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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19268397 No.19268397 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19268411

Maximum cooklet take.

Soy sauce is great on all rice, and that includes well cooked rice.

Check and mate, nerd.

>> No.19268427

Your rice wasn't seasoned properly if it's improved by soy.

>> No.19268437

Retardo. My rice doesn't need seasoning to be better than yours. I guess I should have actually said soy sauce improves rice bowls. With meat on top and such.

Also a salad dressing is a type of sauce. You're just a lark, shill, and pedant if you say salads don't need them.

>> No.19268440

Rice shouldn't be seasoned, only eaten with seasoned meat.

>> No.19268443

A well balanced salad needs no dressing. I'm sorry you like to have coping mechanisms.

>> No.19268445

Good bait, I got angry

>> No.19268454

>Says words
>Must be true

This is truly stupidity at its finest. Go back to basics. You skipped too many steps and are making a fool of yourself.

Your rice isn't seasoned properly if you add soy sauce
My salad with no seasoning is perfect with salad dressing.

Whore, liar, and a thief.

>> No.19268462
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When did you forget?

>> No.19268466

Only a small drizzle of juice complements salald since even oil dressings will overpower everything with it's savoriness

>> No.19268471
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>> No.19268473

You really really suck at cooking if you can't make a vinaigrette that compliments a simple green salad. Need a recipe to try, hun?

Also juice is sauce in the case of a salad, so I win either way.

>> No.19268500

You really really suck at cooking of you can't make a tasty salad.

>> No.19268506

Compliments, not overpowers, which pure vinegar can't do in any capacity unless diluted with something very mild. But that would be fucking stupid anyway because fresh tart juice is better lol.

>> No.19268507

i dont think that counts as cooking
food prep, sure

>> No.19268526

Saladlets and cooklets. Just ask nicely and I'll give you a simple vinaigrette you can make that will prove you wrong.

Yesterday as part of dinner I had my first homegrown salad of the season and used a simple vinaigrette on it. It was delicious.

>> No.19268539

A proper salad doesn't need dressing.

>> No.19268547

>10/10 in bongland

>> No.19268577

>1/10 in Israel

>> No.19268610


>> No.19268618

harro, you fucking stupid!

>> No.19268672
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Can you believe this is a 10/10 salad for someone in this thread?

>> No.19268720

>t. Puts ketchup on his burger because his burger tastes bad

>> No.19268777

>OP is a faggot posting bait threads.
Sage in all fields.

>> No.19268834
File: 183 KB, 806x1024, FP_EPH_000036_Fitness_eadcfeb2-4e70-465a-bab3-d575a55f0190_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked and thanks for the bump newfriend.

>> No.19268885

what in Davy Jones is a Sal Lad?

>> No.19268930

i believe someone will pretend it is
probably someone really fat

>> No.19268955

Fat and stupid.

>> No.19270801

It's totally coral