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19250745 No.19250745 [Reply] [Original]

Going to Istanbul in a few weeks, what should I eat?

>> No.19250766

Doner kebab

>> No.19250790

I went to Bodrum few years ago, basically food outside was ok, but the resort I was staying at had excellent canteen, everything from Italian to Turkish food was really good. My advice avoid empty small no name restaurants with like one or two staff, go to bigger and more well known places.

>> No.19250854

Any street food?

>> No.19250857

No, avoid street food.

>> No.19251073

My bro had street food in Izmir and he pooped for two weeks straight

>> No.19251085

I heard that Istanbul was Constantinople.

>> No.19251131

I just came back from istanbul. Depends what you like to eat and where you're staying exactly. On the European side, go to Karakoy for some nice street food - the fish wraps are very nice (balik durum in Turkish), there's a bunch of places that do it there, it's basically a grilled mackerel wrap with spices and vegetables. Around 80 lira is the right price

In terms of kebabs - adana, patlican (aubergine) and iskender are the ones to look out for. Can't recommend a place in particular as there are thousands, but as long as it looks good on the spit you shoud be fine. around 100-150 lira for a kebab is decent, otherwise it's a bit of a ripoff.

For restaurants, there's a nice fish place on the Asian side called Ismet Baba, the neighbourhood it's in is nice too although a bit out of the way and pricier. We also went to a grill-your-own-meat-at-the-table place (like a Korean BBQ) called Cinaralti Mangalbasi (there's actually several) which is fun, although a bit of a pain in the ass if there's a lot of people at the table. good for 4-5 people though.

Other than that, pastry shops are good, simit (sesame pretzels) are very nice wherever you get them it's like the staple snack (7.5 lira). Any sort of pie-type thing tends to be good too - you'll find spinach, cheese, meat, whatever you like - gozleme or pide is the name. Again find a place that looks decent but they tend to be good and homemade everywhere.

Where are you staying OP?

>> No.19251143

If somebody drops a shoe shining brush in front of you, just ignore it and move along. It's a scam.
Eat roasted corncob from street vendors. And those fish sandwiches from under the bridge.

>> No.19251159

Thanks for the advice. I am staying near galata tower.

Haha I heard about that one yeah

You are correct!

My stomach is SteveMRE1989-tier

>> No.19251164

actually insightful post, I would say that there is some tourist traps. nowadays.
I would recommend kuhnefe in the syrian hot style not the cold semolina anatolian/circassian one. a proper kuhnefe is a gift from god.
Not far from Istiklal there is a place that only serves liver called Canim Gicerim which is great, liver kebab with onion parsley sumac and tomat on a warm pita is amazing, they give you the swords

>> No.19251177

What can you tell me about "Iskembesi" establishments?
Also ehich ethnic non-Turkish food is good in Istanbul? Like Georgian food, or Uzbek food?

>> No.19251213

Ok well Galata is VERY busy, just so you’re mentally prepared. European side in general is super crowded. If you ever get tired of that, take the ferry and go into Kadikoy (there’s a ferry from Karakoy which i was talking about before, across the street from Galata pretty much).

Kadikoy is less busy and ironically feels a lot more western and European, lots of young people. Also from there south into Moda is nice (you can put into google Moda Sahil Parki, nice to walk along the waterfront there).

If you’re feeling adventurous you can also try the Kokorec, which is like a kebab made of guts and offal. Good but harder to swallow, so to speak, for some people.

>> No.19251219

I never had it when I was there so I cannot help you, here an article https://www.atlasobscura.com/foods/iskembe-corbasi-turkish-tripe-soup
>which ethnic food is good in Istanbul
Anatolian Circassian restaurants are really good they have a sort of slightly different twist from turkish cuisine (and they almost only exist as a culture for their food since they got turkified), there is one in Istiklal on the Galata side not the Taksim side. Syrian/arab cuisine and kuhnefe vendors are frequent. Turkman and Anatolian grills are good. I don't know any places to advice you about Uzbekistani cuisine (which is great I only had it once) but given the amount of Russians in Istanbul atm so I guess you could find something, and Georgian communities have restaurants in the whole Black Sea countries so I am sure you could find one.
Turkish cuisine is superb, one final advice is: find a good local breakfast spot. a rich Turkish breakfast is paradise. Maybe you could find one a bit far away from the classic tourist routes but there is plenty all around Galata towards Taksim and down through the sea.

>> No.19251227

I am going to Buyukada Island for some relaxing time, is that good?
I ate kokorec in Macedonia, is it the same here?

>> No.19251229
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isn't it more alarming to not poop for two weeks?

>> No.19251233

>Like Georgian food
There is a very good Georgian restaurant called Galaktion, between Taksim and Karakoy. Very cozy vibe, good food and really great wine.

>> No.19251244

OP here, I actually saw this restaurant earlier tonight, it's 5 min away from my hotel. Definetely going for some Southern food, a nice rack of BBQ

>> No.19251248

Bring your cowboy hat and boots bro

>> No.19251251

Sort of, but there’s still lots of people there. If you walk up towards the higher part of the island where the old orphanage is there’s some nice places to just sit down and have a picnic with a nice view. But the town where you get off the ferry is pretty busy. There’s a nice pie place there called Meshur Saryier Borekcisi if you want a snack while walking around.

>> No.19251256
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If you haven't tried them yet I would suggest trying icli kofte and cig kofte
Also I don't know a single place that does it well in Istanbul but try Kumru, it's the sandwich in the pic.

>> No.19251260

Don't listen to them! There's a great kebab spot a bit out of the city centre. It's run by a dude in his early 80's, he's been there several decades by now. He has a defunct VW camper on the street with a charcoal grill where the dashboard would be. The kebab was great in itself but it's the experience of sitting in a van with some old Turkish dudes, smoking ciggies and eating kebab that sold it for me

This is the place

>> No.19251271

this looks like AI generated food

>> No.19251277
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The image is shit and is from a brand restaurant instead of someplace authentic, plus they have a shitty filter going on
Also try kokorec, OP.

>> No.19251281

Is that a kokorec sandwich?

>> No.19251285

that looks tasty

>> No.19251288

Any beef tripe sandwich like the lampredotto?

>> No.19251289

Yeah kokorec is nearly always just served inside some white bread like a sandwich. They also have some really cool spices they put on it.

>> No.19251309


>> No.19251337
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Kokorec in Kadikoy
Tell them the guy with red hair send you and bring some treats for the kedis

>> No.19251347

You mean Constantinople?

>> No.19251370


>> No.19251475
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>beef tripe
Not a sandwich but turks do have a great soup made from beef tripe iirc called iskembe. Kokorec is lamb or goat intestines instead of stomach.
Speaking of internal organs, turks also use fried livers for sandwiches too, it's rather nice. Ciger or something, pic rel. Served with lots of onions, sometimes tomatoes and sumac, a spice

>> No.19251537

The fresh fruit there is really good.

>> No.19251561

Gonna be there June 1st, looking forward to it.
Watched some videos on this stuff, looks mad tasty. Love all the spices that go on top.

>> No.19251948

Why they changed it?

>> No.19252576

A marketing trick to bring tourists

>> No.19252586

I'll add to the already-said dishes: cig kofte is interesting to try (it's basically fake steak tartare made out of heavily spiced bulgur).
Also, in Istanbul you can find dudes who'll squeeze out fresh orange/pomegranate juice out for pennies on every corner, so make use of that.

>> No.19252590

How are the prices in Istanbul these days with all the inflation and stuff?

>> No.19252614

people just like it better that way

>> No.19252634

It's an improvement

>> No.19252695

Anything so long as it hasn't touched indian hands. Unless you're a coprophage, in which case, slurp it up.

>> No.19252700

>Going to Istanbul in a few weeks, what should I eat?
Visit fish market in Karaköy, near Galata bridge.

>> No.19252706

no, Mega Man, no!

>> No.19252716

What should I eat there?

>> No.19252722

Suck on a used towel from a popular Turkish bath

>> No.19252724

You're a big boy, you can decide yourself.

>> No.19252733

I am a big boy haha

>> No.19252734
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It's Constantinople numbnuts.

>> No.19252765

Not any more you silly buns

>> No.19254096

Kadikeuy Saray Muhallebecisi.
Pidesun in Kadikeuy.
Dumplings in Kadikeuy(again)
Liver kebab in Kadikeuy(again)
Antep style kebab in Kadikeuy(AGAIN)
dont listen to this nigga.

>> No.19254105

also wrong location pimp. this is where you eat kokorec


>> No.19254332

that's nobody's business but the turks

>> No.19254348

Damn, I screencapped this. The woman will love those sweet sweet treats also thanks

>> No.19254366

I studied abroad in Istanbul in college and my favorite meals were at cafeteria style places. you'd go in and point at a couple things you wanted and pay by weight (I think?). not sure if they have a name or how to find them but we'd just wander and find one that looked nice. other than that I just ate super cheap sandwiches + kebabs, was very much on a budget.

they sell fish sandwiches near the water but they were full of bones and I didn't really get how to eat them. were super busy/popular though.

I'd make sure to drink lots of turkish tea and smoke hookah and load up on turkish delights at the bazaar.

>> No.19254580

Fucking finally I have waited forever for this

>> No.19254586

doner kebab

>> No.19254773
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Did those places where you bought stuff by weight look like this?

>> No.19255018

in Baylan they specialize in type of parfait with ice cream, pistachios, almonds, crushed biscuits, caramel sauce and whipped cream.
also why are you screencapping links nigga? save that shit

>> No.19256389
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Are you sure about that sweatie?

>> No.19256432
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>cafeteria style places
Something like this? You move your tray and fill it with stuff anf pay at the end? This is Armada on Istiklal, for example

>> No.19256436

Nah nah homie I screencapped each restaurant

>> No.19256981


>> No.19257836

Even old New York was once New Amsterdam.
eat kebabs. just eat kebabs and nothing but kebabs.

>> No.19257843

>and pay by weight (I think?).
They charge by the dish so a veggie dish will be cheap, but a fish or meat dish will cost more. Still quite cheap, but you got to hit it at the right time of day sometimes to get the best variety. It's a good way to try a bunch of Turkish type foods cheaply to see what you like

>> No.19257847

If you go the wrong bathhouse you can suck on more than just a towel

>> No.19257901
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>> No.19258104


>> No.19258901

follow the crowds

>> No.19259128
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If cannibalism is still legal over there, then try some of these

>> No.19259217 [DELETED] 
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Do schizos really require fail-resistant cutlery? Do schizos make better cooks? Post schizophrenic cooking results? How do