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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 187 KB, 731x1023, German food (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19262512 No.19262512 [Reply] [Original]

For me, it's krabben

>> No.19262533

I like matjes

Why is matjessaat on there twice?

>> No.19262550

so nice they listed it twice

>> No.19262552

Brathering bras not like this

>> No.19262557

could go for some peffermakrele

>> No.19262569
File: 422 KB, 1080x1074, 20230511_201135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one of those is essentially pic related in a sandwich

>> No.19262576

Fun fact: brathering is a babby sperm whale deep fried and place in a bun for your enjoyment

>> No.19262586

Not true
It's just herring

>> No.19262643

these all sound like names of the german version of the punk super group known as pussy riot.

>> No.19262653

matjes, bismark or rollmops

>> No.19262654

Mmm lekker

>> No.19262661

Brathering. I like it with the tail

>> No.19262678
File: 158 KB, 508x363, wtf copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is this shit

>> No.19262846

north german fastfood

>> No.19262859

Six of each please?

Or one of the smoked salmon, maybe a little dill and cucumber, and a couple rollmops on the side.

>> No.19262938
File: 1.19 MB, 1079x1574, 20230511_21532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Straight from the wikipedia article lol

>> No.19262995

for some reason i'd still eat this. I dont know why but i feel like this is the type of food icelanders would eat

>> No.19263002

germany should have been left landlocked while we had the chance

>> No.19263003

I started from that page and somehow ended up at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myrmeconema_neotropicum

>> No.19263019

holy shit please feed them all to me one by one

>> No.19263056
File: 15 KB, 456x611, 2bfd6275cf6e90dc096b1ef15e3f4cd3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's shrimp
fucking dutch i swear

>> No.19263061

Rollmops is the real good stuff

>> No.19263806

its not Dutch

>> No.19263824

Raucherlachs for me

>> No.19263939

"the nina hagen"
"the marlene dietrich"
"the einsenstrude neubauten"

>> No.19264142
File: 34 KB, 600x350, hercule-poirot-david-suchet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's krabben for me too because i hate fish with all my being and love shellfish with all my being

>> No.19264163


>> No.19264181

Hamburg here. Krabben is best but way to expensive. What do you pay for it? I'll go with Matjes all the way.

Question to heat the discussion up: hard or soft bread?

>> No.19264203

>"The Leni Riefenstahl"

>> No.19264208
File: 9 KB, 185x269, overconfident_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19264254

Crusty, and buttered.
>Ich bin kein Deutscher

>> No.19264322

For me is the humble fishfrikadelle.

>> No.19264390

rollmops hold the bread
just give me the jar

>> No.19264638
File: 37 KB, 640x478, IMG_1000001728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All that shit looks disgusting. This is a real man's fish sandwich

>> No.19264642

Räucherlachs, hands down.
Put it in me belly now

>> No.19264646

what a language

>> No.19264647
File: 7 KB, 239x250, 1656385495763019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19264709

This is a real man's shill post that's shilling goyslop

>> No.19264751

>looks nothing like fish
ameritards don't like real food

>> No.19264761

rollmops or stremellachs look okay

>> No.19264789
File: 241 KB, 1480x1005, 1683909031247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Fischfrikadelle

>> No.19264790

For me it's the Fischfrikadelle but with remoulade, lettuce and onions.

>> No.19265143

behaltet eure fischbrötchen, gibt keine beschissenere fastfoodkette als nordsee

>> No.19265149

I'll just have water, thanks

>> No.19265167

The Seelachs-Ei with some onion would be top-tier

>> No.19265240

This looks disgusting af. Brathering looks like a fried snail. Lots of those cuts just look like unseasoned raw fish. Pukeworthy. Yet more proof that the only food in the world that's presentable is American.

>> No.19265242

>crispy fried food

underage idiot

>> No.19265260

I mess when food pictures looked like the actual product you got. MD fucked up everything with their lies

>> No.19265514

>Northern "cooking"

>> No.19265520

>Other languages.... aren't English??

>> No.19266149

Brathering is... like pickled herring after it's been fried? It's good, but it's definitely a little odd.

Most of these are pickled or smoked.

>> No.19266418


Fuck anon you’re making me hungry, I could go for most of that right now

>> No.19267551

neger was?

>> No.19267596

Would scandis try to eat Cthulhu?

>> No.19267652
File: 1.81 MB, 4032x3024, PXL_20230511_172231806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


For me, it's Makrele. I use a Greek yogurt sauce with capers and lemon juice, and KO canned mackerel with lemon. These absolutely slap even if I can't take a photo to save my life

>> No.19267661

for me it's peffermakrele with curry sauce and onion rings

>> No.19267662

He meant einstürzende.

>> No.19267663

I'm not even a big fish fan but that looks and sounds great. Would definitely try.

>> No.19267702 [DELETED] 

This remains a great image precisely because it is so divisive. Fishlet plebs squirm in disgust, whereas I head out to the pantry/freezer to see what delicious "treasures of the sea" are still in store. They all look great, but at the moment I'd take the Matjessalt, bitte. Rye bread if you have it, but slightly toasted either way. With 50 centiliters of lager and a garlic pickled cucumber.

>> No.19267706

This remains a great image precisely because it is so divisive. Fishlet plebs squirm in disgust, whereas I head out to the pantry/freezer to see what delicious "treasures of the sea" are still in store. They all look great, but at the moment I'd take the Matjessalat, bitte. Rye bread if you have it, but slightly toasted either way. With 50 centiliters of lager and a garlic pickled cucumber.

>> No.19267711
File: 115 KB, 1200x877, 1683849575175656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agnon I like sæfood just fine but seriously this shit does not look appetizing at all and there isn't even any preparation. it looks like cold raw brackish slop half of it. fucking yuck already.

>> No.19267722
File: 105 KB, 754x754, img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Objectively superior

>> No.19267728

(original post was deleted because typo) Trolling aside, do you like sushi, sashimi, which are often served cooled if not chilled? Then something like Matjes herring or lox on bread should present little difficulty. Well-preserved fish on tasty bread, ideally fresh-baked, is a delicious and legal thrill. Admittedly the photography in that picture might give off the the same vibes as the bland, desaturated vibes you get from the backlit menu signs at cheap Chinese restaurants, but... there's only so many ways to pretty up fish on bread.

>> No.19267731

I wouldn't complain if somebody handed me that, but don't sleep on textural contrast.

>> No.19267734
File: 232 KB, 731x1023, 1683849575175656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19267739

I just don't really like piggled fish and smoked fish is pretty foul to me. I do like sa/sushi/mi and I suppose if sushi was photographed and prepared so unattractively it wouldn't appeal to me either. but you have to admit that stuff just looks like crude sea meat slapped on bread

>> No.19267764

weet ik

>> No.19267775

Western Euros eat such delicious food in their comfy beach towns, then go home and cry on the internet that they are depressed
Only us Northern Europeans have the right to claim depression, we eat disgusting bland food and live in unbearable cold

>> No.19267837

Alright tell me, Bruder.
Why are the Germans and Austrians so hell bent on having a fish fast food everywhere? It's just not a thing in der Schweiz.

>> No.19267846

having stinky fish things everywhere makes the people smell slightly better

>> No.19267851

Never had the impression that that's the case in the south at all. Meanwhile in the north you have fish food trucks everywhere.

>> No.19267856

I'd rather have Wienermuschi mit ein Glas Sekt und bask in the aroma

>> No.19267858


>> No.19267879

>T. Never did a champagne cunilingus
It tickles and stimulates her and masks the stench.

>> No.19267899

I prefer the company of penis. Low maintenance, no milky coin taste, no chance of pregnancy and no chance of fathers with shotguns because gay people don't have parents anymore

>> No.19269648

I'll take the Nina Hagen because she is a weirdo UFO cultist just like me

>> No.19269650


>> No.19270325

>a real man's fish sandwich

Well I'm not a man, so fuck this thing

>> No.19270334

def sounds good you mother fucker. thanks for the tip.

>> No.19270384

the average american has the palate of an autistic eight year old

>> No.19270399
File: 139 KB, 1080x1080, FB_IMG_1684031957659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Śledzie z Bornholmu

>> No.19270414

>Thinking slop needs to be literal
Brainlet newfag

>> No.19270446

for me, it is the bratroller
send me one straight from straight from Elizabeth Debicki

>> No.19270494

bratroller looks like the server olga took a four foot behemoth shit, cut it up, rolled it around on the kitchen floor, and fried it in oil for a few seconds.

i'll take the stremellachs, whatever the hell that is. looks decent

>> No.19270704

would the Germans or Russians even eat rollmops at stalingrad in 1943? I bet they'd keep the bread and toss the meat

>> No.19270706

>babby sperm whale
those are the size of horses, you zoological whore.

>> No.19270709

>small orange bugs on a bun
oh fuck please no Kraut senpai

>> No.19271650

They are ocean bugs and therefore subject to the Klaus Schwab exemption decree.

>> No.19271744


>> No.19271958

Mackerel or the stremellachs.

>> No.19272889

Brathering. It's the best but looks the worst in this pic

>> No.19273064

yes it is, same root word you foolish bastard.

>> No.19273166

German people are fucking disgusting

>> No.19273372

Ale gówno, ja pierdole.

>> No.19274431

It's fish in a bread roll, what's wrong with it?

>> No.19276377


>> No.19276521

Americans are scared of fish unless it's