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19268923 No.19268923 [Reply] [Original]

>used to be able to feed an entire family for $5 at McDonald's
>can't even feed a single person for $20 at McDonald's now
Inflation is out of control

>> No.19268938

It's not actually inflation. The elites know it's about to crumble. You need to fill your bag fast. When Alphabet decides it's no longer OK for YouTube to lose money you should be very worried.

>> No.19268942

No more mean tweets though

>> No.19268946

>feed an entire family for $5 at McDonald's
Do you hate your family?

>> No.19268961

This. elites will eventually drain the dead pig that is the US/UK economy and then pull chute and bail on the entire country.
they'll pass the companies off to a "perfect successor" who will step in charge just in time to find out that people simply can't afford to buy anything and their business (coincidentally I'm sure) doesnt have the money to offer the pay increases necessary to keep the business operating
the businesses will fail and the media will crow about how "this generation of business owners are failures. we need to call for a return of the old actually intelligent owners". But they will make demands.
The old owners will not return without certain economy/politic shaking demands. Essentially they will set the ground rules for a new aristocracy. a new world order if you're afraid of that sorta thing. but it will be an aristocracy enforced with modern tools and digital age tracking.

because "its only right and fair for the people who own 85% of all the money and businesses get to make the rules"

and that will be the end of democracy anywhere. because democracy requires that the government wields as much or more power than businesses. we are rapidly approaching the point where business simply owns more money (and therefore resources) than entire countries. it wont take much longer before business owners begin screwing over countries because they CAN. if you own a company with multi-billion dollar logistics supply team, you can decide not to sell to a specific country if you so want. who cares if you dont make money there, you already have billions coming in every day.

>> No.19268965
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This thread is being monitored for communism by 4chan thread services of america LLC.

>> No.19268968

>entire family for $5 at McDonald's
OP here when I said an entire family I meant my sad tranny self.

>> No.19268990

Take your meds, schizo

>> No.19268991

>entire family for $5 at McDonald's

you mean in the 70s?

>> No.19268996

Remember that line while quivering in a corner with moms blood on your face.

>> No.19269004

breh I dont care if you agree or not. And truthfully, the whole 'new world order' thing would probably take the better part of 10 to 20 years to pass before anyone even starts talking about formalizing this with a new government.
but the end goal is still to turn business ownership into the only relevant qualification to run for office. Because if your biggest business owner in the country has more resources available to him/her than the ENTIRE COUNTRY that they live in.... then its only a matter of time before one narcissistic rich business owner decides to force the country to comply with his/her notion of how things should work.
we may even already be living in that. I hope you enjoy working the national cotton fields for Elon.

>> No.19269006

It is inflation and it is why things are about to crumble. You are not wrong that now is the time to secure the bag, the chickens are coming home to roost for central banking. Look into dollar milkshake theory and try to time getting out of the dollar.

>but it will be an aristocracy enforced with modern tools and digital age tracking.
I just call it communism but ok.
You don’t have to be afraid of companies rivaling government power because government has no power. As according to Hume, every government depends on the ideological support of the people, hence the timeless marriage between church and state merely transitioned into a marriage between the state and “science”. Nobody can hold control with force alone.

Companies don’t have the power to manipulate the market, any attempt opens themselves up to competition. Monopoly and price fixing simply doesn’t work, it cannot be done without a government that is.

>> No.19269017

>Companies don’t have the power to manipulate the market
2008 is calling and would like to remind you that IT EXISTS. like wtf, how do you even breathe when you're this dumb?

>> No.19269018

>the end goal is still to turn business ownership into the only relevant qualification to run for office.
This is actually the ideal america was founded on lol, the founding fathers hated democracy and wanted a republic of spiritual aristocrats that earned their position by their life’s work rather than by inheriting a government granted title. As Benjamin Franklin said, democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting in what is for lunch.

>> No.19269025

They literally cannot manipulate the market in any meaningful way, any attempt to do so would be a loss for them. It absolutely goes on today but only because of government privilege letting it go by without market correction. The price of gold for example likely is manipulated far lower than its real value and even with central banks it is coming apart at the seams.

>> No.19269032

I love it when lolbertarians (aka pedophiles) try to argue for free market fundamentalism by appealing to smoothbrain concepts like the idea that there is a vague, impossible to define yet never to be challenged (or you're a jew) TRUE value of gold that is independent of its market value

>> No.19269033

that's a whole lot of conspiracy mongering about what the founding fathers 'REALLY INTENDED' which nobody can actually be sure about. I recall one of the things I liked most about the founding fathers' vision I was told by an economy/history teacher of mine was that Washington saw the country as a rural farming country (like everyone was back then). And so to him, people should own farms first and foremost for FINANCIAL SECURITY.
quote the teacher "freedom from overbearing economic pressures was part of the freedom Washington saw as an intrinsic right owed to the people"
which is opposed to England where land ownership is all wrapped up in the house of Lords and their friends. So you could never rely on your chickens giving extra eggs this year to pay off a debt. you can never trade one young ox for one plow. Without the farm assets, you're just one economic downturn or dumb business owner decision away from the poor house.

>> No.19269036

lololO0LOLOLOLOL good joke. you're a good joke
"if only every pissant thing was changed to support my pet theory. then everything will work!"

>> No.19269040

>can't even feed a single person for $20 at McDonald's now
How fucking fat are you?

>> No.19269066

Did the person before me not just say that prices can be manipulated from their market value? Why are you getting mad at me? Look into it the banks are manipulating the gold price, in fact they might even do it by necessity to stop an immediate collapse of fiat.

Farmers were very involved back then, even doctors and lawyers called themselves farmer doctor or farmer lawyer it was very politically fashionable. Libertarian ideals were still being fleshed out when america was founded, they didn’t really know what they were doing, Washington made the first central bank of america because he didn’t know any better. The next generation after the founding fathers was very libertarian though and they would dispose of the central bank and are the reason for americas take over more than any other generation.

Hans Herman Hoppe’s book on anarchocapitalism democracy the god that failed has an essay that goes into detail on letters between the founding fathers proving their antidemocracy sentiments.

There couldn’t be an ideology less like this an libertarianism, I have no special moral demands on individuals to make my society work like everyone else.

>> No.19269087

>The next generation after the founding fathers was very libertarian though and they would dispose of the central bank and are the reason for americas take over more than any other generation.
Because they had FARM ASSETS to leverage into real money. people without farms didnt have that, they stayed poor. and "Without the farm assets, you're just one economic downturn or dumb business owner decision away from the poor house." which was part of the freedom Washington wanted for everyone.
we can't all have farms today, but we can regulate the market so every pissant bad business decision isnt measured directly in human suffering.