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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19265032 No.19265032 [Reply] [Original]

Do Europeans seriously do this?

>> No.19265041

Of course. They can’t possibly live a single day without their government controlling every single aspect of their lives.

>> No.19265056

This has to be the CIA or NWO type shit
Euros don't use the grade scale

>> No.19265076

All of you are fatasses. How can something like this be bad? You guys just eat grade E and D stuff.

>> No.19265079

Easy there Cletus. If you look at obesity rates you know why. We just dont
want to turn into America

>> No.19265085 [DELETED] 

How does that affect anyone?

>> No.19265088

thought the shitalians were blocking it

>> No.19265116
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Every supermarket does. We get warning labels and proper shops as an alternative, the rest of you don't get either.

>> No.19265186

yes and?

just ignore it

This image can't stop you obv if you're a lardass who prefers to buy greasy salty shit with shortening etc.

>> No.19265192

>We don't want to be the most powerful country on the planet
Ok Piotr.

>> No.19265201

yes but nobody pays attention to it

>> No.19265205

everybody who isnt a moron already knows what's healthy and what's not

>> No.19265220

This is the framework for conditioning
Right now it's operating of the guise of information
>this food is this many units of good for you
But the framework will lead to rationing based on social credit scores
>you have eaten enough bugs to acquire something real

>> No.19265233

the greens are already faltering because people are beginning to be tired of their shit

>> No.19265411
File: 26 KB, 495x257, servings.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what we have in the UK and it's pretty good, aside from them gaming serving sizes

>> No.19265581

The Navy does a similar color-coded "health" meter on food they serve in the galley. Pisses me off every day seeing them tell me eggs and beef need bright red danger signs.

>> No.19265616

...it's a label.

>> No.19265625

lmao why not just make healthy food for soldiers and sailors in the first place?

here in canada there's "blue menu" stuff but it's basically just telling the cooks to stop being lazy and just deep frying sysco crap and to make actual meals once in a while. usually the "blue menu" item is better if the cook isn't retarded since it's usually a choice between chicken tendies or glazed tenderloins

>> No.19265636

m8 it's just a graphic on the package. you can choose the foods you eat

>> No.19265644

>Eat huge quantity of Grade A Nutriscore food
>Gain weight

>> No.19265681
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>most powerful country on the planet
not for the past 20 years

>> No.19265732

>m8 it’s just a gold star

>> No.19265763

Plenty of other navies have figured out that giving their cooks the freedom to do shit like that makes everybody healthier and happier (every navy in Europe, for example) but sadly all of our cooks are literal retards who flunked out of every other rate's training pipeline.

>> No.19265788


>> No.19265805

Wild. Canada's military cooks seem to have nothing inbetween "crackhead dropout" and "literal read sealed chef out for an adventure" so while there's plenty of slop, there's enough adventurous souls out there to do something not off a Sysco truck at least once a week. And in general, the smaller units mean that it tends more towards commerical/cafeteria type cooking rather than outright industrial slop like I imagine you'd get served at a major base or on larger warships.

Even on bases here, it's generally where they put the absolute noobs and the petty officers who are too broken to sail/go to a sandbox so the necessity of filling out training packages and chiefs who no longer give a fuck about budgets means you randomly get five star (style) shit as some random guy ends up needing to make something fancy for the last checkbox before he gets an auto promotion.

>> No.19266131

Based Vancouverite

>> No.19266146

>how dare people care what they eat, they should shovel mr. goldberg's© freedom slop™ into their mouth without question and tip the company afterwards

>> No.19266171
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>literally implying the government agency who came up with this is trust worthy

>> No.19266172
File: 55 KB, 968x607, Screenshot 2023-05-13 at 01-36-48 Nutri-Score - Wikipedia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Point me out what is wrong with this system as a general rule of thumb without referring to schizoid /pol/cel whining about WEF

>> No.19266176

Then why even bother?

>> No.19266191

It's real and even more useless than your precious BMI. If you care about it at all you are a complete brainlet.

>> No.19267031

left-wing saviour fantasies, combined with penny-pinchers in the health ministries

>> No.19267362

i'm confused, how does it rate the salmon so bad. for the cornflakes or whatever it is i assume it just extremely overvalues fibre or something compared? or are they sugarless/articifially sugared?

i'm not surprised about bullshit results at all and it's useless metric, but still, fucking how?

>> No.19267393

It's not a health metric, it's an ESG metric

>> No.19267407

High fat content, smoke, mercury.

>> No.19267443

It's a bit on both of the scales here.
The salmon is fatty and smoked which isn't good for you and is probably rated on a default serving size of 100g. Plus it looks like budget smoked salmon so god knows what's it's pumped with.
On the other hand, Nestlé has been trying hard to reduce sugar, salt and fat content in chocapic because it's probably there most successful sale.
BUT, they are rated on a specified serving size of 30g (1oz=28g)
Try pouring yourself, or your kid, 30g grams of chocapic then you'll see no one eats only 30g of this.
Btw chocapic is now rated A because they now use 42% less sugar from the last recipe, with whole flour meal.

>> No.19267459

Oh and apparently the method to determine nutriscore will be apparently changing in 2023 to take sugar more into account. With expected drops for sugary cereals from A/B to C

>> No.19267462

>Point me out what is wrong with this system as a general rule of thumb
>Energy density bad
>fats bad
>salt bad
>fruits good even though sugar bad just because okay?
>fibre magical good thing because it's indigestible cell walls increase the size of your shit and the probability of constipation--unless you're increasing your intake from a literal zero fibre diet.
Why do you need somebody to point this out to you?

>> No.19267489

>The salmon is fatty and smoked which isn't good for you
Bruh we aren't in the 90s anymore. We know beyond a doubt that the fats not good for you studies were cherry picked and invalid.

>> No.19267525

Bruh it's the NWO

>> No.19267527
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As far I can tell nutriscore only makes sense in similar products so cereal A is slightly more healthy than cereal B as example. Not that cereal is garbage nutritionally in general, this rating is completely worthless.
I've read the explanation from the local website and the highlighted text says
>Nutri-score should make it easier to compare products within the same category
And below that some more marketing mumbo jumbo on how it does nothing and cannot be used to create a balanced diet.

>> No.19267547

>saturated fat
Keep eating according to this image, then die in 10 years. Go on. Be righteous and do it. Show everyone how right you are.

>> No.19267654

This is why Poland has a higher life expectancy than america

>> No.19267659

imagine how effective it is if it balances out all the alcohol

>> No.19267685
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>> No.19267691

That's not impressive, China has a higher life expectancy and Mexico is only 1 year behind the states

>> No.19267701

Yes GOYIMS don't you fucking DARE question what we, faceless corporation no 25215, put in your food! It's OUR food, you should be happy your corporate MASTERS even let you buy it, so scarf down that goyslop like a GOOD little goy.

>> No.19267725

It's as >>19267527 said
Nutriscore is within a product category, it doesn't carry over between categories
So the pictures are of a B tier cereal and D tier salmon
That doesn't mean, however, that fish products are less healthy than cereal products - fish isn't D tier, just this specific fish product is, relative to other fish products. Similarly, cereal isn't B tier, just that cereal box is B tier amongst cereal products.

>> No.19267727

What jewery is this? How can they label Choco slop better than smoked salmon?

>> No.19267754

Yes, but it's not as bad you think. It's true that your personal Nutriscore gets factored into your social credit score, which in turn reflects upon the overall Euro Rating for your province, department, or canton, leading to considerable "peer pressure to fall within norms. However, EU has an extensive credit system for offsetting minor indiscretions. For example, last week I accidentally ate an extra pastry, but was able to "erase" the incident by allowing a refugee to spend an hour alone with my wife. Back in February, I got drunk and ate 0.5kg of sausages beyond municipal baseline, but I just sent my son (daughter?) to gender reeducation camp and all was forgiven. I'm actually planning another bender this weekend, but it should all be OK if I convert to Islam before the end of the tax year. So you see, there are so many ways to offset your Nutriscore debt, most of us pay no attention at the market.

>> No.19267760

why dont u buy fresh produce

>> No.19267761
File: 40 KB, 594x487, under-siege-1992-casey-ryback-steven-seagal-chef-cook-hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all of our cooks are literal retards who flunked out of every other rate's training pipeline

>> No.19267770

The old method of attributing these doesn't "punish" sugar bad enough, it will change this year
Also, it's based on the overall nutriment intake 100g (not a portion) provides.
This label was an incentive to motivate goyrposlop to improve their recipe qualitatively and, surprise, it works. As Nestlé reduced the amount of sugar and fat as much as possible in a lot of its products to reach as high as possible a nutriscore.

>> No.19267784

you must be american because you couldn't stop yourself from inserting cuckolding into your post

>> No.19267827

It's pretty useless because you can just read the nutrition facts label instead. The score doesn't really tell you anything about the macros or calories. At least our labels are standardised to 100 g as opposed to american fantasy units, so you can actually use them for counting

>> No.19268501


Yes GOYIMS don't buy the goyslop in a package, buy the GOOD goyslo..I mean, fresh farmer foods, yes. Don't look into who owns that faceless corporation though! BAD GOY! BAD GOY!!!!

>> No.19268537

fine I won't buy any food and just starve

>> No.19268697

Everyone knows Americans have the worlds most stupid regulations when it comes to food.

>> No.19268704

>Funded by participants
>nestle choccy cereals all get the A

>> No.19268739
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pizza is good for you :)

>> No.19268774

You need to take a break from your obsession

>> No.19268879


Good goy.

>> No.19268895

Even that is wrong because fats bad and energy density bad is illogical. Something being energy dense doesn't make it bad for you. It just means you can't be a fucking retard and eat 40 of them like they're god damn celery sticks.