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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19245425 No.19245425 [Reply] [Original]

Why isn't molecular gastronomy more popular?

>> No.19245428

Because we're not all homosexuals using media terms to justify our lives

>> No.19245432

>believing in molecules

>> No.19245463

I don't like meme food so molecular gastronomy isn't something I have any interest in.

>> No.19245570

Food first and foremost exists to satisfy hunger. Molecular Gastro is the furthest expression of it away from it's natural purpose. It's too much form over function.

>> No.19245572
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>anooon, your dinner is ready
>coming mom!

>> No.19245573

Probably because it is pretentious and special needs.

>> No.19245574

You know you get like, 15 courses, right?
It's a once-in-a-while experience, like a lot of things in life
It's like going to Casa Bonita but for more money

>> No.19245577

It's literally just aspics with better marketing

>> No.19245580

Molecular gastronomy just leaves me feeling unengaged most of the time. For the first like 2 seconds you're impressed that conceptually, they were able to do what they did, and then you realize it serves no purpose other than making it apparent that what they did is possible despite the fact it has no point from a culinary perspective and doesn't even result in good food.

You take two obnoxious selfies with the food for instagram and then you eat it and forget about it because it's not even particularly good food.

>> No.19245583

Is that ravioli stuffed with raw egg?

>> No.19245613

OP here
Maybe I have the wrong end of the stick
It's just that I noticed that most artificial foods are flavored to taste like something that already exists
And I wonder why that is
Surely now that we have lots of interesting chemicals to play with, people would start inventing foods that taste completely different from anything that already exists, but is tasty as well?

So that like instead of having "bbq flavored potato chips" you could have "umami and salt #45 flavored potato chips"

>> No.19245628
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>So that like instead of having "bbq flavored potato chips" you could have "umami and salt #45 flavored potato chips"
filed under "things that would have sounded cool 30 years ago but now seem over-the-top dystopian"

>> No.19245653

Because it's difficult, time consuming, expensive, and the average person just wants a decent meal at a reasonable price. Molecular gastronomy is something that that average person can't even really spend the time to learn, let alone take the chance making a business out of. Most people would really only try one of those weird jelly cubes or see through raviolis once just as a novelty, or maybe on a special occasion. There's really only a tiny portion of the population who can actually practice this kind of thing regularly and keep a clientele base that comes around regularly enough to stay in business.

>> No.19245655

Sure maybe they wouldn't call it that but that would be what it is. Im sure the marketing guys could come up with names for this stuff

They could really do wonders with the nutrients too if they started combining the stuff in clever ways, right?

>> No.19245657

>"umami and salt #45 flavored potato chips"
So regular salted potato chips?

>> No.19245660

>They could really do wonders with the nutrients too if they started combining the stuff in clever ways, right?
Yeah, because food has gotten so much more nutritious and healthy since people started adding and removing nutrients to all the food themselves.

>> No.19245678

If the technique serves the dish in some way (more often then not it's texture with molecular gastronomy), then sure, why not? If it's just so that it looks odd and unique then it's likely pretentious douchebaggery. There are a few cases where drastically changing the "look" of a food might enhance the overall experience, but mostly it's just "look at what we can do!"

>> No.19245692

because it's stupid.
>look, I made a poptart filled with liquid nitrogen! It smokes!
>you like spaghetti? How about I carbonate your tomato sauce and turn it into a tomato foam?
>you like potato chips? Well try this potato chip made entirely out of starch. It took five hours to make and tastes bland, but it's see-through!
>you like apple pie? Well what if the pie crust was made of gelatin?
Yeah, fuck off back to the science lab, creepy albino girl.

>> No.19245707

because just saying that phrase makes you sound like a pretentious loser freak

>> No.19245764
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>How about I carbonate your tomato sauce and turn it into a tomato foam?
That actually sounds like it could be pretty good though, possibly even better than normal tomato sauce if it's done right.

>> No.19245783

>possibly even better than normal tomato sauce if it's done right
Foam soup and stew would be revolutionary!

>> No.19245789
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No, it's an awful idea, because the sauce wouldn't be able to retain any heat. It would rapidly cool and you'd be stuck with a plate of cold spaghetti.

>> No.19245805

serve it quickly in small proportions

>> No.19245811
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Serve it on one of those silver serving trays with the huge round lid to keep it hot until the moment the customer is ready to eat it.

>> No.19245814
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It was very popular 10-15 years ago
It was a tiresome fad and people quickly got sick of the OMG I JUST LOOOOVE SCIENCE gimmick, in no small part because it was beloved by reddit cringelords overdosing on rick and morty

>> No.19245827

It's usually sauced at the table
Dinner and a show

>> No.19245828
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>small portions of spaghetti
>eat it quickly
clearly you have never been to an Italian restaurant before. I'm going to best girl's kitchen to eat her clamburger and give her a dozen hot cream pies.

>> No.19245835
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I like to get sauced at the table too.

>> No.19245839

Rlly alot of processed products do taste like nothing that exists naturally, its just that hte rer MARKETED as something natiral tasting. Except some flavor names of like gatorade are getting pretty retarded .

>> No.19245840
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I just scanned that QR code without buying the product

>> No.19245875

Knees weak, palms are sweaty
There's tomato foam on my flannel

>> No.19245882

I like eating food, not faggot shit.

>> No.19245883

the fuck happened to the mascot

>> No.19245891
File: 153 KB, 700x719, d32798a-aee1a458-3aea-4f32-90a2-4485bcd01f22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scientists have no soul

>> No.19245893

He got 3D printed

>> No.19245903

>scanning (((QR codes)))
That is like getting the nasal swab for covid

>> No.19245920

I work in local goverment and somebody clearly manufactured far too many of those things so they gave the shire 10'000 odd to hand out and we've gotten rid of less than 500 with them expiring in about a month and a half, there were other locations than ours trying to get rid of them as well but I imagine most of what's gone has gone from us

>> No.19245979

Have some scenes...

>> No.19245980

>works in local govt

>> No.19245990

>so they gave the shire 10'000 odd to hand out
how many hobbits have been tested?

>> No.19245994

'bout tree fiddy

>> No.19246023

It is very expensive and requires artistic sensibilities

>> No.19246040


>> No.19246063

You mean gimmickular gimmickonomy? Is that still around?

>> No.19246417
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It was popular like ~10 years ago and people got tired of it.

Blue raspberry is a good example of this. Its not based on a real berry (yes a "blue raspberry" exists in nature but its not what the flavour profile is based on). Its a combination of banana, cherry and pineapple esters.
Also not quite the same thing, but the artificial banana flavoring we use nowadays is based on a cultivar of banana that they stopped growing in large quantities in the 1950s due to how susceptible it was to disease. Thats why banana flavoured ice cream tastes absolutely nothing like the bananas you buy at the store. The old cultivar (Gros michel). is still available through some specialty retailers/stores but its expensive and kinda hard to find.

Also Tutti Frutti is debatably a similar concept

>> No.19246421

Normal, functioning members of society don't obsess over whether something is "reddit" or not.

>> No.19246424

I fucking hate that the gros michel is impossible to find now. Banana flavored candy is so good, but the actual bananas we have in stores today are fucking awful. I'd love to try one of the old bananas and see how similar it is to banana flavoring.

>> No.19246437

"Normal, functioning memebers of society" are mediocre cattle

>> No.19246445

Yeah. Fuck having a job and friends. Superior people spend all their time on 4chan obsessing over trannies, jews and niggers.

>> No.19246474


>> No.19246593

Thats all fine but thats precisely the reason why it isnt popular.

>> No.19246599

The heat of the hot gas exuding from the chef cooks the egg

>> No.19246663

>a "blue raspberry" exists in nature

>> No.19246692

Some people prefer to this as a "blue raspberry" but it tastes nothing like the ice cream flavour

>> No.19246852

is that mocular cuisine

>> No.19247211

Because it ran its course. Cuisine is not immune to fashions. The experimenting left some interesting techniques but pretty much nobody does purely "molecular cuisine" anymore

>> No.19247241


all cooking is already chemistry. many chefs are excellent chemists and they don't know it.

I guess in the same way wayne rooney demonstrates greater mathmatical skill than any of this board. I hate nerds

>> No.19247252
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>> No.19247257

it's still cultivated, but the commercial banana industry only likes massive monocultures and gros michel already succumbed to disease at that scale before. funny thing is it's happening again and they are desperate to find a new banana to replace the cavendish.

take a vacation in some banana producing regions and you'll find plenty of niche cultivars. i'm sure you could order some online, too.

>> No.19247258

purple SHOULD be grape, but you know it's just fucking purple

>> No.19247259

Autistic "people" are literally dysgenic subhumans

>> No.19247261

Purple and grape are synonymous because black people.
Personally my favorite flavors are turkwize and urnge.

>> No.19247281

This. Imagine being such a Hylic that you're this easily tricked by the atomic jew.

>> No.19247689

>using science and chemistry for optimal cooking
>making all these weird faggy dishes with it

>> No.19247776

it's not 2002 anymore

>> No.19247902

I prefer atomic gastronomy.

>> No.19247928

It's not so bad I mean that in the sense i'm under them but it's the library, I don't have to worry about all that stuff, only my boss does and even then only barely

>> No.19249094

Just package them as cotton ear buds and sell them in a supermarket.