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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19260047 No.19260047 [Reply] [Original]

Do you salt and oil your pasta water /ck/?

>> No.19260048

Plenty of salt, no oil

>> No.19260072

fpbp .

>> No.19260087

Do not ever oil your pasta water. As for salt, yes, yes I do.
>you're wasting salt
It's incredibly cheap, putting it in the water is the best way to salt it evenly.

>> No.19260090

>you're wasting salt
I refuse to believe anyone has said that who wasn't trolling the fuck out of a retard.

>> No.19260104

Salt, yes.
Oil, never.

>> No.19260107

what's wrong with oil

>> No.19260109

It's incredibly expensive.

>> No.19260110

It literally does nothing.

>> No.19260111

My twelve year old sister does. I prefer not to. She's just started wearing training bras.

>> No.19260198

Salt it yes, ofc.
No oil, it literally does nothing. Physically it cannot do anything. You oil the pasta AFTER straining out the water.

>> No.19260296

water and oil don't mix, Jimmy. The oil is just gonna sit on top of the water doing nothing. Now give me your lunch money

>> No.19260299

also plenty of salt, no oil

salted posta is heavenly, oiled posta isn't even actually oiled and worse it's totally unnecessary and waste of your hard earned olivölle money

>> No.19260394

>oil your pasta water
i'm not a retard.

>> No.19260401
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you mightn't oil your posta anon but don't come on here and lie like that

>> No.19260520

You don't do that either retard.

>> No.19260527
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are you implying people don't eat posta with olivölle?

>> No.19260533
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I add salt and white vinegar EVERY time I boil water, no question, no answers, no capitulation

>> No.19260545

Fuck I've never done vinegar

Two questions about this:
1. What does it do?
2. But what does it actually do?

>> No.19260553

I like the taste (I sip on white vinegar or add it to water at times even) and it kills more microbes. Just don't overdo it

>> No.19260574

In Ancient Rome they diluted their soldiers water with vinegar for health, called posca, famously dubbed the roman gatorade. Care to comment?

>> No.19260577

What other threads are you in? You're creepy sister posts are better than any creepy pastw

>> No.19260598

I think that's fuckin awesome and I didn't know that. Happy to hear I can larp as a Roman soldier now

>> No.19260602

salt yes, oil never. why the fuck do i give a shit if it sticks? i'm cooking for myself and planning to eat it all.

>> No.19260608


>> No.19260627

>adding salt
do americans really?

>> No.19260665

50¢ chinaman right there

>> No.19260797

Only use cheap table salt for the water, save the nice salt for sprinkling on top later
No oil

>> No.19261899

I just add fish sauce to the water. Does the same thing. I only add oil to the pasta once it's outside to prevent it from sticking.

>> No.19263295

>I salt my water, not my pasta
Do Americans really?

>> No.19263562

Why should I salt the pasta if the pasta is just gonna get slathered in a flavourful sauce anyway? Don't see much point in it

>> No.19263580

American hands typed this

>> No.19263595

i absorption cook my whole wheat pasta in a pan in a pressure cooker, often with lentils, spices, mushrooms, other stuff

why do you lil pissbabies keep saying whole wheat pasta tastes bad when it doesn't?

>> No.19263615

Tasty sauce on tasty pasta > tasty sauce on bland pasta
Give your pasta a taste after cooking it in salted water. It tastes nice on its own. Don't overdo the salt though.

>> No.19263632
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this is like me drinking piggle juice

>> No.19263633

Salt and sugar yes.

>> No.19263638

I'm gay btw, if that matters.

>> No.19263716

Wh.. why are you putting sugar in the water?

>> No.19264633

What a waste of salt.
You only use oil if you have so much pasta compared to the amount of water or else its going to stick together.

>> No.19264800

>Click here
STFU always salt your water and oil is to prevent boiling over

>> No.19264908

Vinegar is good for potatoes so they don't break down after cooking

>> No.19265048

I put butter in the water since I heard of the "butter in everything" restaurant meme, I thought it was an improvement sort of silky and not bland

>> No.19265295

You dumbass you end up wasting all the salt when you drain the water after finishing the pasta. Add salt AFTER boiling not when its boiling in the pot.

>> No.19265302

>he doesn't save his pasta water to use to make soup later
nani the fuck?

>> No.19265311
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The modern day roman spic gets his vinegar from tabasco.

>> No.19265373

Do you have a credible (university, chemist) source for that?

>> No.19265383

You need far less salt when you salt at the start. And you salt more evenly.

>> No.19265401

Oil floats on water. Pasta sinks to the bottom. It does nothing at all.

Catering services and shitty restaurants will precook pasta and store it in the fridge, where it cakes together. They'll add oil to the reheating water to try and "dissolve" the pasta again.

If you want to store pasta in the fridge just add a sip of oil after you cooked it, while it's still warm. Give it a good stir.

>> No.19265497

Right. There is no reason to put oil in pasta water. It's a retarded old myth and I can't even remember what it's supposed to do anymore.
You can put oil on pasta after cooking in a few situations. For example, a pasta salad. Toss cooked pasta with oil and spread out on a pan to cool. Don't ever fucking rinse your pasta.
Salt in water so it seasons the pasta throughout while cooking. No argument to be had. You're a retard otherwise.

>> No.19265526

Salt is cheap as fuck

>> No.19265544

Yup, salt no oil
It's supposed to help it not stick but if you put pasta back in the sauce on a pan/pot or add a little oil after, or any number of things you can get your pasta to not stick so yeah as you said oiling the water is dumb

>> No.19265553

I salt my pot, oil my pasta and pepper my dick.

>> No.19265557

I thought it was to keep it from boiling over? If you use a spray bottle to spray a small amount of oil on water that looks like it might boil over the bubbles will completely smooth over.

>> No.19265560

I think that could work but you can just lower the heat or not overfill your pot without wasting oil

>> No.19265566

My brother used to wipe the outside of his nose and stick that finger in the pasta water to stop it from boiling over.

>> No.19265568

It'd be less than a teaspoon.

>> No.19265569

Even if that does work (which I highly doubt), I don't understand when I would need that. As the other anon said, use a bigger pot and there is no problem.

>> No.19265577

The other thing is what oil? There is a point here about understanding the role of different oils. I have nice olive oil for finishings, nice grapeseed oil for vinaigrettes, canola (or others) for searing... what do I put in the pasta water according to these types? My nice olive oiil? Get the fuck out of here, that's far too expensive for a "nifty hack". Shitty canola oil? I don't want that in my pasta...

>> No.19265633

The hot salt heats the pasta

>> No.19267535

this is incorrect. starch in the pasta water emulsifies the oil into the water, and olive oil infuses a nice subtle flavor into the pasta. but then again i didnt really expect posers on this board to actually know anything about cooking

>> No.19267540

and my rice water

>> No.19267568
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not necessary, I feel like it's a waste of nice olivölle. at least mostly a waste and not worth it.