modern culture to shit on anyone. the UK has become a culturally acceptable target where few remain, due to historical factors, cultural exposure and more recent animosity from online communities due to Brexit.
There is nothing particularly notable either way about British "traditional" food, no more so than any other northern european country, and obviously cuisines from all over the world are easily accessible there.

>> No.19269661

that is not god tier it is garbage

>> No.19269662
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Chicken casserole sandwich

>> No.19269664
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Pie sandwich

>> No.19269669
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Quiche sandwich

>> No.19269672
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>> No.19269673

Please, I can't take it; not all English people eat so inedible sludge. This is like saying all Americans eat bleached chicken. You have to understand that we didn't need to import niggers to create a festering underclass of scum - we simply created the conditions to facilitate the cultivation of subhuman populations. You Americans deal with your worst detritus by killing them with opium but we allow ours to ferment away and it's had a disastrous impact on society. In Britain, one is barely human if one does not cook.

>> No.19269676
File: 146 KB, 960x960, twisted_lasagne_filled_yorkshire_pudding_370g_93481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fusion cuisine

>> No.19269679 [DELETED] 
File: 724 KB, 2602x3468, rkq5zi70q3za1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uk style "chinky"

>> No.19269685
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Quite frankly you'd have to be some sort of mentally challenged plebian to not view and acknowledge England as the cultural epicentre of fine dinning in the world.

>> No.19269732

Notmerican here. I like streaky bacon. Prefer it to the proper stuff, akshully. But, perhaps due to not being a native speaker of the language, I'm not sure wtf people mean when the say "chewy bacon vs crispy."
When I cook streaky bacon, it's crispy AND chewy. Do people mean floppy, rubbery, shitty bacon when they say "chewy" bacon?

>waaaaaaaaaaaaaah breggzitt!
For whatever reason, people were making fun of British food long before the EU was even conceived as a thought.

I actually like British homecookery and especially their baked sweets. The homecooking is, admittedly, nothing too special, but it's not generally offensive, either. It's just various shades of brown and beige with an occasional bit or orange carrot and green pea tossed in to break the monotony.
Things that I do actually quite enjoy are mostly associated with Scotland and the north of England: pork pies, sausage rolls, cullen skink, scouse (if they actually add some fucking herbs to it; one stick of thyme and two leaves of sage for a whole pot just don't do the job), finnan haddie, potted shrimps, nontraditional lancashire hotpot (IE no kidneys) and cumberland sausage. Not to mention the cheeses. We can forgive all of Britain's sins against food just for their cakes and oft-overlooked cheeses.

Thx4reading my blog

>> No.19269733

cursed thread

>> No.19269741
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>uk style "Chinese takeaway"

>> No.19269742
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>> No.19271241
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>> No.19271242

needs gravy

>> No.19271255

fuck off and eat your pork and cabbage krautnigger

>> No.19271364

baby's head, peas and gravy in a loaf? fucking awesome.

>> No.19271373
File: 248 KB, 905x905, winning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looks shit. Had one of these the other week though and it was fucking lush.

>> No.19271383


>> No.19271392

because most people here buy the cheapest bacon they can get, which is usually pumped full of nitrates for curing. uncured bacon cooks much differently(and is more expensive), it ends up looking a lot better and not burnt. howeverbeit ive had people say my uncured bacon is gross, because theyre so used to eating cured, sugary slop bacon.

>> No.19271448

If it's not smoked it isn't bacon

>> No.19271456
File: 138 KB, 1500x1000, game-pie-GettyImages-71095933-58a7186a3df78c345b7c97ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It went to shit in the 80's with the advent of fast food culture and you generic supermarket slop. Everything must be breaded and mixed with rancid oils then air fried.

>> No.19271517

>uncured bacon
I'm not sure what you're making if you're describing it as uncured bacon. That's like saying you've made unbrewed beer.

>> No.19271528
File: 40 KB, 615x409, sundayroast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reddit meme and malicious seething from people who can't appreciate anything that isn't buried under a pile of spice powder and chillies

>> No.19271544
File: 858 KB, 1600x1200, Toad in the Hole 2...Yeah, I made that..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But truly, It's ONION gravy. Takes a while to make, but damn it's fookin' good on ANYTHING.

>> No.19271548
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>> No.19271558

Uncured bacon is just pork belly that has been cooked in a brine bath like regular industrial bacon, except they use extracts from celery and other vegetables instead of curing salts. Actual cured bacon is smoked and rubbed with curing salts and then aged or “cured” for a period of time at a set temperature and humidity. Most major brands of american bacon don’t do this due to cost. As another note when you cure meat this way it breaks down some (probably not all) of the curing salts into less carcinogenic compounds.

>> No.19271562
File: 280 KB, 1200x800, BritBongBreads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Havvin' a Chinky?
I was the rice crackers came with Amerifat chinkslop.
I've had to resort to making them myself for the last 4 years.
Luckily, they can be bought in celestial markets, and microwaved if you sit and watch 'em.
(Still not the same)
Also, Just like Bongs can't into "Biscuits and Gravy" most Amerilards don't understand that Britbong bread is quite a bit different on the whole than ours...Unless you are buying it special.

>> No.19271567

>Havvin' a Ch*nky?
Originally said it was a "Ch*nky" then I got a warning for racism.

>> No.19271572 [DELETED] 
File: 320 KB, 400x401, LoL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Banhammer crazy these days--
I may catch a ban...
I once caught a 3 day for
>pic rel
For Crispin's SAKE jannies!! Those are her KNEES.

>> No.19271574 [DELETED] 

>a German thinks he can talk about quality cuisine
The only tasty food in your (often conquered) shithole is made by turkroaches

>> No.19271623

>pork pies, sausage rolls, scouse
What drugs are you on?

>> No.19271701


>> No.19272552

You are not very smart.

>> No.19272750

The reason is literally WW2. Not much attention is drawn to it in most country's curriculum but the UK was in a real bad fucking way at the end of it. Rationing didn't just last until the end of the war, it lasted for fucking decades. Their cuisine reflects this. You won't find pre-WW2 memes about how awful brit cuisine is, it only became that way when they were genuinely eating toast sandwiches out of necessity. They now have access to plenty of food like everyone else but the legacy remained and ingrained itself in the culinary culture, things eaten because that's all they had became things eaten because that's what "british food" is.

>> No.19272768

/ck/ mods are notoriously anti-fun, anti-white kikes

>> No.19272783

>Why does bong food have such a bad reputation?
Apart from it just being an overplayed meme. I think one of main reasons why it gets a bad rap is because of the aesthetics. British food always looks very brown and dull. Just lots of browns and earthy colours. Compare it other fancy looking foods, or goyslop fast food with its different colours and you can see how "boring" it looks. Our food is just very hearty in general. Which gives off the impression that it's flavourless and bland, even though it isn't.

t. bong

>> No.19272804
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Thankfully our cheese is good and our chocolate is good. We also came up with some top tier desserts during the victorian period. I'm not sure why these get overlooked whenever discussing British cuissine, but oh well.

>> No.19272810

jfc i kinda want to vomit if that's what he thinks is healthy

>> No.19272814

Just short of a toast sandwich, that is just about the most British dish I've ever seen that isn't made out of fermented blood.

>> No.19272866

This looks retarded. Just eat the pie

>> No.19272868

Because they know fuck all about their own food, nor do they care.
>Their coastal waters are crammed with dozens of the best species the world has to offer, yet all they can think of is fish and chips.
>They only have 4-5 varieties of fish in their shops and the only dish they make with it is fish and chips.
>They have dozens of lovely apple varieties, none of which they know or use
>They have about a dozen prime beef cattle varieties, none of which they can name
>98% of pig breeds in the world is British, eyt they can't even name a single one
>They have fantastic cheese but their knowledge stops at cheddar and Stilton, both of which are mediocre, apart from Stichelton.
>They think beans, tomato and egg is a great breakfast idea
>They think the pork and bread combo ("bacon sandwhich") was invented in the UK. Which is laughable.
>They think black pudding is British, while tiny Belgium has dozens of black pudding varieties, each with their own dishes.
>Same goes for eel recipes, jellied eel in particular. Which is a dish from the Charleroi region of Belgium
>Same goes for bangers and mash, which is just an adaptation of Brussels stoemp.
>They think Scotch egg is a British thing while the original comes from India
>They think beef Wellington is British while it's French of course. Since the 16th century.
Funniest of all: Crème Anglaise/vanilla pudding really is English. And it's delicious. Yet none of these cretins will ever name it as their favourite British dish. Because they think it's French.

>> No.19272871

this looks tasty

>> No.19272876

>let me tell you about your country

>> No.19272894

Pulled a warning this time EVEN with the explaination.

>> No.19272915


>> No.19272940

>uprooted from one's natural geographical, social, or cultural environment.

Its by design.

>> No.19273026

>Cant name any of the apples, beef, or fish alluded to by the person they're responding too

>> No.19273106

Bong food has a bad reputation, despite having some good dishes, because 95 per cent of Brits have no idea how to cook. They do not try, and no one tells them how to. Tesco ready meals, over-cooked prawn pasta (yes both the pasta and the prawns), slop on toast, rice that was not washed so it has that nasty starchy texture, vegetables prechopped (the wrong way, just look at kale), "stewing" beef, pre-seasoned meats, the list goes on...

>> No.19273722

Because historically, for centuries British food has literally been for peasants. Native Americans were eating like kings while bongs were practically eating dirt and drinking rainwater during the dark ages. Bongs just can't into cuisine

>> No.19273760

Actual, non-meme answer? Rationing lasted a retarded amount of time so we had to deal with boomers growing up with american great depression-tier "cuisine" and passing on absolutely no culinary knowledge to their kids. Cooking is seen as a hobby compared to just buying an oven pizza from tesco or heating up a ready meal pasta bake like most people.

>> No.19273761

No one overlooks the cheese aspect, cheddar is the most popular cheese in the world. But people generally see that as an ingredient in food than something to eat in itself.

>> No.19273862

How do you feel about your country's own cuisine?

What's some of the best stuff you guys have

>> No.19273865

disgusting bug people that dont know shit about cooking

>> No.19273870

Without googling or picking something mentioned in W+G, name another two British cheeses, then.

>> No.19274626

"Uncured bacon" is a nonsensical marketing term dreamt up a few years ago in order to lie to people who were trying to avoid nitrites.

>> No.19274643
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>mfw when they actually ranked them correctly

>> No.19274646
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Fuck me you have a point, good idea anon

>> No.19274777

>bongs were practically eating dirt

>> No.19274796

I prefer my cheese on chips like this over it being melted.
The thing is it actually works so well

>> No.19274905

The dude who posts weird pictures of British people's cooking in any halfway relevant /ck/ thread gives me the same vibe as people who fap to youtube videos of women popping balloons.

>> No.19274907

It is quite strange. You can tell that the vast majority comes from people who genuinely think British food = fish and chips and beans on toast.

>> No.19274914

I think this is a good demonstration of why British cuisine has such a bad reputation. Anyone who knows much about British cuisine knows that 1. a pie sandwich is ridiculous and 2. almost every cuisine has some form of blood sausage. But if you're fundamentally not familiar with British cuisine, something as ridiculous as a pie in a sandwich might seem like it was an actual British dish to you, and you might be totally unaware of all the blood-based dishes around the world. (They're all very tasty, except the Chinese duck blood cubes they put in noodle soup IMO)

>> No.19274941

This is a big problem in America too, I haven’t met very many zoomers or millennials that know how to cook. Most people under 40 just get fast food or go out to eat and the extent of their home cooking is usually thawing a frozen dinner or pizza out and nuking it in the oven

>> No.19274944

Wigan kebab is wonderful and im saying that as someone from leigh

>> No.19275170

>For whatever reason, people were making fun of British food long before the EU was even conceived as a thought.
no, no they were not. but keep coping, rajeesh

>> No.19275177

boddle of wader

>> No.19275182

How come this board is so obsessed with Britain?

>> No.19275188

ended in 56 because britain graciously kept supplying europe with food and other such goods. it wasnt enough for us to save them from the nazis, we went beyond that. and are they grateful? fucking no
my father was alive for rationing, albeit young

>> No.19275190

Mate the French have literally been calling the Brits "les rosbif" for centuries.

>> No.19275194

One third of /ck/ is ravenous Brits looking for pictures of real food

>> No.19275381

Just set the fucking rolls aside and dip em, why are they like this???

>> No.19275917

palenigger moment I guess, dilate moar alongside with your (((mods)))

>> No.19275926

the krabbenwich

>> No.19275935

bunny chow i suppose

>> No.19275939

>extracts from celery
That's nitrates just like regular curing salts. It's still cured and still forms carcinogens.

>> No.19275941

shrimp crackers???? very based.

>> No.19277089

Class. What we think of as British cuisine is historically working-class fare, while the upper class mostly ate French cuisine.

>> No.19277115

Read faggot
> https://www.orwellfoundation.com/the-orwell-foundation/orwell/essays-and-other-works/in-defence-of-english-cooking/

>> No.19277681

Sage Derby, Leichestershire

>> No.19277687

What are those? Pigs in a blanket?

>> No.19277704

I really hate the British and I say this (unfortunately) as my British ancestors look down upon me with scorn.

That being said, I do think their cuisine is not as pitiful as we often make it out to be.

>> No.19277834

You are not very observant.

>> No.19277941


>> No.19277948

I think”chips” would be good if you put all of those on there. And chili.

>> No.19277995

Looks like a homeless guy shat in a loaf

>> No.19278005

That is why it is called turds in a loaf

>> No.19278050

American milk taste like dish water. No idea what they do to it over there. Milk tastes like milk here in the UK

>> No.19278196

British food for the most part seems like it’s pretty monotone but probably tastes fine or even great. Toad in the hole, meat pies, full English etc. I’ve even heard from many people that haggis is fantastic. But then they do weird stuff like fish head pie or very excessive worse-than-America late night drunk food that seems to drive the reputation.

>> No.19278200

Do you have a loicense for that milk

>> No.19278219


>> No.19278236

It never gets old

>> No.19278246

I'm from the US, and the first thing I noticed when I first went to visit family in England is that all of the produce tastes better than where I'm from.

>> No.19278314

Where do you live that you can't get good sausage or bacon? And stop applying that to the entirety of the US, because you evidently don't know shit about the rest of the country.