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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19235424 No.19235424 [Reply] [Original]

You can just cook this at home.

>> No.19235445

But what if I'm nowhere near home?

>> No.19235449

>He doesn't bring a bagful of poorly scrambled eggs and bland pancakes when he hits the road

>> No.19235460

Most people eating at a Denny's or not traveling on the road.

>> No.19235489

>You can just cook this at home.
Yeah, for money.

>> No.19235538

Are you on the clock at home too? Could you be maximizing your potentiality telemarketing instead?

>> No.19235559

I've only eaten at denny's when travelling.

>> No.19235576

2am dennys conversations while coming down from whatever drug you were on during whatever you were doing just hit different, man
you can't make that at home

>> No.19235579

What do you use to buy the food and power the stove anon, come on, it's not that hard...

>> No.19235614

You could buy 60 eggs for the price of a plate of food at Denny's.

>> No.19235618

No you cant.

>> No.19235619

he might carry waffles and tater tots in his pockets for all you know

>> No.19235620
File: 3.55 MB, 1959x1211, college-kids~3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you learn that at college?

>> No.19235664

I happen to live at Denny's

>> No.19235689

Nta but the Costco 60 eggs is around $15. Not sure how much Denny's is now.

>> No.19235711

website says a Grand Slam is 6.50$

>> No.19235789

I can, but I don't want to.
>purchase a dozen eggs, package of bacon, hash browns, sausage
>next morning
>prep ingredients and cooking utensils
>wash hands multiple times while handling raw meats
>cook eggs
>fuck, out of butter
>plate it up and eat it
>dishes to do
>eat same breakfast multiple days in a row so ingredients don't go to waste
>no waffles

>> No.19235794

1337 if true

>> No.19236284

Correct. People who can't make breakfast at home are pathetic.

>> No.19236299

Anon, we know you're racist. But this isn't the place or the time. Go back to your containment board. Please.

>> No.19236395

You can but to be serviced by a cute waitress might be worth it. Especially if she's a basket case that can be fixed with some encouraging works and smooth compliments.

>> No.19236396

i ate there after a nine inch nails concert about 15 years ago. i was drunk and high. it was pretty ok. but yeah....i don't normally do denny's or iHog because i can cook a better breakfast at home. i'll do awful house when i'm traveling.

>> No.19236606

you cannot indeed, but without the black druggie bullshit.
for me it's nothing but coffee, food, and depression.

>> No.19236833

i go a few times a year to spice things up, whats wrong with that?

>> No.19237192
File: 59 KB, 620x571, albini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19238944

Each location has different prices.

>> No.19238954

I can't stop thinking that unironically when I'm out.
If I go to a restaurant I want something I can't (easily) have at home. The idea or ordering something like spaghetti and meatballs or a steak is absurd to me.

>> No.19238971

My dad is actually Denny.

>> No.19239124

>Make it at home
>Doesn’t taste the same
Explain this cooklets.

>> No.19240030

ripoff restaurants:
3.cheap italian