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File: 114 KB, 2049x1369, What-is-Draft-Beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19240213 No.19240213 [Reply] [Original]

For years I have been drinking draft beer because IMO it tasted better to me and was smoother to drink. A friend who is a beer aficionado said there is no difference between bottle and draft and it's all in my head. Is he right?

>> No.19240223

I think there are some beers that absolutely taste better on tap, but for the most part it really shouldn't make any difference.

>> No.19240242

10 times out of 10 it's because the carbonation is lower than can or bottle. Especially if it is a craft beer that sits at 5psi for a month.

>> No.19240251

No, your friend is a retard

>> No.19240257

nah the uncleaned draft line mold and slime adds a lil extra flavor you won't get in a bottle

>> No.19240260

In my own opinion, draft is always better than any bottle and especially can. Even if it's placebo, it just tastes better.

>> No.19240270


>> No.19240273

Anyone that calls themselves a beer aficianado is probably a raging homosexual. I would steer clear.

>> No.19240305

I don't know if it tastes better but it feels nicer drinking out of a glass than a can or bottle.

>> No.19240310

If coke from a can can taste different from coke in a plastic bottle, why wouldn't beer be subject to the same sort of effect?

>> No.19240322

Draught is a more consistent temperature given that it's coming from a barrel in a temperature controlled cellar whereas a bottle varies wildly. Draught is consistently better but a bottle properly cooled can be just as good with a larger variety of beer

>> No.19240333

Your friend is a fucking moron. It's always better out of the tap. Fresher, stores better, better carbonation, as long as the taps are clean

>> No.19240418

This. Also has to be served properly at proper pressure/carbonation levels. Aside from some bottle refermented stuff, it's always better on tap.

>> No.19240478

He's full of shit. A good tavern, with chilled tanks and short, clean lines beats a bottle, any day. Are the tanks in a basement, with 20ft. lines that aren't clean? Sure, a bottle is better.

>> No.19240508

why does line length matter

>> No.19240526

Your friend is obviously wrong. Bottle = CO2 carbonation. Draft = nitrogen carbonation.
They have completely different mouthfeels.

>> No.19240535

Not that guy but I assume it messes with the pour and probably keeps more funk in them the longer they are

>> No.19240719

>nitrogen carbonation
based alchemist retard

>> No.19240733

come to think of it though i dont think there’s really a word in english to describe “effervescence from dissolved gas” when nitrogen is the suspect other than just saying “carbonated”

>> No.19241670

I think its smoother tasting from the tap. Prob cause it sort gets infused with air as it comes out of the tap.

>> No.19241695

you mean youre clear for steers, big boi?

>> No.19241769

I always pour canned and bottleled beers into a glass.

>> No.19241837

... Myeh.
There is a near 100% chance that the carbonation/biergas in a pint of draught isn't the same as the cans or bottles.
Beer from a bottle has probably received some UV light, even if it's in brown bottles, this will give it some touch of 3-MBT skunkiness. Just a bit can actually improve some beers (usually sold in clear bottles), but too much is a fault that no amount of lime can fix.
Some breweries actually have an altered recipe for their draught, usually slightly less bitter (stores better with oxygen once the keg's tapped), sometimes lower ABV.

>> No.19241859

It's been covered in the thread, but you also get more aroma out of a glass, which does change how the beer tastes. The glass can also change your perception of the beer based on the shape of the glass in a few ways. The shape of the glass itself can trick you into thinking the taste is rounded, or opens up (hoppy or citrusy basically), or thinking the beer itself is straightforward or classy. Narrowing of the glass at points can play with the perceptions of opacity and colour - what seems cloudy or dark at the 4" rim of a pint glass might be much lighter or clearer at a 1.5" neck. The mouth of the glass can also change how the alcohol, malt, and terpenes hit your nose - rounding the rim inward seems to trap a layer of ethanol and esters, where a straight or flared rim will give you a more terpene forward nose for beers that are either unabashedly complex/hoppy (sours, IPAs, fruit-abortions... it can be a mistake on all three if they're overdone), or could use a little boost (Guinness, light PIlsners).

>> No.19242904

I believe you just add "-ated" to whatever thr gas is. In this case "nitrogenated" vs "carbonated". But you're right, the effervescence from dissolved gas doesn't have a good word.

>> No.19242915

And beergas/biergas is usually a 75/25 NO/CO2 mix, so it's not even just straight nitrogenation.

>> No.19242919

N2, not NO. I've been gassing people...

>> No.19244200

The longer the length of the line, the more susceptible the beer is to variations in temperature and loss of carbonation, especially if it's a beer that doesn't get ordered often and there's always 2-3 pints of stale beer sitting in the line. In the bar I used to work in, the keg room was about 50-60 feet from the taps so at any time there were about 3 and a half pints sitting in the line. So if it was hot and not very busy you'd be liable to get a pint of warm, stale beer if you ordered a particularly unpopular pint. The flip side is that beer that is constantly pouring is 1000x better than what you can get in a can. The best kegroom setup is a cellar directly beneath the bar with lines only a couple feet long.

>> No.19246091

depends on the beer. the cheap budlite tier beers are better in bottle than draft. same with corona, dos equis etc. what little flvour they have is more preserved.
below budlite its better in a can.
above corona/modelo its better as draft
that is my 100% correct opinion on beer apparatus
>verification not required

>> No.19246111

my experience is that draft is better 99% of the time

>> No.19246699

Beer that comes in green and clear bottles will not have the same flavour in cans or kegs, unless it has been kept in complete darkness. My family hates Corona and Heineken in cans because it isn't lightstruck... which is weird. If I wanted skunky weed with my beer, I'd just roll up a joint.

>> No.19248488

Beer hits differently from the tap

I get way drunker after 3 beers from a bar vs 3 beers in a can at home

>> No.19248918

beers off tap are bigger than bottles or cans retard

>> No.19249468

Depends on the can or bottle. 12oz/355mL is a standard size, but it's not THE standard size. Full pints/500mL, Fifths/750mL, and 40's/1L/1.2L are fairly common. Magnums/1500mL of certain beers are fairly easy to find.

>> No.19250031
File: 151 KB, 800x1004, MerryDrinker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is easier to con the cute bartender out of a free draft beer than anything else at the bar
Even in the tightest run bar, the inventory on kegs ranges from poor to non-existent

>> No.19250049

>A friend who is a beer aficionado
>a beer aficionado

>> No.19250306


>> No.19250312

You're not ''conning'' any cute bartenders lmao. Where do you think you are? Fucking RP fucks.

>> No.19250570

Any cute barmaids and servers that I know have to ask the owner, pay for it themselves, or have a small allowance of freebies. The owner of my local pub is a hideous bulldog of a woman, but she hands out tequila and fireball like they're past their best-before. No conning necessary. That said, even she keeps a tab of comps, and pulls it out of profits (sent to 6) or her salary (sent to 7).

>> No.19250602

Do a blind taste test at a bar with your friends and see who can figure out the draft vs bottle/can

>> No.19251105

obviously thats not whjat he meant though right? in that case he could be claiming he gets drinker off 3 450ml beers off tap than he does off 3 1L canned beers which isnt true, theres alc% too so i assume he was referring to the same beer canned v draught
holy you people are autistic

>> No.19251117

I got news for you. Not everyone on this site is exactly like you and some people here were shitposting before the term existed

>> No.19251127

The same beer goes into a keg, bottle, and can, but from there it can take its own characteristics. Your beer snob friend would likely agree that the shape of a glass changes the characteristics of a beer, so why not the packaging/storage of beer?

>> No.19251190

He's only seen 335's. A pint's a pint, unless you're from Quebec or Australia.

>> No.19251329

i am from australia but i assumed you were talking about imperial pints becuase we dont get cans of beer as large as the ones you mentioned here unfortunately. really wish we did

>> No.19253074

Which is kind of funny... I know Fosters is kind of a joke (everywhere) over there, but any time I've seen it in the past decade, it was in a giant can, probably 1L.

>> No.19253082

Remembered what I was going to ask - it's Adelaide where ordering a beer gets weird, right? My only clear memories of touring the land of Aus are shaking out my boots, the drinking starting in the van as soon as we left SYD, and getting laughed at for ordering a pint somewhere and getting a shortie.

>> No.19253173

That is like saying there is no different between canned, bottled, or soda machine coke