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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 132 KB, 500x500, qrcode-menu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19263321 No.19263321 [Reply] [Original]

>saves trees
>filters boomers & chuds
>enables trolling, gaslighting like silent price changes (clean it up, custie)
>literally Cyberpunk 2077
Why hasn't your restaurant taken the QR Pill?

>> No.19263330

>I don't have a phone with me
way to lose out on a customer retard

>> No.19263345
File: 371 KB, 2048x1365, qrcode-menu2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't have a phone with me
In CURRENT YEAR? Even the homeless have Obamaphones, right? It's just a short step from "oops no phone" to "oops I left my wallet in the car."

>> No.19263378
File: 241 KB, 800x800, special-food-product-details.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sold on replacing menus, but it is pretty useful to get more info on items in stores.

>> No.19263437
File: 86 KB, 500x666, want-to-learn-more.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19263739

>go to restaurant
>no menus
>everyone in the group is pulling out his phone and dropping data to download a bloated pdf
>usability is awful because tiny phone screen
>now everyone's looking at his phone instead of socializing
Garbage experience and pure pandemic theater. Restaurants were already sanitizing their menus between uses before the pandemic.

>> No.19263797

you forgot
>anon replaced the QR codes
>now directs everyone to hardcore porn sites with autoplay and loud audio

>> No.19263817

last I knew Obamaphones were not smart phones but this is 10 year old knowledge

>> No.19263822

So when did you get fired from Blizzard?

>> No.19263935

Was planning a funeral recently and they had an option of putting a qr code on the gravestone that led to a memorial site or something like that. A lot of things about that experience were morbidly humorous.

>> No.19263985

Shitty restaurant service story
>be me
>live in 2023, 2 years past the meme flu scare
>most restaurants that converted to QR orders stick with it for convenience
>most restaurant QR orders work fine
>sit down in a Nando's for the first time in like 3 years
>waiter comes over and mumbles something about "order then select pay at counter" or some shit
>assume the QR ordering system works like every where else: scan code>open menu>select items>go to cart and press submit>order goes to register>pay at cashier on the way out just by giving table number
>lol apparently not, you're supposed to order, then select to either pay online or cash immediately, then pay for the food before the order gets registered
>sit there thinking the order went through for 15 minutes until waiter comes over and says exaclty what I should've done
>end up waiting another 15 minutes for food after paying once the order finally gets through

Who the fuck through this was a good idea. Why not just plaster "PAY FOR YOUR FOOD AT THE COUNTER AFTER KEYING IN YOUR ORDER THROUGH THE QR SYSTEM" at the front of your restaurant instead of letting the customer fumble around? Why not coach your fucking waiters to explain this shit properly instead of just awkwardly standing around when a customer has obviously failed to work the system after they sat there for 15 minutes and still no orders went to the register? Why not just turn into a self service restaurant if you're going to make your customers pay before eating? Why even changer your fucking operations in the first place, people paid after the meal in Nando's before that. Is my country the only Nando's with this cucked system? What the fuck
This is the only, and I repeat, only restaurant that has customers pay immediately through the QR system I've encountered out of the 100s of restaurants I've been to. And judging by the complains on their twitter, many others have complained about the retarded change. Who the fuck thought its a good idea?

>> No.19264066

>end up waiting another 15 minutes for food
>Who the fuck through this was a good idea
probably a guy who said "Yeah either we do it right and it's going to be shit or we do it cheap and it's going to be shit. They're eating at a Nando's."

>> No.19264083

>saves tree
Hello 2005

>> No.19264111

All they literally had to do was copy paste the systems every other restaurant was using. You know, the one that doesn't immediately have you go to the cashier to pay before your order registers.
The only reason I stayed and waited was because every other restaurant in that (small)mall was either full or not serving things I wanted that day, and I had time to burn. But damn if I'm ever going back there anymore

>> No.19264117

Well I learned to much

>> No.19264129

>point camera at the code
>it just takes a picture of the code
>call over waitress
>tell her i'll have 2 beers and a chicken parma
not my problem

>> No.19264136

The people smart enough to not have phones are the people smart enough to feed themselves.

>> No.19264143

I was so angry I only tipped 20%. I hope that teaches them a lesson.

>> No.19264149

I don't live in the United States, so I don't tip

>> No.19264157

They're smart phones now

>> No.19264183
File: 1.01 MB, 1920x1080, nophones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19264199

What do they do if you tell them you don't have one? Surely they have backup actual menus right?

>> No.19264503

>waiter tells you how to do thing
>you don't do it

>> No.19264530

>free data plan

>> No.19264539
File: 615 KB, 1080x1444, Screenshot_20230512-104349_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're called Biden phones now.

On topic, the QR menu isn't bad if it let's me order directly to avoid some waiter fucking up my order or fucking off to smoke cigarettes for 20 minutes.

>> No.19264559
File: 65 KB, 498x498, 1667309882742786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you hear 96% of "poor" people have a fridge?

>> No.19264567

Welcome to the veggie grill,
Hi my name is dave and I am gay.
What would you like today? Just because I'm vegan doesn't mean I
don't swallow cocks night and day cuz I am gay.

>> No.19264576

>filters boomers
Anon asian boomer literally pay for their groceries with online payment apps and know their way around smartphones better than most zoomers

>> No.19264606

This would actually be ok if it meant getting rid of the people begging for change whenever you eat at a restaurant.

>> No.19264607

i love it. i don't want to have to touch a disgusting nasty menu ever again. they're as dirty as gas pumps

>> No.19264674

Normal menus are easier to read

>> No.19264676
File: 573 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_inline_nqnyxn46Ry1r217dm_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Was planning a funeral recently and they had an option of putting a qr code on the gravestone that led to a memorial site or something like that
This is kind some kinda shit straight out of the Talos principle

>> No.19264693

>"filter" potential customers
Sounds like you've taken the stupid pill

>> No.19264737

>go to restaurant
>phone is charging at home
>this bullshit
>ask for a physical menu
>they don’t have any
>have to use someone else’s phone so I can figure out what to get
Covid made restaurants universally worse, without exception

>> No.19264759
File: 94 KB, 463x463, IMG_9578__ResizedImageWzQ2Myw0NjNd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just a little square in the corner. Guarantee you it costs like $300 to add it.

>> No.19265264
File: 431 KB, 463x463, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They could at least use a less ugly plaque, hell you can DIY it

>> No.19265267

Same reason why I don’t plug random USBs I find in my main PC

>> No.19265280

>don't have my phone
>can't order
great restaurant

>> No.19265303

>not figuring out the menu and your order ahead of time so that you don't have think at the restaurant
nothing personnel kid

>> No.19265326

Who else here purephoned
>never downloaded the apps
>never scanned a QR code

>> No.19265985
File: 163 KB, 1200x900, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No they fucking don't. For what use? They don't have electricity

>> No.19266015

We print a paper menu every afternoon based on what was available at the market. It varies daily, because we only buy the best ingredients available to us.

>> No.19266041

I've been to a place that actually did not. the waitress had to recite the beer menu from memory for me and I decided to not get any food.

>> No.19266049

do better

>> No.19266262

QR for a grave. Disgraceful.

>> No.19266292

my local chinese restaurant has the same 20 printed menus they had since they opened, they just put some white tape over the old prices and write a new number.

>> No.19266296
File: 230 KB, 722x548, CABLES-ROCINHA-1351048618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poor people don't have electricity
lol, lmao even

>> No.19266298

but i need a menu with pictures on it so i can point to what i want

>> No.19266301

>eating at a restaurant that uses cuckstamps instead of menus

>> No.19266363

I'm that anon... Your pic related does indeed make me lol... Lmao even. Good show, you've won this round

>> No.19266367

Zoom into it and show them your phone. Nbd.

>> No.19266370

if you havent scanned the qr in pic rel youre really missing out, my sides are in orbit rn

>> No.19266380
File: 6 KB, 267x189, google.com-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if I should...

>> No.19266447


And Brownsville gets browner lmao

>> No.19266463

>purchased meme-r code for 9001 burgercredits right before I croaked
>links to some site that hosts my passionate eulogy and last wishes for generations to come
>company that owns site goes tits up in the midst of the Ultra-Giga-Depression of '26.
>servers taken off-line and sold to some Chinese or Indian recycler for scrap or to be used in call centers that sling fake antivirus software to leftover boomers
>mfw no face

>> No.19266471

It's like buying a star all over again!

>> No.19266478

my parents seethe at these always demand a menu

>> No.19266506
File: 63 KB, 473x1024, mcdonalds-coupon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19266612

I think it is super lame when restaurants have paper menus or menus that you have to look at. The waiter should have the entire menu and the correct prices memorized, and be capable of reciting the entire thing to me. I'll give it a 5% tip if the thing sings the menu to me.

>> No.19266838

I've seen people selling girl scout cookies with a QR code lawn sign.
>anon replaced the QR codes
>now directs everyone to hardcore porn sites with autoplay and loud audio
oh shit I need to do this.

>> No.19267162

> saves trees
anon do you know how extreme the amount of food waste is at restaurants?
We used to fill up a 44 gallons drum each night

>> No.19267204

Have the server bring it up on her phone and have her read the entire menu. Then complain to the management that she was rude and on her phone constantly

>> No.19267207

Why? How is it any different to an inscription? Humans invented both.

>> No.19267227

Please be bait

>> No.19267290

Same reason I still read physical books and not ereader fag shit. Because that’s gay doesn’t feel right and technological doesn’t always = better.